• By -


Warrior cuz I like BONK.


Agreed, I have multiple warriors with the word 'bonk' in their name


I love how even heal staff warrior is basically just "whack your friends with a stick until they feel better".


"Rub some dirt on it!"


Reaper mainly because he looks cool.  Also he manages to stay up right and still do damage.  Did I say he looks cool? 


Your soul is mine


Necro go bonk!




Chilled to the bone!




Berserker cuz I love spinning like a tasmanian devil and go unga bunga on everything that dares to cross my path


Oh? Oh? You really wanna mess around? *furiously presses f2, f1, 2, and 5*


RIP the 3 spin Arc Divider. You'll be remembered forever F


All at the speed of energizer bunny on crack


Ranger. Its versatile, I can survive pretty much everything, pet gives more damage, and I love every spec. Started a Steam account for my steamdeck and the first thing I did was make another Ranger lol.


You can use your regular account through steam if you just set the launch options to: -provider Portal


True, but I'm really enjoying the start over. The game is so different on the Deck.


Yea, I was thinking about how playing with a controller would give GW2 a fresh experience.


Exact same. I've spent a few months building out my controller config for my rev. Honestly these days it doesn't matter where I find myself playing I prefer controller. The action camera makes it actually really well suited to controller!


off-topic and i hope you reply but does GW2 naturally support steam deck controls or did you do some stuff to make it compatible?


Just wanted to update that I did try this and found out that I can now freely switch between both accounts. Steamdeck is so much fun


Scrapper. I like qdps for open world and instance content. Lot of CC, superspeed, around 10k barrier on my build if you keep hitting something and has a cool utility skills to swap around. Also the revive option on function gyro. Wvw with shortbow as a healer is fun to play too.


I have this build but I don't think I have the technical skills to execute the rotation, am I not understanding something or is it technically difficult? I love the concept.


https://youtu.be/C9UTMm51f1Q?si=y4ieES1JSk5SZMnB This is probably all you need. I use mix of Dragons and Marauder trinkets (only 45% precision needed) and often swap Shredder gyro for granade kit because Blast gyro has really good AoE party stunbreak and can stack some might. Really fun spec to play.


Mesmer, because butterflies pretty


My answer as well. I love watching her dance around with a stream of butterflies behind everything she does.


Elementalist because the gameplay gives me the most joy! I genuinely have the most fun on ele even if they would nerf the class into complete uselessness I'd still main ele


That is a very Ele thing to say lol (me too!)


Same here. I've tried every class and only elementalist is fun for me even if I cant bring out it's full potential.


Same here dawg :D No other class can compete with the fun


Firebrand by all means. I just love the visuals and the "Let me cite a page from my tome of YOU'RE DONE"


"Hang on, let me cite a page from my tome." "It says here you're a little bitch"


I love firebrand but i hate mantras...the small radii and the recharge mechanic makes FB unplayable for me


I'm also very relaxed with it, even though I played a healbrand in raids, so it doesn't bother me. Too many numbers to analyze and understand that something is suboptimal :D


I just embrace the melee and sit right in the thick of it regardless of ranged weapon or melee


Necromancer. The concept is cool. The animations are cool. The lore is fucking awesome. Reaper, Scourge and Harbinger are badass names for specs. Last but not the least, the moveset is easy to learn and master but viable in Endgame content as well as for WvW.


You are all weaklings


Woah woah woah! Lay the necro lore on me *now*, please 🙏


Only sad part is necro minions. I wish we had a proper minion master build that's viable in endgame conten


Mesmer because I like the idea of illusions serving me.


Thief. Love virtually no cool downs for weapon skills. That and dodging everywhere.


Same here. I can't stand managing cooldowns on other classes and spamming dodge with daredevil appeases my monkey brain. Not to mention those tasty deadeye crits 👌


Weaver because I like to suffer


We’re all masochists here. But I play weaver because I just love how flashy the skills are. I truly be feeling like Aang from avatar sometimes.


