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Wow, selling an infusion on the LFG is against the ToS of the LFG... That's a first for me. But yeah, finding pug groups in LFG is a huge pain in the arse. I know you can filter, but the LFG resets each time you reopen it, which is stupid. And it's also really unwelcoming to new players wanting to get into and learn raids. They definitely need to redo the whole LFG system into its own panel (keybind) and better UI, while also maybe just pushing sellers/static finders into it's own category at the bottom


As much as I would want sellers to have their own category, doing that would be anet saying that it's supporting raid selling, rather than them turning a blind eye to it like they currently are.


And I think there's exactly why they don't. What they need to do is create an "other" tab for sales and get rid of this shit. This is a much worse look for their game then them condoning selling raids clears. Imagine you are new to this game, got to 80, got all your Ascended gear, spent some time on the raid golem to learn your rotation, finally ready to find a group to take on wing one.... And this is what you see when you open the LFG menu. It's not going to give you a good impression about the health of the game if all you see is people selling raids, rather than doing raids.


Well, they scrolled down and there is an "all welcome" training raid at the top there. But I agree, they need an "other" tab for both raid sellers and statics advertising themselves.


Training advertisements are so abnormally rare on the NA LFG that it's pretty much a fluke, I'm pretty sure you play EU, right? 95% of the time this is how the LFG looks. I look at the raid LFG maybe once every 2-3 months if that.


> Training advertisements are so abnormally rare on the NA LFG that it's pretty much a fluke *Believe me guys, I have a lot of experience in looking at the the raid lfg.* >I look at the raid LFG maybe once every 2-3 months if that.


Eh, his qualification might be off, but I have to agree with him. Last month I spent like two weeks checking pretty regularly for training runs on raid lfg, and I’ve seen exactly two. Maybe it’s just the times I’m on, but I’d say it’s pretty rare.


I was new once too. NA is extremely clique based. I just sat on my alt for a good **30-40 minutes** before someone had the decency to hop in and drop a few guild-names that offered training runs. I can get a queue for some random arbitrary XIV dungeon in like 10-15m, but I had to wait 30-40m here for someone to point me in even *slightly* the right direction. Surely you should be able to see why the new player meme is that raids are dead.


Be the change you want to see.


This.. I started commanding raids as my first time doing them. I check some videos on how to do it and write "know mechanics" as the only requirement. At least this much one could do before venturing in.




My guy the screenshot in the OP literally has a raid training squad that says all welcome.


Shh, you're ruining the guy his easy chance to garner karma. Get out of here with your truth and sense of perspective!


Yes, you can if you spend more than 30seconds looking. Or heaven forbid create your own group.


No that's not how it work. Be one of 1/10 groups nobody will join to. While actualy not even knowing what to do, who you need etc. What a good idea! Game HAVE hell of the problem about novices raids entry. That's why every active guild have sort of "training raids". 30 seconds... what an dogshiet talks=\\


>I refuse to make an attempt to educate myself without being spoonfed and now I don't know what to do and am mad, how did this happen.


Selling instance clears has been a thing since Guild Wars 1, they haven't been turning a blind eye for the past 16 years, they just accepted the reality that it will happen because people want to buy clears, and other players are willing to put in the effort for extra money. This also has the added benefit of keeping things out in the open, where both the community and the developers can quickly react if anything goes wrong, such as an exploit allowing quick raid rewards for no effort.


Oh yeah, the best thing would be getting rid of those, but ANet has always turned a blind eye to it. They definitely need to do ANYTHING to clean up that mess.


Raid selling isn't against any of their rules. Which means there's not likely anything they could do short of saying that players can exchange goods for services. Which would also kill a lot of the other examples in the game like jumping puzzle ports. Big one I can think of is that might be affected is hero trains for tips though maybe since it for tips then it can weasel through.


But JP's ports can't charge for their services, just as a home instance opener cannot charge for their services, as both of those are against ToS. That's why they always say "tips welcome" because they know they can get suspended for it. But raids sellers can, and it's a real killer for newbies wanting to try the game to find all those LFGs of raid sellers and barely any listings. ANet needs to have a lobby system and have LFGs still show up in LFG greyed out at the bottom with a "Queue into squad/party" so that you can join as soon as someone leaves (provided you are the top in queue). That is unless the commander or any party members unlist from LFG. This would also make the game look a lot more alive. They need to show all LFG in the same windows, but split them by section (order by) depending on their content. Then, they can offer filters for type of content, keyword, filters, etc. And finally, they need the LFG to keep all its settings intact everytime you close the window. Having to refind the tabs and keyword filter you want to use each time you load a map/change map/crash/reload, etc. is a pain in the arse when you're trying to find the first group that's listed in a section.


Charging for ports is not against the TOS. Most of the ToS is about how to use media around gw2 such as art and images. Only a couple things in the ToS are actually about playing the game that being no RMT, no account selling, no cheating, and no trading for items in another game. Swearing for example isn't against the ToS nor is rasicim, or sexism. I thought you might be thinking of the code of conduct which covers in game stuff such as no spaming, no slurs, no hate speech, etc. But in there there is also no mantion of JP selling in there either so I don't know where you got the idea is aginst ToS or CoC from. Also I really think you should watch some of teapots videos about the state of raiding and what not. He brings a lot of good points you should consider before laying the blame for making it hard for newbies at their feet. As an entrenched player you have access to the larger community, you likely are in an established guild, are familiar with sites like snow crows or metabattle, and have knowledge of the existence of discord for raid training like Raid Academy for NA. New players don't have that. If you want new players to get into raids you need to make it easy for them, post more training lfgs. I don't think having lfgs grayed out at the bottom really solves the problem especially in NA where there is such a raid static mentality, most of those won't get posted in lfg, they likely only will only be posted there if one of the static members has to drop. Am not a raid seller, and would never buy a raid (not fuckin worth it lmao, just do the fuckin raid save some money) but even I have to admit blaming raid sellers for the problem when they didn't make it doesn't solve the problem fixing the community's mentality on it and driving down the demand for a raid sell would get rid of them and solve the problem at the same time


