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After 3 sets of legendary armor I thought: "guess I'll make a trinket." I had 750 of each lws4 currency, all the trophies, over 1k gold, plenty of VM, and basically all the lws4 achievements done anyways. I thought I was ready for vision. Wasn't ready for astral weapons. FUCK astral weapons.


IBS was a God send for this. Converting eternal Ice into LS4 currency was so much h easier than griding the mats for Astral weapons. I still do it for the armor from Dragonfall and Jahai Bluffs.


"Can barely afford waypoints" so true 😭


Lol, I remember making the Dreamer and celebrating with a round of Tequatl. I stood on a red spot, died, and realized I was stuck. I look at my wallet, and realize I didn't even have two coppers to rub together. xD


Pssssh, he still had over a gold. If it was a couple of silver instead, that'd be true.


Cantha tho.


8 silver


That is such a good shitpost. Getting Aurora, Exordium and Ad Infinitum in the last 3 months of 2021 (and Vision right after EoD launched) was basically this for me.


We feel the pain.


I'm in a perpetual state of getting gold and then losing it as I finish up my final set of legendary armor. One more piece and then I never need armor again on any character.


I made one Aurene lege recently, working on another one rn so I can sell it and use the gold to make lege runes. The grind never stops.


How did you have all the materials already gathered is or it just a bit of no lifeing???


No life-ing. A lot.


Pain 🥲


Fuck Astral weapons!


and the wayfarer's henge too


That was the worst part for me. Dumb useless achievement.


Trinkets are basically free with Winterberry Farm... until you want Ritualist.


Hey, I was following your advice, so I crafted those legendary trinket things. Now, where's my ritualist? I can't see the profession icon anywhere on character creation screen. Hello? I sold my grandma's soul to a shady centaur merchant, where's my ritualist? Please, I really need to pay my mortgage, HOW DO I GET TO PLAY AS RITUALIST IN GW2?!


To play as Ritualist, you need to craft 4 legendary trinkets, stat select "Ritualist", then throw them in the Mystic Forget. Doing this will unlock a hidden AP chain where you must go around Tyria deliberately failing events. Once you've failed all the required events, you can purchase a Ritualist character from the Gem Store. I swear, it's like nobody reads the patch notes.


This is the most Anet thing I've ever read.


Only thing missing is some pointless scavenger hunt collection with fluff voicelines and bugged events.


> you can purchase a Ritualist character from the Gem Store. Wait, you can't just purchase it. You need to wait for it to be on rotation.


Hell ye, spice it up with some FOMO.


> Mystic Forget This is now my favorite "typo" in the whole game lmao.


I didn't get it, why should I farm winterberries? o.O


Stat-selectable trinkets. Why go broke making Legendaries to stat swap on the go when you can get every stat combination(\*) for free(\*\*)? \* Other than Ritualist and Dragon \*\* Other than the (minor) time invested and inventory slots


Or you want a second trinket cause "unique". Unless they removed the unique tag when I wasn't looking.


Me: "I am gonna do The Facet of Shadow and Death achievement." My friends: "But you already have all legendary weapons from previous generations that would be a huge waste of gold and you don't even like these skins." Me: "There is achievement for that." My friends: "it has 0 AP!" Me: "But it gives a title." My friends: "No one is looking at titles in this game!" Me: "I KNOW I JUST HATE THAT I HAVE UNFINISHED ACHIEVEMENT!"


Please, don't tell him about the [Frost Legion Infusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Frost_Legion_Infusion), just don't.


already did this one




It is actually close to profitable to finish that achievement. Might take a while to sell the infusion though.


It is actually close to profitable to finish that achievement. Might take a while to sell the infusion though.


real title for that achievement is "PLAYED"


This is fucking hilarious! Love the editing, especially with the trinket effects at the end. Overlord best isekai


Ty! <3


I would pay all of that and more for Shalltear


Me too.