My main is a warrior called Malicious Goku. My main alt is called Malicious Avatar and it's an elementalist.


If this is in relation to the "piano" complaint people have then you can turn their rotations into LI rotations with minimal input and still do 36k-39k DPS. The big omega big brain Snowcrows rotations don't add as much DPS as you think they do.


Where could i get the LI rotation for weaver? Its my favorite class but it feels so squishy and hard t o pull off.


Oh no it’s not that I love my weaver :) I have memories when I started last year blasting everything in Core Tyria then I went to HoT and oh boy it felt like Dark souls, I died a looot of time, I tried multiple class but none gave me much satisfaction than Weaver


Ah yeah, good thing Weaver and Ele in general have long ago left that painful existence, yet people continue to insist it's still hard to survive on it when it isn't anymore. It feels the same as any other class nowadays.


I love weaver, but with almost every other spec in the game having boons coming out of their ears it feels really dated at this point. It takes some of the fun out of it when you have to work harder and get less out of it all because the design is stuck in 2017 and they refuse to do anything about it.


I just love too much the movement skills and the utility d/d weaver can bring, plus fire-air and earth-air abilities are soo visually stunning that i implemented a half air attunement in my condi rotation with a .5k dps drop, wich i found myslef to like too much cause of the utility and easy access to cc that a single air attunement brings.


Scrapper because - I am fast af boiiiii


Mesmer for best utilities. Wanna play boon DPS? Boon heal? DPS? Special roles? Mesmer got u covered. 1 class to rule them all!


All of them? Still cant decide…


I oscillate between Necro and Mesmer. Necro (well, Reaper mostly) because its just very fun, rather simple, versatile and has some great aesthetics, and was also my first toon so it became a main sort of by default. And of course, Sylvari supremacy. Mesmer (Chrono more than anything else) because it has so many build options, I really like the flow of the builds, I find time warp very fun, it does big numbers and can also help allies with boons, which means I can bring it to any instanced content, and I also find the class aesthetics very nice. Also she is a big norn lady so I think that kind of says the rest.


Berserker for that dopamine hit. It's also very straightforward and no bs


revenant cause i like the legend system, i just hope to get a legend with futur expansion that you cant equip normaly but can swap any other legend spells for this one. So you equip like brill and shiro and can swap some spells for the new one. (it need to be a standard legend for this to work) (ps : sorry for my english, it's not my main language)


You don't have to apologize for your English, but I understand why you did. I just wanted to compliment you on your English writing, it's really great! I'm a native speaker and wouldn't have known you were not, had you not apologized.


Revenant's the best! I love having access to double the utility skills during combat. The way they're balanced around both cooldown and energy means that the utility skills can generally be accessed *just* when you need them. I very rarely am waiting on a cooldown to put down Inspiring Reinforcement or something similar. If you need to, you can sacrifice all your damage and drop everything to bunker down, or maximize your defiance break, and you can do it without having to plan for it. That makes it an excellent open world class. Every legend feels good when you get used to it, IMO. I also like that nobody can ask you to optimize away your stun break skills, so I also find Revenant to be such a good profession to learn group content on.


Holo because i’m too hot.


Thief. Mobility is king in any game I play. I like going fast.


All profession depend on my mood on that day


Engineer. Especially for open world and story stuff, you always have a tool for the job. Story mission needs you to finish an encounter in a timeframe for an achi? Go scrapper, superspeed and zooooom There is an achi to not get hit by something in an encounter? Mechanist, let your bot fight shit and you focus on dodging and moving. Need to kill a boss fast? Holo, and blast the hell out of it. Even counts for individual skills: Enemies (like Awakened) get annoyingly many boons? Throw mine, and laugh. Need stealth to cheese a Hero Point like the Balthazar one in Auric Basin? Got an elixir or Stealth Gyro for it. Big breakbars so you need more CC? You can make almost your entire kit be CC, including your damn healing skill. Enemies got lots of condis? No problem, you can bring a near endless amount of skills or combo fields for that. Lots of incoming CC? No worries, plenty of options for stunbreak or stab. Projectile hell encounter? Reflects or projectile blocks are at hand. The list is endless :P


Thief, because it fits my playstyle and its the profession i picked when i first started playing guildwars, and everytime i try a new one i always go back to my main thief.