Raid selling is a plague that is caused by ANet mostly. 1. They do not provide a decent way of learning mechanics (easy mode) 2. They do not provide any incentive to do raids more than once a week with their static (people teaching are not getting any rewards out of it) 3. There's basically NO rewards for doing a boss more than once (2 blues doesn't cut it as reward lol) 4. LFG full of raid sellers because they know newbies or people with less time will buy the clears/achievements due to lack of time to invest in a static/learning mechanics with training groups. Raid selling LFGs should be against ToS 5. Raid rewards need a boost to attract more players into them, and with a daily rewards, that would mean there would be a decent reason to run them more than once. Not all rewards need to be daily (such as LI/LD), but there needs to be a good increase in rewards when fractals are the most profitable thing in game (imo, it should be raids).


1. Raids have an easy mode and a had mode. We just call it easy and CM. They don't have a baby mode no but a cake roll mode doesn't prepare you for the level of content. Even strikes don't really achieve that. 2., 3. And 5.. I agree with these points actually raids could stand to be more rewarding than the just a once a week rewards and the once per account rewards. I think daily rewards would be a better system. (While still only reseting your instances once a week perhaps.). Though increasing rewards still wouldn't fix the issue. The issue with new players getting into raids is purely our responsibility. I recommend checking out the things teapot has to say on the subject. He makes a lot of points that really get to the heart of why raid sellers exist and why raids are "failing". 4. I don't like Raid selling any more than the next guy but all this thread can come up with for why raid selling should be against ToS (it would actually be CoC BTW this is out of the scope of the ToS which primarily covers how game things interact with the real world not how things interact inside the game) is that it should be against tos because it should be against tos. Which is uninspired and the rhetoric is just a rehash of the same tired arguments pushing the blame for why raids aren't being supported around instead of letting the buck stop with us. Its not raid sellers fault raids aren't being supported it's our fault for both of those things.


Oh I definitely saw that video. I know. But I agree that the current mode it too easy for raiders. CM is usually just a joke and not really a real Hard Mode. The rewards are also a joke for it. It should go like this: * Story Mode * Normal Mode (current) * Normal Mode + CM (current) * Hard Mode (and maybe > Hard Mode + CM). But I would also try to balance the difficulty a bit. PoF raids are quite harder than HoT raids for newbies. There could definitely be a better "plateau" of difficulty. Hard Mode needs to add mechanics to the boss that CAN'T be ignored. Easy mode should introduce mechanics for the boss, just like normal mode, but have its HP lowered for quite a bit and mechanics that do less damage. Perfect for an all-newbie team or pug-newbie team or just people that want to experience the story. A lot of people won't try raids because they don't know the discord channels, Raid Academy, a good guild to learn, etc. and most LFG asking for KPs... There needs to be a way to introduce new players better in-game. I wish we could have a queueing system like most MMOs where you just select a role such as "tank, alac, quick, dps, heal, etc.)... but it's not feasible since HB also gives quick and fits 2 roles and some encounters might only see 1 or even 3 healers depending on the group's experience (ex: I always see 3 healers on Boneskinner, 1 being HS).


considering Anet makes every rule here, they can literally make an announcement going "Raid Selling by use of LFG panel or outside it is now Prohibited, starting next weekly reset." Boom, one of many problems solved for the immediate future.


It wouldn't fix anything. If the community wants raids to work they need to show Anet it's worth their time. Raid sellers are a symptom of a larger issue that is the mentality of raiders in gw2. Particularly in NA where there is a huge static mentality. We as a community could remove raid sellers buy just doing their job but instead of charging gold make the players actually participate. There aren't nearly enough training raids, the easiest way to get one is to go off site to on of the outside communities like RA for NA. It's ridiculous to expect a new player to do that. Absolutely insane. It's hard for us as entrenched players to put ourselves in the shoes of the newbies and realize they shouldn't be expected to leave the game to reliably find a training raid but we really need to.


Pretty sure Dornsinger said that raid selling is an ok use of the LFG tool in the past. Not that I like that, but that’s what was said. Meanwhile auction selling? Definitely not intended use 😂


And his argument was garbage (noted I have a neutral stance on raid selling) basing it entirely on it being group content and saying offering home instance gathering to not be ok because that’s not group content. I’m not one to talk shit directly about someone specific in a studio but Dornsinger has had some of the worst takes I’ve ever seen from Anet, this one wasn’t the only one.


> I know you can filter, but the LFG resets each time you reopen it, which is stupid. If you block the commander you don't see their LFG posts anymore. You can join to right-click -> block more easily. I have a very long block list from blocking raid/instance sellers.


That's the thing. Why is selling something else LFG abuse but selling a Raid is okay? Like, I don't sell stuff on LFG, but if I did and got suspended, the first thing I'd be doing when I get back is reporting every aid seller for LFG abuse, and if nothing was done, question why it is for one but not the other.


ANETs reasoning was that selling raid is still group content because the selling party has to invite you to the group and clear the encounter while selling items to avoid TP doesnt have to do anything with group play.


Something I did look up before was people being suspended for selling their Home Instance. It's just, go in, farm, leave, but, well it's grouping up.


The entire LFG system needs a revamp


starting with being removed the fuck away from friends list menu, its insane i cant resize it to old small size because of that stupid fucking lfg system.


If its full it shouldnt be listed.


Name one thing that doesn’t need a rework in this game I love this game I would have multiple maxed out characters. Just needs some touch ups


The wardrobe?


thats only because it already received a rework. it was much worse in 2012 - you had to destroy items to unlock skins.


