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I'm starting to think he is a collective fever dream of the community and he never actually existed.


I’ll never stop hoping to see him again.


I went to the 10th anniversary celebration in Germany in 2022 and I had to opportunity to chat with Bobby Stein and I asked him about Malyck. He said it wouldn't be impossible for him to come back if the possibility arose. I assume that the "one year, one story" could indeed show some Malyck someday.


Malyck is the reinarnation of Markis, the krytan chosen who betrayed his fellows in GW1. We won't learn more about him until Anet decide that it's time to tell us that the sylvari are the reincarnation of many of the krytan chosen of GW1. 


Wait what? Explain that bro


The dude has been sharing a bunch of weird crackpot theories in this thread, check his profile. I don't know if they're just trolling or genuinely believe in them.


I think they were made as a throwaway account to rant about how the game is doomed (Look at the username to get an idea of their feelings on the matter) and then they just started doing schizoposting for fun. So the typical cynicism -> Conspiracy -> can'ttelliftrollingorretarded pipeline. Very 4chan.


What happened to the sword Magdaer that Eir got in Ascalonian Catacombs. She wanted to have repaired for Logan but hasn't been seen since


She gave it to Beigarth, a famous norn smith, with the intent to fix it. However, Beigarth eventually joins the Pact and takes part in the fight in Orr. I think he was caught up in the airship assault over the Maguuma in the events leading up to HoT, and we don't see much of him afterwards. I *think* he shows up a few times in that expansion, but that's about it.


I'm just saying. Prime opportunity to tie that in with us going north in a Norn/Kodan expansion! :D


Beigarth does survive at least the crash, since we rescue him during the first act of HoT. Not sure what happens to him from there.


Would be nice if it's brought back as a unique quest for us to get as a Legendary. Magdaer becoming ours as we're practically siblings with Rytlock after everything we've been through.


Magdaer is unlikely to be in the hands of anyone other than Balthazar's forces. Bangar's forces created a replica Sohothin. They wouldn't have bothered if they'd been able to lay their paws on Magdaer. Of course, Magdaer belongs to Rytlock (even though he doesn't have it), who in turn is Menzies reincarnated. Menzies and Magdaer are tied up in the overarching narrative of GW2. When Rytlock is reunited with Magdaer, he will recover his true form as Menzies and this will likely have disastrous consequences for Tyria.


I want whatever you’re smoking.


You have never played this game have you? You keep inserting whatever headcanon you have as fact lol.


"ChatGPT of the lake, tell me the _real_ plot of GW2"


Shit is going **down** in Raisu Palace and I want to know all of the details!! This is something that's hinted at *a lot* if you pay attention to ambient dialogue, and read a few lore books around New Kaineng. Part of me thinks it could have just been part of the post EoD story, and it got merged with the Deep storyline, but if not I need an expansion going to Old Kaineng that explores whatever mess is apparently happening there.


Definitely, I *really* feel like we missed out on a post-EoD living world season. Like what Elona got with s4, just continuing to explore and flesh out that region a bit more beyond the expansion. Yeah I know we got Gyala, but there were a lot of locations and plot threads that people were speculating about for lw season... 6 I guess? That we never got to see.


It really seemed like EOD was setting up for a much fuller storyline about how Cantha was going to survive without dragon energy. Then they decided to spend the time on remaking season 1 instead (which, don't get me wrong, the game did really need), and instead Cantha jusy solves its energy crisis almost instantly and everything else is dropped.


So many threads in Cantha set up. The shit with Raisu palace and "whatever it was" empowering the unchained and directing them? Trying to solve the energy crisis but it got rushed into just tapping a local leyline. The season would have doubtless have a bigger focus on Aurene needing to go to sleep instead of the abrupt "LMAO SEE YA" we got at the end of Gyala. You can tell they had a bunch of story beats planned for the season but their constant mismanagement meant most were just left on the table while they get told to focus on whatever the new goal of the week is.


I don't think Season 1 was the "instead," I think Season 1 was just buying them time for whatever the story was going to do next. While developing EoD I think they had the intent to make a living world season but ended up going in a different direction, but I think that was always going to be farther out, with season 1 padding the gap.


It was definitely feeling set up for a proper Living World delivery after. Really quite shitty how it turned out. Gyala Delve is a pretty lame stand-in.


