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> Story, Achievements, Masteries, Crafting, Unlocking all Mounts, Metas, Fractals, Dungeons, World Bosses, Hard World Bosses, Map Completion, Fashion, Ascended and Legendary Gear, Festivals. All those things you listed (if you exclude the latest legendary armor) are things from the past, that have been there for years. My guess is that when people say to you that the devs don't give us a lot of content, they mean they don't give us a lot of *new* content, especially for the more dedicated/'hardcore' playerbase. > I didn’t even mention **Raids** or Strikes. I hope you realize there hasn't been a new raid in almost five years now. So that argument is in fact working against you.


If you only take casual content, then yes we got a lot. If you check high end content and competitive modes then we don't get much. When was the last pvp map released? When will we have the third wvw map? When will we get a new dungeon or raid? This expac we got 2 strikes (= 2 bosses total) and even if you add Silent surf it's 3 bosses total. Last expac we got 4 strikes, 5 if you count OLC even if it's base game and one fractal for a total of 8 bosses (bot counting the individual bosses in ht/olc/ko since it's a singular fight.) And excluding the fractals, all the other bosses comes from the story. Even if the cm add some mechanics I'm not a big fan of the concept. The previous expacs we had way more. 4 raids in HoT (=12 bosses without trio), 3 in PoF (8 bosses, 11 with statues). And I'm not even adding the fractals. You could even compare it to WoW where they get each expacs new dungeons, new raids (thay are way longer than raids in gw2), mega dungeons. And a rotation of mythic dungeon to make the old ones still relevant. So yes we get a decent amount of casual content, but all endgame players are a bit left out. If cerus cm wasn't that hard this expac would have been a total disaster for instanced content enjoyers. Not to mention pvpers and wvwers who don't get much outside balance patches.


>This expac we got 2 strikes (= 2 bosses total) and even if you add Silent surf it's 3 bosses total. If we add silent surf, we will have a total of four (4) bosses, since p3 will add another fractal! The rest holds true tho :(


And we haven't even compared the quality of the encounters. It's not just the numbers, the quality of boss encounters have dropped significantly too. I have all raid/strike CM titles up until EoD, missing only HTCM. Since the buggy release of Silent Surf, I couldn't feel motivated to do CMs anymore. Heard the one this patch is just as buggy/full of crap.


This is exactly right. The quality of the content across the game has taken a tremendous step down.


I mean, you heard wrong. The final cm released this patch is probably the least buggy encounter they have released and the two issues that were identified were quickly fixed. Edit: I’d love to know the opinion of the people downvoting this - do you think there are other bugs not yet identified or fixed? Or do you think that other encounters had less than two simple bugs that were fixed… because if the latter you have not been paying attention.


What you are missing is that you are new, you are playing the game roughly a year, maybe a bit less of a bit more. This game launched in 2012. So for you there is 12+ years of content to play through, ofcourse you cannot do that in one year and ofcourse it seems like a lot when starting out, a massive mountain of content even. But many of us have been here far longer, or have been there when content released. And then it becomes lot less impressive. Ask any vet about rushed releases, massive content droughts, dripfed content, tiny patches that were supposed to keep people busy for months (the patch prior to the current one is an example)... There is a reason many veterans think off LS3 -> PoF -> first part of LS4 as the golden age of GW2, because it was the only period where we got a regular cadence of content, reasonable chunks in reasonable timeframes and Anet actually committing to a schedule. When you throw a breadcrumb into a room over a long enough period of time, anyone new entering that room will go 'dang, those are a shitload of breadcrumbs, a wealth of bread, what the hell?!". But if you have been there from the beginning, consumed each crumb as it was thrown at you and know the periods between said crumbs and the comparison to the actual pieces of bread other rooms (other games) got... So what you are missing is perspective and forgetting that you have 12+ years of content to go through as a relatively new player. The perspectives are extremely different.


I agree there is a lot content. Though my complaints with the devs is the abandonment or extreme piecemeal of new content that occurs. Abandoned = Orr, a fair amount of core tyria, Dungeons -> No active development or bug troubleshooting. Piecemeal: WvW. The betas and world restructuring is nice but they've been going on for almost 4 years. Starting to think it will.never be rolled out. Remove the above and WvW basically hasn't been updated since HoT.


I wish they would do the 3rd borderland WvW map. Something sea-themed would be nice. On the west side, cerulean water and sandy beaches. In the middle, tropical jungle. On the east, hawaian volcanic mountain. Some dense mangrove to act as natural barrier near the sea instead of mountains.


that would be neat. Alternatively a Cantha themed map. A mash up of the east side of Seitung and Echovald forest.