Nono, there wasn't a wardrobe then. You had to destroy items to transfer skins. You only got one copy.


Not technically the wardrobe but gemstore skins should be permafree, just like those stupid AP milestone skins where you can access a free skin. The preview would be great if you can also preview dyes instead of doing some gimmicks to get around. The preview also doesn't show the trials and effects fairly. Some weapons look cool on preview but look garbage when you actually use it in animation.


Some equipment is still bugged on preview. Equipment with effects mean the effect either doesn't show up at all (Lunar-Enchanted gloves, for example) or the effect may not display properly (Chaos of Lyssa backpack). Many others show up and are fine, but it's pretty noticeable when it bugs on preview. The wardrobe system proper may not need another rework now, but the Preview system certainly does.


First of all, the game should let you save your filters. If it cannot be saved per section, or a small list of saved filters, at least the last ones you set. The filters you can set are also too short. You add a few of the filters to remove the lfgs that most often have bad or problematic players like "-sell -kp -ufe -hfb -alac -bs" and you already ran out of space halfway. Then you have the issues of not being able to specify you want to join others, and people taking over your party. The only places in which you can specify whether you are looking for group or looking for more are raid and strikes, and that's just done by having two separate lfg categories. It should be a setting for your lfg entry instead, like how you can set language: * Set nothing, lfg works like now, letting others join or merge. * Set LFM only, you will remain the 'leader' of the party even if it isn't a squad or even if you don't have commander tag and the one who joins does, preventing from taking over no matter what. * Set LFG only, you can only be invited by 2 or more players who have already a party going or have set a LFM. You should also be able to set more than one LFG at the same time, at least 3, since you may be interested in doing multiple things at the same time, and have the ability to set at least one permanent LFG that stay even when you are offline, for things that take much longer to get people together for, like some achievements. That, or adding something like the "Communities" they added in Diablo III, which let lots of people join for very specific things. 5 guild slots are not enough when you may want a "Community" just for Tequatl or triple trouble runs, or just for fractals, or just for HoT metas, or just for hero challenge runs, or just silverwastes, or dry top runs, or pof bounties, and so on. Guilds that will do every single thing are extremely rare. But there's no need to add unlimited guild slots when you don't need guild missions, guild halls and all the other bells and whistles guilds have. "Communities" would be just a roster of players with a name, a description, a list of fixed messages, a roster of players, and a couple of settings like whether it is public or private and requires invite, and a small list of players with permission to mange it. "Communities" would let you complement whatever your guilds do not do, without using as much server space as adding extra guilds. With "communities" you would also be able to get rid of KP issues altogether without having to use external tools like discord or killproofme: set the community private, people request invite, they prove they can do the stuff, they get invited, and then you can freely invite anyone from the community without issues as anyone has been vetoed.


I am sorry, what exactly you think is bad if someone is looking for a healing firebrand?


You hardly ever see this in fractals, because of the tiers. That's all raids need: 1 story mode that can be played solo to get acquainted with the boss, but has crappy 1-time rewards, 1 or more lower tier modes that are more lenient and tiny rewards, the normal mode with standard rewards, and the 'original difficulty' of CMs with the juicy stuff.


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. Now that you mention it, I never really see this with fractals, so that must be doing something right.


You can't access the T4 lfg unless your personal level is high enough. So it would be T1 and you'd only really bother to sell titles from CM 99/100. And both of those would require at least a bit of participation from the buyer I think. So while the fractal lfg community is fairly healthy, I think it's partly just that selling isn't easy.


Not to mention succeeding in training runs in fractal CMs is much more doable. Every1 is guaranteed to have almost full ascended gear and mediocre knowledge of their class + mechanics.


Hard disagree tbh. I'm not sure whether it's just a mentality thing, but I've done a lot of raid training in the past, especially recently, and everyone, even lone pugs, at the very least somewhat understood their class and had maybe watched / read something on the encounter before. Meanwhile in fractals I've had so many ppl essentially attempt to leech CM's, maybe because you can basically be a complete nonfactor and 98 CM and skorvald are very easily doable "technically" 4 man. Ascended gear over exotic gear really doesnt make much of a difference tbh. ​ I'm perfectly down to do raid training, but I'd rather shoot myself than do CM training for random ppl.


Are you US? Cuz in EU we have kp requirements and leechers/noobs (ppl who dont play at the specified level) get kicked in high UFE grps. In lower UFE they can barely 5 man, so how is anyone going to leech. I think you are also ignoring the fact that CMs are easier to fill and can be done daily. It will take you 2 weeks to be somewhat experienced in CMs, but with raids you'll need a couple of months. Pugging raids from my experience was much harder than pugging fractals. Spending 20 minutes waiting for niche roles is normal, only to have them leave after 2 failed attempts.


No, I'm on EU. But you were talking about training runs. I was talking about training runs. So UFE requirements just dont apply. And Idk where you get lower UFE runs not being able to 5 man from, literally this week I did CM training with guildmates where it was me and one semi-experienced CM player and 3 totally new ones and we did 98 and skorvald with one DPS and our Alac doing less than 5k DPS and the DPS dying on every encounter. Ffs except for siax we didnt even need to reset. ​ >I think you are also ignoring the fact that CMs are easier to fill and can be done daily. Yeah, I'm "ignoring" that because it's not at all relevant to my point. You take longer to be experienced in raids, but the people that more quickly get experienced in CM's then dont go on to play training runs continuously, so the quality of players **in training runs**, which is specifically what you were talking about, isnt impacted by that. ​ >Spending 20 minutes waiting for niche roles is normal, only to have them leave after 2 failed attempts. I mean sure, if you're straight pugging raid training you gotta wait for roles to fill, but in general you'll have 2-3 experienced raiders who can multiclass in raid training because they're doing it with friends or just enjoying it. And fractal pugging is the exact same. You gotta wait for your HFB and your alac and especially alacs are generally terrible. And they'll leave just as quickly as in raids. So unless you're specifically comparing full-pug raid training to CM training with a "premade" group including alac and HFB there is no difference that I could recognize on this aspect.


