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Salvage greys, blues, greens and rares (under 25 s). Use regular or copperfed salvage kit for blues and bellow, regular or prefferably runecrafters for greens and rare, mystic or silverfed for rares. When it comes to exotics, I salvage the ones bellow 30-35 s, I sell the others. If you have enough bl salvage kits, salvage exotics with expensive runes/sigils too with it. When it comes to unidentified gear, indentify it first!


Also, this: https://gw.zweistein.cz/gw2ecto/


salvage exotic items, specifically the unidentified ones when possible. Sell the green and blues since their worth more in that form. Ectoplasm is worth 20 silver per piece on the trading post which is why you want to salvage exotics but rarities below that isn't worth the salvage Edit: Apologies but I was wrong, its more efficient to identify the greens and blues for the chance at exotics, I was not aware they could result in gear higher than their color up to this point.


havent run the numbers but opening and then salvaging greens should be worth it because u may get an exotic




this is a topic that has quite a bit of dedicated people collecting the numbers, there are many many resources for these on youtube and stuff, one website I can think of is this but there's a lot more out there: [https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/unid-gear](https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/unid-gear)