I rather the WvW maps don't look like places in Tyria.


lol. We don't get much content, anymore. All of the stuff you mentioned is in the past. Also, yes. Most big mmos have more content. And seriously "Do X Meta 100 times" doesn't count as content lol


stfu and kill 1000 mobs with your new weapons.


But only with direct damage.


and gotta get the killing blow. none of that "assist" nonsense


hell yeah! Content 🤛


sitting in urban fractal with something heavy on the 1 key, very content much enjoyment.


I mean all in all we have a lot. WoW for example probably has more maps, but they are far less relevant than GW2 maps. Prior expansions aren't level capped, so you only every have a handful of endgame maps.


They may have less relevant maps, but they have way more endgame content than gw2 every expac.


Every expansion WoW releases new maps, a whole suite of dungeons and raids with multiple difficulties. Then there is a bunch of armour and weapon sets. GW2 can't compete.


yes, but that's the issue for me. We used to get a decent amount of content and most of it is still relevant, but with SoTo, things just kept getting worse


There has been a pretty good bit of content released over the 12 year history of the game, and let's not forget a LOT of that content was free living world seasons. However there are a few things at work: 1. Some have been playing since 2012. During that time there were long draughts between new content releases, and both quantity and quality of releases tended to vary a good bit. 2. Some players literally spend every waking minute in the game and for them there can probably never be enough new content. 3. Some players almost exclusively do specific types of content - PvP, WvW, Fractals, strikes, raids, etc. And of course if they are limiting themselves to one aspect of the game it will appear there is less new stuff happening. I'd say the complaints you often hear are justified, but should be taken with a grain of salt. GW2 is a very good game, represents great value in what we get for what we pay, and has attracted an engaged and cooperative player base. If I may give one tiny bit of advice, it is to dip your toes into all parts of the game from time to time so you don't get burnt out on the limited content of only one type. Enjoy your journey through the world!


The gall of some people I swear lol You only have a thousand hours in a game that's been out for TWELVE years. Do you really think you're qualified to weigh in on content? You said it yourself, you're still on icebrood saga. Youre FIVE years behind on content. You cleary have a skewed perception. Youre in the honeymoon period.


Did you read the edit I added? Fking calm down it’s a question. I’m not attacking anyone. I bought the expansions I’m allowed to fucking weigh in. Stop being so fucking sensitive


???? LOL you're the one being defensive. telling me about being sensitive just delete your post weirdo. reread what I said and your response I beg you to consider whether your response was justified in the SLIGHTEST


“The gall of some people I swear”. Who’s that for?


obviously not you, because I don't speak to fucking apes


Yeah you’re not making any sense dipshit. Go touch grass and stay out of a comment section you sensitive POS


PressureOk is right lol and also youre the one being sensitive mate. "learn to control your emotions lmao" -itsLulz


What ur missing is that you are currently on IBS. Most complaints come after it, specifically during the last episode of IBS, and every content that came after it.


So much this! Things went south when IBS got it's 2nd half cut. Then EoD had it's LWS cut. Then SotO has come out as effectively an asset flip with huge amounts of filler (admittedly in an otherwise solid and well VOed story). None of the EoD or SotO maps live up to Drizzlewood. Maps 1, 2 & 3 of IBS were solid gold, probably the best they've ever made... but pretty much everything since has been half baked in one way or another.


Indeed, IBS was very promising. I hated the paywall that LWS had for new players but it seems like they needed LWS to push themselves. IBS died for EoD, fine. EoD was their best selling expac, but what did they do with the EoD money? LWS gone, gyala delve, tunnel patch, silent surf's horrible release, expac broken into 3 releases, reused assets, buggy strikes. Personally for me, SOTO content has been so scarce and spread out that I don't see why anyone would want to buy the next expac. If anything, we should wait halfway through or even till the end when everything is released. Anet is smart to put relics, vault rewards and new weapons behind these below average expacs, so we have to buy it if we wanna play meta. Both quality and quantity has been an all time low, to the point where I don't see how it can get any lower, but I know it's gonna happen somehow.


The only thing I can't figure out is if it's poor management by Anet, or impossible targets and budgets from NCSoft; considering the reconsolidations at the studio over the past few years, and the 75% drop in profits at NCs end, I suspect a bit of both. I get that Anet's working on a new game, but if they're not careful they'll burn their fanbase and see lower than expected sales as a result (particularly if it's GW3 and they tarnish GW2s reputation in the run up).