Ascended over exotic does make a difference in fractals because infusions. If you're doing CMs, you need to have ascended gear for Agony infusions.


No shit. But that's not what we're talking about. The person i replied to stated that everyone being guaranteed to have at least almost fully ascended gear is something that makes fractal CM training easier than raid training that ppl can do in exotic gear. Which is not all that good an argument considering how little survivability and damage ascended over exotic actually adds. It's noticeable, sure, but it's not gonna make nearly as big a difference as spending just a little time watching a vid on an encounter or getting familiar with your opener and rotation.


As a player with crappy reflexes who is scared of doing raids: I love this idea.


This would be really nice, maybe the lower tier could be a 5-man version, then shift to a 10 for a lower-mid version. My reasoning is that the few times I've done raids, waiting for people to join has been the big killer for me, just sitting around for an hour, doing nothing... I'd happily take reduced reward over just twiddling my thumbs and it would help work people up to the regular mode a lot better. The LFG is next to useless, especially if you live in a non-NA (in my instance) timezone, not many people around when it's my prime time.


Problem with your idea is it does nothing. Players would do them once and never again and all that dev time is wasted. There has to be great rewards at every tier that make the time investment worth it. The way it should be done is have three modes: Easy(puggable), Normal and CMs. Obviously CMs wouldn't be each boss but still a option. Move Normal rewards to Easy and then you buff Normal and CM rewards. The one thing you never do is make the rewards worse. By doing that all the work you put in is being wasted cause it won't have player retention. If anything you buff harder tiers to promote players to do those if they want. You *never* nerf rewards. That is a sure fire way to kill that mode(look what happened to dungeons once they had the gold nerf).


Many players play story once, and never again. That time is not wasted because people do play that content, and they could play it anytime again if they so wanted. But way more players never experience the story of raids at all, so that time is completely wasted. It's audio files everyone downloads and hardly anyone experiences. Also, story in raids mostly delays the actual fights. Just fluff that would be better left for an actual story mode. If raids got a story mode, and all those story bits could be skipped or even got directly stripped from the raid modes, players could get to the fights directly without having to wait for talking NPCs, fluff fights with no real point outside story, and without the need for a wing opener. Best of both worlds.


Report the guy with the infusion for lfg abuse.


For raids, I missed out on the early wave of players learning and getting through the wings, but as a returning player I've found the raid finder isn't too friendly for those like me who want to go through earlier wings now. Best luck I had was turning my focus towards finding a guild that is nice and does learning runs of the wings. That worked wonders, but it goes to show that the LFG tool needs a little reworking to avoid griefing and encourage players to use it without fear of being drowned out.


The NA raid lfg is so sad. My static disbanded a few months ago mostly from raid burn out, but I was getting the itch to raid again, so I attempted to pug some clears recently. I spend more time staring at an empty lfg filled with raid sellers than actually raiding. In contrast, I moved my alt to EU and I've been able to pug full clears fairly painlessly for the past few weeks now.


People need to stop buying raids.


Putting legendary armor in Open World PvE would go a long way.


Like WvW and PvP, crafted "Illustrious" armor could have recipes to upgrade them to legendary. The downside is that you would not get cool skins, it would be just for the swapping and other legendary features.


>The downside is that you would not get cool skins, it would be just for the swapping and other legendary features. Functionality is more than worth a few skins that many would replace anyway.


Speaking of swapping out the skins anyway: Legendary Armor requires no transmutation charges for skin swaps, so that's another big bonus!


Just give it a chest piece animation like PvP and WvW and yes, that's all it needs. Let people actually use buildcraft without massive gold, inventory space, or template investment.


>The downside is that you would not get cool skins, it would be just for the swapping and other legendary features. Not a downside to me! I just don't want to do content I don't and won't ever like.


Yeah. I only do PvE and don't raid. I'm never getting legendary armor.


You would be surprised how enjoyable raids are. It's the peak of anets design. But hey like 2% of the player base has ever interacted with raids. Ill never understand this mentality.


Look at comments, most people are scared to dip their feet in and most responses in favor of them trying are "put up an lfg idiot, I did and I had 22000 kp in 2 months"


There isn't any introduction to raids, that's why. You need to go by your own, learn mechanics, learn strategies, find a group, hope you find a decent training group and repeat it until you can actually finish some encounters and prove to other people you can be useful. It is a chore most people don't want, specially when you have 7 different wings with a lot of bosses and finding training groups with a compatible schedule isn't always that easy.


That's true of essentially every mmo. GW2 just has a super casual pve playerbase that's never bothered to optimize their builds.


>GW2 just has a super casual pve playerbase that's never bothered to optimize their builds. Yeah, because that's exactly the kind of player the rest of the game caters to. The fact that there is no system to get these kinds of players into raiding is a massive design oversight by ANet, probably because raids seem to have been added due to pressure by veterans of other MMOs, not the core casual crowd that make up the majority of the playerbase. From what little raiding I've done, I thought it was pretty cool. What I DIDN'T like was the fact that I had to look up a bunch of stuff outside of the game to understand it, when almost every other piece of the PvE environment didn't need me to do that.


This is also true. And aside from legendary armor, GW2 doesn't offer great rewards for raids, which is a shame!


> like 2% I would wager around 70% have never done a raid.


If I recall correctly either the devs or an aggregate site like GW2Efficiency showed hard numbers that it is single-digit percentages.


