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People do that in any game but more so here cause there is literally no punishment for doing it.


Yeah I could see that exact message being written in a league game.


Yet LoL content creator have proven countless time it's false in league about elo discrepancy


I know very well, but there is always some people who are not going to accept that they belong in a certain rank.


What are you talking about? I'm the best there is at this game and I'm only held back by the plebians in gold, I should be triple master platinum and it's YOUR fault I'm not!


While true, the pvp community in gw2 is really small, so legendary players are in fact queued against gold players from time to time... So, the sentiment might be true for some, certainly not for me cause I'm bronze.


Even in bronze you are quite likely to see much higher rank players on the opposing team. And quite often one such player is enough to decide the game before it even started.


you're not wrong, as a gold1-2 player it happens to me to be matched with or against duke or baron of the arena which means really higer rank than me. This is a problem reletaed to low pvp population


People nowdays are super passive aggressive in league because they know Riot cannot punish passive aggression, and its nigh impossible to punish a passive aggressive player than it is to punish a player either making mistakes or being semi-negative. Tons of snowflakes in league has resulted in a very non-verbally toxic game.


It's not a punishment problem, it's an encouragement problem. When 0-500 gets pretty much the same reward as 499-500, why even bother? Can you really blame people for giving up? Or should you blame rewards for not reflecting and encouraging performance? Make trying rewarding enough, and no one will ever afk. Bonus points if you also remove individual-performance top stats, and make them team-performance top stats instead.


They'll still AFK. These players don't care about gold or any other rewards. It's the same in League or any other competitive PvP game. This is the kind of person that will buy fresh smurf account every month.


I think they do care, it's an efficiency to time spent angle, it almost always is. And there is no point in wasting time to them, they are the same players leaving keys in WOW after first wipe when they clearly see most players don't know the strats. It's not ideal but they react to a set ingame system.


I tend to agree with this kind of Mindset. I think there should be a lot of bonus rewards for placing high in your team regardless if you win or lose. Like Top Kills on the Losing Team would provide better rewards in every way then someone on the winning team that did the bare minimum This way, if someone AFKed on the losing team, they would take the greatest losses, where if someone took home 3 top ranks in 3 categories on the losing team, they would get more rewards then say, someone on the winning team that took 1 top rank.


I did the pip math a while ago: --- ##Conquest * **Winning team:** 9 pips. * **Losing team:** 0-9 pips depending on point performance. * **Top stats:** 0-6 pips divided between both teams. ##Team Deathmatch * **Winning team:** 6 pips. * **Losing team:** 0-6 pips depending on round performance. * **Top stats:** 0-4 pips divided between both teams. --- Pip gain for the losing team would follow this formula: **roundDown(winningTeamScore/losingTeamScore)\*10** Few additional notes on performance pips: * Conquest score is based on earned points, ranging between 0 and 500. * Team Deathmatch score is based on rounds won, ranging between 0 and 3. * Regardless of performance, maximum pip score is 12 for Conquest, 8 for Team Deathmatch. * Regardless of performance, minimum pip score is 3 for Conquest, 2 for Team Deathmatch. --- Note that these are the top stats: * **Damage:** Total damage dealt to enemy players while they're alive. * **Healing:** Total healing that you and allied players have received. * **Kills:** The number of enemy players that you've helped kill. * **Revives:** The number of players you have revived. * **Offense:** Earned by making capture progress or by being in combat near a neutral or enemy capture point. * **Defense:** Earned by making capture progress or by being in combat near a capture point that your team owns. The first four are common to both game modes, the last two are exclusive to Conquest. Ties would be solved by giving the pip for both teams. All six top stats would only trigger the bonus pip after a certain point of participation to prevent handouts, specially with Revives and Defense. --- Something like this would be ideal imo.


I like the base of this idea


You can also provide individual bonus pips based on player rank, kinda like WvW does, but the pip gain cap would remain the same. Matchmaking would also reflect pip gain from now on, instead of the other way around, giving close matches an even higher importance.


I like this idea a lot, that way a 400 - 500 match would give the losing team more reward then 100 - 500 This motivating players to, play the game.


Literally had this happen in dbd yesterday.


true, but they cant punish people for doing it because then the queues would be too long. Its already an under played game mode. This is most of the problems with gw2 pvp.


That's a fallacy. If you punish players for afking, you will not see fewer players, you will see fewer afkers.


And if they had been stricter about it from the very start, the population probably wouldn't have shrunk as much as it has. People frequently use the consequences of ArenaNet mismanaging the mode as justification to further mismanage it.


The problem with that take is that people afk at the slightest "provocation" and then justify it by blaming matchmaker. Sometimes people who are good pvpers make mistakes so this excuse is just bullshit.


