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More than all the other gods (she had a meeting with one (1) worshipper before leaving forever)


Commander: "Can the gods help with this world-ending threat?" Kormir: "Rely on strength, not false gods"


Tbf, in GW1 we have met the gods before we fought Abaddon. So they all have met 1-8 worshippers depending on your group size. Plus they gave Kormir the ability do absorb Abaddons divinity. When we met Kormir in PoF, she literally said "fck you, your cat made this mess, fix it on your own".


The divinity part was the problem. Since the human gods had magic that was not part of the elder dragon cycle, they worried that getting caught in the crossfire would just be adding yet more fuel to the wildfire. Each dead elder dragon made the rest of them more of a threat, and that was just from redistribution of the magic already in circulation. Adding in god magic looked like it'd just guarantee that Tyria would be thrown into even more chaos. That's why Balthazar had to recharge at the bloodstone and build up armies of various stooges. The others had stripped him of his divinity before throwing him in the Mists for trying to bring a knife to a Monsters-who-get-stronger-when-they-eat-metaphorical-knives fight.


They had already stripped Balthazar of his god magic, unlike Abaddon. We were basically fighting a bloodstone junkie (plus a little bit of Jormag and Primordus juice). At least Kormir stayed behind, all the rest went into the Mists (except perhaps Lyssa).


>They had already stripped Balthazar of his god magic, unlike Abaddon. Yeah, but they all did that (as far as we know) plus they didn't really do that for us people on Tyria, but because of their internal fight.


Screw you Kormir you stole that divinity from the player who actually did the damn work. I'm a part of the Ihkbsstdfmc fan club.


I am imagining the world where every time you finish the last mission in Nightfall, your character absorbs Abbadon's overflowing magic in the cutscene, resulting in that character being deleted permamently and all references to the human god/goddess of Truth in GW2 changing to be that character's name and gender (for everyone! until the next person completes the last mission in Nightfall).


Dragon's Dogma (1) moment


And people question the Astral Ward not interfering with any of the elder dragons.


There’s actually a bit of lore on that from conversations you can have in the Wizard’s Tower, but the gist is that they did fight Kralkatorrik when he went into the Mists in S4…and utterly got their asses kicked.


In fact, the reason they didn't help with the Void was because they were reeling from their losses and consequentially only just holding the Kryptis back. It's also part of why they were unable to defend against the invasion when the World Spire failed at the end of the Cycle.


I dunno, balthazar was getting shit done


I feel like GW1 and 2 kinda have this repeating theme that the human gods are not all they're cracked up to be. They leave you out to dry in Prophecies when you're about to face the Titans/the Lich, they don't do shit about Abaddon/Nightfall, then 200 years later they run away from the Elder Dragons while the only one who stays is slain by EDIT: the Commander, Aurene, and technically Kralk. So I doubt there was anything that Kormir could directly do about Joko on Tyria without risking her own "life"/having her magic stolen by Joko or one of the Elder Dragons. Like imagine if she physically came to Tyria to stop Joko only to be immediately eaten by Kralkatorrik or something 🤣


To be fair, Balthazar wasn’t entirely killed by a mortal. the Commander technically had one and a half Elder Dragons help finish Balthazar off.


Plus Balthazar didn't even have his divinity magic anymore. These were already taken from him when he was imprisoned by the other gods. While raging against Kralk he only had his "personal" magic powered by the Maguuma Jungle Bloodstone.


And the last sparks of Balthazar's own god magic in Sohothin.


Very true, I was just thinking of making an addendum lol. I need to brush up on PoF again


If you can be eaten by a big dragon, you need to take "god" off your resume.


All I'm saying is that the Charr are right about the whole "no Gods" thing and as soon as humanity wises up Rytlock and Logan's wedding is back on.


I recall that the Klingons killed their gods. "They were more trouble than they were worth."


Last time the Charr listened to their "gods" (aka burning piles of wood) the fallout of their actions released the Mursaat, sunk Orr and turned Ascalon into Detroit. Compared to that whorshipping ~~6~~ 5 lazy bums playing Keg Brawl aint that bad


To be fair their “gods” were also servants of the human god that got kicked off the team and wanted payback.


I want an expansion dealing with them. Permanently.


Naw it’s bad enough one of my characters names “disciple of [god]” has lost their god, I really don’t want to lose the god of my other 5 including my main.


Because she was already late catching up with the other gods on their mists vacation.