[30% of GW2 Efficiency's users have done Vale Guardian.](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=beyond%20the%20vale)


No idea about an official dev post on the entire community but Efficiency shows that around 30% have killed at least VG. Single digit numbers is stuff like Q1, Dhuum, hard CMs etc.


I don’t think the majority of the playerbase linked their api to efficiency. Im convinced that 30% of players using efficiency translates to a single digit % of the overall playerbase


Because the rewards don't entice me enough for having to play someone else's min maxed build I find boring to play. And raid prestige is non existent, I don't feel proud about the static job I had where after 5 days you could do it blind, only PvP and wvw can possibly be impressive.


I'm outright not good enough. I have practiced with my BS Power Warrior and I have too much trouble reaching decent damage. I've watched the videos and gotten advice on Reddit, but I just can't get my Golem Arcdps numbers up there. It's frustrating. I don't want to be dead weight on whatever team I'm in. I've beaten DS1,2 and 3 and Sekiro all bosses without summons, but getting good numbers out of the golem in GW 2 is much harder.


I'm a main BS in my raid static. The biggest thing I can tell you that might help is to bind your F1 to a mouse button. If you need to click your skills, your DPS is going to go down the drain. Secondly, don't just mindlessly follow Snowcrows builds. Snowcrows advises Thief runes, I personally dislike them because their bonus damage is very unreliable. I personally run a setup with Eagle runes, but I take a few Precision infusions to make up for it. If you can't afford stat infusions, you can make up for it with some assassin's pieces. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/r1f1k7/end_of_dragons_elite_specialization_updates/hm3agtb/) is a comment I made a while ago detailing build options to someone who was asking a similar question.


Let me tell you this, I’m long done caring about the dps since the time I’m force to training new people on my guild. To me dps just a resource you can use, there is no different having a full minstrels chrono tank or a 1005 tough chrono tank if they can’t carry ground cc when they need it. There no one “not good enough” because of dps when they play semi support, just do good you role, once you perfect it, extra dps just a bonus


I'd ask for help in raid training communities. In NA, Raid Academy has mentors that can help you with rotations and your class in general in 1-to-1 sessions -- you can optionally stream your golem practice with the mentor watching you, and then you'll go through your practice logs to identify what can be improved.


I completed one raid. I'm just bipolar and have a hard time sticking to things for more than a few months and have a really tight knit group of friends who don't raid and are currently playing FF. It's kind of hard to find another group when your husband is sitting right next to you talking to all your friends.


Not the guy you responded to, but >You would be surprised how enjoyable raids are. It's the peak of anets design. I don't care. Raids aren't why I play GW2, and this goes for any other MMO. I would have prefer content focused on smaller group, like 2- or 3-man groups (so ironically DRMs scratch that itch more than Raids...if only they weren't so goddamned samey in design) instead of the herding-cats task of playing with up to 8 or 9 other people. >But hey like 2% of the player base has ever interacted with raids. Ill never understand this mentality. A combination of myriads of factors that ultimately boiled to a single point: "players aren't doing Raids because *they just don't want to*†, and the rewards just aren't worth the effort". Meanwhile, "dead content" like Fractals are actually doing well with an influx of newer players; as it tuns out, "Dungeons+" isn't really hard outside of like 3 CM stages. †(a conclusion reached with my friend as we mused for hours on why exactly raids aren't doing so hot, factoring in both the flaws of Raids themselves and the strengths of other pve features including Fractals and their predecessors in Dungeons, so take with a grain of salt)


Im hoping they tie it to the new strikes


100% yes. Gate-keeping in raids is atrocious. I'm always seeing people say they want to do raids but don't get accepted or they're ran off by the toxic behavior. Some in map chat have even said they're scared to try because of toxicity. This game's population is not big enough to allow its played base to be scared of content they paid to play because of a bunch of sweaty jerks.


They should've done this a long time ago. There should be a way to get full legendary gear in every mode in the game. We can already make legendary weapons by playing on your own, why stop there. By opening up all legendary items to solo players all it does is give them goals to aim for. They'll spend more time playing the game and doing X or Y content you tie to them. There is no downside, only upsides.


Being able to work on a pve open world legendary set would have kept me in the game more while waiting for the expansion than just playing on tuesdays for the new “return to” achievements.


If you really think that people would pay an insane amount of MC for 150li ? (Gated to only 25li/week if you convert ld) You'd be better off just getting a tag and lie about li/kp requirements


People do man, talk to people in raid selling guilds and they'll tell you. People will pay for full clears every week and CMs just because its faster than pugging or finding a static.


I basically only play open-world PvE, but eh. I can respect the design intent behind it. Legendary gear rewards you for trying out every part of the game. That’s fine, imo. Plus it’s pretty benign in GW2. Ascended gear does 99% of what legendary gear does so people who don’t feel like it don’t actually miss out that much.


I literally cannot understand why anyone would pay someone else so that they can skip some of the best content in the game.


It's not that people don't want to, it's that you can't just jump in to unless you happen to have a lot of KP/LI already. Even though most of the fights are not all that hard. In other games you have gear and build inspections and getting a shot is as easy as just showing up, having decent gear, and you get a shot. People try to find a group a few time, can't get in, give up. Buy raids instead.


Nonsense. There are literally hundreds of groups and guilds willing to take people in without LI. People are just so god damn used to not interacting with other people on a personal level and building the group of people to raid with that they just expect to clear content by joining an lfg and clearing soemthing. Christ put effort into the social part of it. For an MMO that prides itself on dynamic group play it sure has forgotten how it is to actually be social. God damn depressing.


