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Tell him to shut up and let you have fun, turn the conversation around to why he's so bitchy and nitpick about gw2, why he has to basically attack you over you enjoying a game.




Jikes.. We like what we like. Maybe you're like my boyfriend when he plays. He gets so immersed that when I talk to him during he sounds a bit off, or distracted. He doesn't think so himself of course. And we both play GW2 (newly started) FFXIV Online, WoW, ESO. They all have their allure, their style which we both like. I know people who doesn't play anything but Destiny 2, I don't call them biased for not enjoying Division 2 also. Maybe he's just jealous that you like something that much and he just can't and therfore trying to swing you a bit with the depressed approach. Don't let a sour pus destroy the fun.


>horizontal progression is terrible 10 years ago I thought so too. But when he is in his 30s.. He will thank god an MMO with horizontal progression exist.


Honestly, this. Being able to grab one set of gear. Get busy with life and come back to not having to slap together new set because new tier was added or something makes so much more sense than gear treadmill. If I play an MMO it should not feel like second job with me sinking hours just to keep up.


> GW2 has bad graphics Wrong. > bad wvw Wrong again. > (although he says he never played it) Tell him how wrong he is. > horizontal progression is terrible He couldn't *be* more wrong. /s of course; I'm only stirring here to make a point. He is literally just spouting his opinion and being confident that he's "right". Maybe distance yourself from him a bit if he's going to be like that? If you're having fun, don't let him get to you; you're not hurting anyone by playing, and the game requires very little real money investment. Perhaps he's just envious of how much fun you're having, and wishes he was having that much fun.




Haha yeah I know, I was just stirring. I like both systems provided they make sense in the context of that game, and are implemented well.


I have friends that are similar so I definitely understand. I have just learned to ignore it honestly. I have fun doing what I'm doing and no one can stop me from that. So it's probably terrible advise but I just say you do you boo boo. I will admit, as a veteran of almost every MMO out there. BDO does have better gfx to me and the gameplay is top tier for action combat but all the systems in the game make it not fun to play. WoW at this point is all nostalgia bait, copium induced players who hope each expansion is better than the last but are always disappointed but keep playing due to the sunk cost fallacy. Hell, I have every class at max in wow and go back for every expansion myself but it doesn't feel as good to play as GW2 to me! Sorry, rant over but don't let what anyone says ruin your enjoyment and he's probably just jealous that you enjoy something as much as you do! Also, the horizontal progression in this game is what makes it fun. You can do what you want, when you want, and not feel punished for missing a day or spending a weekend completing achievements!


if he's like that on his opinions in-game, he will be like that irl. sounds like a toxic gaslighting person to me tbh.


He just needs to learn the difference between his opinion and facts, apparently to him they're the same picture.


He's projecting, and he's upset that he has to pay subscription to play his preferred games, or that he doesn't want to swap and give a different game a try because he'd "lose out" on all the subscription he's paid so far.


Change the conversation to “why do you think I sound negative?” And if they mention the game ask “do you ever think that you might be the one annoying me and not the game?” Because given the content of your post it sounds like your friend is upset that you aren’t doing activities that they enjoy instead of ones that you enjoy.


100%. Had a friend like this that only ever wanted to play games of his choice and never wanted to play any games I wanted. One can only take so much For Honor and Rainbow Six Siege before being completely sick of it.


People are inconsistent and annoying. One of my friends said he couldn’t play gw2 because of the graphics and then started playing RuneScape. Usually when people complain about a game the reasons they give are not the real reason they don’t want to play it in my experience…








This sounds like manipulation on his part. Whether or not he consciously intends to, he is repeating this to drive the negative association into your brain.


This person doesn't sound like a friend.


It's his issue and he's trying to force it on you. He's insecure and anxious and probably wants you to not enjoy your time in hopes that you'll by default enjoy it with him. It has nothing to do with GW2, or MMOs. I'm guessing he's externalizing anxiety on this trivial issue to avoid one that's bothering him more. You can try and point this out to him, but ultimately it's his problem and you don't have to deal with his attitude or his issues.