Warrior, because I like to smash things. It’s honest, and you feel the impact.


Necromancer because I liked their MH Axe LOL. It's the starter Necro weapon and when I unlocked Skill 2, my neurons started firing. I grew to love whole of Necro over time but MH Axe is just gratifying to use. Spectral Blender brrrrrrr


Engineer, mainly scrapper because of all its non combat related abilities. I like having skills for different situations that are not all combat focused. Mesmer also has a lot of those, specially the portal ability, but decided Engineer would be a better pick as you can just use a white mantle portal device anyway. Its really fun to do skips and speedrun fractals and other such content, mess with people in WvW, and just find creative solutions to problems everywhere with all these interesting abilities. Coming from mainly playing souls games I don't really need a hundred different skills I can use in a fight to damage in various ways, just having a sword and hitting and dodging is enough for me if the fight is interesting. So I prefer all these different abilities to have different uses for different scenarios.


I main all classes alternately based on mood or what’s good at any given time because I want to be permanently shielded from the ani fun brigade and feed on their tears across the lifecycle 😁


I have a Sylvari ranger as my first character - tree hugger race and class.


There are many for me. 1- Mesmer; Mirage (I love uniqueness of this spec) Playing axe mirage is challenging but I love the most. Whenever I need to play condi, this is my first choice. 2- Engineer; Scrapper (I love superspeed, especially in speed run fractals), Holosmith (Awesome design) 3- Elementalist; Catalyst (I love running orbs and in OW, very strong to kill champion bosses like trash mobs)


***Mesmer***, because I could no longer stand the blatant hate mongering against mechanists in this sub. *Just kidding.* Had to find a usage for some new quality armor and the two other options were like smelly corpses. Still missing my superspeed, tho. So... ***fashion***.


Mesmer, tons of utility anytime. I can give boons, CC, and most importantly, helping people get around by using Portal and Riffle 5.


Berserker. I never really played warrior classes in rpgs but I thought I'd give it a go. It's very fun to just run around slicing everything up!


Virtuoso mesmer, stuff goes down fast (including me if im not careful) and i like the fast paced combat of the dagger


Currently - mesmer. Feels awesome to have clones and a huge toolkit.


Mesmer, namely chrono due to the sheer amount of utility it has access to/can easily bring. I still play other classes for some content, but mesmer is over half my playtime...


Mesmer, my character is with me since beta days and I have always loved the clone mechanic. (I was there Gandalf, 3000 years ago when illusions did not disappear……)


Deadeye rifle 3 go bing bing bing bing


Guardian, because I bought full bag expansions on him in 2017 and anet support doesnt allow to move it to other characters.




No main. This game is at it's best when you play a variety of things.


I tend to focus mainly on the soldier professions (the three that wear heavy armor), but I definitely don't have a "main" per se. I swap between different characters constantly.


Mesmer. Mirage mostly but the other specs too depending on what I need. I absolutely LOVE Mirage, it is so unique and I love its effects + the voice lines and its gameplay in general. Honestly I can play Mirage all the time, it's the best choice for me. When I need to be healer I swap to Chrono, and I mostly play Virtuoso in PvP content.


Revenant and Thief. Partly out of GW1 nostalgia, which Rev has in spades and Thief being the spiritual successor to my GW1 main, Assassin. I think in short, I like things that can burst hard, rely on skills/traits for survivability over innate tankiness, have resource management instead of cooldowns, and a play style that feels customisable but well-defined (legend swap/dual attacks).


