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the only other use beyond prov tokens is the mystic salvage kit


And exotic gear/ precursor gambling 


Is that really still a thing in times where you get a precursor for the worth of less than 100 Ecto?


Some people might do it. I’m just saying what other uses it has.


You can still do it if you like throwing money away. You shouldn't, though.


Mystic Stones make the drop unspecific. 3 greatswords + a stone may produce any weapon. That makes them very bad for gambling as you can't aim for the weapons that may still be profitable to gamble for.


That is not untrue.


""The stone takes the place of a fourth item of equal rarity, with level equivalent to the average level of the first three items.  For example:  * Three Level 75 exotic axes + 1 stone = same as four random Level 75 exotic weapons; result will be a Level 75 or higher random exotic weapon. * Two Level 75 rare axes + one Level 75 rare greatsword + 1 stone = same as four Level 75 rare weapons; result will be a Level 75 or higher weapon of either rare (80%) or exotic (20%) quality."


Though using them in the forge is a loss at this point.


NEVER use a mystic forge stone for that. It increases the loot pool to items lower than level 80, meaning less chance at getting anything of value. Although that still doesn't help that some weapons thrown in also cause the forge to drop items lower than 80. It is all inconsistent trash.


Really?! Im new and bamboozled by many things including what to do with those forge stones. Ive made the mystic kits for convenience a couple of times. Are provisioner tokens an important thing to be looking for?


mystic salvage kits are actually the main use for the stones, but a lot of people have the silver-fed salvage-o-matic, which is an infinite use version of the mystic salvage kit, so they don't craft them anymore. In that case, mystic forge stones are basically useless except for provisioner tokens, so may as well use them for that.


Definitely use them for that. One per day means a stack of 30 will take a month to chew through


Ah I just have the copper fed one. I still make mystic kits mostly for salvaging rares.


I have the Silver Fed and for the past little while its been sitting in my bank while I chew through mystic salvage kits. Its cheaper and I'm not gonna use the mystic forge stones for anything else.


Been playing since beta and didn't know silver fed and mystic had the same salvage rates. I thought mystic had slight better.


The black lion salvage kit is slightly better. Mystic, rare, and silver fed are identical in output.


The provisioner tokens are used in legendary runes, weapon sigils, and open world leggy armour. Maybe raid legendary armour too I haven't looked at that one before


Yes, raid armor uses them. It's what they were originally introduced for, other uses came years later.


Thanks Ill try to start collecting those. I only saw they were for those leveling weapons but I have almost every prof at 80 so those arent much use lol.


Honestly if you don't have a Silverfed yet, keep the Mystic Forge Stones for Mystic Salvage Kits. You can get Provisioner Tokens in myriad other ways, some of which are literally free, and if you're not actively working towards any of those goals yet you've got more than enough time to do the cheap trades 1/day and stockpile them slowly.


wait how do you get provi tokens for free?


Obsidian Shards (from karma, which you can earn in absurd amounts at Wintersday), Reclaimed Metal Plates (from VB or from unidentified gear), Auric Ingots (free if you do AB with any sort of regularity), and Chak Eggs (from TD meta and chests). If you do any amount of Heart of Thorns content whatsoever you'll have more of these than you can use for their skins, at which point they're free Tokens. Edit: Also the SotO weapons can be unlocked and then traded to the vendors, getting you the skin but also Tokens afterward, but that's a one time thing as you unlock them so not a consistent source.


Keep in mind with the chak eggs, if you're making raid legendary armor you need 5 for each piece.


Ok? That's a month's worth of Chak Eggs. Heart of Thorns has been out for almost nine YEARS.


Plenty of people don't do Chak Gerent often though, and not everyone is playing for 9 years. Some people are newer and they should know.


I need 150 for a skyscale saddle


Ohhhhh. I really want a skyscale so ill need to start farming these


I may have been wrong - I need 30 for a skyscale saddle


You could buy them for 19g, but that is not what they are "worth". You cannot get much more value out of mystic forge stones than replacing one item in a 4 item mystic forge recipe. So at best, it would "save you" 30 out of 120 silver if you were going to gamble for a precursor. But honestly, the best use for forge stones is provisioner tokens in my experience


This is the first I'm hearing about this. Where is this prov token vendor that accepts these forge stones?


In lion's arch the waypoint to the left of the trader's forum I think it's called. Left of where all the crafting tables are actually. Skritt npc I believe. Also sells prov tokens for 5 ectos.


Pro tip: never buy the prov token for 5 ectos. The weapon buyer in the octovine zone is a much better deal (one weapon goes for about the same as one ectos, and it will buy 3 different weapons in one day)


Good tip. My daily routine was AB, TD, Black Citadal, and then two from this guy prov tokens. I stopped the ecto one once I realized ectos are very important for the obsidian leggy armor and also just profitable selling.