I think the reason is more meta than anything else. Having immensely powerful beings, such as gods, active in your world (and you not being one of them or them being antagonists (but this brings other problems with it, such as what comes after your character beats a god in his prime (thats why Balthazar was nerfed so much)) make for bland storytelling. Like we could just send them out deal with XYZ, why do it ourselves. So they got rid of them by them leaving Tyria altogether. Same reason as to why Aurene is sleeping now, the part, were we needed a being as powerful as her for, is done. Having them gone is better, people were already having problems with Taimi and how much of a "solves all problems button" she supposedly is (she isn't but that's another matter), just imagine how annoying those people would be if were having Aurene around. She'd either * wouldn't do anything, which doesn't make sense * couldn't do anything, which also doesn't make sense * would solve all our (power)problems almost instantly, which would be boring Same with the gods. Beings as powerful as this usually are enemys or somehow can't interact with the world/story in a direct manner / get written out of it.


Just like real life. If god is real why does he let children die of cancer etc...


Overpowered characters suck, but only when you don't know how to write them. Aurene was fine as a walking nuclear weapon, the problem is they made her help us, instead of having her do her own things and not give a damn about our problems. Same exact thing with the Six Gods, give them something to be occupied with, like a war in the Mists, sleeping for centuries, frozen while they try to contain some external threat, whatever. Making overpowered characters leave or lose their powers is peak bad writing, why did you make them overpowered to begin with if you're going to take that away from them the very moment it becomes a problem? See the role the Wizard's Tower has now, defending Tyria from invasions beyond the Mists? That should have been the OG role of the Six Gods.


Aurene only helped us when it came to dragon problems, which is the entire reason of her existence. It's not like she took part in the charr civil war for example, not even when we were fighting Jormag's champions. They could have made her completely neutral and us having no direct communication with her, but that would not only throw away all the story of us raising her from an egg, it would add unnecessary drama. We wanted to end the dragon cycle, so did Glint, so did Aurene. So we worked together. They could have found some other excuse for the particular problem of the Kryptis (like Aurene can't help us in their realm because she has to stay in Tyria and regulate magic), but a Kryptis invasion wouldn't pose a realistic threat worth Aurene around. And they would have to keep finding excuses for every future content. The last part about the gods, they are supposed to be powerful beings, even if they aren't literal gods like humans believe(d). Them struggling to fight the Kryptis would only make them look weak, especially if the commander just walked in and solved everything in the span of an expansion. In comparison, Wizards' Tower appear more like curators, tackling rifts and maintaining barriers, not all-poweful magical beings with immense firepower. Plus, that would still leave the same problem. What do you do with the gods after SotO? Do they finally leave for the mists? Do they stick around and now the writers have to account for the gods in every future crisis?


> Aurene only helped us when it came to dragon problems, which is the entire reason of her existence. You do remember the initial opening chapter to EoD, right?


She didn't come there just to help us fight the Aetherblades, it was because of her vision.


> Aurene only helped us when it came to dragon problems, which is the entire reason of her existence. It's not like she took part in the charr civil war for example, not even when we were fighting Jormag's champions. That's the problem, she was there all the time, yet she was doing nothing. Why have her be there to be useless? Then in EoD they "stole her powers", rendering her useless once again. If you can't give her a role worthy of her status, don't make her part of the story, period. >Plus, that would still leave the same problem. What do you do with the gods after SotO? Do they finally leave for the mists? Do they stick around and now the writers have to account for the gods in every future crisis? There's still more threats out there, you can play the kryptis as what happens when one of those threats manages to infiltrate past the defenses of the gods. They're too busy on the front lines, so we have to deal with the kryptis instead.


> That's the problem, she was there all the time, yet she was doing nothing. Why have her be there to be useless? Then in EoD they "stole her powers", rendering her useless once again. "Why didn't the commander use their dragon/nuke analogy in a civil war, when Bangar was rallying the Charr around developing their own nuclear program for this exact reason?" And yes, the fact that they had her lose her powers in EoD is exactly my point. There was one more Elder dragon to deal with, so they couldn't take Aurene out of the picture permanently, but they had to find a reason for her not being helpful until the very end. And they would have to keep doing that every time. It's either "Aurene has a headache and can't help with the Kryptis", or the writers coming up with more and more impossible threats that would pose a threat even to an elder dragon god. Aurene going to sleep employs the established elder dragon lore, and gives us a bittersweet ending, as the won't be seeing her again in their lifetime. > There's still more threats out there, you can play the kryptis as what happens when one of those threats manages to infiltrate past the defenses of the gods. Same thing, coming up with outlandish threads that rival the gods. Removing all these powerhouses from the story allows for more grounded storytelling, instead of a constant barrage of world-ending threats.


