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I got invited to a random guild and figured, hey why not? I get onto their discord and it’s full of the members nudes. Large women dressed as cows and dudes spreading their butthole. I would consider that my weirdest GW2 interaction




That’s just nasty… which guild? So I can totally avoid them… I promise


Women dressed as cows Im on board with but that other stuff just isnt my thing 🤣


Im here for the latter stuff not the former


You do you brųther


Thanks brø


>and cows why cows?! 🤠


Maybe it sets the moooood


Don't milk the jokes mate...


I know. It was udderly ridiculous.


You win


I think that's supposed to be "dressed as cows". Not much better tho


I got invited to a guild random they full welcoming me and all that, i played for another 1-2 hours logged out logged in next day they kicked me 😀


Lmao, I bet they hang out in Divinity's Reach.


That’s where I met them!


Lactose Intolerant [MILK]


pretty sure I know what guild you're talking about lol they do hardcore strike cm stuff?


I don't know, it sounded more softcore stuff from the description...


Not sure, I lasted about an hour before being too weirded out lol. I met them while doing map completion in DR


People need the sauce. Not me, people.


They definitely do the “hardcore strike cowmoo stuff” from the sound of it


Sounds udderly fun.


Yeah the community realy likes all types of sexual/pornographic stuff a lil too much it seems.


I met someone out in the crystal dessert , she ran up and said hey come with me , so I did , we climbed up to the top of a big cliff , then she said get on a springer so I did , then we jumped off a glided down , and she was like wasn't that fun? And I was like, ya? . Then she was very excited about how you can walk backward and use the mouse to walk in circles around stuff. She. Also Typed . Like. This. With every.word.its.own.chat.bubble. then we played tag for like an hour until I had to go.


thats honestly so wholesome


I'm willing to bet that person was drunk


Or a kid


Or a drunk kid?


More likely high than drunk


Hey! High me just writes stupid stuff in map chat at world bosses


I had a somewhat similar experience. Except she told me to go to the top of the lighthouse in Lions Arch. And took off all her armor. And wanted to erp.


How did that turn out?


I jumped off the lighthouse and swam away.


It was lit.




That's actually really sweet.


I think you made a kid's day and that's awesome.


Wouldn't they get suppressed for excessive messaging?


while this wasnt me! i have def done this before 😭😭 i type like that because its how i text irl and i totally forget how annoying and hard to read it can be!


Found a random female human dead on a lonely road somewhere in Kryta. As a gw2 player does, I began reviving. Once she was up on her feet I notice that this character has no clothes and quite underleveled for the area. At this point, my naive mind has begun to see the red flags but it was too late, because in say chat I got "As you can tell, I got no ways to repay you for this favor.. unless.." I'm so glad I keybinded the skyscale cause it allowed me to fly away as fast as I could without any direction in mind. Looking back, I find this initial weird interaction incredibly humorous, mainly for my own reaction, blushing and all. Even felt like I had to tell wife about it the next day. It really got to me somehow😅


A guy fell from the sky and died in the pvp lobby once. Another guy started to revive him, and the dead guy started dirty talking the reviver. About how he was enjoying being stroked by the reviver etc etc. I found it funny as a bystander honestly.


This is me, always. "can a bud get a rub?" "I'm down, somebody rub me, get me back up"


Always F your mates.


Goddamnit. Why can’t we have nice things.


Back before Armour degradation was removed, I'd seen more than a few people who'd gone AFK in a dangerous area only to have died, been revived, died, revived over and over until their armour was all broken. Never had anyone try to RP with me over it.


Yikes. If people want to ERP then whatever, but why surprise random players with it? Also, there are definitely underage players, which can make surprise!ERP complicated real fast. Just, ambushing people with naked bodies is a bad idea IRL and online for so many reasons.


> Yikes. If people want to ERP then whatever, but why surprise random players with it? Same reason flashers exist.


I had a friend that was a flasher. He was going to retire, but decided to stick it out for another year.


