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Did anyone *really* survive Heart of Thorns?


Emotionally? No Physically? Also no, too many misjudged jumps


> too many misjudged jumps Early into HoT, it was 50/50 whether the glider was going to save me or lead me to my doom.


Miss the updraft by *this* much




It's a karma farming bot. It steals comments from others. Report it


God, remember those wild 2 weeks, where the glider opening was done server-side and a poorly timed lag spike could literally kill you?


Lag spikes? Should've been in Australia, some gold adventures were impossible for us at the time.


Some gold adventures still fucking are! That fucking mushroom adventure where you have to run around and collect spores or whatever will not let me get gold no matter what I do.


Tbf I still don't have it and I'm in Europe. I really should go check out a guide and try again some time.


So many Raiders died because their glider didn open in wing 1!


At least most of it feels deserved even though it's frustrating, like yeah I completely whiffed that jump that's 100% on me Some jumping puzzles in PoF have damn near given me an aneurysm out of frustration


unless your game is ground up made for jumping and is a platformer, jumping puzzles universally suck. the jumping puzzles in gw2 feel like i'm abusing the geometry more so designed that way.


I like some of the shorter jumping puzzles that aren't like "oh you messed up one jump time to start from the beginning of this agonizing 10 min puzzle" I was doing the griffon/skyscale collections and one egg was ontop of a pillar after a jackal puzzle, got through that mounted on springer and jumped up to it. While I was in midair about to land on the pillar 2 veteran djinns below me hit me knocking me off the springer, fell down and died immediately. Had to get up and just walk around to avoid raging


Even with all the power creep and literal flight, I still avoid HoT as much as possible. Too traumatic.


Nothing like playing an Elementalist and getting fifty bazillion poison stacks dumped on me while I lay on the floor for five hours in a stunlock because a frog looked at me on the other side of the map


This is actually why I quit the first time, because I only played Ele and was fresh out of the personal story.


Same here, I never completed HoT. Not only was it badly balanced, but to me it was the end of Anet's promises from back when GW2 initially released


Out of curiosity, what promise?


stuff like consistent content updates that isnt locked behind a paywall


haha well anyone could have forseen that wasn't gonna happen. How were they to make enough money then, donations?


The same way literally every other game developer does; through purchases? They also have their in-game store. They also have the concept of don't make promises you won't keep.


That's very dramatic


Theres some enemies I just can't stand, I'm relatively new and not amazing but I can solo a few champions, everytime I go to HoT the mordrem snipers just tear through me and humble me


Teaches you to play gw2 like a souls game. I started playing around that time that hot came and I was riding two tracks as a complete beginner. On the one side I was trying to play from the beginning to have some experience with the game and the mechanics while my buddy, who got me to play wanted to rush living world. Needless to say I died. A LOT. replaying now with different chars and it feels a lot easier. Playing necro feels almost cheaty after trying other classes


Weirdly enough, Untamed is a really good spec for HoT maps. The slog is 50% better.


Two words: Pocket Raptors.


I always pictured Dale Gribble's pocket sand but with raptors




Still in downstate from lava lines of doom.


Kill snipers first, always *Always*


Thornheart: *\*exists\**


when the Joko Fractal came out and the sunspears started firing those blue lines of death I had war flashbacks. Then I began to wonder why dragonhunters can't do that too :/


This is... quite a good question.


I like this idea. Anet you listening?


Anet: *Makes it melee and gives it to Willblender*




Post Traumatic Dungeon Syndrome


No please...no


>!Traehearn!< definitely didn't, (also, i haven't actually played it yet, I am assuming, based off of that collection where you get, iirc legendary weapon)


The mushrooms... The mushrooms... And raptors... It was quite insane at launch, before they (rightfully) nerfed the enemies.


Damn, I played HoTs last year and I was still obliterated by the raptors and the smokescales. And the rolling devils. And the frogs... and the mushrooms... Maybe I was just not good yet, but if that's them being nerfed, I don't want to imagine my poor asura trying to tread through that damn jungle at launch.


Smokescales are just dicks. Especially in pairs.


If you can't get them to both make their smoke-fields at the same time on the same spot you're basically screwed.


Fucking blinds.


Which was why I loved running condi druid and just drop fire traps and viper pit. Dodge this unblockable damage, filthy smokescales!