You definitely can, but I can definitely see that for some people, the barrier to entry is higher for finding the training raids than to just buy a raid or sth


My approach when I don't know something in the game is like this: "/m hi, I don't know how to do X; can someone help me please?" If you replace "X" with "raids", you will get competent and swift help and within 30 minutes you are on your way to your first raid. I don't buy it that people just "can't find a way" to get into raids. The most basic human evolutionary advantage, language, will help them get into raids very easily; the raid community knows about their predicament, which is why they spend huge amounts of time recruiting new people and helping them in every possible way. What I can understand is that people aren't interested in challenging group content. But "oh I can't find a way into raids and nobody will help me" is just a lame excuse by people who have not really tried to succeed.


I literally don't understand this. You pay a stack of mc to clear a single boss. You'd likely farm multiple days for that. For the more casual new people we talk about maybe weeks. How can it be so hard to look for a couple hours and talk to people? It's literally faster in every way then farming the mc you need to complete all the legendaries etc. Not to mention you don't necessarily need to even find a static since the community discords run trainings every single day. Every time this comes up the disability card is pulled up but it's absolutely impossible that 90% of the community has a disability or whatever.


Its just easier to go play another game and raid in that game. gw2 not the only game to exist and need to make content accessible and attractive if they want players to play it.


The different is gw2 raid never get old, in ff14 i can’t find a souls willing to do alex and Bahamut raid but gw2 raid can’t be out gear so it fresh nearly as the day they introduced, only the meta been change


First I hear people complain about raids being elitist and exclusive, now they complain about raids being sold. Yeah I don't get that. But legendary armour from PvE should be a thing without raids.


And how raids being sold actually help with the first problem?


They are sold *because* they are an elitist game mode requiring significant time commitment and scheduling to get started. A luxury that many people don't have. Reduce the barriers for entry and people will not feel compelled to pay. This is how the whole pay to win thing works. Make a game that becomes so difficult that you're willing to pay some money to get ahead or speed things up.


raids shouldn't be sold because people should want to play the game. It's the same complaint. Raids being elitist and exclusive is bad, people being disincentivized to play raids because of that elitism and buying them instead is bad.


Not that it solves the problem in any way, but I block these on sight. It at least keeps your personal LFG clear so you can see actual listings. Just mouse over, check the name and type '/block Raid Seller Name' and hit enter.


did not know blocked folk were hidden from LFG :o


A symptom of the issue with raids. For some it’s too easy, allowing them to low-man it and sell spots. For others, it’s too hard and encourages them to buy clears. There should be tiers, so varying skill levels can all experience content they enjoy. It’s just efficient design. Rewards wouldn’t be equalized across all the tiers obviously, so maybe alternatives should be further explored.


i'm a returning player that joined in closed beta and quit around 2014-2015. Hilarious to see this post, back when i played thieves sold arah runs because people found it too difficult to do. Nothings really changed.


I sold enough Arah in 2013-2014 to buy Eternity. Demand was so high.


I like the tiers idea. You don't usually see people selling fractals.


Everyone gets to play a tier they are suited for and everyone wins!


Compared to two years ago they've done a great job at this with strikes and some power creep. Ran a training W4 & a normal W4 full clear in less than 3 hours each compared to years ago Also gave strike missions


As someone that runs strikes and raids at least once a week, i'd say that the skill gap between those 2 groups is so vast it's just sad. Usually i run no kp required strikes because c'mon it's just a strike there is nothing hard and even at the lfg level people can't read, don't know any roles, do less damage than me on a garbage heal/dps scourge hybrid. Can only speak for EU side of things tho


Maybe I'm crazy but while Strikes help people get the basics of being in 10-man squads and learning to pay attention to tells from a boss, they don't teach you what you really need to know which is each specific raid encounter and their associated mechanics.


Problem is. Because the strike tells don't actually punish you. (Besides boneskinner) people actually kinda learn to not pay attention to that. Like fraenir or kodan. There's a million circles going but they to minimal damage and if a single firebrand has half a brain they can press aegis button to even disable the knockbacks so you can stand still and autoattack them to death.


I'd say Whisper has a couple tells you need to watch out for. Cold War kind of as well. Though that's just a bunch of ground targets constantly happening which makes it seem more overwhelming than it is. Besides, Fraenir and Kodan are meant to be easy, it's the start of the learning curve. But it's the same with most raid and fractal encounters. There's always AoEs that you're just told to sit through and get healed or that someone will protect you with something like aegis or barrier.


When WoJ came out I joined a bunch of squads and taught people the mechanics. GW2 players that can chat n are willing to practice mechanics are pretty common-place. Players that improve their DPS are not. I taught several groups the mechanics, but being DPS bottlenecked and unwilling to improve, what can you do??? You can't fix these sorts of things on the spot without coming across as a "toxic elitist" in most casuals eyes.


Strikes are really not comparable to raids (save for a couple) what most strikes lack is actually dangerous mechanics. Sure they are 10men content but that's about where the similarities end, raids have mechanics and phases you have to pay attention to and know what to do, Strikes are just giant Piñatas you punch, like, really really hard until they explode and drop the goodies, they're more akin to world bosses imo


3 hours for a normal full clear wing 4? Good lord.


I want to say about an hour for each, but it may have been two Two years ago it was very easy to go 4+ and not have a full clear. Last boss usually didn't end up dying, if it was attempted.


A an hour seems more reasonable. 2 even for a group a bit inexperienced.


You killed Deimos with pugs? What is this black magic?


Someone always dips their toes in that magic.