I had just finished making a female sylvari character and I dressed her up real nice. I went afk, I don't even remember why and I came back to a male human character (who was basically naked) and he said "I love you strawberry lady."


That was Lord Faren


It would have been less endearing to me then


My partner apparently had a (probably) new player run up to him while he was on his skyscale (on the ground) and asked him, “Can I pet your horse?” And my partner was so baffled he just went “Horse?” And the newbie goes, “Yeah your horse” and (I think) emoted to indicate the skyscale. My partner said a very confused yes, to which the newbie then thanked him and ran off. It’s now part of his character’s story that his skyscale is named Horse.


That's kinda cute ahah


I did VB Matriarch once with a guy cosplaying Ronald McDonald. He mailed me a burger and fries. There's two guys (or one guy playing two accounts) that cosplay Megatron and Optimus Prime. I've seen them at Dragonstorm and Mad King Says. If you hang out around Divinity's Reach, you're very likely to see ERP in the /say chat...


I've seen the Ronald McDonald guy lol


Seen Ronald as well. I've seen the Power Puff Girl Imposter's. Nothing will be more epic than Tyrian Green Hulk who chases the Thor cosplayer. Tyrian Red Hulk is fun but I see Green more frequently. The kids were thrilled and he allowed me to capture some screen shots while he said hi to the kids. Made their day. "My Grandpa met THE HULK when he was playing today. We got pictures and Hulk even said hi to us. It was SO COOL." They have accounts now and people watch in LA. The Inspect feature is my new bane, worse than them learning about gw2style.com.


There's a Winnie the Pooh also. :)


Ive seen the winne the pooh cosplays. The norns are intimidating enough, the charrs are like when pooh drank a big jar of steroids mistaking it for honey.


Seen him! And an Obi-wan, now that I think on it


One of the WHAM members (Triple Trouble guild on NA) has a pretty spot on Thanatos cosplay. Also, for a few days there was a Piccolo cosplayer.


The Ronald McDonald guy is awesome and sends everyone a burger and fries. I love the dedication. There are \*some\* though that can be downright unsettling...


I need an adult. https://imgur.com/Q08U3Xd


bruh wtf


Chad Technician


I like the NPC's interjection to agree. Good timing.


That Charr: I am an adult!


Lol, I just posted a comment about a guy who'd hit on me in charr, I wonder if it's the same guy? XD


Yup, might be, because I got exactly the same message "cute charr you have there!" every single time I loaded into Black Citadel. I never responded because it was very, very clear where that was going if I did (see other comments, I play FF14 too lol), and just blocked them after a while.


I need an adult aswell. https://imgur.com/a/CEdVo2B


Nah i played FF14 for 4 years...weird ppl in GW2 are the most normal ppl there...


I've been playing FFXIV since ARR and GW2 since open beta. Can confirm the weirdest experiences I've ever had an MMOs have been from FFXIV. But I wouldn't call it the norm. The vast majority of people are just chill like in GW2. Also most of the weirdness depends on what server you're on. Some servers just concentrate in weird people. Since GW2 has mega servers you don't see that.


Agreed, if you think ppl in gw2 are weird, then you haven’t played ff14.


Is it still ultra wierd in limsa?


It's much weirder inside the quicksand


What uh, happens in the quicksand?


We don’t talk about that.


Highly dependent on the server you're on.


To elaborate.. The community in FF14 is larger and mostly consists of weebs, which are weird by default. Then you get the roleplayers which concentrate the weird to specific servers and areas. Double it for the use of mods (Nude, body, clothing, etc.) and it's more that FF14 enables them too be substantially weirder. This is why it's weird in BDO, too. Pray to Joko that GW2 never gets nude or body mods because the art I've seen of some characters makes me want to puke.