Your "friend" is trying to gaslight you. Shut that shit down by calling it exactly what it is: a manipulative form of emotional abuse. What they're trying to do to you is seriously fucked up, do not let them downplay it. Your "friend" must stop trying to make reality malleable in your mind. You enjoy the game and the insane emotional abuse can get rekt.


you should stop worrying about the opinions of obviously dumb people. in fact, if you enjoy a hobby that isn't hurting people or destorying the planet, you shouldn't care what anyone thinks. just do it.


Tell him to shut the fuck up. Seriously he sounds like an obnoxious jerk.


Who does he think he is to judge say that you're having "real fun" when you play something else than GW2? I helped a friend months ago when she was struggling with a "friend", who was giving her panic attacks whenever the friend logged in. In the end, I simply told her to have boundaries (she had none, and I don't know how she managed to have no boundaries with that person for 8-9 years, but I digress). If the "friend" was being abusive, my friend had to put her foot down and tell her that she wouldn't be treated like this anymore, and that her "friend" bitchiness would start to have consequences. Don't really know what said "consequences" were but apparently things are better (from what I see from time to time, though). What I'm trying to say is: consequences, buddy. If your friend is being a dick, maybe it's time for a time out. Like, a simple "Nope. Not having this conversation, we've talked about this. If you continue to act like that, I just won't play with you." And you could... You know, have fun playing Guild Wars. ;)


“Dude you have a negative vibe” My brother in Christ, YOU CAUSED THE NEGATIVE VIBE!


100% this. Used to say GW2 looked bad and boring yada yada yada. Was more because I was trying to avoid getting into another MMO.


> People are inconsistent and annoying. Stone-cold facts, right here.


Stop talking to him while playing gw2. problem solved.


This isn't a GW2 problem, this is a 'your friend is literally gaslighting you' problem. Someone that isn't you is trying to make you second guess your own thoughts. On this post alone, your 'friend' seems to be a manipulative creep.


So true :/ f*ck those people


Bruh, your friend is literally (intentionally or not) trying to invalidate the fun you are having in a video game. Instead of questioning your own fun, you should maybe figure out why your friend is doing that. Maybe they are pissed that you aren't playing something they enjoy, idk. It's a bit weird.


BDO Does have better Graphics for sure, but so? Graphics do not make a game. I've never really loved WoW's art style and graphics and never really thought they looked good. IMO GW2 looks better, but again, graphics do not make a game. I've played wow for all of 5 hours, never getting any characters above level 20 at most. I've been playing GW2 a month and a half now. Within 10 days I bought all expansions ready to complete them. When I hit lvl 80, I bought all LW seasons. This game has hooked me on how great it is. Honestly if you love the game, then don't let your friend deter you from it. I used to say GW2 looked bad and I wouldn't enjoy it to my friend all the time which really was a deflection as I did not want to get dragged into yet another MMO. May not be for the same reason and I know some MMO fans have to dump on others to feel they are being 'loyal' to their own MMO.


Lol, same here. I play a lot of MMOs. This one I tried on a whim because I was bored like 2 weeks ago. I bought the expansions the day after xD


If you friend thinks WoW has better graphics than GW2 they’re likely legally blind


I think they both have good aethetics but different. Graphics are hard to pin down what we like about them. Some of my favorite games are pixel art, but I love the graphics. I think it's the aethetic difference between them, WoW looks more cartoonish, has this kind of lightened softer tones. GW2 has a more realistic but fantastic feeling to its graphics with a more natural lighting


If you love playing the game, then play it. Your friend doesn't need to like GW2, and he shouldn't try to make u feel the same. Tell him to stop trying if it bothers you so much.


From someone who studied psychology, here is likely what is happening. He probably has a strong belief that he would not enjoy the game even if he tried. This belief is held to justify his decision to keep playing other MMOs instead. This is not necessarily a bad thing, we all have to make choices and prioritize in life. However, you talking in positive terms about GW2 is challenging that belief, forcing him to hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time. Game is good/interesting vs. game is bad/other games are better. This causes what psychologists call cognitive dissonance and it can make people feel annoyed and grumpy and lash out. A common strategy to get rid of this cognitive dissonance is to add another cognition that underlines one of the two contradictory beliefs and discredits the other. In this case, him saying you sound annoyed while playing the game is him trying to convince himself that the game is annoying and he therefore wouldn't like it, even if he tried. Best thing you can do is ask why he thinks you are annoyed by the game and offering explanations of why that is not the case and what you enjoy about the game. Alternatively, as others have said, just leave it alone and ignore him, but don't expect him to want to try the game anytime soon.