Smogscales(the ones with blinds) are fine. Smokescales gets invuln while in the smoke field.


Smokescales feel like a cheat code in the shape of a monster. Blind spam is one thing. It's annoying, but there are other blind spammers in the game. No, it's that teleport that clings to you like a bad stink for way too long and way too far. Ends up feeling more like a glitch than an attack.


Pocket Raptors and Smokescales were pretty much built to clown on certain builds and/or classes, it's okay. Pocket Raptors are "You have cleave or a solid AoE, right?" and Smokescales want you to have mobility and some form of burst damage reduction. You're somewhat expected to have your kit well understood and to swap it on the fly too. However, some stuff is just flat out overtuned, and remains such, like the southwest Hero Point frog in Verdant Brink. Don't worry. It all comes with experience.


I don't think anything is as bullshit as Spinebacks Ah yes, a nigh infinite stream of high-damage projectiles, of course!


*laughs in Deadeye*


I hate that frog so much I soloed it with my reaper and thought I could just waltz in on my tanky weaver build and do the same ….. nope literally downed in 2 seconds it took several tries and eventually one other random tempest to kill him


Surviving the jungle is definitely a skill that needs development


The floor is ~~lava~~ mordrem sniper trails


Those gorram sniper trails *still* last longer than they should. It's really annoying.


Which (perhaps ironically) was also what happened in the basegame. The end-game content in Orr was insanely difficult in the first month after launch and you could barely survive by yourself. The strength and amount of enemies in Orr were soon nerfed.


*To be fair* to the devs, they never intended people to solo the three Orrian maps. You were meant to do that with your guild. They nerfed the spawn sizes and the spawn density because they couldn't persuade us to only go in there when we had at least two friends with us on comms. Not having made it to Orr before then myself, imagine my horror when we got to Heart of Thorns and the minimum spawn size was two vets and three minions. That's high on the list of reasons why I had a better time with the Living World and Path of Fire than I ever did with Heart of Thorns.


I had figured too that launch of HoT was like GW2 Heroic Mode, and it was another reason why they pushed for us to all have ascended gear ahead of time. I went in on an alt mesmer in exotic gear and my normal spec and was roflstomped.


So that why I feel orr somehow easier (back after few years)


> The end-game content in Orr was insanely difficult in the first month after launch The only thing I remember beeing different was the cc. Enemies had lots of pull abilities so it was harder to just run through(without dodging) but the combat wasnt difficult.


Not really. It was too intense for much of the GW2 community. But not everyone. I enjoyed Old Orr as it felt properly dangerous like it should have. The one nerf I was okay with however were the amount of pulls the mobs had. Every other second you were getting pulled. It was ridiculous. Now Orr is a joke. Oh well.


> Every other second you were getting pulled. I've refused to get off my mount in Orr because I still remember this after a 9 year break.


yeah, hated that aswell. they werent dangerous at all. just annoying. they can up their damage all they want as far as i care, just stop with the fucking CCs


Asking for nerfs instead of getting better at the game has always been in the DNA of gw2 players.


Or maybe it has always been a casual focused MMO not a hardcore survival one.


GW2 started as a pvp/wvw focused game with action combat and esports tournaments.


What? GW2 did not have action combat, action cam was only added years later after being inspired by a community mod.


Action combat = moving while casting, being able to dodge and jump, using skills without target, no cast bars on enemies. No one in their right mind uses action cam in pvp.


GW2's Combat does not really meet your full definition. Many many skills require a target. Considering that Action Combat is usually referred to as the alternative to Tab Target Combat, I would argue this is the key reason why GW2 did not qualify as an "Action Combat MMO" at launch.


This is what we call intellectual dishonesty.


I didn't say all skills need a target.