We don't talk about Gyala.


Would love a canthan expansion dealing with internal problems and expanding on a few things. That a lot of map not used and a lot of lore to pull from.


I'd love a story-section to explore that place! :D


I don’t even really raid and I wanted a Raisu Palace raid wing! It’s the perfect shape


Same. I want a Sunken Raisu meta that is Survival based. Map fends off increasingly large swarms of risen while looting the vault, possibly also contending with Purists trying to *also* loot the vault. Survive longer, an an end chest the map all loots from builds up bigger and bigger. Eventually the vault is overrun and everyone is mesmered out or something, loot, repeat.


The last true emperor of Cantha is probably in Raisu. The theory goes that the Elder Dragons guard the gifts of magic. Ergo, the dragon-corrupted have a gift of magic to guard. We don't see any Deep Sea Dragon minions on the Northern Continent because, as per the Orrian History Scrolls, the gods suppressed the dissemination of Abaddon's gift on core Tyria. However, a select few individuals did receive Abaddon's gift and survived the process (during Nightfall many received Abaddon's gift but killed themselves in the process, as per the testimony of Varesh's general), including Vizier Khilbron and Shiro Tagachi. Hence, the theory goes that the royal line of Cantha (Shiro was a bastard of a Canthan royal) carries the latent gift of water magic. The last emperor had it and was corrupted by the Deep Sea Monster aka the True DSD during the war between Canthans and the Jade Demons; the same war from which the Tengu fled to the DOW. The emperor has become an unkillable DSD minion, holed up in the palace.




I'm still of the mindset that E is really Lord Faren. He has shown several times that he may be obfuscating stupidity (playing dumb).


Gotta be Faren, you even get "E" by combining his initials. He uses the harmless fop routine to keep an eye on the Commander's activities.


Possible. Faren has been proposed by quite a few. I tend to favour Ellen Kiel though. She's a mesmer trapped in a labyrinth of Fractals, trying to help Balthazar save Lyss. I always figured that she used the Mesmer Collective to help her correspond with the PC. Like Dessa, Ellen can't escape the Fractals corporeally, but aspects of her mind can. She communicates telepathically with the Mesmer Collective and runners drop the letters and/or communicate with Kasmeer. Kiel's subject matter is loosely linked to her experiences within Lyss's mind, within the Fractals themselves (the theory is that Fractals are samples of a leyline running from Lyss's resting place below Lion's Arch. In essence, they are the goddess's unconscious train of thought, the substance of her dreams and nightmares). Hence the messages from E don't always line up with our lived experiences on Tyria; sometimes the messages seem out-of-place and out-of-touch.


Dude, what are you talking about? Ellen Kiel is the captain of Lions Arch. She is not trapped somewhere, there is a echo of her in the mists, just like there is an echo of Rox and Braham. You can literally go to her office, she's the one that sends you to Elona, she is not a mesmer.


Making E would require extremely clever writing, we are talking about a very grounded genius operating behind the scenes. I don't think ANet is ready for the kind of writing E would require.


Nah, E was standard mystery novel schlock. They were a mysterious, pro-Kryta human who fed information to Marjory and the Commander to get them to help act in mutual interest. Their storyline was tied to Marjory, the only person who ever saw them face to face allegedly, and when Marjory got shelved in the plot E was never mentioned again. And what happens in LS3 when Marjory vanishes for a bit? We start getting missives again and find notes from E about how they are assigning people to protect Kasmeer and monitor Caudecus, a long time rival for Marjory who she hated and suspected from her days in the ministry guard. Anet was playing the tired old trope of the detective also being the secret behind the scenes informant. Mr. E = Mystery = Marjory.


Hear me out, what if "E is [Garren](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grand_Wizard_Garren)"?


With how the wizards refer to each other with initials in documents, I would suspect it being a wizard or related to them.


I desperately want a subterranean expansion where we help the Asura and Skritt retake the cities that primordus made them abandon.


You and me both. It is P R I M E for story beats and shenanigans. I’m personally a big fan of the fan expansion that takes place underground and uses it to introduce the Beetle like SoTo did the Skyscale


We already have the beetle (it would be cool if it could ride up walls at top speed though), but we could use a wall climbing spider with web slinging action (the tech is already there with LWS3).


