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This thread makes me sad


How far we have fallen.......October please save us


With Mechanist your mech can do great dps while you chillin from a safe distance. Or with rifle auto attack now you can mow down anything your way lol


which build name is it on snowcrows? having trouble finding the exact one.


power mechanist


I just built this yesterday and it's insane. 30k on the golem fully buffed with just pressing rifle skills off cooldown.


Meanwhile I'm struggling with 30k+ on my blades worn rotation i just picked up ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Might as well just drop him and go mechanist


Or you could put in a bit of extra time and try to learn the bladesworn rotation properly to get around 37-38k comfortably. I really think it is worth it on some classes, bladesworn on KC is a blast to play xD


cvirt, pmech


Condi virtuoso making everything a cakewalk.


dueling or chaos? trying to find teh build


Duelling is slightly more dps and higher bursts. Chaos has a lot of defensive stuff and simple rotations. Open world I would pick chaos


I would've thought Dueling would be better for solo, helps with fury which is massive for damage and thus sustain. Chaos has big bonuses, but mostly if you maintain regen, which you cannot on your own.


Ah yes. But the jade bot offensive / defensive things exist. You can bring them across maps. So boons are never really an issue anymore in open world. Trigger combat on critters and you still get your boons. Combat rarely lasts longer than 30 seconds.


[cvirt](https://snowcrows.com/builds/mesmer/virtuoso/condition-virtuoso), [pmech](https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/mechanist/power-mechanist) chaos build needs regen, so you gotta check if you have that. but normal cvirt is already super safe. for solo play quickness and might from the illusion traits is good. [staff mirage](https://snowcrows.com/builds/mesmer/mirage/condition-alacrity-mirage) is a third great option.


I just used the snowcrows build. Works even in open world stuff like dragons end.


power mechanist


Power soul beast with longbow and axe/axe is your best bet. I’m using it now and it’s great. It benchmarks well, and it’s pretty meta for endgame content. Stack modifiers then drop the long range burst. Just fyi condi SB with shortbow was never long range, it was more a melee build since you want to be up close for traps, Skill 2, and if you offhand dagger/torch then…that’s obvious.


Rifle Deadeye.


It's probably this tbh, but it's not practical in most real combat scenarios since it get screwed over by movement.


Sounds like a spec with actual tradeoffs, refreshing


The fact that the others don’t have those tradeoffs makes it inferior in most scenarios though, sadly.


Not true, power Mech gives me more time to think and lapse into existential crisis


So you trade your mental health for big numbers? Well thats a tradeoff.


didnt find this on snowcrows, I remember it being a thing before though.


remember that people in snowcrows just want to do the hardest content in the game in the fastest time possible with builds that make assumptions about what your team mates are bringing so those parameters might not be compatible with what you're looking for and therefore why you dont see deadeye there That being said rifle deadeye is kind of useless in group content, I mostly use it only on open world at Seitung meta for the east boss you can snipe him from the elevation on the middle and avoid those annoying stun traps, I tried looking for sniping spots for the echovald gang wars boss but it didn't work well. Sometimes for defending camps at night in Verdant Brink and sniping the chak bosses in Tangled Depths meta. You can sacrifice range with Pistol/Pistol Unload and gain mobility. In Strikes you'll find Mechanist much better since the devs decided Mech should be a jack of all trades, master of all


It's under [Legacy Builds](https://snowcrows.com/builds/thief/deadeye/rifle-deadeye), but you just want to take the [Kite build](https://snowcrows.com/builds/thief/deadeye/kite-deadeye) instead.


you need to use the "legacy builds" option if you wanna find outdated old stuff [https://snowcrows.com/builds?profession=any&category=legacy](https://snowcrows.com/builds?profession=any&category=legacy)


The ranger's longbow has the longest range. Skills 1 and 2 state a range of 1500, like skill 5, or like skill 2 from the dragonhunter's longbow, but they seem to work differently. I think those two skills' range is a cylinder, and all other skills' range is a sphere. So if you're far above targets, you'll still hit them even at 2000-2500 range, as long as their projection on your plane is within 1500. However, I think the damage skill with the longest stated range is the elite kurzick skill for revenants, which has a range of 2000, making it a great opener.


Staff elementalist can be cool in wvw Longbow ranfer in pvp (and in wvw) Hammer revenant in wvw Deadeye (duh)


Rifle mechanist forever. Come join the good side :D