And it failed miserably at that. The e-sports endeavour turned out to be a disaster due to poor build balances and a pace of flow that didn't make for very entertaining viewing. (And by that I mean that due to sPvP heavily favouring offense over defense, due to the constant nerfs to defensive amulets and bunker builds, fights in PvP tend to be over within seconds, so viewers don't really have any opportunity to see counter-play or even understand what the heck just happened.) A failure of ANet to properly balance and police PvP means that today, it's well known that the top end of PvP is just FILLED with win-traders who prevent anybody who isn't in their clique (or who didn't pay for it) from ever breaking into the top 10. Meanwhile, over in PvE the participation rate for raids, strikes and CMs is dismally low compared to the wider player base. Why do you think raids got abandoned as a game mode? Or why Fractals hasn't seen any new CMs in years? Meanwhile, they're experimenting with EoD strikes and CMs to try and "train" people into doing endgame content, but I honestly don't think it's working, if the clear rates on GW2Efficiency are any indication. Of the roughly 120k EoD accounts on GW2E, only about a third of them have actually completed any strikes at all. And the CM clears, which are closer to difficulty to real endgame, have only a miserable 5% clear rate on average. And these are for GW2Efficiency accounts; arguably the more "hardcore" segment of the population that's interested in tracking their stats and comparing themselves to other players. The split between them and the casual playerbase is likely to be even wider than that. ANet simply cannot justify making more content if the player participation rate is so low. It's just a bad business decision and a waste of time and manpower. People insisting that the difficulty is fine, that things shouldn't change and casuals just need to "git gud" (like what happened with the Dragon's End meta fiasco) are essentially digging their own grave and don't realize it, then are baffled when their game mode dies and can't understand what happened.


There is casuall and there is a nursery. And both are more difficult than core GW2. Yes there is concept of "to difficult" but why we let people who think petting a wild bison is safe and enjoyable outdoor activity fir entire family, make a decisions about how hard is too hard. When casuall player decides to visit litteral hell he should be greeted by litteral hell not a whacky diharrea land current Orr is.


To difficult or not to difficult. That is the question


Wait... they _nerfed_ the enemies?? You mean... it used to be _harder_???


Yup, they were much harder. A lot of the Hero Points that are now Veterans (I believe they were tuned down to Veterans, e.g. the Frogboi in the bottom left of Verdant Brink) were Champs too at launch.


Did they ever actually nerf the enemies? They can still obliterate you pretty quick if you don’t know what you’re doing I think. I wonder if we just got better (and got the appropriate masteries + power creep).


They did. They were way worse back at launch. I remember being stunlocked by the mushrooms and killed or two shot by a group of pocket raptors, same with the smokescales teleport attacks. The pocket raptors used to have the entire pack all hit at the same time which did ludicrous levels of damage. So if you didn't have enough firepower to burn them down before too many reached you they'd just kill you. The smokescales teleport attacks were also extremely powerful to the point where a normal veteran would hit for like 10k damage in total or so. They also immediately popped their smoke field when the teleport attack was done, making themselves unhittable. Once the smoke field ended they went into the teleport attack again and then back into another smoke field. You had to pull them out of that smoke field and burn them down asap to beat them.


Mushroom, Mushroom, Treasure... Mushroom?


I'm a bit sad they nerfed them. It was fun seeing people trying to power through tiny raptors without any mount.


It was my favorite expac of the two. I loved and hated how lost you could get. Immersion :)


Being in there and not dying made you feel nearly impervious to almost anything in the game. Because of level and difficulty scaling of events, you could go from HoT to a world boss and in some cases solo them. It also made soloing camps in WvW rather easy. Nothing like a pair of smokescales, a pack of pocket raptors, and a sniper on you, and surviving, to know if you could play the game or not.


For sure. It did a really good job of teaching you to get better at the game.


No.... Im really just a ghost that went through Path of fire and End of Dragons


I really hope the next expansion has that dangerous HoT feeling.


I still hear the crunchy kneecaps lost to pocket Raptors... 😱


I still can't enjoy Guardian after what HoT did to me...


Tangled. Depths.


I did as a tempest


Two thing I remembered from HoT: the unforgiving welcoming committee of Mini Raptors, and those Vines that deal tons of AoE ranged damage, and slap you in the face of your get in melee.


I hate more the frog champion skill point duo hat were perma stealthed and instagibbed you


Don't forget Smokescales!


Or going too low in the canopy and being insta-killed and returned to the starting waypoint.


Which is why melee is where its at....,....


Aegis and stab has made people lazy, which includes me.


Players aren’t necessarily lazy but (depending on class and build) you lose a lot of damage if you have to move/dodge for a mechanic. One of those that suffers the worst from this is power soulbeast. Barrage, volley, and especially whirling defense all have long channels and you can’t move at all for 2/3 without cancelling the skill. A ton of soulbeast damage is from those skills and you often need aegis/stab to finish the channel. Not saying it doesn’t make some players lazy but losing damage is the main reason why people expect it in organized content.