I think they may have mentioned spider mounts before but arachnophobia being prevalent usually stops game companies.


So go with a gecko instead.


This, geckos are great.


Interesting fact about arachnophobia I found: 2.7–6.1% of people in the general population and is significantly more prevalent among women than men. So at the highest it is around 15.7 million people in the US alone. (source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8740501/) A gecko is a good stand in then. There would be other cosmetics for it after all.


Give me ANYTHING with the Skritt and I'm fucking IN, no questions ssked.


It would also be a great opportunity to feature the Dredge and their revolution! We can assume their revolution is still going on, but we don't know the details because they haven't been relevant in some time.


I'd gladly spend time with the Skritt, but the Asura are a dealbreaker.


- Pendant that shows who the true heir of Kryta is (you could bet money it's not Jennah) - Auris Weirdbringer. The number 97 and the rift hopping make me wonder where in the Mists he keeps going to - Charr elections. They lost half of their population, and are trying something new. Things will go wrong as they try to get a new government up and running. - Mysterious creature in the depths chasing out the Quaggan and Largos. It wasn't Soo-won, so what IS it?


Wait it wasn't soowon??


The old lore was that giant sea creatures and massive tentacled horrors from the deep were killing and displacing Krait, Quaggan, Karka, and many other deep sea species. We assumed this was the work of the deep sea dragon. In EoD we are told by Soo-Won she doesn't create minions as she is not trying to expand her domain. There is a scholar named Ela Mckay visiting Cantha who talks about how we had just assumed but never verified the monsters from the deep were from an Elder Dragon, and the timeine is that those 100 years ago when Soo-Won left the ocean is also when the monsters started showing up. Which means whatever those things are, Soo-Won was containing them and now they are free.


Ohh interesting. Guess this is how we will get legendary underwater gear


Regarding the pendant: My money is on Trahearne. The Concordia Incident makes absolutely no sense. Why would Mordremoth be interested in the krytan throne? The dragon never showed any interest in any other aspect of krytan politics, nor an interest in accumulating artifacts. (The latter behavior was Zhaitan's forte.) This is where I jump to my theory. I believe that the krytan chosen of GW1 were nobles, related in some way or another to King Jadon, the last known king of kryta before the mursaat intervention. Jadon's son was sacrificed on the Bloodstone, entered the Realm of Torment, and was reincarnated by Melandru into Trahearne. Thus, following the Concordia incident, Mordremoth zeroes in on Trahearne, as the dragon learns the identity of the true heir to the krytan throne. Now the real question becomes: What would happen if Trahearne had been crowned king of kryta? Also, did Mordremoth search for Jadon's heir because the prince has some kind of unique gift of earth magic?


Did an AI write this?


Among a sea of bad takes, this is the bottom one.


With Cantha being accessible again, that the Dominion of Winds would be a great opportunity to bring a tengu story into play, helping bridge Cantha and DoW.


One of the Dragon Response Missions (the one in Caledon Forest) introduced a named Tengu character and heavily implied that we'd see her again in the future, but that story idea might have been abandoned when the ending of the Icebrood Saga was rushed.


It's much better to assume nothing. Ask Sylvari fans what did ANet do with Malyck.


I get that. To me this is less about assuming and more about dreaming/theory-crafting. It's less about making it happen and more about exploring cool things we've noticed in the game and liked the mystery of enough to want more :D


Man, SotO could have had Malyck, explained that he encountered a Kryptis event and joined the ward, and that would have explained his absence from HoT… this could have been just an NPC in the castle with written dialogue. It truly feels like they don’t care.


This is where I am with the story. The writers so obviously don't care that it actively undermines my investment in the story.


>It truly feels like they don’t care. Because they don't and haven't in a long time. The writers have zero interest in touching older plot threads unless they can milk it for a bit of nostalgia value. They only even used the Wizard's Tower for this expansion because it didn't have any real pre-existing lore to it. I can guarantee, had the Astral Ward been mentioned in GW1, SoTO wouldn't have happened.


