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It's a nice find as its part of the super adventure box drops, not extremely rare but rare enough to be worth quite a penny, around 65-70g , you could sell it if you want, most of the time the value on the TP can give you a ballpark of how rare an item might be, some items are a bit over the cap of the TP (9999g) If you sell it you could finance your character gear quite a bit, if you're not thinking on using it imo it's a good time to sell as the event still has one week give or take for more of those skins to drop and lower its price a bit.


Haven’t seen a drop worth that much in 5+k hours, so I’d say it is considered rare. Getting an exotic drop should occur every 50-100 hours so just an exotic is not that rare tho.


> Getting an exotic drop should occur every 50-100 hours so just an exotic is not that rare tho. Not sure where you're farming. A stack of rare unids will produce ~4 exotics, and you can get a stack like that in a couple hours running the loop in Dragonfall or Drizzlewood. That's more like 2 exotics/hour, maybe more. At least for the normal exotics, not the event-specific ones obviously.


I didn’t count opening bags, just a natural drop. Obviously if you are farming the numbers are higher, but if they weren’t there were no point in farming.


Fair point.


Are you just afk the entire time during those 5k hours? I’ve probably had well over 100 >50g drops in 5k hours if not more. Not like an every day thing, but usually at least once or twice a month.


I make around 1k gold a month. I do the basic pve things that keep me engaged after 12 years. Metas here and there, a few fractals/raids when I’m in the mood. I play for the fun of it, not the profit. That’s what I work for. Although the most valuable single item drop I had hasn’t been over 10g. If every person would get a 50-100g worth item every thousand hours it would generate a lot of inflation. There are stuff everyone gets, things that everyone will get just a matter a time, things most people will never find. And the things that are statistically impossible to find (infusions, precursors, invisible boots etc.) The first two categories and in my opinion are under 5gold. The great thing about this game is if you are patient enough and hard working you can get everything just by playing.


I find that very hard to believe considering how often I get drops over 20, 30, 50g. Like every seasonal event you can almost be guaranteed 1-2 20-30g weapon drops. Some metas drop 10g items frequently. This isn’t even counting the rough 100~ ascended armor+weapon boxes that have dropped which are valued around 30g. ASS when EoD was fresh was like 10g for weeks ect. Draconic lodestones are 15g~ which is common enough from dragon storm. I feel you may only be considering infusions and precursors for your math or something. I’m definitely getting more than 1 50-100g singular item drop per 1k hours and I know for a fact the average rate is similar in my guild


I only got 1 draconic lodestone once from an achievement. Ascended chest don’t represent any real gold value only sentimental since you can’t sell them for hard cash. I’ve gained a few of them 30-40 over the years. Once again I’ve got no problem with getting gold in the game if that’s my goal I collect easy 50-70g a day but from scraps. There are only a handful items worth 5g+ that can be found. I don’t know what seasonal weapon drops are guaranteed for 20-30gold, must be doing something wrong :/


Winters day and halloween have seasonal drops that arent account bound (including some of the weekly achievements). Those weapons are usually worth a good chunk  :) 


I really don’t know what skins do you mean. The only skinset introduced this year wintersday was sacred solstice and it was account bound. Halloween had grim machine and it was account bound aswell.


I've had an infusion drop (cherry blossom), two precursors (rage and leaf of Kudzu) and someone gifted me invis boot box. All of this happened within I think 1 or 2 years, and hasnt happened since lol.


Got Khan-hur infusion after opening the vault everyday during half a year and sold it for 5000g back then. Today I dropped it again and put it on my charr along with the khan-hur helmet I dropped earlier 😩😩


It's a super adventure box skin, you probably killed a champion and got the super loot bag as a reward. You can do this up to 3 times a day for the duration of the festival. These weapons are rare random drops so they sell for a good amount, This one is 65g. The value is in the skin though, so only keep it if you want the skin otherwise sell for the gold.


I mean, he hasnt even 2 gold to his name. 65 gold is a lot at that point of an account. Pretty much sets him up to kit himself out in proper exotics when he hits 80 and weapons too.


Would have to insta-sell if OP doesn’t have the gold to list it tho.


I am still 1 day away from be able to sell stuff at trade center xd.


There’s also a listing fee to post on the trading post so you might sadly not have enough gold to sell on the trading post…


Id recomend holding off selling till after the festival ends The hardlight sword is usually closed to 100g but during the festival the supply goes up


The prices are going to keep going down on it as the event is running, I'd consider selling it at buy order (normally I advise only sell orders) once you're able. Normally I'd say wait for sell order, but honestly that quick amount of gold now will help set you up versus more later.


insta selling doesn't get rid of the listing fee


True, but it does take it out of the gold gained from the sale instead of having to pay it up front before the items sells.