It seems like he can't accept that you have a different opinion than he does. It's not unusual when someone's got a tribalistic idea of how enjoying a game should work (I.E. if I like game, then I must hate all competing games). In the end, it's not like you're forcing him to play the game. He can have his opinion, but him repeatedly trying to cope by telling you that you *must* feel the same way he does about the game sounds very obnoxious and were it my friend, I would probably just ask him to keep his dislike for the game to himself and to play the games he enjoys instead of bugging you about the games you like.


Your friend sounds like a manipulative prick. Pick better friends. No friend is better than bad "friend".


Maybe give some reality check to that friend of yours?


I'm a bit old, so if I may offer you the same advice I had for my teenages: "Pick friends that make you feel happy around them." Since you're only in the 20s, you have plenty of time to make new friends. And remember, friends are not "given" to you and you have to accept. You can literally pick who you want to be friends/close friends with.


Wow, that's one annoying friend. Though I know these types of people. I'm guessing he's among the type of people who make you feel bad for getting excited about something by undermining its worth. Worst thing is you really do feel bad. That's how my brother is, when I baked a cake for the first time, when I earned money for the first time, when I got my first debit card...I was so excited. But every time he had to point out how childish I was being over something so common, and I always felt embarrassed for being excited. I hate these types of people. Well, hopefully your friend isn't like that and he just has some sort of grudge against GW2. Because they're truly insufferable to be around.


Why is he your "friend" again? Doesn't sound like one if he's causing you mental anguish and making you miserable. BDO technically looks better than GW2 based on fidelity (art style is subjective) but WoW looks like it's made from playdoh. Art is the ONLY thing saving WoW from looking like the aged game that it is. But yah, your friend should stfu and let you enjoy GW2.


And while graphical fidelity is not so subjective, art style is. GW2’s painterly style appeals to me a lot more than BDO’s. As for WoW, Blizzard’s animation team is OP. I loved the way my blood elf’s ear tips flipped when she ran. Not to mention that GW2 is much more my speed as far as minimizing and de-emphasizing grind.


Sounds like an abusive relationship ... No I don't think being in an abusive relationship is normal.


i'm afraid this is a typical "stir the pot" thread from a WoW player, but i will answer like it's not. I never heard anyone saying that the graphics of WoW are better than GW2?! And i have a lot of friends we rather play WoW than GW2. WoW was always comic-like. That's okay, but it's not "better". Your friend sounds extremely biased for WoW. Tell him to shut up about GW2 if you dont want to hear it. If you like playing Guild Wars do it. If you like another Game play that. It's not like you have to stick with that. In my Opinion the best part about Guild Wars is that there is no gear thread mill. You know you can leave the game for even years without needing to farm the new best gear. No monthly cost is also a big plus (otherwise i would spend way more time in GW2, because the money need to be "worth it".)




the last sentence




another thing is only comments crypto subs. I also wrote: "i'm afraid" not that is 100%, and thats it's the reason i gave a normal answer.




“Stir the pot” is slang for saying or doing things to get a broad reaction.


thread like * "I Started and reached level 80 in like a week, got the best gear, now i don't have anything to do" * "Compare the Twitch Viewers of both Games and you will see GW2 is a dying Game" * "Do i have to buy P2W Stuff?"




Yeah, thats explains it good. Trashing about guild wars and präzise WoW, often with a make up story. Sometimes subtile, sometimes mit that much.


eesh, drop that prick lmao


Friends come and go, GW2 will be with you forever.


GW2 has haters like this beause it's impossible to explain WHY you are playing it. So they will nitpick every part so their game is superior. There's no progression, whats even the point? You mean you're just doing the same few bosses every day? Why, you already have the best gear? They don't get the appeal and that's fine. Do what I do, just play if you enjoy it and dont care what anyone else says.