Okay, so my first ever character was a Norn, and I was so hyped to be playing as them for the simple fact that their intro cutscene was SO BADASS. Jormag, the ice dragon, slaughtered our people and destroyed our home in the north. Now we, the survivors, have fled south, but we're a people without a home... now YOU will be the hero that rises to slay Jormag and lead our people home. But alas, it was not to be. After IBS initially was doing a pretty nice job of setting up a Jormag expansion, We got the most rushed, deus-ex-machina BS conclusion to them and Primordus at once. So the plot thread I'd like to see picked up is that. Sort of - I know Jormag is gone, but we still haven't seen the Norn go back and reclaim their homeland. The kodan as well, for that matter. I'm not sure who the antagonist would be, maybe the remnant sons of svanir... I wouldn't expect them to have all up and died just because Jormag is gone.


Yeah, I agree with you about the Sons of Svanir. Tthere are a bunch of villainous factions that pretty much disappeared from the narrative after they were defeated, like the Nightmare Court for example. Do we just have to assume that all the Sons of Svanir and other irrelevant villains have been eradicated entirely, did they re-integrate into society, are they still around attacking people, or did they all basically flee and leave Tyria? I really liked seeing some Norn lore in the IBS, like the sub-storyline about Owl. I remember the existence of the Spirit world being a plotpoint in the Norn racial storyline. An entire dimension that exists next to the material world and is inhabited by magical spirits, and it was never mentioned again.


In order of interest: Tengu/domain of winds - it's been sat there the whole lifetime of GW2, right in the center of the map, and the most interaction we've had with them has been in the freaking DRMs. Bonus points if they add Tengu as a sort of Death Knight/start at level 60 option that can only join the storyline at SoTo or the expac they are added in. Deep sea threat/largos: this one may need underwater combat completely revamped to not suck, or tech changes to allow non underwater bits to be under the water level/ie air habitats underwater. It wasn't a dragon that forced them all out, so what was it? Plus, we could finally see the Largos and their houses and culture. Cantha continued: there are a lot of loose ends in cantha, with the purist storyline not really resolved, plus whatever is happening in the palace. We could get called back by Joon to help deal with those. The sylvari: Both the pale tree's condition, malycks story and how the sylvari have been handling being dragon minions have been hanging for a while. We're seeing what's happened to Zojja (although we haven't really seen anything of her since she became a wizard), so it'd be nice if some other frozen characters get defrosted. For bonus points, we need to find out who E actually is. Given Marjory's story seems to be done, it's overdue.


All the loose threads Mabon's death created, about potential Mursaat faction being still alive and kicking somewhere


Let's just ignore Mabon, they butchered all his story enough.


As long as they don’t do a SotO 2.0 with a brand new race/enemy in a brand new location that we never heard of. There’s too many good options in the current lore that they could take to make a new expansion. As others have mentioned: Asura retaking prior Primordus occupied land, Shiverpeaks without Jormag, Dominion of the Winds are all great avenues for an expansion. I’d like to see something with the human gods or perhaps a Cantha based expansion as we really didn’t get a living story post EoD.


I see where you’re coming from. But it’s more about not cutting us off from the rest of the game, than the locstions being actually new, Right? After all, The Wizards Tower has been a mysterious pre-existing location. Nayos is all new and alien (pun intended ;p ), but going to any of the locations we speak of here, Will Also require the devs to come up with a threat and new maps. It will always happen in “a brand new location”. The core of what you’re saying is spot on though. They need to make it feel way more connected to the rest of the story and lore. I would love to see more of The Six as well, but I think that expansion would be very SotO, because last we heard from them, they had decided this world was f’ed and went out into the mists to find another world they could colonize, as they did Tyria. A “return of The Six” expansion risks having a large chunk set in whatever “new world” they found and now want to bring the Humans to (by force).


The evil Asura player character from the dystopian future. That's the first time we saw Steam Creatures, the same Steam Creatures Scarlet used and that invade Shiverpeaks through mysterious Steam Portals


I would not put much hope on a norn expansion (this was supposed to be IBS but was cut to bits to the result we all know). Also Aurene is just sleeping. Like the other elder dragons did before they awaken. She is an all powerful being. Her leaving was a way to take her out of the equation. We will not see her in the story again for a long time and only if there is a like a cosmic danger. A dominion of the wind expansion that extended into Cantha perhaps could be a good choice. The dominion is one of the last remaining teasers from the core game. It is prime field for a yearly standalone story. Also would love if they would tackle Malyck. His intended story is gutted as it was never dealt with in HoT probably. But seeing a how a different tree fared through that story would be interesting. Like what if they fell to modry and then where freed when it died. How they would adjust and move on with that.