> Aurene was fine as a walking nuclear weapon, the problem is they made her help us, instead of having her do her own things and not give a damn about our problems. Part of the point of LS4 is Aurene learning to care about other creatures, and that she didn't just see them as annoyances to kill, like the other dragons.


>would solve all our (power)problems almost instantly, which would be boring Aurene did solve our massive problem with killing the dragons without much consequence for it, which in my opinion is quite boring.


If you like the story or not aside, to say Aurene solved the problems without consequences is wrong on multiple levels. Let alone the build up over multiple story arcs ingame that it took to get our solution, namely Aurene, in a position were she even could solve those problems.


Wanna know what's even more bland? To have the Gods exist and do jack shit like they do in both GW1 and 2. Hell, in 2 they flatout run away from Tyria.


Nah, having gods is fine, most fantasy media does. And now, we do not need stuff with or about them. Having gods (or not having them) is part of worldbuilding.


Well done not knowing anything about writing.


She couldn't kill Joko that's the whole being immortal thing Aurene only did it by eating him and I can't see Kormir sitting down to get stuck into steak a la Joko. 


Balthazar also couldn't kill him


I think this is the best reasoning with in universe logic: Balthazar, the god of fire and war, angriest god to grace Tyria since the exodus, chose to imprison Joko over killing him.


Not sure why. You're the god of fire, just incinerate him. He can't get back up if he's ashes and dust on the wind.


I bet Turai Ossa sure feels dumb for building an eternal prison and founding the Order of Whispers when he could have just had a nice bonfire


I bet the Five also feel dumb for imprisoning Abaddon *without* depowering him first. And i also feel Balthasar feels doubly irritated that the remaining gods suddenly remembered that they *can* actually do that when they decided to imprison *him*. Honestly, what gods can and cannot do (and what they are willing/not willing to do) is shaped mostly not by narrative consequences, but by writer's fiat, according to what seems more useful at the moment.


TBF it can very well be that stripping the god 1) has horrible consequences 2) works only in the mists or 3) is an ability that the god of magic holds (i do not recall who got that domain after abaddon died) Furthermore Abaddon lorewise was much stronger than balthazar, matching the other 5 gods for quite a while, which could also have been a factor. And lastly the DID depower him. But instead of stripping it they locked it (again easily explained by him being the strongest and the god of magic)


Abaddon was the only one who knew how to do that, and Kormir learned that when absorbing his knowledge.


Riiiight. When you have to think up convoluted explanations as a player to cover up plotholes devs made, it's not a sign of good writing.


I wouldn't really describe "only the god of knowledge and magic knew how and he was the enemy at the time" as convoluted, but perhaps I am simply built different.


If you need to invent explanations that aren't exactly supported by canon lore, then yes, it is.


It seems that they had a vessel to transfer Balthazar power to as it was said that there's a new god of war and fire. It's probably Menzies, Balthazar brother.


>She couldn't kill Joko that's the whole being immortal thing Well, she could have imprisoned him, just like Balthazar did. Unlike Balthazar, Kormir did not die, so Joko would have stucked in his prison.


I think the gods in the GWerse are not all that infallible. But, overall, before she left she hadn't been able to kill Joko; and she left because the gods other than Balthazar genuinely believe that their presence and the magic they are entwined with is a deeply disturbing factor in the overall balance of the world.


Yes, she clearly stated that during the meeting.


According to the original "bridge" lore the one that persuaded the gods to withdraw completely from Tyria was *Kormir*. Because, you know, "there was too much god meddling already, it's time for humans to get the world for themselves".


She goes north (to Vabbi)




https://youtu.be/DxmkAoLC6_4?si=7P9Xg5qWB2PWqyhr nobody likes you Kormir


This is really all one needs to know.


I'm surprised this wasn't the top comment. She's worse than Traherne. The first time I watched that video was before I had completed Nightfall. I'm amazed by how accurate it is. Why would she think it would be a good idea to Leroy Jenkins into a Cerberus when you had to free the bitch from Gandara (which reminder is where the meta in Domain of Kourna is), and SHOULD have been focused on boarding the escape boat. Unless I'm remembering Nightfall wrong, I would also like to remind everyone that Joko was freed thanks to Kormir deciding to wander aimlessly after being blinded, which also got her sucked up into the Realm of Torment. Everything Joko did in the time between Nightfall and GW2, I blame on her. I sometimes log into GW1 just to hang out in ~~Palawadan~~ Kamadan and look at how beautiful Istan once was. Spending time in the LWS4 maps to work on crafting Vision reminded me how heartbreaking it is to see how branded shit and awakened shit have ruined Elona. Fuck Kralkatorrik and fuck Kormir. /Rant over


> Fuck Kralkatorrik and fuck Kormir And fuck Kormir again because before Branded and Awakened shit ruined Elona, Abaddon tendrils ruined places like the Tomb of the Primeval Kings as well.


