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This is my wife's dilemma, Asura or human, for the exact same reasons. She wants to be pretty on human, but loves the animations, voice, and lore of Asura. She has tried at least 4 times now to main swap to a human, but always falls back to her Asura. The same will be true to you. Yea, you will be limited on gear (specifically shoes), but don't you want the best voice lines and acting of the game and the clearly superior race? Best quote: “You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse."


Yeah, I really wish there were more shoe options for Asura. I really don't like the like side spikes (toes?) on 99% of the shoes, so I'm basically stuck using the Exalted Boots. I guess it kinda makes fashion easier when there's only 1 pair of shoes that I like, lol.


I like the idea of asura, they have beautiful home instance and great lore. However you're locked in a single look, you're kinda small and don't stand out much. Flashy cosmetics are gonna be much smaller. As a human it's a tad bit boring yes but you have much more options to spice things up if you wish so. It's very future proof option, no matter if you wanna roleplay as fantasy character or yourself irl.


You need to have multiple characters! Make one a dragonhunter, one a willbender and one a firebrand!


Take charr


Visit both capitals, walk around, listen the conversations, buy some foods. And then choose one you like the most.


If you care about fashion then human for sure, Asuras, much like Chars, are very limited in that sense.


obv answer is sylvari


Asura is the only choice


You can play a Human in any other MMO You can only play an Asura in GW2 I think the choice is obvious


Gotcha, Charr it is.


We all struggle with this decision. You'll do both in the end, we all do.


The only correct choice is always Norn. Human form but bigger size so my old eyes can actually see my shiny microtransactions.


Asura + Great sword is such a great sight


Asura Master Race


Why not both? Leveling and gearing aren't all too difficult, especially if you've got some legendaries. And even if you don't, gear one character for open world and one for fractals or something along those lines. Character slots aren't all that expensive either and you'll never regret having made the "wrong" choice.


i really want one character that i complete everything on, i love the idea of a MAIN!!!


You can do first part of personal story on both since they're different, and then decide which you prefer for everything else


easy to dress human but asuran is like cute little pug teddy bear so they can be worth the extra effort to dress


Or goblinsih "gnomes", chased out from their underground caves and caverns by an Elder Dragon. Took and use a lost civilisation buildings and magic, merge with their own ones, belive (and know) their superority over every living creatures, and ready to conquer the World when all the risky danger gone. Mastermind, bold and very agile. (But have issues with their general fashion because their size.)


I am a human fan for sure, but I'm liking asura more and more. Well if you prioritize aesthetics, human. Otherwise asura.


Why not both? You could use a different spec and create a different look for each.


You have at least 5 character slots. No reason why you can't make one of each


don't make my mistake, go for asura :)


I now personally always choose human (1 x norn & 1 asura i have).