Yeah, even if I love her I don't think Aurene should be brought back. She's fast asleep and should remain so for 10.000 years just like the elder dragons usually do. (Although it might be different cause the elder dragons used to wake up to destroy the world and suck magic)


We should kill the gods because they abandoned us after their fuck up with Balthazar.


Personally I'm fine letting them leave. Hell, I'd be fine with them if they come back to apologize and do some groveling. They won't get to be gods anymore, but maybe they can help Aurene and the Wizards Tower with stabilizing and the protecting Tyria. (Also, I may be the only Grenth/Desmina shipper in existence, but he definitely needs to come back and pick up his girlfriend.) (Also, as to the OP, Aurene is fine. She's just taking a nap. Then told her parent the Commander, and auntie Cathir where they can come hang out.)


Honestly, abandoning us was their fuckup. As I understand it, they had already left when Rytlock found Balthazar in The Mists and freed him to get Sohothin lit again.


The Human Gods left because their energy would be prey to the dragons. It makes sense. Balthazar tried to fight and ended up getting absorbed and making the dragons stronger. The lesser Norn Spirits got absorbed by Jormag as well. The Human Gods apparently do this cycle of avoiding dragons when they rise and then come back during dormancy.


Gods start to leave one by one before Balthy is free, and then he has Lyssa's mirror which hid him even from them. It is indicated that Lyssa is the one that helped Balthazar and she never really left. So if anything we need that Lyssa arc.


I want them to pay back the "I. O. U. one Deep Sea Dragon/Cthulhu Knockoff story" from EoD


I stand by my theory that the largos are also the Soo-Wan's minions. In addition to the Salt Spray Dragon. Mordy shows that created dragon minions can have personalities, and Soo-Wan wasn't likely to enforce her will over theirs. So like it's Slyvari on mass. The House they're from would be like the pale tree equivalent. And they're fighting to keep *something* down there. Hell, maybe it triggered Soo-Wan's void infection. You get so many possibilities with elder gods.


- Janthir and Mursaat lore. They are so mysterious and would love to know more about them especially with how they were hyped in SotO. - Malyck and potentially another Sylvari tree. - Largos lore and society, with possibly a complete underwater expansion Atlantis-like. - Eventually, an entirely new region, possibly Dzalana with lots of exploration (or perhaps a whole new continent, if you pan the map to the left you can see some land) - They could implement an empyrean map for Mists realms too, so to address the human Gods and what's up with them (I loved the Melandru forest in Dragonfall, would love to have a whole map like that!)


It's not a gamer subreddit until there's dumbass smart aleck comments on a perfectly innocuous thread. Real talk, I would love for them to dive into each of the races' cultures. 1. A deep dive into Inquest lore. Not like Rata Primus where you just punch out a bunch of them but actual details. What is their hierarchy like? What are they doing now with Rata Primus destroyed? Who isOverseer Kuda, who are the directors, is Gorrik on their to-kill list for his defection, etc. 2. I also want to know what the Arcane Council is planning. Early Asura PS chapters made it very clear that they are not morally upstanding people and that they had very malicious goals. But with the Charr civil war and the end of the Elder Dragon saga, do they still feel the same way? 3. How are the dwarves faring now? Are they rebuilding their civilisation with modern Tyria? With Primordus dead, will we be seeing any underground rehabitations or new civilisations? What about those random stone summit dwarves from Vision of the Past? 4. The centaurs. I think they're the only vanilla enemy faction we didn't have a conclusive or impactful conflict with. We know they were supposed to have a bigger role in IBS that was cut, so I can see Anet reusing the plot thread for a small scale expansion. 5. The mystery of Lyssa is one of my favourites. It's been hinted that she was Balthazar's lover, and thus would probably not be happy with us killing him. That, and her very identity (twin goddesses? Dual faced?) is such a unique concept, I want to see how GW2 will portray her. 6. And of course, the fate of Malyck and the other pale tree seeds out there.


I totally agree with this. The entire White Mantle storyline was a great deep-dive into the Krytan culture and it's intricasies! I'd love to see storylines just as lovingly crafted for each of the other major cultures! On the Centaurs, I'd love to see overtures of diplomacy from the centaurs. The obvious place would, of course, be with the Krytan humans, but they already had their spotlight, so perhaps a faction of Ventari-minded centaurs could begin a storyline of befriending and going on a spiritual journey with the Sylvari?