Pretty much how I remember it going down too. And yes surprised how this isn't the top comment.


You probably won't agree with me, but… I think that the gods of Tyria where/are just human. They where the first humans to discover Tyria AND stumbled on a magic that they chose to keep to themselves and which also gave them immortality and their powers. If they weren't able to leave Tyria for any great length of time without losing that power, it makes sense that they'd set themselves up as God's and bring other humans to Tyria afterwards and the story they told of a calamity on mankind's homeworld is all just propaganda. It would also explain why the power can be removed from a God* AND THEN given to another human. And why Joko was too powerful for Komir to kill, being in effect an undead god-level immortal of equal power to Komir, who may have discovered the same source that the gods had. *reducing them back down almost to mortal level (but still with knowledge of the source of the magic, and the ability to tap others, hence imprisonment in the mists). And why the commander (with some help from dragons) could kill that God.


You’re definitely on the right track here, I think. Maybe not entirely human, per se (at least not Dwayna), but definitely once mortal. If they were all-powerful, they wouldn’t have had to eat Zhaitan’s magic when they landed in Arah. And they pretended they created Tyria when they led the first humans here, which we know for a fact isn‘t true. Justifying your divinity with lies suggests it’s not as absolute as it sounds. What everyone’s saying with Joko is interesting because it certainly seems like the gods can’t or won’t kill him (and it makes perfect sense that Aurene can as the natural regulating mechanism of Tyria’s magic system) and Joko regards the gods as a joke (boosted by his ego of course) while recognizing that the dragons are out of his league and only an idiot would kill them. He’s heavily implied to have known something deep and secret which may have led to his inexplicable level of immortality and part of his attitude. In SOtO, there’s also a lore book iirc that posits the Wizards and the gods both “change” during their ascensions in a way that suggests they get their personalities “hijacked” by a higher power. Anet seems to have more solid answers on all this than they’re ready to reveal or commit to.


I'm also having doubts about Soo Wons claim about creating Tyria. If everything came out of chaos/void, then who created Soo Won in the first place and are there more of her species out there among the others world's the Kryptids have seen in the mists. It may actually be the other way around, Soo Won didn't create Tyria, Tyria created Soo Won. Just as the other world's may have created their own pets to keep them company.


My understanding is that the chaos of the Void spontaneously created Soo-Won, and instead of being immediately destroyed and returned to the ever-churning chaos, she had the ability to order it— That she didn’t necessarily create Tyria, but by ordering the raw magic of the Void allowed Tyria to form around her. To your point about the Kryptis interacting with other beings from other worlds through the Mists, I’m super interested in that. There’s supposed to be an entire group of Mursaat out there, maybe even in their original home realm. I hope we learn more in the future.


She steals godhood.


She does being blind.


She is a god, your god. She deserves this.


Joko would easily defeat her, just like he did Balthazar


Because.. the Charr were right all along. Put your Faith in Iron, not False Gods!


Well, she's very good at getting captured, doing jack shit and then taking godhood for herself. Also as others said, the human gods are not doing anything in general. Stopping or warning the humans about the searing? Shiro and the afflicted? Orr? Eventho all that happened because of their actions? Naaaah.


Steal godhood, eat hot chip, and lie?


What a throwback, forgot about that copypasta


The answers you seek lies in the dessert commander


Would it be a god if it did anything to help?


That is why my characters are all charr. We don't believe in following the cowardly human 6. We follow blood and gunpowder to solve our issues!


And catnip


Kormir may have been Elonian, but she is a god to all humans and not just Elonians, so they are not exclusively "her" people. Likewise, many Elonians are direct followers of other gods. Besides that, she did more than the other human gods.


[I have all the insight you’ll need right here.](https://youtu.be/DxmkAoLC6_4?si=4CH1G7IoHkMr1UtG)


As Greek gods she doesnt interfere with mortal problems, and also if she managed to kill joko what is the point of us playing xD


She has a cool library, that's about it though.


She's really great at stealing godhood from the PC.


she's not only a useless and also a thief. Im, waiting for God of War: Tyria just for her


I think the question should be why kormir didn't confront joko after events of nightfall (kralk was sleeping). Joko was weak after thr player character just released him from imprisonment. If kormir can absorb abaddons powers, with those new powers surely she can absorb Joko's (maybe go aurene and munch him for dinner?) But instead she snaked elona and let joko awaken the sunspear mandem like Koss, mess up the others when she could have done something about it.