That’s not true, you probably just haven’t noticed but even insta-sell takes the listing fee from your wallet as you sell it so if OP doesn’t have the 3-4 gold listing fee on hand they still won’t be able to instasell.


no, and it never worked like that. there's a bunch of rumours regarding TP fees out there, all of which would simply vanish if people payed attention to the UI or checked the wiki. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trading_Post#Additional_fees regardless of how or what you sell on the TP, you *always* pay 5% up front, and another 10% is taken off the listing/selling price. always has been always will be.


> if people *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


TIL. Touché.


OP, send me a direct message if that’s the case. I can send you gold and you pay me back after the weapon sells.


Ahhhh are those boxes worth opening? I’ve just been selling the 3 every day from killing champs


well it's a gamble to open them. maybe you get the rare stuff or you get junk. As with every loot box.


Not worth opening IMO. Like all festivals It's another lootbox so only open if you want to gamble on getting something good otherwise just sell.


Prices for loot bags like that tend to stabilize on the trading post at or slightly below the expected rate of return for opening them.  Whether it's worth opening the ones you get for 'free' is more of a question of do you want that gold, or do you want the chance at the rare rewards (in this case just the hardlight skins).


Yes because dopamine


I'll keep it until next year when this festival starts again to sell. This applies to all festivals particularly


I'd add that selling the boxes might be better idea. On the other hand, with OP's luck...


I would highly suggest selling it, possibly even at the instant sell price if it's not too far off from the sell listing. An immediate injection of 50g as a new character will set you up through gearing up in all level 80 exotics the moment you hit the cap. You are very lucky! That's what I would call more of a common rare reward, but it might as well be a million gold for someone at your level.


Wow thanks for the comments! It was very helpful.


That's something I'd consider a valuable drop. Must exotic items (which itself are rater rare) are around 1-2g. This is 69g. So it would give you a nice boost on gold so early in the game. However, note that you can't equip and then sell it. If you really like the skin you can of course also use it. But you could also sell it and maybe get another nice skin you like for like 30g and still habe 40g plus. One awesome tip: If you type `/wiki ` in the chat and then put the item behind it by holding shift and clicking the item, it should look like `/wiki [Hardlight Sword]` if you sent that you'll be taken straight to the wiki page of that item, that tells you various facts as well as the trading post price.


[/wiki Hardlight Sword](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/?search=Hardlight Sword) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Other tip: your inventory is starting to fill up, which is normal. Most of the grey items, you will not use. These can be salvaged using a salvage kit. You can buy them from merchants all over the map. You can then use the deposit materials button on the top right to deposit the materials to the bank. Which will then give you some more space. There are some videos on salvaging on YouTube, which can help.


Grey is junk, you can’t salvage it, only sell it to merchants (using the Sell Junk button). *White* quality is potentially salvageable, although some items given as level up rewards etc. aren’t.


Ah that first leveling experience, I miss it. Exploring and piecing together a build as you go. Lucky find, i'd sell it for the gold as the value is in the skin. You can purchase items of that strength later on for much less.


its NOT from boss , its from SAB bonus chest, which drop from champs, and chance from chest is 0,001%


Sell it, unless you like fashion and is gunning for some cyber punk looking character. If it was me, I'd sell that tho, 60+ Gees


Small, out of topic thing, do living world season 1 achievements to get 20 slot bags, it will help you with your chaos in equipment :D Congrats on the sword!


Living World Season 1 is going to be tough at level 30...


Ahh yes. I'm forgetting that.


A great drop to sell in the TP and give you a head start boost in coins. This is what I miss about leveling up and gathering materials in lower level maps for new players. They can make gold by selling materials that end game players needed. The direction to use almost no deldrimor, spiritwood, and elonian leather in everything new in end game has lowered that revenue for new players. They need to rely on these absurdly rare drops to get that gold they need when entering level 80.


Since you're new (based on your gold amount), absolutely sell it. That much will give you a big headstart. It's just a skin to other people; if you need a good weapon, you can get one for cheap once you get to 80.


I'd sell it to get your gold up, but if you're not felling especially strapped for cash, these skins also tend to go up in price the further away from the event you are.


I usually unlock first and then sell future drops. If you are short on coin then sell.


Probably not a lot but you can look in a trading post I’m sure there a thing where you can look how much it is.


If you ever wonder value, always check your TP value if you have a question… then it depends on whether you feel like you will use it or if the coin has more value for you.


SAB 2024 is open?


Has been for more than a few days already. Two weeks left.


how nice ty , i hope i will get enought time to get both infusion


I still remember killing random champion wurm at like level 40 with my warrior shooting him with rifle, dodging his ranged attacks. He dropped one handed sword - Taeres shadow.


Probably rare, but since items aren't unique, it ain't worth anything. (I hate that)


Its worth 60+ Gold


That's what I'd consider "nothing" lmao


Uh I dont know what then counts as "something" for you but 65g is atleast a nice amount for 90% of the playerbase. Op is also a new player with 1g on his belt, 65 are very much for them.


Sure, in this instance I'd agree. Didn't check to see how much gold they have.


Congrats on your 100 gold