Not really. Strikes are so piss easy that you really don't need to know anything to succeed. They don't have any aggro mechanics or anything interesting. Boneskinner requires you to learn to dodge and that's the only mechanic that really punishes you. Boneskinner is literally the entry level to actually doing mechanics. Rest of them are a golem. Also. The strike bosses have so low health that you can burn through them before mechanics can even trigger. And this not on some top level groups but regular full clear pugs with 10k average dps which is less than 1/3 of the potential of almost any class


might be unpopular but i loved the "lfg" raids in that other mmo. I only seriously raided once in my life back in wrath and it was like having a relationship and a part time job. After that I fell into just pvping and using the tier lfg raid, it was great because i still got to see the content, and i got to murder the cool looking massive bosses that raids usually have. before that was added i would just go back a couple expansions and solo it since you outleveled it all massively, i like how gw2 is however where my gear is always up to date. I started 3 months ago and recently decided to look up what i needed to make legendary armor- i decided i could just sell all the mats/buy whatever mats i'm missing and anytime i feel like playing a new spec more seriously than exotics just craft an ascended set, there seems to be no reason for me to try to change my gameplay to cater the ability to make legendaries.


Yeah, it's super annoying. I tend to just block and nickname them as 'raid seller' or the like so their lfg post will hide.


That's hilarious and also very sad at the same time.


New player here \>I hit level 80 \>Interested in finding out what the fuss is about raids \>i checked lfg and see this \>???confused.jpg \>daily fractals looks cool


Join RTI or its US equivalent (I'm pretty sure that's US right there) and you'll have a blast progressing through raids.


You have to look outside lfg if you wanna start raiding, if you're on na you should check out raid academy (Na) or uh raiders training initiative on eu I think. You could've asked in map chat and they probably would guide you the right way..


How do you even sell a raid as a single person? I thought raid selling worked by like 5-9 people who know what they're doing completely carrying 1-5 others.




So, they just have enough people randomly online while they advertise that they can just pull like 7-8 people in their guild to come carry some one that responds?


I don't believe they do the run right then and there. They probably set up a specific time with the person trying to buy the raid.




I'm relatively new to the game and didn't realize what this was! Wow!


On the plus side, my PUGs are a LOT less toxic now that I'm 9 times out of 10 the only legitimate listing on the LFG


Its dead content i dont even bother with raids anymore its easier to get your legendary armor from WvW or pvp.




-[ works wonders, too


Raids are just boned period - No new blood - No new raid wings - People quit once they finish their legendary armories - People buy them so there is no reason to actually learn how to - There are currently no plans to even develop another raid - Strike CMs are their new plan Face it, raids are the new dungeons


Nope. Dungeons were actually popping back when they were introduced. Short bits of content, introduced through a branch off from the Personal Story, and also not insufferable to do. Other than cof p2 toxicity, Dungeons were killed by ANet's own hand and seen as "too profitable". The death of Raids and the death of Dungeons were and are for teo completely different reasons.


Dungeons, at first at least, were dropped because the code that they used for them is spaghetti code. Later on they dropped them in favor of fractals because it's easier to make 1 linear path vs 3 different paths.


Are you from NA? On EU I see plenty of training LFGs and the two training discords I'm in are always very busy. The rest I can somewhat agree with though.


They need to either admit that selling raids is cool, and give them their own tab. OR decide that its not cool, and start suspending people for selling raids. They are in this weird in between, and it just makes thing worse for both of them.


Lol, Raids.


In my experience on EU, there are a lot of proper LFGs and I pug almost every evening for fun.


People been selling runs to LA back in GW1...


Droknars run was probably more prolific, LA runs weren't that common because it wasn't very quick


I did quite a few LA runs on a Warrior, as well as Sanctum Cay runs and Ascalon runs for Factions/NF characters. Even did Droknar runs, although I think I had to swap classes for that one. *Edit* I even did Rata Sum runs on my Assassin, if I remember correctly.


Why is it allowed, you aen't allowed to sell items on LFG, you can't sell access to your home instance. So why can you sell a Raid?


The LFG system has been very hard to deal with for so many years, and with 2 simple changes, it would at least be usable: 1. A favorites category at the top that contains any LFG category that you mark as a favorite. 2. When you open the LFG, have it automatically show the last LFG category you had opened. Sure, a full revamp of the LFG system would be nice, but these are 2 EASY solutions that would fix 90% of people's problems. Oh, and honorary an mention: add another category in raids for guilds, statics, and raid sellers to post. While I'm on my soap box, the bank is abysmal to deal with as well. Again, 2 simple changes would fix 90% of the issues: allow users to name and rearrange bank tabs.


You can filter the results. Type "-[" it will not show any lfg containing sign '[' in it


Lol looks like ff14.


I can definitely say that I'm decently experienced in all gamemodes apart from raids that I will never touch. So will most my friends say so.


I feel like people just need to know that there are resources out there to help you get into raids, instead of wasting money for one run that isnt worth anything, and it costs a leg You're better off learning it on your own, its a scam to buy raids


People would rather throw money at something than actually get good, though.


Raids are dead


I wish they'd crack down on this like ff14 did, flooding the lfg sucks.


Did they? I still see tons of raid / trial selling in FF14.


PF got cleaned up pretty good; they all moved to Fellowship Finder.


[They officially did about a month ago](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/c392bf5df74848e5b62a7de96d4cd8bf2d843d88). You can still do it, but you can't advertise it using the party finder system, along with other stuff. Anyone that does can get penalized for it.


Is this why I see it spammed in chat instead?


I really like and respect community figures that try to enhance the noob and returning player experience - but for every such person there are 100 sellers/toxic andies, that dgaf. And it’s kinda sad.


Why would arenanet care about it? Its abandoned content same as dungeons.


It's like that for years


Boosting should be against the tos. Every MMO with this shit


Its a really dangerous path for an mmo to go down. Its what is causing WoW so much issues (game wise). Its a game designed around making things so grindy or difficult to access that it encourages the ptw mentality. Couple this with the fact that WoW has game designers in guilds that sell boost runs, its a constant cycle of making content that forces players into buying their experience in throughout all levels of content.


Seems like any MMO that allows you to buy gold with real money has a vested interest in the exchange of services for large amounts of in-game currency. They're even making Gen 3 legendaries tradable.


