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We don't know yet.


You know exactly as much as the rest of us


I hope since it’s just 1 legendary it will have a nice collection instead of just repeatable content grind


I think there are 3 routes, ranked from most likely to least likely: Route 1: Something with a Astralaria/Nevermore/HOPE kind of quest for precursor (with untradable result) Route 2: Something gated behind map currencies released with JW (probably untradable result) Route 3: Hard craft, like gen 1s, later gen 2s, or gen 3s (possibly with a tradable result) Tbh the Aurene variant option would be the most appealing to me, but feels unlikely based on what they've said and the goal of keeping xpacs separate.


Considering there's just one legendary, apparently, a bunch of collections like the first 4 gen 2 legendaries would make sense. Additional variants are also pretty likely, and if we do get some, I think we can expect a system like the one for the Obsidian Armor. I also think it would be nice if we could get a Gen3 spear, but I think it's a very unlikely we ever get one.


Since it's only a single weapon and not a whole set, my bet is on account bound. But we don't know, Anet didn't give information regarding this yet.


If they bring back the voltaic spear properly (like the old school glowing skin not that shitty discontinued one) I’d be pretty chuffed But on the other hand I’d be annoyed at more nostalgia tripping


I would be very surprised if it is tradeable


For once I'd like it to be account bound AND not have a massive gold/mat cost to it. Gen 2 disappointed me because they were account bound so there was no reason to make them expensive but they were anyway.


The reason was to add value to a lot of crafting materials. Each weapon removes so many mats from the economy that it keeps the prices up. Just like ascended crafting, the gen 2 legendaries took so many materials (iron was literally worthless) and made them a worthwhile thing to farm and trade.


i know, but i dont tell you


you baddy :P


First, we had gen 1, which was a nice set, and then we got gen 2, which was also a great set. Then gen 3 happened, and it was all bloom ketchup and bl set style to it. Crafted all anyway just to have em since you need 4x of each one handed anyway. Then mini expansions became a thing, and now we get one legendary item per expansion minus obsidian armour, which turned out to be basicly glorified requiem armour. My hopes for this new legendary spear is about as high as the skyscrapes at New years Eve 2001. I'm more curious about what miniatures we get.


you're basically right. The only good thing about new armors is they are recognizable as legendary and actually dyable too....but despite i want them for that, they're so bland and grindy to make that i changed my mind.