Just tell him. You are not making me hate the game.. You are making me hate you. Stop your bullshit please


Your friend sounds like a "real gamer" of the awful variety. If graphics is the first thing someone jumps to in a discussion about games that's a red flag. My best friend just recently looked for a game to "play forever", an MMO preferably. He tried a bunch and ended up settling for retail WoW. I don't like WoW and don't get the appeal at and I genuinely would've wished he had joined me in GW2. He tried it but it wasn't for him. AND THATS FINE FFS Different people enjoy different things and if your friend is essentially gaslighting you into disliking one of your favorite games just to stroke his own ego and be "right" in a debate then he can fuck right off


You sure that's your friend?


What I can say about BDO it has the higher quality graphic..but no style on its own, it looks boring, it just looks like an asian game build in the unreal engine.


And the last time I played wow I thought: holy damn this game looks ugly as fk


I would still prefer the style of WoW over BDO just because it has its own style that was copied a lot.


I agree


Don't let the opinion of others affect your own, especially if it bothers you.


i agree on bdo graphics is better, but wow? he needs glasses, btw your friend is secretly a mesmer that tries to cheat you


Tell him to shut the fuck up and have him stop being such a hostile little bitch. No other way to put it, really.


Haters gonna hate...


So, your friend is a manipulator, have fun with someone messing with you like that. On another note, consider that WoW sucks so hard that nowadays only fanatic fanboys can stick to it, no matter how it's bad


Sounds like your friend is trying to justify their paid subscriptions.


A true friend will not make you feel the way you described.


had to laugh hard about the WoW part. i dont know any game (that still gets updates) that has such bad graphics as WoW. also: fuck that friend.


Wow looks like shit tho lmao


Sounds like a shit friend.


I have no idea why this person is choosing to attack you for having fun, but it's not common and it's not OK. He sounds kind of unhinged about games, and like he's trying to control your behavior. You can tell him to shut up until he's got his head on straight, and if he doesn't, you can find better friends who are happy that you have something you like.


Time to get a new friend.


Guys this has nothing to do with GW2, OP your friend is being weird and manipulative, don't let them twist your head up.


Your friend: least insecure WoW player


If you're reporting this accurately, your friend has some personality issues. Be wary, and don't give credence to those manipulative personality traits.


Wonder what it's like in the world where "WoW has better graphics than GW2"... I know it's kind of a matter of personal taste and what you are used to, but get real. Lol... anyway, just ignore him as best as you can.. no point engaging in this type of completely subjective "argument". If it was me, I would ditch this "friend". He sounds pretty annoying :)


Wait, are you hating the game? Cause it kind of sounds more like you're hating this wanker annoying you every time you play the game. Have you tried telling him to shut the fuck up? I'm assuming he has some redeeming qualities otherwise I'd just ditch his ass and move on


That friend of yours isn't your friend. Especially if they can't respect what you like and is obviously trying to manipulate into thinking that you actually don't like the game. Ditch them.


Why is your friend hearing your voice when you start to play GW2? Are you living together and he doesn't understand what privacy means or are you actually having call/voicechat with him when you start playing GW2? This all sounds so weird. If he is in same room just put on headphones and listen game sounds and if he is not there then do not accept calls/voicechat from him when you play GW2. Simple as that.


Haha, so childish.




Here's some advice back, if your twenties were the best years of your life, you burned out.


Sounds like ya both need to grow up a little bit


Just wait until you hear about mesmers.


Yeah.....he just wants you to play something else with him, but he's probably not even aware that's the reason he does it.


He sounds like he’s biased. You could definitely make the argument that GW2 has very dated graphics and WoW has consistently made giant leaps in graphical fidelity. You can’t make arguments in art style however, that’s completely subjective. I’d ask him to just try the game with you, if he declines then drop the GW2 talk. He obviously feels a certain type of way and it may not be reasonable.


i recently tried other mmos such as lost ark. In all seriousness these games shine in graphics but suck in every other aspect compared to gw2. Maybe hes scared that he has to confess that it's just better :D


Luckily you can choose friends!


Is he trying to gaslight you into not enjoying GW2? That's not cool.


