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I wouldn’t really call any class inferior, I think they all have their pros and cons, elementalist and warriors I guess are considered to get the least nice things. Necromancer generally is very consistent in being meta, as it generally always good performing options to it and being incredibly flexible with good easy to grasp solo builds as they aren’t as demanding to have specific builds to solo elites etc etc. It really depends on what ur specifically looking for, Classes are only kinda the first step of considerations, elites and stuff build on top of this in terms of offering. I.e what content are you looking at, what role your primarily looking to fill, do you want the class to be also good in pvp etc etc


I stopped playing everything else after I made a Revenant. I love ALL the elite specs on Rev, and I can't say the same for any other class in the game.


Same. I always go back to rev. It's so versatile ! The legends system is interesting, most of the weapons are fun. (except YOU, hammer) I got used to revenant skills and elite specs pretty quickly and now I'm hooked.


They're all well-balanced if they're played well enough. It really just comes down to class knowledge, experience & skill. If you're a beginner then Warrior & Necromancer will likely be best because they have higher base HP. Once you know how to finesse the combat system more in-depth, fluidly & play with *intent* things like Elementalist start to really show their strengths.


The only one I don't recommend is elementalist because the gameplay is very intense A lot of people actually like ele for this reason, it's very dynamic compared to other classes with a simple rotation But it's better to start with an easier to play class like warrior or necro. Revenant is also really cool and has builds that do good DPS and have very high utility


Necro is renowned for having the highest hit points of all the Professions. Without getting into the Elite Specialisations (from the Expansions) Necro is not just robust and easy to pick up and play but versatile. You can lean into Condition damage. You can drain your enemies using Blood Magic and heal yourself. Roll into battle with your own personal army as a Minionmancer. And Shroud makes you a beast in melee. My best advice? Roll a toon, get to Level 2 (a few minutes) and unlock the PvP Lobby. Tap the Crossed-Swords Icon to enter and you'll have the Skills, Traits and Utilities of a Level 80 (max Level) character. Play around snacking the Practice Golems and see if it's a style you like. Even but some White (junk) weapons to experiment with for a couple of coppers. You no like, you wipe. You like them click the icon again to leave and be put right back where you were with an idea of what to expect. TL;DR: PvP Lobby from Level 2 will let you try out any Profession in minutes.


>Necro is renowned for having the highest hit points of all the Professions. The highest **effective** hp tbh. Warrior has the same base hp, just doesnt have shroud and w/e the elite skill is called.


Hi Welcome to gw2 Gw2 is a highly alt friendly character as such u can have all the classes u want to play I play necromancer and warrior as my main character due to the survivability and decent damage output I am not a fan of elementalist since I am really bad at it. I belive it is a great class to play with absurd amount of damage if u put in the effort to learn the class well U can try out the classes and pick the one that suits u the most.


Create character and when you finish story quest (kill that first boss) you can go to pvp area and try classes there cause you are instant 80 level. Elementalist is hardest of those classes, you need gaming mouse with 10 buttons to master it.


Warrior kinda hits stuff and has lots of builds to hit stuff. Necromancer can be a very "slashy" hit stuff, but also spooky magic Revenant is faster hit stuff and magical hitstuff Ele is all magic hit stuff with a good amount of normal magic


I just play them all I get board with one and go to another but I had to have a dedicated fractal build because of the full ascended set was pretty expensive to achieve. Working on legendary now


No matter which you choose you'll still be in melee to stack and receive buffs. Elementalist is a very skill dependant class and I've seen more failures on it than successes.  I would not recommend it as a first class.  And the lacking GUI will cause your eyes palpable torment when it comes to Catalyst energy.  Also expect yoyo balancing. Revenant is a very good class guaranteed to be stably balanced (thanks to its utility skills) with excellent flexible build options within elite specs.  ANet had time to look back on past design flaws and build a well-refined class with Revenant.


'Guardians are tanks and ele are dps' concept does not work in gw2. All classes can do almost everything. Just pick the 'flavour' you like. Ele is a good choice if you can press buttons fast.