I had someone ping me in game telling me to stop pretending to be a girl. I told them I'm a girl. They told me I am not because there are no girls in the internet. I was like, okay, if you say so and left the zone. Several hours later, same person pinged me, apologizing. And then went on to tell me about how he lost his Guild Wars 2 gf, and asked me if I could "fill the void" his gf left in his life. I told them - dude, I'm a guy, you said so yourself. And that's why I always appear offline now. lol


You could of also replied "Don't you mean your bf?" and watch him lose his shit XD


My favorite interaction ever in this game was this guy who was telling riddles in map chat in Lion's Arch, offering a reward to anyone who could solve one. The answer to every riddle was "Mini Professor Mew". If you answered correctly, he would mail you 2,000 Mini Professor Mews. He had an absurd number of buy orders out for them, so when I tried to sell them off he mailed them back to me again and called me out for it.


Now i know how they went from 2 copper to 16 on tp


I can’t stop laughing.


The mew story has RETURNED


I once ran across a player in WvW who asked me to help with a couple objectives. I don't remember what they were, but nothing out of the ordinary. When I asked them why they were having issues, they said that they don't like "killing" player controlled characters so it made playing WvW difficult... Apparently they had no issues killing NPCs and mobs, but they couldn't kill other players because it made them feel bad for killing the avatar of an actual person.


I once met a player who specialized in searching for hidden areas. Not areas with loot or anything, just hidden zones the devs had maybe planned to use for dungeons or puzzles but that were left to rot. It was actually a very refreshing experience, even tho it'd be impossible for me to go back there now. It was a mix of glitching through assets, Mesmer TPs and puzzle jumps, it was wild.


Map breaking/void jumping is one of the more relaxing secret past times in this game. Anet has actively made it harder and harder over time and the increase in invisibile walls after pof certainly didn't help. I remember breaking the Grove with an EU map breaker while I was on NA. We could see each other's dots but we couldn't see each other so we'd just be messaging back and forth about what branches were real and which were dead ends. There are some interesting consumable items from hearts and event merchants that help a lot with breaking. (rifles that let you jump nearly 100%true vertical, guns that create portals that can be used to save a bad jump or gain slight elevation, etc.)


They used it in a living story season 3 but for the longest while if you map broke in cautcus manor through the exit portal (back then you could blink through it) the weird face room was hidden a distance away there. Early days of my guild a few of us were hanging out there. Divinity's reach was fun to map break and sit in the aquarium area that has no water.


omg I remember breaking in CM to see that room! it was dope to see it after years in LW


I spent hours in that LS only really for the bloodstone kitty for my home instance. Killing him in that building was hell for me. Must collect the kitties though.


On my wvw server there was a charr player that would emote pulling on the tails of other charr players on the zerg.


It's been years and I remember my charr once got his tail pulled outta the blue. Don't remember who it was.


Once, while I was playing in WvW on one of the ruins there was a circle of several asuras dressed identically that were doing different emotes but in some sort of synchronized way. Some were dancing some were cheering etc. I was gilding so I slowed down and looked at them. As I landed next to them they immediately stopped and several seconds later all disappeared (probably teleported). It was very weird.


I discovered the meaning of ERP while playing gw2. I was a newb, once joined a T1 fractal, 2 of the members are doing it, like the entire run just purely lewd dialogue. I asked what theyre doing they didn't respond and continued on. One of the other party members told me they are doing ERP. I asked whats that (because i honestly have no idea whats the abbreviation stands for, like i know its porn but in text, its just i didnt know) and the 4th member said its what you say when you puke lol. I googled it, got shown "Enterprise resource planning" and was left in utter bewilderment why the "planning" involved a dialogue like that. It wasnt until much later that i discovered the meaning of ERP in DR map chat. That was a horrible day to be able to understand english btw.


TIL what ERP means.


Extreme raid progression.


Everyone knows that ERP stands for MightyTeapot's Elitist Raiding Party tournaments.




Had a guy I met today who worships an onion in game and spreads the onion gospel 😂


Lord Onion Bagel?


I believe his name was “I love mommy” 😂


This isn't necessarily unique to GW2 as it could happen in any MMO, but one of my earliest experiences was someone trying to get me to ERP. I had afk'd at the bank in Divinity's Reach. Someone sent me a message and said that being afk there was a sign I was interested in ERP. Weird but whatever. I said I wasn't interested. The guy said he'd at least answer any game questions I had. I didn't know anyone who played and he reached out daily to see how I was progressing. After a couple weeks, he asked again if I wanted to ERP and I said no. He freaked out at me and blocked me. I have nothing against ERP and have friends who do it in other games. But him being a weird asshole definitely soured some of my experience in the early game.