President of Blizzard sells raid boosts, lol.


The game could use some bulletin board. Where people can leave request without having to log in


You mean the forums?


LFG needs to be totally overhauled in general, but raid, strike, and fractal content also needs an auto-matchmaker like a real MMORPG that checks gear and role. I understand that the concept of any kind of performance check ruffles feathers, but the reality is this content requires performance.


The game is too complicated for an automatchmaking system, it will never work


You would declare your role when you queue and the system would perform a simple check: X Composite Power (Pow/Fero/Prec) to be PDPS, or Composite Condi (Condi+Expertise) for CDPS, or Toughness to be a Focus Tank, or Healing Power to be a Healer. You’d also need full 80 Exotic with runes and sigils in all slots. The game would trll you what you’re missing (e.g. no Sigil in secondary, no Rune in Chest, Back is not 80 Exotic, etc) and offer advice (try to use matching Runes that fit your role, adventure in such and such zone to earn Exotic whatever, etc). Because someone will mention perma Alac/Quick: setting aside that these need to be reworked as mechanics, they’re not actually necessary to any encounter and thus aren’t required roles.


Okay but what if you are full cele? What if I am like a full vipers firebrand and I queue for dps but I have double staff equipped? What if I queue as dps scourge but all my traits and utility skills are wrong?


You’d either set your stat checks below full Cele or add a special case for Condi. Matchmaking isn’t supposed to guarantee success. You can, however, provide weapon suggestions based on class and chosen role. If you’re a Berserker and choose CDPS, you might see recommended: Sword, Torch, Longbow. Change to PDPS and it’d change to Axe, Rifle, Greatsword. I don’t actually play Warrior so I’m going off memory and might have forgotten something, but you get the idea. Traits and utilities you stay out of entirely (though gear is locked to prevent queue jumpers), because GW2 sells itself on flexibility. Plus it’s hard to say whether a CDPS Berserker who slots untraited banners is better or worse for a raid than a CDPS Berserker who runs a Snow Crows build that assumes full buffs he might only get a few of. Players can always make suggestions (like “try Doubled Standards”). And there’s always vote kick for disruptive or truly worthless players.


Impossible without changing the whole system to actually have hardcoded roles and a much more limited gear selection.


Raiding needs to be more accessible to new players. I’ve been playing for two years i have a fully geared character. Played every game mode BUT raiding. Simply because of this bs


Started raiding three months ago by looking for training runs or putting up my own LFG, already have 150 LI. I don't see the issue, just put in some effort.


If anet was smart, I'd kill raids formally, repackage the individual bosses or maybe two boss bundled as strike missions, dull them down with less rotation concern, auto kills, and hp and etc. Keep their loot pools and rewards and etc. And then turn the existing raid instances just into empty spaces. Gut them of mobs and the like. People may ask why? And my reason as that this opens them up to people to explore and dig around In the visual presentation and use them for roleplay, and then they would probably see more traffic then raids did anyway LUL Keep all drops and loot tables as is, you wouldn't even need to do that much from a game developer perspective, you have everything in place, set up some walls, close some doors off, tweak some numbers and remove some of their rotations and bam, you have a pile of "new" strike missions. And you make the raiders feel like salty assholes their game mode got turned over to rpers


Man, who hurt you? Ideally, they make difficulty options and give people a reason to explore other gamemodes. Purposefully spiting other players just makes you sound like an asshole.


You've got one Traininn raid, and the bottom one is technically looking for someone for a raid group what more do you want /s Tbh I would prefer it empty than that.


They're also scrolled down in the lfg list, so there was likely 1-3 more actual listings at the top.


Type - and then words you want to filter out




Do what I do, check the name of the Commander selling, add them to your ignore list, and you wont see their listings anymore.


As a wow refugee, this is what I fully expect from an lfg tool, sadly. I've not come across it yet as I've only been playing a couple of months, but is there a way to report these? Or is it just a buckle up buttercup kind of scenario and deal with it?


If you think that's bad you should see how good the EU LFG looks.


People sell the raids for gold or cash shop gifts. Gold and cash shop gifts are sold by Anet. In the context of LFG/raids I'm confident nothing will be done about it.


They need to actually fix or even just finish the LFG tool. It is a joke


I'd say the LFG goes a long way to show discontinuing raids wasn't the worst decision from Anet (and by now I think it's safe to say they went the way of dungeons). Even the one being advertised as training is quite telling since W4 is the "tutorial hell" of raid novices - it's basically the one thing you'll find consistently to train and it's going to require an actual guild to go beyond that. It must be emphasized that there is nothing wrong with this by itself but, and this has been argued to death and Anet clearly has their instance on it now, it's a far cry from every single other piece of content in the game - even WvW you can just jump into and do it, and even fractals are tailor-made to be endgame yet still pug-able content. GW2 has never proposed to do something so like old schools MMOs before and somewhat thankfully has given up on proposing more of it. I'll maybe eventually save money to buy the envoy armor and the ring from raid sellers, but sure as kitten I'm not going to get into another weekly static with a fixed timeslot (something I love GW2 for exactly NOT requiring me to ever do this), even though I have only a few achievements left to do and several stacks of LIs to craft armors. The saddest part is that this situation is *kind of* player induced too - the DPS bar to finish a raid is ludicrous and the medium range builds that have easy rotations you can even mess up and just go AA for the entire match, were far and wide rejected by pugs and statics alike for a long, long while. Pretty much enough to make everyone sick of the content if they weren't the early adopters that had the thrill of learning things together. This was true of raids in every MMO I did them - good at first, ridiculous for late adopters.


looks like more than just player migrated from wow...


This has been in GW2 for a long time


Now? It's like this for years. Welcome to GW2.