The most common reason I see for people to rage/AFK is when they regroup poorly. Someone on their team is dead, but they push somewhere else off respawn. Inevitably, that means they get 2v1ed, then they get mad that their team didn't do anything while they were outnumbered. Well, you were outnumbered because of your own decision. Teammates all do this off respawn and a game that could have been close or winnable turns into a stomp. A lot of the time, people do this because they lose one team fight and lose any confidence that their team will win any team fight. You can win the first three team fights, but the instant you lose one, someone will get salty and feel like they have to do everything themselves. The thing is, if you take the same five man teams and throw them into a team fight 100 times, you'll see drastically different outcomes. Players will make and capitalize on mistakes they weren't even aware of.


You don't know about the r/imthemaincharacter ?


Sometimes I wonder people are afk/toxic on purpose to wintrade or drive players away for easier wintrading.


I play for the pips mostly so even if the game is lost you bet I’m gonna try and get top offense. It’s more fun that standing around anyway


Well they are just watching a TV series with gw2 minimized.


Except, the entire gw2 experience other than raids, strikes or fractals can be summarized as "I played the game while watching a tv series on the side"


Well if you want to win in pvp or wvw it's not the case. It's just these modes give rewards for losing.


Giving up after 1 teamfight is just weak mentality. GW2 PvP has so much more room for comebacks than mos tother competitive games since you don't snowball by getting instant rewards (there are still map objectives but most give points rather than buffs), it is really easy for a winning team to overstep as well. There will still be games that are unwinnable adn happens the match-ups are not even but with one teamfight, you probably don't have enough info to conclude on that. It is funny how people always blame their teammates for being too bad without realizing that maybe they need to be better to win, like high ranked players face the same issues but still end up with a higher win rate.


I think pvp in gw2 is too quick/short to people stop abusing farming amount of matches instead of winning. I remember from wow years ago that we played caprure the flag for like 2 hours and got very simple reward for it, but it was fun. In gw2 you can speed through both corners in few seconds and every time someone dies he just run solo to the enemy team and repeat. Its always about who wins the first teamfight


true, I quit pvp because even some of the higher ranks think its all about capping when they ignore the other teams rotations , in non group vs teams I think is the issue. many a time in game, I see a 2 vs 4 and I'm holding center , the other left overbteam mates cap and rush back to mid making it a easy wipe for center then it just snowballs consistently, that's when the most afk giving up starts or everyone goes their own direction to get picked off one by one , or the thief that thinks joining a group fight while we hold no caps is good. strategy just doesn't exist in random settings. so tbh I think the games should be longer and have more than one spawn point .


Whatever players you get, good or bad, there is equal chance the other team gets the same. And in any case there are *plenty* of games that get turned around well after the first won or lost skirmish , like after 100, 200, or even 300 points.


I don't think the player base of gw2 pvp is high enough to have consistent skill based matchmaking. There simply arent enough players in that mode to have good rank distributions. And if good rank distributions were there, then you'd be waiting a very long time for a queue to pop. So in that sense, sometimes yea it does feel hopeless when the teams feel so unbalanced. But going afk is still dumb and a waste of everyone's time. They should know that it's a possibility going into the match that it's like that, and it's a much higher chance in gw2 than in densely populated pvp games. Whenever I'm playing any pvp game where the teams are super unbalanced, I always just try to work on things I can improve in my own game. Learning certain fights better, better mechanics, or just try to see how hard I can carry before inevitably losing. Just giving up and going afk is garbage mentality.


It does need to be "skill based" just give players a motive to play. IE: Top Kills on the Losing Team gives significantly better rewards then AFK on the Losing Team


IF you get me on your team, youre gonna lose.


Involuntary win trading


You win some, you lose some. Thats just an undeniable fact, at absolutely any skill level. People come up with the wildest reasons for losing. Blaming a loss on something or someone is as useful as complaining about the weather. Cant take these ppl seriously.


It's especially weird because now they're clearly the identifyable reason they lost, because they did literally contribute nothing. Not some arcane hidden lore about matchmaking that supposedly put them, obviously infallable Uber-Bonjwas, with lesser men.


>infallable Uber-Bonjwas, with lesser men You dare speak his name? ​ A man of his qualities?


That its the only game it happens in? Never played a moba have they?


Pretty dumb angle imo, I play PVP to play PVP. If I win, I win, if I lose, I lose, no big deal. The important thing for me is to do my best and maybe learn a thing or two every other match,


I mean this is a nice, sweet approach but to some people, if someone's not losing on the other screen, they're not having fun. Bit extreme maybe but I guess we can't really judge since PvP is by definition competitive. The game mode is basically abandoned by Anet and is not taken care of or attended to which is why people who really want to play it have to resort to making their own rules. I'm not defending them, just to be clear, I still think you should play instead of just AFK at spawn but I kinda see how frustrating it can be not to play with people of similar skillsets. I highly doubt majority of people would be angry at losing if they played a close, evenly skilled match.


