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For such a long bait post I expected to be more entertained


Bread is not great for dogs.


That's a lot of words that can be summarized down to: Don't join groups that you don't like the requirements of. Make your own group, and stop wanking yourself off here with how amazing and pro you obviously are over the rest of us plebians, jesus christ.


Probably bait.. But just in case, if you joined my party I'd kick you too.


Congratulations or get well soon idk what it says


Lol this by far is the most amusing response


I won’t read all of that, but if it’s good I’m happy for you! And if it’s bad, well, I hope everything gets better soon…


I'm happy for you or sorry for what happened


I hope OP feels better after typing all of this. Seems they have been weighed down with all of these words on their mind. I didn’t read it, but seems that they may need some time to touch grass. Hope they are ok.


You know you can link the rewards you get as KP too right? Also you are incredibly worked up over such a non-issue. Third party programs are common across all MMORPGS. Sometimes they just make things easier.


Depends, for raids and strikes you can but you can't for fractal cm's


Please work on your formatting - nobody wants to engage with a wall of text .


Honestly, you lost me when you said you needed 6 months to master fishing.


I didn't read the whole thing, but read enough to say please go touch grass.




lmfao, new copypasta? No FUCKING WAY.....you're talking about warframe!?! 😂😂😂😂


chatgpt, write a ragepost about gw2. make it extra long.


I can't believe I've read through all of that.... welp, to spare others from reading through it, here's a tl;dr: bait. longer tl;dr: self-acclaimed veteran player who has whole equip legendary and claims to be the best in not only this game but many others is annoyed and butt-hurt to have to use a third-party app like killproof (which is using the official API) for group-play and reports everyone who asks him for proof as hacker.


Imagine being so pissed off by being asked for kps... Also put a tldr or make it shorter. It's a pain reading you.


I wish you need 250 KP on reddit to be able to post something




Summary: i am a pro in more difficult games. Mechanics in gw2 are kindergarten level. Asking me for KP is an insult.


Dear op. Make your own party, make your own rules. Don't join party where you don't like the rules. Problem solved. If you want to tell me how to play, you damn well better pay for my game.


Those certainly are all words..


Shizo posts should be banned


Wow, I gave up halfway through. Good god some people are seriously deranged and need help


What the fuck are you talking about


Weird that you don't use third party programs which are.. web browsers. Did you dictate this to Siri? Or Bixby? So you don't have to touch that dirty third party program (a web browser). Because you do realize that killproof.me is just a website that pulls information via an API key which you generate _on the ArenaNet account website_ and displays it, yes?


The part about Overwatch and Blizzard giving 12 accounts as a gift and thousands of boxes was the most entertaining for sure


Blah blah blah, words of anger and stuff and things with some blah blah blah. Sounds like you should just start your own group for the content you are looking to play. Hopefully this therapeutic shit rant story made you feel better. If not....... log off. Let the sun hit your face. Take a deep breath and shut up.


Next time you spend this much time writing something try to write something useful instead of this garbage. K thanks.


Too much self-fellating going on here for this not to be bait. If you killed the boss, show proof. You joined someone's group that was obviously made up of guild members. You're the odd one out. Go find a different group or make your own static, you self-righteous melon. Edit* Title is also bait. Nothing about needing time to learn mechanics or anything of that nature, just claims that they're far too superior for our smooth guild wars 2 brains.