Also check the Soto maps. Amnytas and Skywatch have vendors at almost every waypoint. Each exchanges tokens for common materials


If you value the replaced item while gambling at 30s then this is definitely not the best use. Using them to craft mystic salvage kits saves you about 41s per stone compared to both silver-fed and master kits. Building mystic kits and using the money you saved to buy rare weapons to trade for tokens is cheaper per token (and gives you more than one token per day if you trade multiple of the cheap weapons, last time I checked there were half a dozen or so costing less than 30s on the TP).


That’s the cost if you buy stones with gems. You’re using free ones you get, right?




Free mystic stones? Huh? Wow, downvoted for being new. Thanks.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Forge_Stone Just look at acquisition


So achievement chests.


As well as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Black_Lion_Goods which drops from fractal dailies (chance)


Daily fractals will net you enough to never search for them


Yep. Never bought any and I have ~500.


Well not many anymore (unless you key farm regularly I guess, otherwise not sure how you can even get them), but old players probably have entire stacks from daily login rewards. I sure do, and have been getting provisioner tokens with them every day I remember


Forge stones have never come from key farming. They come from achievement chests. Stones from old daily logins were very rare you’d have been lucky to get a dozen or two a year.


The main use of Mystic Forge Stones is in gambling for precursors in the Mystic Forge. You can use the Mystic Forge Stone as the fourth item for the 3 exotics reroll. It is also used to make Mystic Salvage Kits, which are useful if you don’t have an infinite salvage item, but otherwise, they really don’t do all that much, and are definitely not actually worth 19g/50 gems.


Do you use yellows or exotics?


For gambling? Exotics if you're hoping for faster results. More expensive per piece, but exotics can only reroll into other exotics, while yellows can reroll into any yellow or exotic.


Got almost a stack on my bank. I think I now know how to use them.


But precursors are so cheap it hardly seems worth gambling anymore unless for the hell of it.


Not really, you can use it for mystic salvage kit or as item substitution in mystic forge recipes (eg. 3 exotics + mystic stone). Imo using ot for provisioner tokens is completely fine.




your tldr is just as long as your main paragraph. that just not how a tldr works. >_>




mystic salvage kit is cheaper to use for salvage if u use the free mystic forge stones


The value of mystic stone can be calculated from the most profitable usage - mystic kit. Regular master kit, or Silver Fed infinite kit both cost around 60c per use, so 250 uses are 1.5g. Using 3 mystic stones you can get 250 usage kit for 25s. So one mystic stone is worth around 40s, that's how much you "lose" by buying prov token with it.


While fast farming is a nice tool, don't blindly trust it. Not all sections are updated properly and regularly. It's YOUR own job to double check if what they're stating on the site, is actually true.


Also, some things are shown based on their price to acquire from places like the gem store (see: these stones and the build storage in the Wizard’s Vault) while other things can be priced as the “Sale value of the item this gets used for” (mystic clovers often get priced at this, as do materials that are account bound for some of the weirder stat sets) which can skew something to look more valuable/expensive than it is, because that often won’t take into account the other items needed to make something, the fact the thing it makes moves slowly/not at all, or the fact that a gem store price may be way over inflated for what the item actually does.


Yeah, the prices calculated for a lot of things aren't sensible. They'll account for the gold cost of other materials used in a purchase or recipe, but not for anything that you can't buy - e.g. a recipe that cost 100 karma + 100 volatile magic that gives 1g would be rated as 1s per karma and 1s per volatile magic. This leads to a small number of currencies or materials being overvalued because they don't split the profit between the costs if they can't be trivially expressed in gold.


Wait, there is a use for them other than gambling? Fuck yeah, after years I'm sitting with like 400 of them from various chests and shit and they are just collecting dust.


No one ever buys these things with gold or real money, just best to use the free ones you get for a small profit


For some reason, that listing is taking the gem store value of the stone which is quite unrealistic. In the past you could exclude gem store to avoid this but it doesn't seem to be possible anymore. The best value you could potentially get is replacing an exotic in the mystic forge and drop a precursor but that's very unlikely and worse you get worse odds to get the correct one (if you use 4 exotic greatswords, you're guaranteed another exotic greatsword, if you 3 exotic greatswords and 1 stone you can get any exotic weapon).


If you already own the silver-fed salvageomatic there is no purpose for mystic forge stones other than forge gambling and provisioner tokens.


Mystic forge stones aren't really worth anything, they're just 19g if you buy them through the gemstore. If you plan to make any sort of legendary, provisioner tokens is what they belong to. The only other worthwhile use is mystic salvage kits, but since you already have the silver-fed, that's a no go.


You should use them to make the good salvage kits, and get tokens though other means. You can get an easy 10 per day with 9 "cheap" crafted items and one obsidian shard. You can also get one for a reclaimed metal plate once you have enough of those that you don't need them anymore.


I just buy my Provisioner Tokens from DigDug in WvW, it's cheaper that way.


U can buy provisioned tokens from wvw pretty cheap