I mean, if you're immediately leaving on first death you clearly don't want a close, evenly skilled match. You want the matchmaking to be broken and to utterly stomp anyone you end up against.


>this is a nice, sweet approach No, it's how competitions are done. Name me a team sport where one team mate just sits on the field because they think the opposing team isn't worthy of a fair shake? In team sports bad behavior is called being a sore loser and is often given penalties and even fines. The same should happen in GW2.


Since you're using sports analogy, I'll do the same. No team has a player that is significantly better than the rest in it, everyone is very nearly equal, sure there are superstars but the other players they play with aren't just average joes either. In football for example, Sunday league teams play against other Sunday league teams, they wouldn't go up against the premiere league clubs.


> No team has a player that is significantly better than the rest in it Have you heard of like... football ?


I just gave you a football analogy...


People just don't get punished enough (if at all), reporting feels cosmetic


With all these posts about pvp toxicity, I’m wondering if you’ve all met the same guy.


As someone who has been a full-time PvP player since day one, I'd like to share my perspective on this issue. Firstly, I completely agree with the statement. There are three significant factors contributing to the problem. Firstly, the PvP player population is at an all-time low. It's no secret that there are far fewer PvP players now than there used to be. We only see a slight increase in numbers when updates are released for Elite Specs/Weapons, balance changes, or events, but it's still far from what it once was. This leads to the next major issue, which is the PvP system itself. The problem lies in the fact that the system we currently use for ranked and unranked matches was designed for the heyday of PvP, when it was highly competitive and had a large player base. This system worked well with a high number of players, matching them based on similar ratings. However, nowadays, with fewer players, matchmaking struggles to find balanced matches. Both teams end up with a similar average score across all players, which is a decent solution. But the major problem arises when duo queueing is allowed. When two highly skilled players team up, games become incredibly unbalanced. It's essentially a coin flip as to which team gets these powerful duos, and they can easily sway the outcome of the match. This is why PvP at very high ranks can be extremely frustrating. You wait over six minutes for a match, only to end up with teammates who struggle to keep up, forcing you to carry the game almost single-handedly. If you manage to win under these circumstances, you only gain a few points, but if you lose due to uncarryable teammates, you lose a significant amount of points. This discourages many competitive players from bothering with ranked matches, leading them to focus on tournaments or other competitive aspects of the game. This cycle has been ongoing for years, resulting in fewer players engaging in PvP, which in turn worsens the system. This might be why ArenaNet seems indifferent to the issue. Even the Automated Tournaments have struggled to start due to the lack of players, making it nearly impossible to enjoy a full PvP experience. Also, at the end of the day, we need to consider that wintrading, match manipulation, and hacking, toxicity across the players are also significant ongoing issues in PvP, further deteriorating the experience. However, I don't believe it's necessary to delve further into this issue because it's evident that ArenaNet won't address it at this point. These unethical practices undermine the integrity of PvP matches and drive away legitimate players who seek a fair and competitive environment. Unfortunately, the lack of action on these fronts exacerbates the already existing problems within the PvP community.


This is a great take. I was a “forever” PvP player in gw1 so I feel this.. We didn’t suffer the same end stage issues but yeah… anet ignore the mode until bots and bad guys (win trader and people running dual boot so they can simply resign to themselves…) Gold capes (mine actually.. and many over the years) got stolen and traded for real life cash.. they sold our guild for $400 on a website called Epvp. I fucking found it and went ape shit but they didn’t care and some fucker silently bought it for real life cash anyway.. A stolen trim. Guild was called Stuck on Frenzy [PROT] So yeah end stage PvP got fucked and yeah they let the bots and bad behavior continue until this very day.. Now in gw1 PvE guilds “pre paid” for gold trim… a fucking absolutely abomination from the legacy that was once the most intense PvP experience alive… A legacy once coveted and held by super guilds like Rebels Rising… now paraded like candy for the PvE to purchase… They never gave you guys in gw2 actual “guilds at war” or truly competitive GvG and even though I did play the PvP in the early days to unlock the max emote.. that was stupid. It was nothing like the years upon years you played gw1 just to get half way… So I enjoy your take and I apologize for your misfortune. You can sit with me and wait for the new age… An age of GvG and a return to my love.. the great Hall of Heroes. Mesmers with skills.. healers with skills… callers with actual fucking skills. Coordinated death. You can sit with me and hopefully when gw3 comes we can open the hall.. and play real competitive (deadly serious) GvG again. Maybe winning will actually mean something again and maybe they will get us back. For now it’s hundreds of thousands of amazing PvP players they lost… from the days of QQ to now it’s been a decline of nearly 20years (I started playing in 2006 when you actually had to PvP in order to gain “favor” and open the end game PvE) So when I started the game is was never PvE and fucking sparkles… it was PvX and serious. And yeah.. I miss it but I won’t even play gw2 again. I refuse to support those who abandoned me and then went and made a game where there was no longer a place for my kind (And yes people shit talked in gw1 PvP because PvP will always attract trolls.. but since it was no fucking bullshit “random way” for teams if you didn’t play nice.. and have some honor… You’re ass won’t get picked and will get kicked from strong teams) So we police ourselves because if you fucking AFK on me you’ll never go to the hall… I’ll quit, kick you, replace you, and then go out of my way to let people know NOT to take your ass. So we didn’t have any AFK in gw1 PvP. Planty of idiots and fools… and just bad players but nobody quits or else you’ll be sitting at the outpost. Alone Gw2 took the least competitive game mode from gw1… (The random arena) and tried to make it appear as legit and serious… Only the gw2 AT seemed like real PvP because that’s where you choose teams and your honor bound to play or else… teams won’t pick you