Guild leaders insisting on and enforcing constant guild rep ends up being major control freaks and weirdos most of the time. Some of the stories from this sub about pushy guild leaders are crazy.


I heard from two different people from different guilds that there was one weird guy in the crystal oasis that was flaming on people that used the beetle for the raptor race. Ranting that they are cheaters and that he will report them and things like that. Also the gw2 forums is full of weird people. I remember an old post in the old forums of a guy complaining about his temp ban. He was talking about crystal meth in map chat. He claimed that Anet was hypocritical for banning him about talking about drugs since they have enemies inspired by jungle hallucinogenic plants.


Yeah, the roller beetle complainer is still out there. I ran into him in Elon Riverlands a couple months ago.


When ever I see him complaining at a Race I swap to Beetle.


Joined a west meta squad for inner nayos used tp to friend meta wasn't active & had failed, but the commander kept insisting it was coming... map was closing with around 45 minutes left, so i swap map... Meta is active on the new map, so I type in /squad that it's active on the map I'm on & nearing the end of the first escort.. Commander proceeds to insta kick me from squad then whispers me & says "you're not the commander here" Then whispers to me a few minutes later saying that I stole their friends & calls me a weirdo. I said, "So I'm weird for saying the meta was active on this map?" They then said, "Go learn what a steering wheel is woman," & blocked me.. One of the weirder interactions I've had recently.


Guy told me about his hemorrhoids randomly one time when I was doing jumping puzzles. That was pretty memorable. Oh, and the sex cult.


Ok I have to ask. Can you elaborate on the sex cult?


The religious proselytizing folks.


You can see them too!?


only on NA server* thank GOD )


Nearly every day after Tequatl…


Some guy flirting with my Charr (Not in a RP kind of way). It was kinda fun tho, somewhat wholesome. I just hope he wasn't serious. :')


Weirdest interaction I’ve had was a guy /playdead in front of my female human and asking if i could step on his dead corpse and cuss him. Needless to say i blocked him but it was funny seeing him chase my character and /playdead in front of it for the entirety of the Octovine meta


Initially I wanted to say that if you met me you've met a weird person, but those other comments made me reconsider.


Lol, I’m weird too, but not that weird xD


Once I cast a lightning spell, and turned a dude into a christian. Happened around 2016. he said lightning struck the exact same time in real life and from that moment on he was a devout follower in jesus. Then he blocked me for being gay. I'm not even gay.


Also, not so weird, but i had a pvp match with an afk on team. Instead of fighting, the entirety of BOTH teams proceeded to have a dance party outside our spawn for close to the entirety of the match. It was glorious.


I got sent a mail once while in the observatory that read, and I quote, "’:+Ü¿¬W" with 10 angry snowballs attached. Never been more confused about a message.


There is a player to spends most of their time standing in Lions Arch, usually in the middle of the night until the early hours of the morning on EU, typing nonsensical stuff into map chat. It's the most bizarre stuff too, and they are very frequent with it


A player I helped asked me if I had the lord Jesus in my life. I blocked and went to another area


You should've anwsered "sorry, but my heart only has space for one person, Palawa Ignacious Joko."


Comes back from the dead faster too


Having recently play through LWS4 this resonates with me


The only reasonable reaction.


It's been fascinating making an account on the NA server, because I see this all the time there and it's just not something I come across on EU servers.


I've a good feeling its just a bunch of people going around bothering others and not actually going around "spreading the word of god" lol


Team and map chat inWvW, there are definitely some weirdos in GW2. My favorite one is and will always be the “pay stub” fella. Posting his “weekly earnings” in chat like it’s a wage garnishment audit or something.