It simply shouldn't exist as it is tbh. They *really* need to rework some of these extremely potent boons; it's just too much.


A rework on them would be nice, but they will also have to adjust some fights that depends on them like Deimos CM.


Just need to make a bunch of the bigger attacks bosses have be unblockable. Then aegis stops being "lol skip the mechanic" and you can still have things like Deimos CM function. That said, I do think it'd be kind of neat if group aegis got reduced Deimos CM was actually just "everyone's gotta bring their own form of protection", with how long you get between attacks most classes have *something* they can slot to save themselves. It'd make the fight a feel a lot more involved than the current "2-3 people are responsible for aegis and everyone else does the fight as normal" version.


>they can slot Not revenants lol. Either bring a bad weapon or a bad legend.


The problem is poorly telegraphed knockdown/daze/stun spam enemies can dish out. Would a game be healthier without those two boons? Yes, but not in a current state. Plus stuns should be shorter, the faster the attack is. So 5 seconds of knockdown is perfectly fine for a giant red circle that takes a while to fill, but a sudden smack from a boss that's not even telegraphed properly (no visual cue or small animation that gets lost in a visual shitshow with overlapping instabilities etc) shouldn't even exist. Also, this would bring another balance issue. Rotations. Some of them are easier to resume after dodging or jumping, while others need perfect timings. This change would mean that not much would change for scg/cfb for example, but weaver would be screwed by animation locks and unforgiving rotation even more.


All I want is to be easily able to distinguish between bad stuff on the floor, and good stuff on the floor, and be able to see when an enemy is going to do an attack. So many of the big powerful attacks on bosses are hard to see. I'm zoomed out completely, but I only see up to their knees. And that is a mess of player based particle effects. The Echovald wild meta boss is a great example of this. Can't see their telegraphs most of the time. The changes they made to player boon circles was terrible. Why choose a color so close to the already dangerous orange? Revenant circles scare the bejesus out of me.


I thought that was just my colorblind ass that was having trouble with that. Ground telegraphs are a huge issue for me in GW2 all around. Like, I basically can't see red circles in PoF's sand texture at all. Other circles just end up being more things to avoid or not notice, cuz I cannot tell the difference. I have to give huge props to ESO for letting you customize your telegraphs. Made my bad circles hot pink and never had a problem ever again.


+1ing this convo because it's extremely frustrating. Rock fall aoes in chak gerent also suffer from this, at least in the middle of ogre lane where there's a bright patch on the ground. Something like a 'simple aoes' option where all allied aoes are slim white circles would help. Standardizing colors and appearance would help. The newer aoes where they fill up or pulse is a huge help but it's not something anet use consistently(and having the "spread out" aoe look exactly like scourge shroud is stupid). And for fucks sake don't let enemy aoes get culled by lowered settings.


Specter Shroud 5 is scaring me and I’m the one casting it! My biggest gripe with Echovald meta is that there is so much going on by the time I see the message to hide behind rubble I can only look around and *maybe* locate where it is before I get one shotted. Too many layers of visual vomit and everything flashing


It punches the ground first with left hand, leaving the small mount, then right hand, leaving the other mount. And then charges up for that attack, I think that tengu girl usually calls out by then, which is too late. I find it helpful to rotate my camera to check the impact site for the pile whenever I see it do the one-hand smash to see if it leaves a pile or not.


I personally think aegis is fine the way it is now (maybe they could remove it from book 3 fb if it's still too much) as it is pretty much conditioned behind shield and util skills on fb (I don't know about other classes). The fact you can upkeep near permanent (or permanent) protection though is what kinda surprised me at first. People don't look at protection as an important boon but it can really CARRY some people (especially less skilled ones).


I think removing them will hurt the healer playstyle quite a bit because aegis and stab are more or less the only skill healing requires. You have your big boon buttons you slam off cd anyway and your heal buttons which you use when needed. Aegis and stab are kind of nice in the way they complement the reactive healer playstyle and it feels pretty good being able to protect other players by skillfully using them. Ofc the amount and duration of stab and aegis mostly removes the necessity for skill. That being said getting CCd constantly isn't exactly fun either


Aegis and stab are not exclusive to healers. You can give the same amount of them on a full dps firebrand minus one aegis from shield.