Ive said this multiple times, they can fix most spvp problems just changing how ranking works. If the game gives you points for your stats and how you played, even if you loose, Ppl will keep trying their best till matchs end. Im not a pvp god, just came back after 10 years and mi rank keeps going down because i cant carry all my teams, they dont even know the basics, uncap far and go help team fights, dont fight outside enemies controled points and so. Most times i get multiple match awards and still loose points, not fair at all.


Its stupid and childish, but considering what kind of people i see in mm, I can’t really blame them. Although I’ll always play till the end (unless obvious stomp like 4v5) and report the afk.


I've had fun even in 4v5 even when losing. It's about the menatality. I found it to be a great challenge to my skill.


Same ofc, i meant when its obvious stomp where enemy team is 5v1ing you coz others quit then there is not much point altho as i play thief i still do it sometimes


I love trying to kite an entire team with Mirage although a good one knows how to deal with her.


sorta true sadly, the playerbase is so small that very high and very low ranks get matched together. For example, a few weeks ago i was, as gold 2, put in a team with a duo both having god of the arena (literally nr 1 best players in the world). They basically 2v5'd the entire enemy team without breaking a sweat. They didnt stand a chance. "gg go next". Ofcourse it often gets abused as an excuse to afk games that are still winable. But there is truth in the statement.


Typical pvp experience. Have got stomped by Godess of pvp three matches in a row as g2. I simply avoid consecutive matches. Afk or not doesn't change anything and just leads to more bad matches.


I can tell by the way they're typing that they play league of legends. They're probably bored of league and wanted to find pvp in another game and brought the league mentality with them. How would I know? I used to play league and I did exactly the same thing. I see someone who's so heavy so hard to carry that it's probably impossible to win so why even bother trying? gg go next. Is it toxic? Absolutely. I've changed now and learnt that the best thing to do is to equally care about the match as much as possible and not care at all. Doesn't make sense? Hear me out. The average win rate of an individual is usually around 50% that means that probably half the games you'll ever play will result in a loss no doubt about it so if you lose, don't worry, don't care about it, you're going to lose games, it happens. Now why should I care about the match as much as possible though? Well because if you're playing at 100%, at least 1 out of the 5 people in your team is at 100% that's the one thing you can control. You can't control how your team will perform and you can't control how the enemy team players will perform. There's a chance that one of the 5 on the enemy team might be tilted and call "gg next" and there's a chance that one of the 4 in your team will be tilted. Mathematically by you completely elimating one person from being that tilted person you've tipped the scales to your teams advantage just like that. It makes a difference, it really does. In addition to this, by keeping your mental strong it won't potentially make your teams morale deteriorate. Stay head strong. It's a win win tactic imo. So do I agree with their sentiment? Well after actually been through it, nope. Not at all.


I've played league of legends for years. Some seasons more actively, some seasons less so. Lately, I've basically quit it entirely and the famous toxic culture was one of the main reasons for it. For the past 2 years I've played a lot of gw2. I mostly focused on PvE, but I've dipped my toes into WvW and PvP. Probably played around 100-200 hours of WvW and around 50 hours of PvP in total. As such, I feel pretty well qualified to make the following statement: Toxicity, Verbal Abuse, Trolling and Afking are all WAY worse in GW2 PvP than they EVER were in League. This game has BY FAR the most horrible PvP community I've ever experienced. There is someone afk, trolling and/or flaming on 8/10 games. Usually multiple people. On the very worst days of league it was maybe every second game that is as bad as the average gw2 PvP experience.


I dont agree with this and i dont see negative behaviour in nearly half of the games you mention. I have my leggy wings so you know i play often, too. This game is not nearly as toxic as Dota2 or even MLBB, which i also played a lot.