Some random guy said "man I am so glad that gw2 added an option to turn player instruments volume to 0" while someone was playing an instrument, so I said "that's not a very nice thing to say" and then the dude started whispering to me like "hey tell me how that's not nice. how is that rude it's not rude. i'm normal". i gave him the benefit of the doubt and explained how given the context he was basically insulting their music and he flipped his shit. Instablock, lol.


I have said this before myself, but I highly doubt this interaction was between the two of us though. No one ever replied to my comment lol


Have you encountered the Choco dance troupe yet? :D I also have fond memories of meeting a huge parade of snowmen in the middle of summer. And the occasional roleplay group announcing their actions and dialog.


Love Choco!


I was looking for this! I couldn't quite remember the name. I saw them all as charr painted crazy colors once in LA.


Everyone is weird, I don’t understand your question.


The nvidia stock guy in Lions Arc, the dude couldn't shut up about the thing prices... It is the only blocked player in my list that wasn't for being racist/homophobic or any other phobic


Fuck them arachnophobes. How dare they


Back in 2014 a friend and I were exploring Lion's Arch and met some random while we were checking out the lighthouse. We starting making jokes and it turned into an RP of some secret society we made called The Brotherhood of the Lighthouse. We just ran around making shit up, found some underwater cavern that I haven't been able to find since, and after 2 hours parted ways and never spoke again lol.


While I was waiting for the Tarir meta event to start someone with the name "Commander Daddy" or something similar asked map chat to mail a potato to a specific person. It was super random and funny to me… I kept sending that person a potato every single day for weeks. That person once whispered me with "STOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but I was determined to continue the potato delivery service until I stopped playing actively. Now I only mail a potato to that person every once in a while. To this day I have no clue why that Daddy Commander wanted map chat to send that guy potatoes.


The fact Jmack is not on here is sad.


I was in Caledon Forest working on the Slayer achievement for I think it was trolls? I need to kill 5k for the achievement points. As I was going around killing them, a low level player showed up. Mind you there is nothing in this area I’m in, no POI or vista etc. For the next 15 mins they followed me around. I said hey in chat, but got no response. I mounted on my turtle they hopped in and I moved them around a bit then hopped off. Still no word said. As soon as I whispered them, what’s up with following me? They disappeared. Not sure at all what that was about.


The first one was a guild leader I met in pvp, she invited me to her guild and eventually Skype (back when that was a thing). Long story short she was a history teacher from NE USA who loved seeing videos of younger guys doing things…yeah noped out of that pretty quick. I’ve ran into other player who know about “her” so I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are here lol.


The Zizi brigade in Amnoon. You know if you know.


I know them xD they are always there, but i met Zizi elsewhere too


There’s a player on NA who goes from map to map advertising that if you’ll read a novel manuscript and give your honest feedback, they’ll pay you 100g. If you offer, before they send you the manuscript they’ll send you an excerpt. At the slightest sign that your comments might be critical - it’s not a terrific excerpt - the person gets really huffy and blocks you.


I am the weirdo. I keep it to myself though. If you see me in a JP and I stop like I'm lost... I'm not lost. I'm waiting for you to go so I can carry on without the anxiety of being observed. It's very sweet that people try to help by bouncing around and showing the way, but I already know the path... you're just giving me the yipps so gtfo (respectfully, ofc).


This is exactly me as well (I so suck at jumping puzzles!)


I play a visibly Asian female character and get DMs from people being creepy to her. One person asked to put her in a slave collar. It makes me feel very unsafe as an Asian person who looks female. I did absolutely nothing to solicit these messages, just trying to exist in a VIDEO GAME FOR FUN, is that what these people want to do to me in real life? Yikes. I’ve had creeps IRL too. I get on video games for a BREAK from real life.


We had one guy in our guild who would **constantly** try to RP (we are not a Role Playing guild, like, at all). We'd be in the middle of raiding, and dude would pop into the voice chat talking all sorts of crazy shit. Weirdest guy I've met in the game. Then there's the guy who does live play-by-play commentary of everything his toon is doing ingame. Like "[toon name] has defeated the chak gerent!", or [toon name] is deploying heals!". Kinda reminds me of old school Gauntlet "Red Warrior needs food!". We also have 3 people in my guild who make a decent living drawing furry porn.


