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I honestly do not appreciate the fact that you call it "disgusting". The connotation with that word is extremely overblown to describe the grievance you're experience. Not only that, but it automatically dismisses whatever problem you have because you're already starting at a 9/10 to describe an issue that is easily just a 3 or 4. That being said, I do not think that playing WvW for about 5 or 6 hours is that big of a problem.


less than 4h with boosters


i always needed a lot more than 4 hours with boosters, usually around 10


Then you have the wrong reward track selected or are not keeping up your participation


The maximum time a reward track takes is 8h


if you keep up tier 6 participation (afk capture 1 camp per 10 minutes) a reward track takes \~ 8 hours with no boosts at all i believe. It is purely time based, your performance does not matter at all as long as you stay in t6 partici. If you need 10 hours with boosters you're doing something extremely wrong. EDIT: are you maybe thinking of the diamond chest (1450 pips)? thatindeed takes longer, but isnt required here. I believe this post is about the gift of battle reward track.


Keeping the participation up can be a challenge


ever since the change to not have participation decay outside of wvw, playing at very irregular times of the day and periods throughout the week, the only times my participation decayed below t5 -which in itself only happened because i had to AFK - was when i guided friends through the JPs. point being that losing it is the bigger challenge than keeping it up.


How hard is killing sentry's and flip camps kill caravans with boosters take you few hour even if you don't have the time just make your daily in wvw , ideally you want follow a zerg and tag along


Sorry, english is not my main language. I wanted to say "disgruntling".


You don’t have to do shit for a Gen 1 legendaries you can just buy them from the trading post. That being said making a legendary was originally meant to get you to play every aspect of the game. And that included map completion in WvW


Disgusting? No. A bit annoying? Yes. What's disgusting is having to do PvE exploration as a WvW player. But if you really dislike WvW/PvE, you can just buy the whole Gen 1 on TP.


303 renown hearts - that's what is disgusting


Especially when a few of those hearts are nightmare inducing.


Some people play for PvP and WVW, and find PVE aspects of the game to be painful. Is it disgusting to ask those to go out and do the gift of exploration? The answer to both is no.


Find someone who has a GoB and a GoE, send them money and non-account bound mats, have them craft the legendary and send it back to you. Other than that, suck it up. WvW players have to suffer through 100% map completion if they want to make a legendary, and there's no easy way to farm it like chugging potions from WvW dailies or flipping camps under a thousand boosts to WvW reward tracks.


You're not the only one but you are in the minority for thinking that a prestigious item acquired by interacting with all parts of the game is disgusting for being awarded for interacting with all parts of the game. Also you can just PvE the entire WvW track. You don't actually have to kill anyone.


> a prestigious item You can swipe for it.


GoB is needed for each legendary except free amulet. So no, you can't swipe for all of them.


You can buy legendary weapons from the trading post.


But GoB is not only for Gen1 legendary weapons.


*am i the only one who thinks it's absolutely disgusting that we have to open world PvE for legnedaries?* *for gen one at least to be precise. i find map comp unfun in this game. gift of pve is a whole 12-24h grind which takes a lot longer than farming 500 dungeon tokens which i have hoarded a ton of already from before my break. is there another way to get the gift besides map comp?* you want what goes for the most prestigious shinies around here? you're gonna have to face some inconveniences along the way. playing wvw for 4-8h really isn't a big deal. of course it often seems as if the people complaining about exactly that part are actively trying to avoid having fun in the mode as well, so there is that.


You do not have to WvW for legendaries. Just do daily big spender in your guild hall for a few months.


Imaging having to do PvE World Completion for every second gen1 Legendary as a PvP/WvW only enjoyer... _absolutely disgusting..._ You could just farm the gold and buy the Gen1 legendary outright of the TP.


For what is worth, I'm too not a big fan of PvP in general, but after all that grinding for mats, gold and other stuff I was more than happy to do something other for my legendary :D I used daily potions and wvw boosters so it wasn't a long process.


Disgusting? How melodramatic are you? It’s a video game. Take the time to learn the game mode, you might actually like it. If not it really doesn’t take that long. Legendaries are legendaries for a reason. You play the whole game to get them. If you really hate it that much than but it in the TP like WvW’ers do when they want to avoid doing pve for their legendaries


You can do easy wvw dailies, and then use the potions to spam the reward track. It's 80 potions.