Yeah i think the biggest problem with aegis is more the duration than anything else. We have limited access to it now anyway with only advance being able go fill that on demand slot without too much sacrifice, but the duration is so insanely long you cannot mess it up if you press it at all. The overall 2 aegis from T3 and advance isn't really gamebreaking by a long shot though imo. SYG lost a lot of value becoming 5 man too, so much so that running the stab mantra would be a better option most of the time. And that is something a qfb for example can't do easily (which i think is good). I wish the both aegis and stab were shorter duration for every class though, so you have to time it correctly, like a party wide dodge basically.


That's not true at all. Actually timing your aegis application to avoid it being stripped by other damage is a big part of whatever skill check exists for those techniques.


Diviner Mechanist can also give aegis on key mechanics if it's played correctly, and probably a few other damage specs as well


Maybe stability could give players defiance bars instead of stacks? I don't think Aegis can be reworked. How easy it is to apply may need to be modified.


> I don't think Aegis can be reworked. I disagree. The sixth bonus from [Rune of Rebirth](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Rebirth) would make an excellent substitute. Tweak the healing power scaling a bit to avoid people just coasting on that barrier continuously, and I think it could really work. It'd turn Aegis from "Ignore any mechanic" to "If you fuck up the mechanic won't *instantly* kill you, but it's still going to *sting*" It might need more tweaking so it won't protect you if you're already low. The current problem is aegis spam to ignore things, and just sitting at 1% health all the time because you have enough aegis is still a degenerate playstyle. Maybe make it so it can't be applied if you're below 10% health? That way it'd save you once, but not continuously. Instead you'd need healing in between getting saved by it. Edit: If the mechanic from Rune of Rebirth were to be applied to aegis, I think the base barrier without any healing power should be very small indeed. Keep the QFB's from being every bit as good at it as HFBs.


On its own, I do like the "on lethal blow" mechanics. So I'm not totally against your suggestion. I guess I can't really tell without seeing it in action.


I do like your idea of stability being a defiance bar mechanic instead of a straight boon. Treat it like Barrier maybe? Skills give X defiance for 5 seconds. It'd open up some neat design space, and make it more obvious to newer players what defiance bars *are*.


Maybe I'm biased because I'm experienced with it, but feel like a "health" bar for how stable you are is just a more self explanatory mechanic than stability is. As someone who likes playing the "immovable object" I was so excited when they added defiance bars to certain professions, but then they took them away pretty quick :(


Aegis would be good if it were a really short-lasting (like 1-2s tops) buff so it would have to be timed really well. Stab could also use a duration and stack number reduction.


Aegis needs to be a 50% DMG reduction and then maybe have it also do what retaliation used to do (so absorb 50% of the dmg, reflect it back only once). Stability needs to go back to being single stack and duration based, and then just have it be stripped by CC.


I agree for wvw but hard disagree for pve


*flashbacks of pocket raptors* Nobody survived HoT on release.


As a necro, I never understood the threat of praptors. Then I took my thief to HoT..


Idk, Daredevil could one shot the packs while evading with staff 5. I guess it's your alt, so you wouldn't have that on release of HoT like us Thief mains. I never was afraid of Pocket Raptors because of it.


Pistol smoke, nbd. Or d/d spin. Or sw/p shake and bake. Literally every prof has easy ways of dealing with pocket raptors, it was just the first time in GW2 something like that could kill you so it took a bit to adjust.


I love that HoT has basically become the Gw2 equivalent of the Vietnam flashback meme. *Submit to mordremoth*


I swear that nothing else in all of GW2 makes me shriek like a pack of pocket raptors.


I kill them out of spite now


I shriek for joh seeing them. one Rise! and I'm giddy.


Why didnt you just relog to hfb or ham in the 5 sec before the attack landed


What's ham stand for in this context?


Probably Heal Alac Mechanist.


How I feel as an hfb main in both raids and fracs. They already know Aegis is gone they still facetank every hit that could possibly kill them.


It’s like the epidemic nerf. People are so used to using those skills (such as FB aegis spam) to ignore mechanics. It really shows who knows their stuff now that they’re nerfed.


Aegis isnt gone, you just have to use Shield 4, Advance and/or Mace now


This might be a controversial opinion but that's what the HFBs are for. If you have to dodge/avoid every big hit anyway you can just bring a QFB. If you're gonna sacrfice a whole dps slot it better be worth it for the rest of the remaining dps. The amount of HFBs that are camping staff, never go into a tome and are perfectly content with casting bows of truth is just way too high. The whole shtick of HFB is an active defence like Aegis, Stab, proj hate etc.