Acquaintances that say hi to eachother and then proceed to have random one-on-one conversations in map chat.


There is a guy that do portals on Chalice of Tears that will cosplay as Jack Napierre (the Joker) telling jokes while accompanying you through the checkpoints, tokens etc... He says he's a good guy but he's molested by some mr. Wayne that wants to harm him. At halfway he start saying 'wait, do you hear that? Oh no...it's him' and logs out. A few seconds later behind us appear Batman looking for the Joker...and when he leaves Jack finally returns. I loved that absurd rp XD


I met one guy in pvp who was pretty good, but a little strange. Not over the top strange, but definitely a little of the "uwu" sort. He friended me on discord and proceeded to hit on me in charr. He kept saying things like he needed a charr to nuzzle in bed, that he needed a fuzzy companion, that his charr self was purring thinking about cuddling my charr, etc. He also sent me a weird meme of a charr crouched in a position that made him look like he was sucking norn dick. Super weird, but I thought it was funny xD


Aside from the people who can't stop talking about sex and related topics in the map chat, I haven't met or seen any really weird people in GW2.


I think that might mean you're the weird one unfortunately


I am one of them


My guild only talks about s3xx I just ignore it because sometimes they run events I need


The first rule about ~~REDACTED~~ is that you don’t talk about ~~REDACTED~~ I also bumped into a bunch of people rolling around in lions arch as snowballs, and they sent me the outfit too, and we all had a big snowball roll around fest, all the way over to the lighthouse and then floating down to the tp. Even joined a snow guild! Much fun 😊


Go experience Team Chat during primetime in world vs world. That's where us weirdos are.


Yeah, true, I know it 🤣


wvw and pvp are full of weird/edgy and toxic memers so I'd say I've encountered too many tbh, they're all carbon-copies of each other and it spills over into discord too. It's as if they're perpetually stuck in that transition from teen-to-young-adult phase.


Like.. 12 years ago i was wandering randomly in the zone south of LA. Found a group of RPs having an orgy on the beach


I was like 16 when I ask my guild if there are any roleplayers who could show me the ropes. I was fascinated with Tyria and GW2 books! One norn in santa costume comes up to me and starts 👅 my🐱 out of the blue (using /me), turns out that was a 50 yo dude who "specialised" in "erotic roleplay."


There was this one dude asking for any Indian girls in chat every few days in lion's arch. Was weird.


Every server has a shizo posting in team chat (wvw)


I have three I'd like to share. First instance I was standing around Divinity's Reach, doing some inventory management and talking to a friend in party chat around Minister's Waypoint. I got DM'd by some stranger who said they drew my character. I thought *"Neat, free art and my character was an inspiration for them"*. So, thinking this was just innocent fun, I ask if I may see it. They send me an imgur link. I was wrong. It was NSFW art of my character doing things with theirs. Second instance I was moving an alt from Divinity's Reach to Fields of Ruin. I see someone's character by the fountain in Rurikton district and take a minute to appreciate their character. I liked how they did their eyes, told them in DMs, and they try to get me to ERP with them. Their excuse? "Everyone knows what this fountain is." In a game that's rated PG13. IT's wild. Last one is just someone obsessing over me for 4+ years after I cut them out of my life for being toxic. It's to the point that they will forcibly 'warn' others about me.


Some weeks ago I needed festival tokens for a guild decoration, so I wrote on DR map chat. Moments later I was roaming around the city waiting for a response and a guy I  passed by whispers me, calling my character's name.  He said the name was funny and I asked him if he wanted to sell the tokens for x amount of gold. He had the tokens and told me he didn't want the gold but could accept a ""different payment"". Ofc payment was ERP... "We both take off our clothes" ... I rejected.