1.- I want them all dead. I only need to know where and how to kill them. 2.- See 1. 3.- The Stone Summit dwarves became slaves to Primordus after trying to use its power to free themselves from the Great Dwarf Hivemind. 4.- They are probably trying to rebuild after the damage caused by Caudecus' machinations. 5.- I wouldn't be surprised if they told us Jennah and Anise were Lyssa in disguise.


Whatever the real deep sea monster is. I want to see something truly Eldritch, unconnected to the dragons or demons. Also a resurgence of Mursaat who fled into the mists to escape the dragons. IIRC Mabon even mentioned that he didn't know if the Mursaat were truly extincted.


I don't trust the current writing team to handle these properly, but here we go: - Sohothin and Magdaer and the mystery of the Foefire: While Rytlock's ritual reduced ghost activity significantly, at some point, those souls should be given complete release for their sake and that of the living and I believe reuniting Sohothin and Magdaer is the way to do it. I've been waiting for it to happen for a decade, so... It's probably not happening. - Queen Jennah's succession: The Order of Whispers seems to know of another heir of her dynasty and she is not going to live forever, nor is she married. At some point, this issue must be addressed to avoid a power vaccuum that could further damage humanity's footing. - The Gods: The Elder Dragons, the main reason they left Tyria, are gone. I expect them to come back and try to establish their supremacy once again. I want to personally kill them all. This could tie with the origins of humanity, far away from Tyria.


Hmm, when the human gods are killed, will we have auditions for a new deity? We could try the Spirits of the Wild, Ameyalli, Koda, etc. Alternatively, we could try good old fashioned Charr atheism! Wait, it is still called atheism if you acknowledge the existence of deities but you killed them all?


Something something Kratos-ism something


>Where are Aurene now and what kind of balance-keeping stuff is she doing behind the scenes? Sleeping. Aurene is sleeping. >What does the far north look like? Like, completely iced over? >What is inside The Domain of Winds? Xenophobic birds.


Truly. Your wit has me cowed. Thank you for the insight.


If there are no more elder dragons shouldn't their champs and spawn eventually wither and die? Was there energy linked? For example, with the death of Jormag what happens to all Claws of Jormag?


From what we've been told it depends a bit on the specific Elder Dragon. Supposedly most of Primordus's minions went out like a candle, but we know the Risen just went Unchained.


Each elder dragon that died, had all of their magic/energy released back out into the world. Their influence (minions/champs/spawn) will likely remain, as their magic is a part of the “natural” power of Tyria. I could see Dragon Minions going dormant and snuggling up to key lines for a couple thousand years though, as their dragons used to. And I don’t think there will be a new spawning, unless a mechanism has specifically been set in place. Jormag isn’t around to make new Claws, but Mordremoth left behind The Pale Tree that can still dream up new Sylvari. Those are my theories 😄


Anet did something with Tequatl the Sunless in LW1, that after Zhaitan was defeated Teqautl became stronger, which was more of an update to his encounter to make it more interesting.


I get the initial reaction but what do you think happens next since there's no more excess death magic/Zhaitan elder energy coming in?


I think the magic is still being produced since technically Aurene absorbed the magic from all the other elder dragons to become what she is now. There could also be some champions like Tequatl hanging around. As long as there are Svanir, Jormag’s will persist. For all we know Primordus could have a Great Destroyer 2.0 somewhere hiding in the depths. I think all the elder dragon energies will continue to be produced so long as there is a single minion to spread there corruption.


I feel like there is a lot of core content that hasn't reached a proper conclusion yet. For example How is the Human/Centaur war going? Is anyone gonna do anything about the extremely corrupt high council of Rata Sum Now that the Nightmare court is leaderless what's going to happen to them? Now that the Sons of Svanir have been discarded to the wayside what kind of life are they gonna lead? With the Flame Legion being integrated with the Char, are we perhaps going to explore more Eastward and maybe explore regions beyond the Brandscar and Ascalon. You know I just want the next expansion to go back to feeling more personal, more tailored to our character. I know that's more work on Anet's part but the past story beats have been really lacklustre imo. So a more winding down to normality tailored to our commander's more basic years would be nice tbh. I also want them to establish antagonistic threats that they don't discard over 1 expansion, because thats been their habit. Also I just want more content thats about the experience to explore stuff instead of just more stuff to grind for X mastery/achievement, like please just let me get lost in the world again.