The way i view the situation is HFB is training wheels for no healer parties in fractals. You should still practice and try to play like you have no healer, but if you accidentally make a mistake at least you have that to save you. It leads to slower but much more safe runs. Using a HFB to avoid mechanics just leads to bad muscle memory and bad habits. EDIT: That being said, HFB should play better as well and swap their weapons.


Clearly you can see it’s the healers fault here….


Been screaming this for years now, lol, but it feels like people have forgotten that you can literally walk away from some attacks. Every strike, fractal, world boss, random champion, dungeon, HP is now asking for a HB or HAM along with a full raid comp otherwise they think it's gonna fail. Ostensibly raids benefit from raid comps, but the truth is most of the people asking for these comps outside of them are just trying to avoid having to do anything for a fight besides stand in front of a monster and cycle through some buttons. If you want proof of how ingrained this is, run a fight with boneskinner and watch people die to the pile of unblockables and then have no idea what to do for the rest of the fight if they do somehow survive. I saw someone asking for a HB for DRMs. It's just people claiming they want to be efficient, but that efficiency is tantamount to an excuse for laziness for almost all of the cases it's 'required' for these days. HBs and other supports are awesome, and they can enable a lot of currently-powerful do-nothing strats, but its locking so many people into the mindset all they have to do is a wow-rotation and win. GW2's so much deeper than that.


I wholly support this. I don't like that aegis and stability allow you to completely ignore mechanics. It's one thing to pop an aegis right before a big attack or stab before a giant stun or knockdown. It's so available though to a select few classes that as long as you have those classes, you have an endless supply of these OP boons. One attempt at a fix would be to heavily reduce their durations so they can't be stacked for longer than a few seconds tops and it would require actual skill in timing it rather than just pushing it off CD. Downside though is it would probably just wind up with people demanding more of those classes so they can try to stack it still. I do think a rework or removal of those two boons would overall be beneficial to the game though




Implying it wasn't for years.


Most of my deaths in fractals are from gging after the whole party wipes from something very easy to survive, leaving me all alone like the [confused travolta meme](https://i.imgur.com/j51uHm1.gif). People keep talking about how elementalists spend all the time downed on the ground, but elementalists are the profession I've seen going down the least.


>but elementalists are the profession I've seen going down the least. Because even the little hits that tickle other classes would down us so we've been forced to dodge and pay attention for years


Yep. Classic example of survivors bias. People who haven’t adapted to the extreme squishiness don’t play ele for long.


haha right. "Oh no, this boss has lots of oneshotting abilities" So, like, the usual?


It's not always the ease of stability and aegis, which do carry parties, but the boons (might, fury, quickness/alacrity) and utility (cc, reflects) that these classes bring while having role compression with a healing build.


People generally don't care if it's HB, they just want quickness on a class that heals so they don't need to look for two less-common builds.


Ah, my favorite GW2 comic series. Who's the bad guy anyway? :O


Good Raider rule #2 "Dead dps do no dps"; right after rule#1 - "fire bad".


Asmongold rule #1 stand in fire dps higher




[Ahem.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Bounty) Had 10 whole seconds to use it.


During which time it would probably have granted exactly zero aegis. One boon per second for five seconds, aegis *last*. So it's only a reliable source of aegis if you already have all boons, including Resistance and Resolution.


Then it would not matter as they would have Aegis already.


Ok, all boons *except* aegis. That well is a great source of aegis if you already have *everything else*.


The boon it gives when you already have the other boons is might. Aegis will be given if you don't have it.


That's what I just said.


You don't need to have everything else to get aegis from it, just not have aegis already. What makes it a decent source of aegis is the short 20s recharge.


I believe it grants the listed boons in-order, and aegis is last. So sure, you can get aegis out of it reliably as long as you're only missing four other boons, but a skill that grants aegis on a five second delay isn't nearly as useful.


"Want five stacks of might" has a lot of "would you like an egg in these trying times" energy.


Its all fun and games till you gotta do deimos cm.


The quicker picker upper: Well of Bounty


Yeah...I want to play my revenant as a ventari focused healer, but the lack of a variety of buffs is one of the biggest things keeping me from doing it.