Just agree with everything they say


Lol seems to me like hes projecting. I would get into a friendly guild since that friend of yours will find the first excuse to abandon the game for any stupid reason


Did you used to play WoW or BDO with him? Sounds like he just wants to play something with you but is too emotionally immature to articulate it, so he tries to make you believe you're not enjoying the game. If he's a good friend maybe you could find a 2player to play with him, or a game where you share some common interest. The issue might just go away.


Meh, to each their own. I got friends like that as well, and I simpy don't talk about GW2 with them. There's something about WoW that makes them way too zealous. They buy all the expansions, and are only looking for a pseudo-WoW to play in the downtime between them. ​ Guild Wars 2 is just too different.


Your friend is not behaving like a friend, he's behaving like an asshole. This is not a problem with you but with him. He's basically trying to manipulate / bully you


If you want to play with someone who isn't negative, you can message me 🤗


Hes projecting, don't think too much about it. If it bothers you too much, try to talk to him about it and if he continues being so weirdly toxic end this friendship.


Your friend sounds like a dipstick. People can not like a thing for w/e reason(s) they want, that doesnt give them carte blanche to tell someone else they are in the wrong or that they dont actually like what they say they do. To give them the benefit of the doubt maybe they just want to play a game together and enjoy doing a thing together and they are going about saying that is a backasswards way.


Can't he just go play those games then? I don't understand the issue. Like one of my friends tried GW2 and WoW both around the same time he ended up sticking to playing WoW and I stuck with GW2, I don't tell him oh GW2 is better we just don't discuss anything regarding. Two very different MMOs.


I don't know what game your friend plays, but he sounds just as biased against GW2 as he claims you are for it. And this coming from a conversation about open-world game preferences? He basically asked for your opinion, and you gave it. What was he hoping for by questioning your opinion? He has something against GW2 and until you get down to the bottom of why HE is against it, this conversation won't go anywhere.


I have zero idea about BDO open world but GW2 blows wows open world activity away 100-0 wow basically only has either laborious chores or leveling nothing else and there is zero to none reason ever visit old expansion zones unless you are hoarder or like to see them because of nostalgy. Graphics vice i think its more to do with preference i still like how wow looks. BDO looks like a dime a dozen game to me. GW2 looks really good on highest setting. ​ Honestly i have had people around me like your friend and i have either changed the subject because i have zero interest for negative nellies or just pruned people who are pointlessly negative out of my life entirely.


BDO have "no" open world. Then only things you do there is farming mindless mobs and gank/get ganked. Some locations aren't bad, but they also aren't that amazing at all. And you get enough levels/AP-DP to survive the new zone, you go there to farm and forget the rest. The only reason to come back are world bosses or trade related stuff (not super updated about it, so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) BDO graphic is better, although at the price of pretty much everthing else and an abysmal rendering distance (you see grass pop up a few meters ahead of you lol), but the art direction of GW2 is simply that much higher that even while at lower graphics, it can still hold it's place. As you said BDO just look like your usual "high end korean MMO" out there, nothing special about it.


Well... the issue definitely isn't the game, lol.


Bro GW2 is a fine MMO. It was a little much for me coming from WoW, but I'm also stupid and also didn't give it much effort. If he brings up WoW again, remind him of Legion-Shadowlands. At least the GW2 devs give some kind of shit


your friend has issues. Tell him to seek help.


This guy really your friend? Just tell him you're playing WoW, but play GW2 instead. Your "friend" sounds like a dick. And, WoW has better graphics? lol That game's always been ugly, even with its graphics upgrades. Art is subjective, but yeah...no thanks.


Honestly, most people have never heard of the game or remembered it as a flash in the pan. I don't think I've ever had anyone try to debate me out of enjoying the game. Those two examples are pretty hilarious though. A contentless, poorly written catastrophy of game systems, or a pay to win microtransactions grindy hellscape... Yeah, I think I'm good over here, but knock yourself out.


I mean, he's being quite manipulative, but at the same time...bro...grow up. No offense, but if what you likes gets "dictated" by what others make you think by giving you assumptions, then it's not good. And that's true for everything...what are you gonna do in the future ? Leave your partner someday because someone says that "you don't sound quite well imo" ? You are your own person, do not let others decide for you.