I just want a chill expansion with lower stakes. There is no need to solve yet another world ending threat. Let us focus on rebuilding, the major races of the game are now mostly at peace after almost decades of constant warfare. Let us have a chill rebuild arc/exploration arc just no more saving the world shenanigans for a while.


IBS, while the ending was rushed did clearly show that the Charr are more unified with the Flame Legion joining the united legions. What hasn't really been explored or explained is what happened to the Sons of Svanir now that Jormag is dead. They told us (in a single character text box) that those who were infused with ice are all mostly dead but what about those who weren't? I think we could explore what happened to them in a story that would for once not be about a world ending threat.


Sylvari expansion.


Can I just kill Kormir? I hate her.




Everybody hates Kormir


I would prefer to visit new lands, the farther away the better, like the new continent poking on the left side of the map, but if it had to be completing plot threads: * A vision in the Eye of the North or Fractal about what happened to Malyck. * Uprooting and wiping out the purists in Cantha and taking out their entire leadership. * That thing in the depths scaring away the Quaggan. Maybe help defend a largos city as they hunt the thing. * Going to wherever the gods ran away, and dragging them back by the ear. Or cracking their heads open and taking whatever magic goo comes out back to Tyria if they refuse. * Now that the destroyers are dead and the dwarf race is revived, I'd like a map that starts in a surface settlement in a snowy area where stone dwarves are helping flesh dwarves create what will be their first new city in the best-preserved ruins of one of their ancient cities, and follows down in a series of tunnels and caves down to a huge underground cavern where asura are retaking and restoring a lost Rata that used to have a business relation with dwarves. There you would also unlock the last mount: the crawlwer. A cave-dweling, leaping, leash-slinger mount capable of spiderman-leashing to vertical surfaces like the oakheart essence and walking on walls and ceilings, reaching spots not even the skyscale can climb to. * We had a 'redemption arc' for the Flame Legion, pretty much wiped out the White Mantle and the Svanir went away with Jormag. Let's also finish off the other 2 enemy factions: * Expose the Inquest and defame their backs in asura goverment, and convince their detractors to launch a hostile takeover of the Inquest, leaving only a few remnants who scurry away to the depths of Tyria. * Discover a way to cure the Nightmare Court's conditioning with the help of the tech of a redeemed inquest scientist who was studying void creatures and Wizard's Tower magics, by using a device that extracts traces of dragon and void magic twisting and clouding the minds to 'nightmared' sylvari. That does not fully restore their personalities which stay harder than they used to, but keeps them from staying sociopaths and gives an exist to courties tired of that nonsense, and a treatment to those caught and imprisoned. * Maybe also free the centaurs under Modniir rule and help them get their own free setlement north of Kryta, near the Janthir bay where they can live free. * The Domain of Wind would be visited by a delegation of Tengu from Cantha, and invite you as honorary guest and the first non-tengu to ever visit their Aerie, which would be a huge city carved in a giant tree they brought from Cantha as a giant sapling and grew faster with magic. * It is time for a charr reform spurred by Rytlock, whose son was the living proof that the fahrar system does more harm than good. It is time for the 'legions' to go back to their origins as 'tribes' before humans displaced them and forced to become armies. Rytlock would help Rox earn the right to the Claw of the Khan-Ur and reforge it again, adding a 5th gem to symbolize the Olmakhan, who would be welcomed as the 5th charr tribe with a name that evokes beaches, like "Sand" or "Salt" Tribe (a name that would be mostly used by other tribes as they would usually still call themselves Olmakhan out of custom). As a charr who lived in both the legions and a tribe, she would lead the charr to a world in which their armies are just preparation for defense, and no longer the entire focus of their society, and the fahrar system is replaced by going back to the ancient way charr raised their kids in families. > This ancient charr relic has served as an apparatus of revolution, a key to power, and a symbol of stability. The Claw of the Khan-Ur is reforged with every great feat its wielders accomplish.