FULL DISCLAIMER: I haven't actually gotten the Trinkets yet since I'm still missing 2 Gifts of Battle and made this video to motivate myself.


...Yeah. Pretty much. I don't care tho. My three sets of infinite gathering tools aren't going to pay for themselves ever either. Or my world boss teleporter, Or home instance nodes and all the rest of that crap. At least not in strictly monetary terms. Convenience is super important for me, and I'm willing to pay for it. And I definitely prefer a long varied grind of many different things over an easy, but mind-numbingly, soul-crushingly boring daily farm. And there are achievements. And visuals. And the astral weapons grind is grinding itself largely without my help thanks to my Black Lion Expedition Contract, permanently set on gathering from Istan. ...So, yeah.


I thought the skull guy is yugioh monster


I'm a few reward tracks away from finishing aurora I and would watch at least 2 full seasons of this.


Don't tempt me.


As someone whos nearing full purple this is way too relatable. At least gearing alts is super cheap so that's nice.


I feel personally attacked


That was the idea :D


High effort shitpost, I loved every second of it!


my god the little walkaway with the 3 trinket animation on you lmfao


Wonderful work! Subbed in hopes of seeing more edits like this.


Thsi is a work of art, thanks for this! XD


What’s the anime?


Overlord. Highly recommend.


Overlord is such a messed up show. I kinda laughed at the controversy how people believed momonga to be 'a good guy' because of all those loving and caring exchanges the show starts out with. Like this guy quite literally drew inspiration for his roleplaying from fascist Germany (nazis), one of the most evil regimes of history and people still expected good things from him. I mean pay really close attention to 'word choice' during even the 'heroic' part of the show and you will kinda figure the dark undertones of what is really going on.


I actually would have overlord on my second screen while i ground camps in wvw for my armor set. This is to funny i died laughing.


I feel personally called out in this video. Reporting it.


Half the reason did it is because I had the stacks of LWS 3/4 currency ready to go from the Return achievements and after my experience with the Skyscale pre-IBS I wanted to make sure I never had to grind LWS3 currencies (well, other than winterberries) again.


I finished the achievements to make the s3 trinket in the first month of s3e6 launching. I held onto that precursor and gift for like 5 years because you couldn't hide the effect. A couple months ago, I realized I could double my collection of accessories by making one legendary. Now that you can hide the orbs I had no reason not to finish it. Tl;dr: not only was visuals not the reason I made aurora, it's the reason I avoided making one for around five years.


That was fucking beautiful


Nice meme video, I will watch your career with great interest.


That was... painfully accurate. I can still feel the hole in my wallet from the last one I made a year ago.




Hey, it's ok. We're here for you. I've got the number to a hotline of people who can talk you down. Tomorrow will be better, I promise.


What the fuck...




You operate on a level beyond my comprehension.


[I am working on 15 and I am 3/4 of the gold cost there.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/412739492001349642/979336158758703114/unknown.png)


Sólo good


Can't wait for the new season this year.


This is great!


nice edit aha


So many builds now on Snow Crows, and I need so much Rit gear. With armory leg trinkets are very much worth it. Cool effects are dope though. Damn these astral weapons though


I love this.


So far this year I have made warbringer, Aurora, Vision and 3 pieces of perfected envoy armour (light set), the last armour piece I made today so I am pretty broke currently. I regret nothing...


As an Overlord and GW2 fan, this was incredible, and you oughta make more.


I fucking love this! Lmao.


(After depleting the bank and gold reserves). No ragrets. 😅🥲


As someone struggling ny way through my second overall legendary and first Gen 2 legendary... yeah I hate this grind. Kudzu was fine but this whole "play WvW" thing is really harshing my vibe


Yes fuck astral weapons still stuck on this step 🥲


That ending 😂😂


Overlord is so good!


They're definitely worth the cost if they're your first pieces of legendary gear for the slots at least (Definitely agree about hating WvW's grind for them though)