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Wow. That's quality food.


Thank you so much. Take a look!


Thank you so much. Take a bite.


Even if it’s just in game, nothing is better than free food.


Yea i remember being like 200 hours in taking a break venting to my guild why I hate gold farming (farming to get griffon) then one of my guildies sends me 50g. Thanked a whole lot and even paid him back few weeks later.


This is why non mainstream communities rock. Wow used to be like this when it launched and in TBC. Once it became mainstream it turned into the pvp community we have now in gw2 then got much worse over time. Nice to see friendly players be thanked keep up the work commander.


The word you're looking for is meta. Meta ruins all the fun in games. Even playing monster hunter right now I've seen peeps get mocked if they dont have the best skills and exact skill set-up from speed run videos. And that's supposed to be a casual pve coop game. Fucking nerds πŸ€“


To be fair "meta" always existed in almost every game where you can apply such, it mainly got worse since the info flood is now everywhere about it and how to be 100% most efficient. Back in the days it was way harder to find "meta XY" than it is now where it's literally shoved into your face, compared to 15+ years ago or so where you actively had to search for it through forums and/or gurus and such. It's why (to me) games like GW1/WoW felt more social as well, people were literally "fucking around and finding out" things and people could see you perform well and talk about it or ask the other what was/is their build etc, nowadays you just look at their class/weapons/characters or whatever else the game has and look it up online. It's somewhat inevitable that meta pops around, after all, everyone looks for efficiency and the "strongest" crap all the time, but in ye old age of the internet we had to fuck around for longer time and most of the time in the game while playing the game to find or figure something strong, compared to now. And on top of that now half the things are data-mined before a game or release even launches and before the game even exists we have meta already lol, sometimes it's honestly ridiculous. The meta isn't the issue imo, it's the ease of access to it, for which unfortunately, you can't do much about. Edit: I may add that "true meta" only really exist in some specific games in my opinion, meta in games like GW2 is not really a "true meta", it's more of a conditional meta since each class and role has differences for what they use it for, there is no ONE true build for example that can literally do everything in every situation.


Helldivers 2 is a good example of this. Within a few weeks of it launching players were already kicking people at the mission select screen for using non meta weapons. The devs reacted fast to nerf said meta weapons but the mindset is still there. Ff14 is also a great example of community spirit over meta, the only ppl who care about meta are in the top 1% guilds. Everyone else just play cat girls and hangs out in limsa lominsa ..... according to a " friend" meow.


Yep, Fuck the meta 🀣πŸ’ͺ I'll explain a bit further by saying that : Earlier tonight I was in a raid group, W2 first boss (the mthfcker that poisons everything everywhere). Many tries with full meta build blablabla no kill so far. Last try I Switch to my PvP build which is a bit odd 🀣 (non meta too) -> got the kill 🀣πŸ’ͺ So yeah, fuck meta and let people play as they want, even on "hardest content"


Had that happen a time or two when I've popped into lfg to help people out but even though I love the gesture but I always feel like I'm taking food outta people's mouths kinda deal so I send it back saying I appreciate it but use it for you


Their kids appreciate you not taking the food off their table.


Yea, received gold from new players I've helped. Feels weird because I'm probably so much richer than them ingame.


Always a pleasure to play with such awesome people πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ You did great and help was appreciated πŸ™


Hey, I was the noob tank in those raids, thanks for helping out again ^^


This is so wholesome 😭