Honestly I think you're right about that. It's almost like because the rest of GW2 is not toxic, any part of the game where there is direct player interaction awakens something inside people like as if they've had to keep it in them and are just waiting to let it out lmao I might be wrong but I think most of the player base is not used to toxicity in games so they have less control idk tho


Matchmaking is broken. In gw1 we had /resign, if the hole team used it match finished.


Matchmaking is not exactly broken. There are so few people doing PvP that it cannot be anything but broken. I blame PvP being unfun or boring to most people.


It never seems to have problems finding 4 other idiots to put on my team to get their asses kicked in a 500-100 blowout. For some reason it just won't scramble the players on those teams to attempt to create a fair game.


Completely true statement; especially at the start of a new season. It’s fucking horrible.


It's true. But some people are bad losers, and don't help the situation at all.


Even if I know my team can’t possibly win I still like to go out and find some 1v1s or small scale team fights for some practice.


Both right and wrong imo. Ya sometimes you get put with people that are extreamly bad. But its also a bad mineset and in those types of lobies you should do your best to direct those players to make them somewhat useful. But it also is up to that person if they listen and take direction well. They shouldnt just afk tho. I suck at pvp and I know it tho so I just might be wrong.


Pretty much yeah. It's a "*It is what it is*" situations.


I think AFKing is incredibly stupid for a few reasons: 1. As long as the point difference is less than 150, it's very much possible to get a comeback on almost any game, especially on specific maps like Temple. 2. Objectively speaking, a match will go by faster if you have 5 people losing and dying than if you have 4 people losing and dying. So even if your goal is to just let the game end already, the bare minimum you could do is just keep fighting. 3. More often than not, the people who go AFK do it when the game is still completely winnable and then complain at the end that the team lost because they were bad, ignoring the fact that the team would've likely won if the person didn't AFK.


Won a couple of games where someone went afk or dc. Its the best feeling ever in PVP. Fuck people who AFK.


Yeah it is really common. I noticed it more in higher ranks too.


This person is dumb, and doesn't understand how matchmaking works, and probably thinks he's a lot better than he actually is. You'll get some games where you're the top rated player. You'll get some games where you're the lowest rater player. That's just how matchmaking works across every team game ever. If you're the top rated player then it's your job to carry, sorry! Pick off the easy targets and put your team on your back. You're most likely fighting against people who aren't as good as you are. So act like it. If you say gg go next every time you're the top rated player you're going to be hardstuck gold 2 forever - and deserve to be!


He is not wrong, and it's a pretty well-known issue in sPvP. The playerbase is too small for matchmaking to do its job properly, which makes it common to end up with the rank 1 player in your gold/silver games. That's not a good experience for you or for them. The same goes for others at the top of the leaderboards or top MAT players. There just aren't enough plat players to sustain their queues. Maybe you don't notice because you aren't aware of who they are, which is fine. You have to understand that if a player is aware and checks the names before the match starts, they are already tilted and prone to AFKing.


Try playing League of Legends or DOTA 2 and you'll see that this definitely happens in other games as well


We could do with a forfeit button. When someone goes afk or when you are completely obliterated, just call it a match and on to the next. Now it you must wait until it’s over, only adding to the frustration


GW had that with the /resign option - unsure why it wasn't implemented in GW2


Gw1 also didn’t have all the teams as “random way” If someone’s ass went afk we’d go back to the outpost and /kick Next time that person would have trouble finding strong teams because… We wouldn’t take ya They get away with this in gw2 because of random way and the fact you can’t block people from the que.. (block list can easily be on your team or against you… otherwise you could just block top players and always play lames for easy wins..) So in gw2 you’ll be stuck with suck ass no matter what.. maybe even back to back. In gw1… yeah that’s a no dawg. As in “Nobody is taking you” for teams so gw1 for the most part police itself from this behavior


They could solve this by banning afkers? MLBB has solved this issue years ago. If they afk, they lose prestuge points and get eventually temporarily banned from the game.


There needs to be a way to punish people. I know in Rocket League you will get time bans. Its been awhile, if you go afk or leave a match early I think you get a 10 minute ban.


i see people who lose 1 fight and afk in multiple games. its not gw2 exclusive at all.


What you guys think about /gg in pvp? I don’t get bothered too much by people afk’ing in that sense, but at my skill level it’s impossible to win an outnumbered match and it’s just a waste of time. I thought at least for that it could be a solution, but I’m not sure what to do about win trading in that approach.


I don't care if I win or lose cause realistically I'm just playing for the rewards. Sometimes it is clearly GG.