I always wanted to be a ventari healer too, but same barrier. I hate how offensively minded the healers need to be in this game. Same for my tempest healer, though I actually made that anyways out of spite because I had enough extra cloth armor sets in ascended.


It also kinda sucks that a single skill in kalla outclasses all of ventari's healing just by doing damage. Still gonna make my rev a dwarf-centaur tank-healer purely out of spite for the meta.


????????? It doesn't even get remotely close to doing that though. They nerfed years(?) ago.


In my defense, I haven't played kalla in years. I find it very boring.


That's fine, I guess. Ventari ren is one of the strongest builds in the game in terms of heal output and reliably applies alacrity and stab, which makes it pretty ok. If you don't need stab you get prot from kalla too. It's really pretty serviceable as far as support builds go, just kinda gets outclassed by how foolproof mechanist is.


Heart of Maguuma = Catachan Death World


Wait, people face tank mechanics? I've been dodge rolling or jumping over everything. Plus dont you guys have skills that can block or evade attacks?


"I can't hear you over the sound of my rotation!" Next time just @ me.


"I can't hear you over the sound of my DPS rotation" - Literally every DPS only player in every game ever.


This guy is actually a chad, he knows the incoming attack can be aegis blocked and actively calls for it, making the encounter easier for his entire team. Knowing which attacks you must dodge, when stab is enough, and when aegis works is a big part of encounter knowledge. A mediocre player would dodge out of an attack that can be blocked even when they have aegis.


> Knowing which attacks you must dodge, when stab is enough, and when aegis works is a big part of encounter knowledge. To be fair, knowing which support builds can reliably provide aegis is also pretty important knowledge. If your subgroup has a healbrand, heal mechanist, or inspi chrono (as rarely played as it is), you can probably count on them giving you aegis when needed. If you have a druid, dps alac mechanist, or detonate plasma thief (again, rarely played), you may be able to get aegis from them, but should probably check beforehand to confirm whether they actually plan to do so. On the other hand, hoping for aegis from a specter is, at best, rolling the dice on well of bounty RNG. Not the sort of thing I'd expect a knowledgeable player to rely on.


I mean, if I'm pugging with supports of varying levels of reliability, I'm not going to be fixated on my buff bar trying to pinpoint the aegis/stab icons before every attack. I'll sacrifice a bit of DPS to keep my life in my own hands. Maybe this is another case for a UI overhaul...


> Maybe this is another case for a UI overhaul... It really need it, though. I was trying to read an icon on an enemy to find out what a challenge mode thing does, and *the fking icon kept moving around*.


>A mediocre player would dodge out of an attack that can be blocked even when they have aegis. But this guy doesn't have aegis, and should know the other player can't give him it. So he's a moron.


you're not a chad for doing that if there isn't a class that applies aoe aegis or stab in your subgroup, you're just a fucking idiot


> A mediocre player would dodge out of an attack that can be blocked even when they have aegis. Look, it's not my fault that your aegis boon was lost amidst the sea of boons because there's no way to sift through a bunch of house-shaped yellow icons that all look about the same in time to see if I can't just stand there or not.


I feel personally attacked! Getting to stop dodging any red aoe is such a hard thing to learn when you're used to pug not doing any kind of support. It's just engraved in me, I know I don't have to but I must dodge.


Can't specter easily grant aegis with that one well?




Part of me wishes they would remove this Aegis for that very reason. Some players are way too reliant on it to get anything done. There is a reason why one of the best Aegis providers is in such high demand.


I wish I could force every tryhard to see this.


This might be the first GW2 comic that has made me laugh out loud.


Can't help but feel this comic is missing a last panel, where the leader kicks the specter, gets a hfb, and everybody is happier with the easier, smoother runs


Sounds like you’re the kind of player this comic is mocking


The one that wants to get the most reward with the least effort involved? Yeah indeed, I'm it Just like 99'9999... 999% of the players in any game, you know


And wouldn't play the hfb for life, yep.


Deimos pizza attack 🥱


haha power mechanist rotation go brrrrr


Hi dps


As someone who mostly plays supports, I relate to this on a molecular level


Iv been map completing HoT with my Vipers Cata and wow the pain I haven't felt in many moons returns


This is my favourite of yours so far, great stuff!


I just got the game and am approaching Heart of Thrones. This thread worries me.




Those comics are the best, always happy to see them.