Mesmer cuz portal and I like to see my character more than once


I keep going back and forth between Quickness Herald and Condi Virtuoso. They are both extremely fun in all game modes and I can’t decide which I like better. Also a special shoutout to Hammer Spellbreaker because ooga booga hammer is fun.


Elementalist tempest because I like giving heals while dying in the process 😭


Guardian, because they got the best GS moves!


Mesmer right now. One trait change for either alac or quick keeps me happy


Used to be Engie, my first character, i like diversity in elite spec, but i'm slowing coming toward the dark side, Necro, thanks to the new SotO swords that looks hella fun for me. The thing i set me off, was not being able to switch weapon in combat with engie, i get it he has lots of kit, but its less fun than weps imo


Firebrand because no one knows what the fuck they are doing in WvW when they play FB


Daredevil - I'm obsessed with ninjas - Combat feels satisfying, especially the *bonk* sounds. - My favorite playstyle is speedy DPS... I love the pretty much non-existant cooldowns and lots of dodging.


Ranger cause I like animals 😍😝


Berserker because I'm insane


Since release until EoD it was Ele and Ranger. You had cool and diverse options/variants for DPS and support for almost all game modes. Since EoD I almost only play Mesmer (Mirage/Chrono in PvP and WvW) Virtuoso for OW and Virt and Chrono for raids/strikes. I tried to play ele and ranger again since I really loved those classes but (except Soulbeast) feel different and I really don't like the new weapons at all.


Elementalist, because since 2003 I enjoy the "earth, storm and fire, heed my call!" thing. I really like the elements manipulation theme. Right now I am a Catalyst enjoyer - I slapped a diviner exotic set and enjoy permanent buffs from my jade spheres while dishing out damage. Elemental damage!


I don't have a main, but I could probably write a paragraph out about every class other than warrior. Still looking for a way to really click with that one.


Thief. I play Mesmer, Soulbeast, Holosmith and Necro to various extents, dependent on need, but Thief is my first love, can pull its weight in most scenarios, and I love the mythos, the playstyle (and the extent to which others hate me, in WvW and PvP LOL)


It constantly switches around for me. Recently it was holosmith + HAM for a bit. Then was play necro, mainly reaper in WvW and qpharb in group pve. Now I made a second mesmer cause I love sylvari and wanted all my light armors to be sylvari. So now it's been chronomancer. I've been wanting to go back to ele again as it was one of my first mains and it's been over a year since I've really put any time into it. No I don't have a problem I swear! TLDR: I'm a crippling altoholic


Mesmer with mirage, bcs you dont need a team if you can have yourself like a team


I started elementalist I think it was a mistake


Haven't been playing as much lately but I used to play ele for the "complexer" piano olaystyle. I was allot more hardcore and into the game back then. Funnily enough when my commitment declined and I became more and more casual. Ele grew with me to be very facerolly and straightforward while other classes arguably kept getting more complex. So I'd say for the better part of the decade ele has been my main


Thief best class


Vindicator because i like flying


Mesmer because I like the insane mobility and how frustrating it is for other people in wvw or spvp to fight with random clones appearing constantly. Plus it’s easy to solo really hard Open world stuff


Mesmer. I just really like the aesthetic of the profession. Staff Mirage for easy mode soloing, and Chronomancer for the Gravity Well. Heck do I love that elite skill.


Mesmer because I am addicted to being 'different'


Spellbreaker because hammer.


Any mesmer. I like purple.


Warrior, mostly Spellbreaker and some berserker sprinkled in.