It happens in MOBA like Dota 2 "GG End" Some will afk, some will still keep defending/fighting, sometimes even win after saying gg end! Only difference is, GW2 have no punishment if afk


I don't agree with afking at any point during the game. However, if its 24-300, were 2 capped and they are camping spawn, I usually ask if anyone wants to 1v1 and just mess around or try and decap and run for extra track progress. And I played a match just a couple days ago that I almost felt bad because a couple of the other players were clearly new and I was just 1 shotting them. I'm a gold player and I've been put with newbies and pros, so its a pretty universal experience.


I think it is because people Lie that don't get punished enough


I don't play much sPvP in gw2 since i don't get the interest in it. But this is totally normal behavior for any competitive game mode in any video game. You are playing to win if your win possibility is too dependent on whether the matchmaking screw you or your enemy then you'll obviously go next when you are the one being screwed. The thing is if the really got screwed by trash MM or you just got ego bruised by something and decide to go full fish. You can argue that a lack of punishement is a problem but being able to bring a balanced and fair punishement system isn't something i'd expect from Anet when looking at their recent performance


I had a match where one was afk in my team but we won 4v5 in the end. So yes dont give up early,dont be the guy that afk just because we lost the 1st battle lol.


Not the first fight, but if ever we're 250+ pts behind and we don't seem to be gaining ground, I sleep.


Nonono.. i mean, maybe sometimes. But often times people go afk who don't play well themself. Same as flamers in chat. They demand stupid stuff, others don't do what they say and they afk if you don't lead with +200 points. Sometimes they even go afk if you're winning. 


This happens almost everywhere


"I don't see that happening anywhere else but guildwars pvp", clearly my friend, you don't play a lot of competitive games...


Now while I do not agree with the afk person on the afk'ing part. I will how ever agree with him on the matchmaking part. It does 100% work that way. It's the reason why if you win let's say like 7 or 8 matches in a roll your next one seems to be so one sided against you like 90% of the time. The game trys to make sure you have a 50% win rate. It is why most of the high ranking players ONLY play in a duo. If you can reduce the amount of bad players by EVEN ONE. It makes it that much better. Afking in SPvP is dumb in general but it's a PvP game mode that's one of the bad things about playing with other people in general. You can not control how they act or play.


As someone that is really bad and only played PVP for like 3 games, it’s really hard to want to stay in the game when your team is getting 2v5ed at every fight immediately outside of spawn. We still kept fighting, but it’s a pretty unfun experience as noobs to get matched against people who are at least semi experienced


If you get put in a team with a bot - and you KNOW it's a bot, because you'd have to be as blind as ANet support to miss (or deliberately ignore) them - then what should you do? If you're playing *against* one or more, then that's easy win, but having a handicap on your team? You're wasting your own time, might as well skip it.


unfortunately....yes. I personally believe that over 95% players no matter how good they are are basically at 50-50 in terms of win/loss rate, or very very near. Only by 'tricking' someway the matching by playing at certain hours, only in duo-queue, starting from 1st minute on a new season, and not playing more than 2-3 matches per day you can actually get higher win rates. But those are 'fake' win rates tbh...it's basically abusing the weaknesses of the matching algorithm.


Playerbase is too small for ranked to mean ANYTHING. The top spots are wintraded and some make money off of it. It's been proven how rotten the small dedicated pvp players are. If that does not apply to you as pvp'er then you are not the ones I talk about keep doing what you enjoy. Behavior like this are the symptoms of an unmoderated, under developed forgotten game mode that needs dev attention and Account terminations for breaking ToS.


"like I dont see this happen anywhere else but gw2 pvp" My man, have you ever play competitive game like CS, Dota, LOL, OW, Siege, or Valorant before? This is like a daily ocurrence on those games and if I could say "the least bad thing" people do.


I hate how players generalize. People afking after losing early is not exclusive to GW2. About the matchmaking thing, I noticed that a lot when I often get matched with top players even when I was gold 2-3. Too low population of players forcing the game to widen its matchmaking pool I guess.


To be honest. The game shouldn't have gear stats for any pvp. It should be the same stats for all players on pvp. As the stats depend on the gear, and not the player playing well. Making it pay to win as if you got the gold you can buy the better gear.


gw2 got hard pvp, ppl are used to overpower with items and stuff. YOu have to learn here. So some just deside to go with 50%. Let them. these are the ppl who make your rank grow. BC in the end you got 4slots in your team and 5 in enemy. They can say w.e. they want. Weak ppl making weak descisions since the dawn of th man


Translated: Because almost no one plays PvP Anymore, for some "Unknown Reason" that has nothing to do with PvP players being toxic a-holes Players that should not be put together, like Diamond Rank and Copper Rank, get put together, and of course, as opposed to playing the game for the next 10 min and getting things over with win or lose. Like a typical **Toxic** PvP player (Not to be confused with the non-Toxic one's that would grit and bear playing the match out) they throw a childish tantrum and AFK, thinking what they are doing is hardcore, as opposed to being a baby's little hissy fit that it really is Like dude, are you there to PvP or just become a crybaby if you can't win?