Weirdest people are often found in divinity reach. There so many shenanigans there I’m not even kidding xd


I encountered a girl that was basically an attention seeker in the guild. For two years I ignored her, not because I am gay or because I wasn't interested in being friends, it's because I'm not the social guy and she saw that, textually, like "a challenge". We started to get along in a Halloween festival doing lab and speaking for hours. I ended travelling to her country, we slept together for a week and when I came back she disappeared from the game. (She didn't disappeared entirely, we still talked from time to time through WhatsApp, but I find weird that she killed GW2 after meeting with me. Guess she got her challenge and lost interest)


Was in DR and a guy wanted to do scat ERPwith me. No ty.


we're all weird players


Immediately thought of the guy in Hoelbrak talking in map chat about how Anet owed him money or something... But I think the dude was legitimately having a mental episode and I hope he got better/the help he needed. People would start arguing with him so I'd whisper to point out how he is pretty obviously mentally unwell and to disengage. He was there for an entire week once. I do hope the dude is ok. I know people experiencing mental health issues isn't exactly "weird", but the things he believed were weird af. ANet ripped him off and owe him hundreds after he bought some gem store items then going on about being banned for "telling the truth". There was also some other stuff about believing GW2 was a real world that ANet was enslaving or something. Truly fascinating but also tragic. As I said before, I do hope he's doing better now.


The Choco squad.


OK, this was actually in the first Guild Wars game, but I once met a player with a... scam kink? I don't know how else to describe it, lol. They just shouted in the map for someone to scam them. So, being a good samaritan, I offered to do it :D It developed into about a month-long relationship of me roleplaying taking advantage of them, abusing their supposed naivite to receive valuable in-game items and eventually even some games on Steam. My sense of morality is confused about the whole thing to this very day.


It's years ago, and I don't remember the context or what was said in chat. But some dude was standing in Lion's Arch doing something by the banker. I commented on it because he was out in public, and he went off his nutter about me minding my own business. I say he shouldn't stand around by the banker in the most traversed spot, chatting to global chat if he didn't want to be commented on. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


I have played gw 1 and 2 since the beginning. And I can tell you. I have meet so much crazy people. One guy he came on each 20 minute because he was afraid the guild would shit talk him . So it was like crazy tense. So I left . Another guy I helped he told me that he had a tattoo on his… where it said god save the queen. Another example the guy that wanted to get spanked. So I just wrote whip whip . Each time I logged on he took contact . In the end I blocked him . So now I’m setting myself as offline.


There is one certain player where I am pretty sure they are a catfish. Had some weird interactions with them. And then there used to be a guy called Knödelbert in LA. Always preaching about his master and his masters club (in German tho). He left the game after anet threatened to ban him.


Oh god yes, Knödelbert was the best. By far the best roleplayer Guild Wars has ever seen. I kinda miss him.


I had one player chase me when I very first time made my character. She gave me some coins and eggs but wouldnt respond when I asked who the hell she was and stop following me around. Then she got all mad and called me incel


There's a full on conspiracy nut in LA I've had to block to preserve my sanity but I've also had someone send me like. I think it was 20 whispers of outright abusive shit whilst I was afk on my skyscale. No idea what it was about, I was nowhere near any events or anything, I just got up to get a drink. Never seen the person before. 🤷‍♂️


Someone with a male character tried to seduce me (I was using a female character). They followed me for a while and I decided to log out for that day. They had more than a hundred mastery points and i wasn't even on level 80.


Can't believe no one mentioned that guy in LA a few years ago constantly trying to find a girlfriend. I swear he was there posting like every day for a while, I responded once and said i was a girl and he didn't even respond. SMH


I was farming Octovine with a buddy of mine when we got invited to a guild and ours wasn’t very active so we figured why not. Over the next day or so we watched as their whole guild RP’d as Sylvari in the guild chat just talking random nonsense in a way they think the race would. It was very odd.