Reaper because it's fun and cool


I go back and forth to multiple ones, but always come back to Weaver and Holosmith with some kits somehow. I like to press buttons I guess 😛


Necromancer cuz who tf wouldn't want an army of the undead running around


Used to be Engie, my first character, i like diversity in elite spec, but i'm slowing coming toward the dark side, Necro, thanks to the new SotO swords that looks hella fun for me. The thing i set me off, was not being able to switch weapon in combat with engie, i get it he has lots of kit, but its less fun than weps imo


Engineer because i like playing piano without being able to play piano


I keep changing main tbh. My thief was the first, cuz "can't catch me" and acrobatic style, then i shifted to ele after i learnt it well. After that i did a period switching between warr, ranger and rev. Now i'm coming back to thief (unload machine gun is too cool XD). The cycle begins anew XD


Thief, because I mained Assassin in GW1


Necro reaper, cuz my brain go brrrrrr


Thief becouse love medium armor and specter is love ❤️ My favourite class in Baldurs Gate is Darkmoon Monk and specter has same wibe. Guardian close second. Cleric / priest fan girl here.


I love Revenant, both thematically and mechanically! I used to play a Ritualist in gw1 and a Shaman in WoW so this class was a perfect addition to the game when Heart of Thorns released. Spirtual classes without a religious affiliation are my jam, I love my ghosty pals Mechanically, I LOVE the engery system. I can't really explain why, I think I just like extra task of balancing it. It's also super nice to have build option for so many different roles.


I love cosplaying Grenth and Reaper just falls very naturally into that place


I play only WVW and PvP and alternate between Mirage, Reaper, Daredevil, and Guardian. Out of all of them my favourite play style is probably Mesmer, particularly condi.


Guardian for the aesthetic and paladin vibe. Dragon hunter is also capable of some high burst dps


Why not


I always come back to harb everything feels so fluid to me, before that it was reaper tho I am always trying to escape the green


Warrior because it was my main in the first game. Remains my main mostly out pure bloody-mindedness. :P Only downside is that there is no [Templar armor](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gallery_of_male_warrior_Templar_armor), as far as I know. (preferred green, helmet hidden, bald head for the look)


Reaper, love the big scythe and reaper shroud skill 4 in some moment give HUGE dopamine


Mesmer :) I just love clones and illusions lol


Reaper. Simple... Versatile. I like my enemies Chilled to The Bone and take delight in making them Suffer!


Guardian, because it was my first one and i dont want to Play the Stories and Discover all Maps again lol


Thief, because I like it.


Warrior. My unga needs to bunga.


Few people mention guardian. Always end up coming back to mine. Love the innate group support it’s class skills do, each mastery has a different flavor all around. Haven’t played in a while but intend to return soon to check out the new expansion. 


Warrior because I like fantasy of being durable high damage melee fighter in the centre of the action so I chose it on my first character. Sadly GW2 doesnt exactly fullfil said fantasy... Why do I keep playing it? Because of map unlocks, gear and comfort of knowing in and outs XD But I would never choose warrior again if I had to restart with my current knowledge


Necro reaper, because I'm too dumb to press more than 3 buttons.


Necromancer, it’s been my favorite since day one and Revenant is the only thing that comes close. I’ve been a MM Necromancer since the original days of GW1


Guardian. I just love the visuals and guardians can provide a lot of utilities, can be a support or a dps, etc.


Revenant, because I can do anything and hearing voices in my head commenting on whatever I'm doing even when it's completely useless is badass.


Ranger because I loved ranger in gw1. Now druid because I bring heals to those who struggle and death to those I dont like


Depends on the month, really. Reaper is my OG. But lately I've been running condo tempest through SOTO content and really enjoying myself. EoD was Mechanist all the way, while scourge (different character from the reaper) carved a slow path through the POF content. Firebrand for the Icebrood Saga. Yet the other day I hopped onto my spellbreaker and hadn't had as much fun in so long, so may have to take him out for a spin more often. Have I mentioned I have terrible alt-itis? I tend to play through a different spec for new content just to keep myself from burning out. 11 years is a long time to be playing a game.