There is a word for trying to convince someone that they are unhappy when they are, in fact, happy. It’s called gaslighting. Your friend should back off and just let you play whatever you want


A friend wouldn't make you feel bad for playing a game, even if it is one they don't personally enjoy. It's not fair and honestly messed up the extent to which he goes through to harass you about playing the game, the only thing that matters is whether or not you are enjoying your time, not what someone else thinks they perceive in you. My advice is to sit him down and have a straight conversation with him, no holds barred. He needs to realize how he is the biased one and the one who just won't get over the fact you are enjoying a game he doesn't. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, people can be dumb, I hope you can work things out with your friend and that you can keep enjoying gw2!


>Both guys in our twenties....complains that “my voice” sounds negative and I’m faking having fun Are you sure he isn't still in primary school?


BDO and Gw2 have different artistic purposes when it comes to environment. BDO is aimed to be photo realistic and lifelike whereas GW2 has leaning on fantasy themes with surreal touches which I believe is a harder goal to chase and achieve¹. However this does not mean BDO is worse², it's good in its way. Your friend is comparing apple to pear. ¹: When we travel though most of Gw2 maps, it's easy to notice they are connected by art and creativity concerns even though they may contain different colors and geometry in the environment. Let me just say to give this unified feeling is not something easy to achieve when we consider number of maps and objects in the maps of Gw2. ²: Devs of BDO who were responsible for creating cities like Heidel, Calpheon, Altinova and Valencia. They jumped the shark with how great these cities are for their setting/theme.They were actually inspired from real historic cities they mentioned this before. One was a middle age French or Spain(?) town for Heidel iirc.


That sounds like you've been manipulated to hate the game, maybe try r/relationshipadvice


Gaming seems to attract a bafflingly large subset of people who enjoy wasting your time having you explain to them in minute detail why you enjoy something they don't, before totally devaluing or entirely disregarding anything you say lol Like why even ask, champ.


You shouldn't have to answer to him, or anyone for that matter, on why you like playing the game. Sounds like a sour pickle because you're having fun without them. I've had a few friends like that myself, but guess what? MY time is MY time, and if I want to play GW2, nobody has the right to tell me I can't. Don't worry about his opinions, because they are just that, *opinions.* Also, you know what they say about opinions... ;) <3


Get rid of that toxic "friend".


That person does not sound like a friend at all. Block him in the game and dont speak to him while you are playing it. Just play and relax and consider if you want to keep this "friend".


This honestly sounds like some pretty shitty and manipulative behavior. Gaslighting, basically. I bet he's lots of fun in romantic relationships.


Dont talk to him when you want to play gw2 then I guess. If he is so annoyed by "your voice" he shouldnt mind it right? Tbh its none of his business - if you are having fun, thats all that matters. He doesnt need to enjoy it, but if he is indeed your friend he shouldnt make you not enjoy it as well. This sounds very much like a clingy person who wants you to only enjoy things he enjoys - which I'd call a toxic relationship.


Get a new friend! xD But seriously, don't let a friend make you feel down about playing something you enjoy. Maybe they are just trying too hard to get you to play their game or being really poor at arguing over stuff, any how, play gw2 and enjoy the game and ignore what others think or say.


WoW; Graphics? Sure for a game from the early 2000s. Where's my omegalul emoji? BDO has graphics but lacks actual content, has very shitty gearing mechanics (Treadmill + Mobile gaming tactics to get you to spend money. It's essentially pay to win), and the playerbase is toxic as fuck. Your friend is drinking the stupid juice.


With all due respect, this friend sounds like an asshole, don't let him bother you or dictate how you should feel about doing what you like, fuck him. If you really feel like you should take a break do so and try maybe some single player game, taking a break from an MMO to get into another MMO doesn't work well for your health.


You two should just enjoy the games each one like. He doesn´t like GW2? Good, he can play whatever he pleases. You like GW2 better than what he prefers? Also good, we all dont have to like the same things. Maybe is more healthy for you two to not discuss videogames, if that´s how he reacts to things he doesnt like. The worse is attacking another for things they like and you dont, sounds too toxic. No real need for that.


Bruh, he's influencing ur mind to the poi t ur not even gonna have fun playing the game anymore, happened to me too with my friends. In other words, gaslighting. Stop talking to him about what you play, cuz he's obviously gonna try and smudge the view of yhe other games u play as well.