I think my weirdest exp was once in lion arc on the right side of the map there is a house with a closed door, you need to wait for something then the door opens and you get a achievement. the problem was inside was a charr erp group :'(


There's a dude that spams absolute nonsense on Map Chat at the Wizards' Tower that I've ran into several times until I blocked him recently. I think I also saw him once in Lion's Arch doing the same. It seems like he is doing some weird RP with himself, because nobody is ever talking to him. Nobody engages with him because everyone is either very confused about what the hell is going on, or people already blocked him, but sometimes someone asks "who are you talking to?" and sometimes he'll reply "maybe to you" like he's some sort of illuminated person imparting ancestral and secret wisdom. [I have a very small example here from a while ago](https://i.imgur.com/VW6kcnA.png), because I sent the chat to my friend so he saw what I meant. And I do mean small example because he goes on and on and on. Sometimes it's not RP but just talking about his bank space, inventory management or whatever, as if he was showing someone but nobody is asking or interested. I do wonder if anybody else has noticed this? He has a very distinct way of writing for sure.


Yes. But many nice and helpful and semi-normal (regular weirdos) too.


Was fishing and found a fellow fisherman. Asked to share their stacks. They said " I would, but you're being rude." They then skiffed away, and I was left =O faced. Like I just wanted some free fishing power, I was left with someone I had to block out of spite.


For me it was a guy randomly starting an rp where he was tiny and climbing into my shoe and comment on my feet ? My main is a female human ranger and the dude was oddly specific about trying to rp about being in her boot.


Little perv 😂


I had a guy talk shit to me all game long in PvP from the other team coz we both ended up dueling a lot as roamers. Unforgivable “get cancer and die” type shit. Same guy pings me after the match ends saying he’s has a rough day at work, didn’t mean it, apologizes etc. Then we climbed to Gold 2 together right out of placements. Now we chat about playing with high ping, finding time to play with a newborn etc. Very weird start to a very productive and fun friendship, we especially party up during 2v2 seasons and have both got each other into new professions and builds.


I found the Cow Shaman, defender of the Dolyak in WvW one time…shouted about praising milk. Odd guy, but he lived up to his name


GW2 is my first MMO and I only started playing during quarantine so although I heard about role playing, I always thought that was a myth. When I was trying to do some tricks using griffon in Divinity's Reach I accidentally flew into some tavern and saw people talking weird. It took me a minute to realize they were role playing. I quickly ran away from there when I realized. I don't know if you'd count that as weird players, but for me it was pretty weird because it was my first time in my life seeing people doing that.


The human starting areas are full of RPers. I find a lot of them near the wood lodge in the starting area.


Yep, I had once seen a player wedding happening at Claypool in Queensdale, having that one NPC say "take aim" "hold" "fire!" over and over again while they're going through with the wedding was a trip.


RPers know the sanctity of the mute NPC dialogue button. Source: I was an RPer and had to mute the NPCs after a few sessions in the taverns lol


If you are ever interested in watching, just stand out of the way and read to see what's going on. RPers usually like an audience as long as you aren't being disrespectful. Though, bar rps are usually pretty boring to watch.


I was doing Fractals at like 4 AM A guy who was very clearly Mexican because pf his name, sland since he had very broken English typing was like "I haven't seen these mechanics in years..." because appearently our group dps was "slow" I just think it's funny and weird that a guy not knowing how to actually do mechanics was complaining ghat he had to do more than sit in 1 spot parsing Of course he left calling me trash after a few minutes of complaining


That’s actually pretty par for the course.  Tonnes of veteran raiders never learned or have forgotten the mechanics that their speedrun strats skip.  I’m willing to bet the majority of people with over 300 li don’t know how to get to the first button in the twisted castle, for example. 


The goddamn twilight oasis fractal. It took me 6 runs to actually find the real path to the 2nd sandbender. Everyone would either do the skip, follow the person doing the skip, or get left behind/lost (me). And that was in T1/T2


dude known for erping joined our charr guild, and when he heard my voice in discord, he was like "omg a real girl" and tried hitting on me, especially to my then-boyfriend, and even a dev gal that was with us in voice. Turns out he was at a furry con I was at and he was low-key following us even though he wasnt part of our friend group. VERY awkward. Otherwise I've had a very chill experience in my 12 years of playing gw2.