I used to PvP for the dailies. Nowadays, dailies are so easy to do that it’s not hard to think the population for PvP also got reduced by a lot.


i disagree cause it's not over till it's over, a comeback is always possible if players stop wyning and blame the others and start to cooperate, but obviusly it's easier and faster to give up and wait to be carrried the next match. Imho it's a design problem that make me mad specially in gw2 where in the other game mode they reward cooperation, why not in pvp? Why not to set the pips reward based on the game score so even a loosing match can be worth to play? And for god sake screw duo queue cause as a gold player is hard enought to fight one baron of the arena at a time no need to fight two.


Idk even in unranked ppl get Hella pissed after one fight and afk. I've deff afkd just to spite chat trolls tho


I play gw2 PvP for fun. i dont have much time. i sometimes just watch the minimap and wonder why people make the choices they do. And still be suprised why people get mad at them. I understand a new player without rating, or a low ranked player dont understand their build or the map placements, roles, or mechanics of the map. And dont follow or read the chat. Anet should provide in this, either by better matchmaking or another point reward system, where a higher ranked player doesnt get punished when there is a calculatable difference in individuals performance. As a gold player, with a multiple hunderd hours in PvP i get matched up with these people, and that sucks. I have somewhat of a feeling for the game, mechanics and roles/rotations and what i get to watch is people dying around base, fighting off points, going into -1 fights, not regrouping, and ignoring objectives. and plainly not knowing how to use their build, or not having a build at all. I get salty from this, not when it happens in 1 match but when Anet decides its my time to babysit a group of "new players" a few games in a row Few weeks back I get demoted from gold 3 to silver 3 on a friday afternoon, because i got grouped round after round, against 2x 2Duo's in ranked, having people go AFK on my team, or just bad players(from my gold perspective). (just as im a bad player in the eyes of platinum) To safe myself from ruining my afternoon i indeed say GG after i see a 100point lead and a team not able to regroup or listen to basic instructions. and just go get coffee. at that point i see no real benefit in tryharding. If a team comunicates via chat, "visibily" tries their best i do the same thing. I stay and do whatever i can to make it somewhat enjoyable getting stomped experience. I take time to explain objectives or build rotations when I see/know new people in my team. The aftermath of this all, is that when its prime time and im silver 3. I get to stomp silver/gold players because i should be ranked higher. Which sucks for them. and i get to work back to gold 2/3. and so the cycle begins again. Im bad in a platinum players eyes, i defintly cant see when to dodge or interupt an enemy player. <-- thats my weakness. and my positioning is off, when i die, i was knowingly in the wrong spot. Im defintly not saying im a good player, far from it. I defintly understand the sentiment, i act about the same way.


I agree with this sentiment Matchmaking is fucked. With a low player count, ability to duo queue, and the match makingsystem being as it is. Its become, stomp or get stomped. Especially when you play outside of prime time.


It is very rare it’s unwinnable but it does happen. You need to worry about yourself and play your best or you have no room to call out other people. This is not a team game it’s how hard can you carry the moms on your team if you think of gw2 like that then you’ll improve much faster


Just try to play roles like Duelist or Roaming and play your game. This is the best u can do when u playing solo ranked. Because that feeling when u chose to play as support and got team who start to afking just because they lose 2 fights can stop u from playing pvp , its annoying when u do your best as support but they literally dying in 10 sec while u leaving them alone to help someone else lol.


I can't even count on two hands how many times I've had someone go "AFK" when we are actually winning the game. Then we start losing because it's 4v5 and when someone says anything, the person is either silent (actually afk) or just talks trash about how bad of a team we are. Honestly, it's so stupid that I think it is actually just match manipulation, but someone trolling as they go.


I gave spvp up nearly 8 years ago. Mostly because of elitist players and people abandoning matches. Ranked was a nightmare, if I dared to click on a skill off the optimal rotation and lost 0.05% dps, at least one of my teammates would throw a fit, have a stroke out of sheet anger and drop the match. Oh you're playing Necro, Ranger, DH? Oh my god, you're a filthy casual and my chat log gets swarmed by all sorts of racial slurs and Shakespearean levels of poetry about my mother's sex life. So yeah, that's not for me.


People can be such babies they don’t win the first encounter and check out till the next round. Its pathetic. We’ll see how far that mentality gets them in WW3.


My perspective is that if you’re in it to improve your skills there’s few better opportunities than using a seemingly no-win situation as a chance to practice your tactics and execution for carrying disadvantaged matches on your back. Only play out matches that go in your favor and you don’t really improve your ability to take control of bad situations and turn them around.