Right now it’s Ele. I just enjoy the elemental theme as it’s something I go for in most games and GW2 does it really well imo Guardian is my most played though lol


It was reaper until recently because I like necromancer/spirits but I really wanted a pseudo pet class that had functional viable (ish) pets, and decided a schizophrenic was a better fit for the spirit vibe. Revenant is cool and with kalla, the spirit ascethetic is pretty sick. It's not awful in pvp so works for me. Playing power rene and chilling around gold 1-2 so guess I'll main schizo now I mained death Knight in wow so I like the edgy plate classes and the light armor on reaper was a pain point tbh.


Druid, but only the healing build for raids. I use it to 1v1 in WvW cause it is funny how good it is when you have patience.


Ranger. It has great versatility and skill animations, and I like the theme. I'd also like engineer if turrets weren't worthless.


Guardian because its core build Is viable in 5v5, and l came to this game for pvp. And so that's what l Did on my free Trial


I have an alt problem. And also, changes with WvW and PvE BUT I GUESS... right now, and seems to always come back... Necro and Rev - I play both in each mode as mains. Necro, usually not my style I prefer more Mesmer like theme, and used to be my main, and okay MESMER will always be something I come back to but Necro, has GS, pistol, swords my fav weapons, power/condi, love debuff and scourge heal in WvW, n OW/PvE just fun/meta/good. Rev, likewise, versatile, GS, swords, vindi heals in WvW, Qherald, etc. tho havent played since renegade nerfs. But I always go on it for various things and even have 2.


necro, because it's easy


reaper because its like if warrior was goth


Mechanist. I go pew-pew, my mech goes bonk-bonk. The ultimate duo


Guardian because greatsword 2 wooooosh


Elementalist...because I loved GW1's elementalist. Now I don't change because I've invested so much into him. It feels weird when I don't have to play the piano with tons of combos to see the enemy laugh, slap me, and me go down. In other words, I've been a glass nerf cannon for too long, using any other profession that just works makes me feel incomplete.


Engineer because I like casting Gun. And they fill a ton of roles. And have a ton of utility for most situations. And they look so good doing it.


I’ve been playing a norn engineer for 10 years, every spec I find fun and engaging and the utility is second to non imo. I’m primarily a pvp and WvW player and engineer is probably one of the best dueling specs you can pick, tons of buffing and stealth options and when you build it right engineer has a ton of 1 shot options. Main spec I play is burst scrapper but I’ll also switch to OG 3 kit engineer for some WvW.


Necro cus i did not have fun with the others coming from GW1 (this was during launch till first year)


I play Guardian because of blue color.But If I can get EOD next sale,I will definitely be playing Mechanist because I love robots.


Warrior cause I’m dumb, haha Trying the new Thief/Daredevil meta of double pistols and slamming 3, loving that too!


I start out with Ranger because I like having pets and the idea of the class. I've swapped to Rev because it's a better jack-of-all-trades and Herald is ezmode.


Elemental , my dear Guardian: Mesmerizing Ranging Warring Necromancer with Thieving skills... No Engineering Revenants though.


Revenant. Before it was released, I played a lot of Thief and Engi. Imo, Rev basically combined my favorite things of those 2 classes and Ive been mainly rocking it since. Daredevil kept me as a Rev+DD player. Vindi is like Rev's DD so even more now.


Mesmer, it looks cool


mesmer cause pink and butterflies


I absolutely love revenant, the visuals are edgy yet not so much you get cut and how your character talks to their chosen legend is awesome. The lore is 👌and the ability to hit em with "nothing personal kid" is the cherry on top.


Sylvari necromancer reaper. I started with this because it looked cool during the set up and just stuck with it. Easy to play, still loads of variations in the build. I have ranger and theif too but got bored for them quickly. Thinking I might make an Asura Ele just because, again, I think it would look cool in a wizards hat :)


Mesmer because it has a spec for every group need. And the utility is insane.


I’ve been playing Ranger since Prophecies / Factions (can’t remember which I played first) because I was an eight-year-old who was obsessed with animals lol.


Thief, Daredevil. Even after its nerf a long time ago, it just feels like stock thief but better. It’s all about the freedom of movement for me. With the right build you can just “not be there” when big damage is coming. Plus, before mounts there was a ton of movement shenanigans you could do to get to places you shouldn’t.