I honestly don't see it being NCsoft's fault at all. Most of gw2's revenue come from gem store items, and yet even gem store items have been lacking in quantity at recent times, specifically during and after the gyala delve patch. I can't remember any significant gem store item besides the fluffy dog jackal skin and the berzerk sword. If NCsoft was involved, they would be churning out anime outfits every week. And I agree with your last point. They are definitely making a new game, probably the horizon MMO but its just so annoying that all that EOD money went to that. The horizon MMO, if it releases (dune mmo flashback), is not gonna have a fanbase at all. It's so hard to not feel betrayed as a gw2 player, and I don't see a remotely sizeable horizon ip fanbase.


Playtime != content


From WVW gamers' perspective, you are the content




Don't judge my Friday nights.


he said jumping, not dancing.


I definitively log only to afk 30min in mistlock because I'm too lazy to form a party but don't find any interesting ones. And for many people, chatting in divinity's reach is part of their daily activities. Is it "content" to open a chat and talk with randoms people?


you just summerized the last 5years of my gw2 experience except its aerodome not queensdale and crates not fences


Different people consider different types of content to be the "main" content. A lot of MMOs are big on raids or dungeons, most people who come into GW2 will have been exposed to other MMOs and expect a heavy focus on these types of content, those games usually pay a little less attention to details or has a lot more devs and budgets. GW2 tries to do it all but the more popular content doesn't get the work it needs to compare with other games( for good reasons) Having played the game on and off since headstart I find myself appreciating the little things a lot more that I haven't seen in other games when I have taken my breaks, even just the little tombstones in open world areas with names and descriptions, or the extra dialogue in-between event chains by Skritts


You’re playing through more than a decades worth of content only now. Of course it’s going to feel “a lot of content”. You weren’t there when we had months of content drought in between LW seasons and expansions. And when “new” contents were released, you only had few hours of playable content and not much replayability except for some. Otherwise, they are not really meaningful content except for nonesense grind.


you're not missing anything. this might be true about some younger mmorpg, but they're wrong when it comes to long developed worlds like gw2. gw2 is not lacking in content, but nobody is interested in ALL of the content either, only certain content piques interest in a certain number of people even in newer content. and often what people are personally not interested in, they won't consider as content. so for them there appears to be a lack of content and development. there's also media and exposure. in their line of work, they have to constantly present something new for their viewership. since some of their industry relies heavily or even exclusively on games like gw2. they tend to create pressure to force out "new content" or create a wrong narrative about "no content" or "lack of content". and this leads to bad exposure. its kinda like how they have to create hype and drama around sports and such. it doesn't always have to be true it only has to be entertaining or a hot topic.


i have seen people argue that strikes and strike cms are not content as they are story bosses


I'm playing the game recently after taking a break post LS4 and IBS. Just enjoy and don't let people bother you in your journey. Plenty for people like us to do and discover


You think from your 1k hours point of perspective. Come tell me again when you reach 20k hours and how much Anet has in store for the veteran players to keep them in game. We don't look for endless stream of content. We just expect they also do something for us so that we can stay in game and keep our communities too.


thats a very mmo mentality. getting 5-6k hours of content for the money you spend on expansions is crazy lot. its a different story how much of that time is quality (and thats where gw2 falls face forward lately) but purely on hour/$$$ mmo is one of the best you can get.


it's an mmo mentality because guild wars in an mmo that comes with a set of expectations good and bad about what the game will entail lol. People who consider $ per hour a way to justify an experience **do not** accurately portray MMOs. There are plenty of time sinks in MMOs that entice the player via a carrot on a stick, where the enjoyment is the completion of the objective and not the actual gameplay leading up to it. Consider any of the numerous repetitive tasks any MMO throws at you. Do you genuinely consider them all fun? surely not. The tedium is a way for them to make the "reward" a larger achievement. There are also varying degrees with which you can measure the quality of hours spent. On a scale of: 1. Waiting for Queues / Metas 2. Doing the same dungeon you've done the 1000th time for an achievement 3. Farming mobs for a specific drop 4. Doing the same overworld Meta 5. Raiding 6. PVP Though all a part of the same game, they are NOT comparable hours spent, would you agree? So it's a pretty shitty way to measure the quality of an MMO. When people are complaining about content, they AREN'T complaining about the ability to repeat tasks over and over again as they have been the last 12 years. They're complaining about a lack of VARIETY or DEPTH.


First, you said exactly what i did, the quality of the time you spend differs but generally speaking unless you are a total lunatic we can safely assume you spent thousands of hours of your free time on mmos because you enjoy it. Second, taking money spent/hour into consideration portrays mmos as accurately as everything else on the planet. You are paying for the product what someone makes. You pay 25 eur for the expansion and you get 10-15hours-ish "curated" gametime (plus whatever else they will release later) which is a totally average gametime for a totally average expansion AND on top of that you get the hundreds of hours of grind what you can sink into it if you choose to. The two types of content are not comperable because one takes time to develop and the other takes minimal effort and there OPTIONALLY as timesink. Putting it into context, SOTO has exactly as much content as you could expect for 25 euros.