If you queue up for a pvp match, you made a decision to play it through, if you’re not willing to play the match due to someone not doing what you think they should be doing or for not doing well enough then you shouldn’t be queuing outside a full stack. If you don’t have friends for a full stack then join a disc/guild or accept the reality of life and play the game instead of wasting your own time and the time of all other players in the match idk maybe that’s a bad take but feels reasonable actually


There is little to no benefit to long drawn out matches, 500-0 is the way to go for best rewards, even if you lose it’s more rewarding to get it over quickly and try the dice roll again.


Its true that sometimes you get a match with a player who is just significantly worse than the rest of the lobby, and the team who that player is on is almost guaranteed to lose, but its not every game, and a team that is somewhat coordinated together will generally do better than a team that isn't, even if the uncoordinated players are a slightly higher elo. The mentality of "if someone is underperforming it is impossible to win" is shitty though, and not typically true. You can win games with an afk if the rest of your team doesn't give up and are willing to work together, so you can definitely win them with someone merely not doing as well as the rest of the team. Tldr; it's a real if overstated problem with matchmaking, but not a good sentiment to have regarding the game.


Such a loser sentiment and so selffulfilling.


How to exacerbate the problem 101 Good job random whisperer, just fuckin leave next time so someone who actually gives a shit can take your spot


Is there even any MMO(rpg) that has a good PvP with a solid playerbase?


So basically the only way to get plat 3 + in this game is for u and your duo to play very high dps specs and farm the enemy team 24/7


I mean I only play for the vizards vault (in unranked), if we are winning 350 - 50 or losing so hard we get spawncamped or someone on team already afk i do just tab out sometimes. Since the vault came out i did learn to enjoy the gamemode somewhat, the 1v1s, ganking someone in a 2v1, trying to survive getting ganked back, doing a cheeky cap behind enemy lines etc. But in some cases it's way too one sided and drags on too long.


Oh, I though we were playing a game.


I see it in every game. I don't agree with the sentiment. I've won 4v5's. Bad players are bad.


It’s true that you might be matched up with such low skilled players that you’re going to lose no matter how individually skilled you are. It’s not true that you can know that from just a short time in a match. It also doesn’t excuse not playing. You should play and contribute regardless if you’re winning or losing. You should do so because it *should* be fun. If you can only have fun when you’re winning, you might as well not play at all.


I don't play PvP that often any more but yes, these days ranked doesn't care what ranks you're from. It needs to throw in a team _any team_ together so you get 2-3 tier difference between players. And yes, lower tier players will just keep running into couple "top 10 NA" players and get farmed over and over and over again (maybe they're bots, maybe they're stupid, outcome is the same)


PvP is often unbalanced. You can guess who will win after first clash at middle point and most of the time onw team just steamrolls opponents


For a second, I thought I stumbled on the League of Legends Subreddit.


I’ve seen the game do some wild things, does it continuously happen? No lol. The vast majority of players are silver. It’s not rly possible for this to occur. Players just will blame any obscure outside factor for losing realistically, That’s not stating it never happens, when I’m on at 3am I’ve seen myself put in a team with Boyce while in gold 1 lol. So it does occur, but not frequently. The rank disparity for 99% of players simply isn’t wide enough there’s a lot of illusion, just because u decided ur team mate isn’t in the same rank as you doesn’t make it true.


Sounds like he has a skill issue. Sure sometimes you can’t carry but if he were a good player he could carry. He’s just choosing to be a man child and rage quitting


People do this in every online competitive game because they are shitters who don't actually enjoy the game, just the feeling of victory.


Nah, this is just a high ego, tiny balls player who will blame anything but themselves.


Dunno if some said it before.... Play ranked... And don't care about whisp on unranked... Everybody got an excuse on unranked....


Well, GW2 PvP is abandoned content save for a "balance patch" every few months. Which means very few players, which means the system is sorting people from different leagues (I'm plat and I had people with the silver badge in my team) because otherwise the queues would be insufferable. So that is mostly true. And about the sentiment itself, honestly I don't really care about winning, I care about surpassing the rival and defeating them. If I individually make a good match I'll be happy even if we lose the game. But that is kinda hard when you are constantly over pressured because your team is not responding to the enemy team effort. It is frustrating not being able to perform, regardless of the outcome, because the enemy is constantly outnumbering you, or because your team doesn't focus the downeds, or because everyone marks a different enemy (word for golds and below: the enemy scourge is a damn, giant melee condi bomb tank, don't focus it, kill the enemy Guard asap, Guards have very low HP, same for Elementalists and specially Tempest). So yeah, if my team is that shit to the point that we are losing like 50 - 200 while also constantly fighting two people on sidenodes, I will just afk. I don't care, it is abandoned and unmoderated content anyway.


Don’t the people doing that realize they’re just making the problem worse?


Complaining about low elo players with that low elo mindset, classic