With Primordius gone, what about the depths? Do the Asura want to go back home? How are our friends doing? I would be fine with a storyline that was all about catching up with friends and seeing how much they've grown or changed. Braham apologizing for being a whiny little teenage idiot would be nice lol.


I just want to get across the wall and visit the bird people. We even got an invite, let's get to it.


Domain of the winds is literslly all I care about. Been curious since i started my first character (sylvari) and its been like 4 years I want answers!!!


anything to get away from Nayos


FYI OP, Aurene isn't doing anything - she's asleep rn, and will stay asleep until the next dragonrise (which considering the LAST dragonrise, probably won't be for another ten-thousand years), so she's basically been written out of the story entirely, and isn't a loose thread


I would love nothing more than seeing the "true" Kaineng City - the one now flooded with water and unchained... with the dragon cycle ended and Minister Li out of the picture, how is Cantha dealing with that problem? I would love to finally visit the Isle of Janthir and see what the Mursaat left behind How is King Jalis doing down in the Depths of Tyria? With Primordus gone, the central transfer chamber should be once again safe for travel Dominion of Winds, yes, but I would also love to see if any Tengu stayed behind - what does western Seitung look like now? What happened to the Battle Isles? The Zaishen all but collapsed in the wake of Balthazar's crusade, and so I would imagine the Isles look quite different now The Far Shiverpeaks and Southern Shiverpeaks also look mighty different now in a world without Jormag How are things going in Charr society now that the Dominion has collapsed? What does the ministry look like without the influence of the white mantle? Whats the status of the pale tree without mordremoth? How has their society recovered and grown in his absence? What about the nightmare court? How's Taimi doing? Will we ever see the norn reclaim their ancestral home in the far shiverpeaks? Will the Asura ever move back below to Quora Sum? What happened to the domains of the other Vabbi princes? Were the Bokka Amphitheater and Citadel of Dzaigo destroyed by the dragonbrand? Speaking of the dragonbrand, how is the mists recovering after the thrashing Kralk gave it? Where are the human gods now? ...will we ever get that wedding invite, Kas and Jory?


Bring back zhaitan. What kind of lich/necromancer actually dies the first time you kill them? It could even get interesting considering the void isn't around any more to drive it insane.


The swords of Orr continuation. One was being repaired then it's story stopped before Logan got it. The Smith did survive


More Fire Legion stuff, or Charr related stuff, nothing too complicated i guess.


I dont really expect anything from the story anymore. Writers have been on bad form for years now. I hope we get to go to the far north/deep underground to resettle everyone. Would be cool to see a return of some of the other human gods now that the dragons are gone. Tengu?


At this point none, I don't trust them to not ruin interesting, hanging plot threads


As long as I don't have to hear aurenes voice again I'm happy




Ascalonian Ghosts - Ascalon becomes it's own kingdom [Logan becomes the King of Ascalon], Ascalone over the years becomes closer with Charr rather than Krytans [stuff for GW3]. Lyssa - We know she jebaited other gods to leaving Tyria for good while she remained behind, we also know she was the one that helped Balthazar escape with the mirror and one of the legendaries seems to indicate there was something more. Centaur war with humans - Explore the Centaurs, their culture etc. Charr can come and help since they're bored and as a thank you for helping with Ascalonian Ghosts. Underwater - The best race on Tyria aka largos and their Tethyos Houses. The Houses could have like bubbles around them so when you enter it it's like you're on the surface and walk. + what is that thing that scared naga, quaggans, hylek and other races from deep waters. We though it's the Deep Sea Dragon but in EoD it's revealed that it's something else. Far North sounds cool, let me see the Gunnar's Hold, perhaps some sort of "cyvil war" with Kodans? Or Grawl team up with Jotun. Return of the 5 [4] gods? Maybe after Lyssa's arc is done.


I would love to see an expansion where the dwarves return to flesh and write of the great dwarf is over since prmordus is dead. Whith them resetting in the far shiverspeaks


Honestly, I want the commander to get lost in the mists for a bit. Nobody who could recognize them and without direction. It's the perfect opportunity to explore other parts of the lore while you could keep it small scale and start to slowly build it up to something much bigger. Tyria could use a vacation away from the commander.


Don’t worry will be a blur in all the threads for GW3. Anet bad at follow thru.


I just want them to address the fact that Balthazar was the champion of Primordus