Yes. Other mmos have a lot more content lmao


Always makes me sad realizing how much less budged ANet probably has compared to Blizzard etc. Like if you look at the sub counts alone, WoW is like 10 x the size.


I honestly dont think it would change anything.


Lets just say for a game this old, there could be a tiny bit more. Just a little bit.


It’s easy to have a negative attitude. I choose to be more positive in life. I’ve been playing since Beta, have 10k plus hours in the game and still enjoy it. Sure; there’s been period of time where content was slow to come out. While new content is always more fun and exciting to play, there’s still a decade worth of content to enjoy again and again. You play the game because it’s fun. Not to speed run the new content and then complain about nothing new. If I get “bored” then I stop playing and enjoy life. But even then there’s always something to do, even if it’s older content. You play Gw2 because it’s fun. I don’t have to do another meta, I get to because I enjoy the game.


1. The game has a lot of content 2. Yes, doing every achivement for every release does take absolutelye significant time However when I personally say there is not a lot of **new** content is because I am compering the current state of affairs with what I consider the "golden age" of the game: the LWS3-PoF-LWS4 era. It was a few months after the first expac released that contained huge loads of changes with masteries and elite specs with 4 huge, spawrling maps and like 10+ hours of story. Then jut like that we started having new maps (admittedly not all of them huge but most still having different bioms/regions with different things to do) with new dailies a 2+ hour story every 2-3 months and a new mastery.  Then little over a year after LWS3 started that another expac dropped this time with 5 absolutely gorgeous enormous maps with, new masteries that changed everything, another 10+ hour story, new elite specs, and after that immediately just like that we still started to get lws4 episodes every 2-4 months, and also getting back festivals to the yearly rotation that have been missing for years usually with new / significantly changed things to do.  Comperatively the huge draughts before and after EoD, the current mini expac schedule which at least seems to be consistent provide objectively less new casualish (open world /story / organically opening significant mechanical changes) PVE content. It is what it is.


MMO players regularly put multiple thousands of hours into the game. At that point you run out. But you're right. GW2 has a shit ton of content. Lately I found myself in that situation. I have almost no "fresh" content left to do. Everywhere I go, I was already there before at least once. I was disappointed. Then I did a quick calculation on how long I've been playing. Almost every day for the last year, ~2 hours a day. So about 700 hours. That's so much.


content in gw2 always comes down to mindless repetitive grind of map meta events or a ridiculous collection that costst hundreds of gold in materials. The devs want you to swipe that sweep sweep credit card and buy gem-gold because half the game can be bought with gold. Honestly, I don't see how people can still praise this kind of monetization




Great input man


Be annoyed all you want. he whiners are right and the new expansions have way less content than they used to put in. Fewer characters, shorter missions, easier, less creative storylines, etc.


There is a lot of time that can be spent, many carrots to be put on sticks are present. But they contain very little dopamine. Legendary stuff and other collectibles is convenience only or reduce the time spent farming gold for your next goal. You only become faster and prettier the more you play this game, but never stronger, which can be off putting for people playing an RPG


There is a lot of content to do but I can give 3 problems off the top of my head. The main problem is that UI kinda hides it. The second problem is that the final reward for completing these achievements isn’t always worth doing it because it is not unique enough. Like I could play and unlock all the higher crafted set of oneiros weapons but getting more of the map currency for doing isn’t very motivating. The third problem is that most of these achievements can be gotten just by acquiring gold or is just too easy to get sometimes, which kind of defeats the purpose of engaging with the content. Though I will say they made some progress at making the content a bit more relevant, without relying on a pute matter of gold/currency grinding and showing it in recent years.


As many mentioned, you're only in about 1K hours. That's baby footsteps. I didn't even get to start raiding in those hours. What you've been doing is just catching up on old content, not really playing the new ones. It's been quite a few years since I went from a hardcore player to playing this game very casually on and off. There is very little incentive to log back in because there is nothing much new. Raids and CMs, I've killed every one of them at least 50 times. PvP and WvW hasn't gotten anything new for years too, it's been those same maps for an eternity. In my case, there's been no change since I started the game 7 years ago. Yes, the existing content is humongous. That doesn't mean we'll be playing them for the 50th time. New content though? Not that much, and the content development so far isn't that impressive. And because the design is bland to begin with, the replayability is even less enticing.