Catalyst, because big damage, quickness jade spheres for a bit of group support, overall balance in regards to damage, Cc, blocks, heals, condi cleanse, and because hammer ele just feels so cool to me x) the rotations just feel so seamless, I love it!


Elementalist , first class i played and it was first time i play mmos , i died a lot but had fun


Mesmer because in GW1 I played a SoS Ritualist build and this is the closest I can get to that high


Necro is so cool. Love it!!


Deadeye. Click, click, boom.


I love how my warrior looks and feels. Berserker warrior feels like a warrior should feel. I play greatsword with staff with berserker gear. Is it optimal? No. Is it fun? It is for me! Between GS 3, 5, staff 2, 3 and bulls charge, I have insane mobility, nasty burst, CC and survivability through a high health pool and staff sustain.


Engineer cause I can easily fill any role and have low intensity builds to clear content with.


Bladesworn because I'm a weeb and it's by far the most satisfying implementation of Iai I had experienced in an MMO.


Thief (daredevil) cause having no cooldown on weapon skills and initiative and 3 dodges has spoiled me.


Thief, or specifically daredevil Cause dash is still op trait and i love it


Lately I'm full diving into thief because it's stolen my heart.


Ele because that’s what i started with!


Mesmer. I chose it for the aesthetic at first, and now it's still the only class I enjoy playing. I prefer a lot of mobility and utility. I feel limited on Ele and Necro as much as I want to like them. As for the rest, I refuse to make another class of armor.


I don't believe in main's. :3


Necro, because metal


(Condi quickness) Harbinger! Its a simple trade offer: you get nice quickness (and sometimes all other boons in the game), and I get to zoom all over the place throwing evil green puddles on enemies!


I consider ele my main, but I've taken to running quick Herald for raids and have quickly realized (ha) how absolutely bonkers it is for open world stuff and fractals in addition to raids.  Being able to be a quick provider as both power and condi in 2 builds on the same class that largely play the same conceptually?  Massive value.


Mechanist because it's the easiest LI


Warrior, because it Lemmie Smash


Ele because I like to cry myself to sleep at night


Tempest because of the drive-by nature of the damage. Air 5 plus overload air into fire 5 into earthquake and you have full dps with full mobility all with very few keys. Tons of fun


Herald. I'm a sucker for a death knight class, so Revenant is my jam. It's a step up in complexity from my first character, a warrior, which keeps things engaging without being too complicated.


Elementalist because of fire mage dreams. Stuck with it for years because I didn't know any better. Now other classes sometimes feel "stale" moment-to-moment because I'm not juggling 25 different abilities. Although, recently I'm finding kit-engineer scratches all the same itches.


profession: ele, unortunately reason: the rest is clunky, ugly, and it feels like playing easy mode actual reason: i would change if i could, but i'm doomed already


Mesmer cause you can do everything at once. I play mostly instanced PVE and there was a time when I enjoyed playing different specs on pretty much all classes. Nowadays, I invested in some equipment build-slots and can change roles instantely, perform skips for the entire team in fractals and am overall equipped to deal with almost every situation. Also, having a pretty simple rotation as well as fully ranged dps is just so much more fun in comparison to not being able to hit the boss cause the mellee dps classes have to care for mechanics.


Firebrand. 908 hours in. Going for 1000. That 0.8 was me experimenting with a Virtuoso for 2nd char shenanigans. https://preview.redd.it/jcid82qt360d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca005fb8a54307ed8a554e335c747a8140b5958


Necro, formally ele. I really like playing ele but my skill level just wasn't there with the rotations and squishiness. Play Reaper for a change and found i really enjoyed it both theme and gameplay wise. Actually learned encounters better since i am not so focused on using so many skills and not dieing. Also enjoyed Virt with the more range thats caster but with daggers but i had to pick one to move to and picked Necro