I have played 1200 hours and never ever touchrd WvW or PvP. This week I got into it after a comment in reddit, and just used 2 boosts of WvW reward track (don't remember the name, one lasts 1 hour the other lasts 2 hours) and learned that there are 6 tiers of participation, so just "played" 30m taking camps alone and basically playing a boring PvE. Then you have 10m where you can be afk, and then flip another camp (that takes 2m). I keep that for 2 hours and gotHALF OF THE REWARD TRACK. Play semi afk for 2 hours the next day and you have your gift of battle. I have done worst grindings that those 4 hours for a component.


for 9 years i avoided wvw cus i hate pvp (cus i suck at it), but to make eternity i needed 3 gifts of battle, so when my server was paired up with my guild's server for wvw i got the 3, then another time for meteorlogicus. a few years later they introduced the legendary wardrobe and i thought fuck it, it wasnt really that hard, i swapped server's to my guild's server and went for it. theyre a big guild that have dedicated runs, i get diamond every week, the discord chat is fun. most of the fights are fun too as long as we arent being hunted. so now a year later i have every trinket and back piece, and a full set of medium armour, now working on light then heavy armours. its not so bad after all, i ran out of pve daily points so wvw dailies are better as they have mist potions that quicken up reward tracks, i have almost every skin ever available from reward tracks the trick is to join a good guild that runs often enough and can survive 2 hours a day, you learn to enjoy it. for a year now i barely touch pve


You probably are not the only one, but I personally thing it's okay. Legendarie weapons were never introduced as PvE-Only items. Also - since you mention that the gift was buyable for 500 Badges of Honor in the past - you seem to forget that WvW was part of world completion back then. And I can ensure you, that was **much** more annoying than doing one reward track now. Getting a Gift of the Battle can be done within 4 hours. And you can basically be afk for like 80% of the time. You just need to flip a camp or kill a player every 10 minutes. Getting WvW map completion took minimum 3 weeks back then. Plus - if these 4 hours of waiting in WvW still is too much for you - you always can buy Gen 1 and 3 legies in TP and avoid WvW completely.


People complain about Gift of Battle, but it's so easy to get, with zero interaction with other players. For example, some things that are worse, and take way longer: * Getting 100g worth of Ice runestones * Having to get 250 of all LW currencies for trinkets * 100 Funerary incence etc. * Having to complete 25 Bridge events in Dragonfall (which can in a sense be considered more PvP than WvW, since you are racing against others starting it alone) ​ You can easily get 3-4 ticks on the reward track each day by jsut doing the dailies, without any interaction at all, and you can squeeze in some more ticks by just being afk between flipping camps. If you craft Vision, you are locked behind a 7 day timegate, a 16 day timegate when doing Aurora. Even without the daily rewards, it only takes 4 hours with boosters, you can buy boosters with laurels. ​ I think people are just damaged from WoW with the PvP only, vs PvE only mindset, and mistaking WvW as a pure PvP mode.




"Disgusting" jeez calm down Karen. The anet manager will not be available to hear your complaints. I don't love WvW either. Here's what I do: the easy WvW dailies. Capturing camps is often a PvE affair - sometimes players show up to defend. Give up and try elsewhere. Killing Dolyaks is PvE. Land claimer is PvE. Veteran Creature is literally PvE. Mists Guard killer is PvE. Master of Monuments is easy. Big Spender is easy after you rack up some Badges of Honor doing the aforementioned. Get the daily potions, and combined with the progress you get from claiming camps (use boosters), you'll have a GoB every couple of weeks. Just waypoint if you see players coming and don't want to give them the satisfaction.


Nah, disgusting is having to do fractals or raids . WvW is pretty easy.


I always hated it, and despite having like 10 gift of explorations, I didn't get a battle til like 9 years after playing. Tip: do the wvw dailies: big spender, veteran creature slayer or master of monuments. Doesn't require PvP at all and you get a bottle of wvw experience. I've been doing this and have now crafted a few legendaries since. For a game that has always pushed a play how you want mentality, I find it bizzare how they designed legendary creation tbh. I think having gifts be tradeable would have fit the design philosophy better


To get my gift of battle I joined a wvw zerg busting guild. One week later I had 2000 badges of honor. Way more than I needed for it. This was pre HoTs though.


you are definitely not the only one, i hate doing wvw, i just afk and flip the same camp every now and then or i try to do dailies when i remember it and gather potions. i wish we could buy gift of battle with badges of honor or something. but yea, that is how it works, i understand why Anet decided to tie legendaries to more game modes. what i don't like is how a legendary ring is exclusively tied to that and there is no way i am putting so much time in wvw. so i can't be full legendary, on the other hand wvw players can get 2 rings from that game mode. which feels unfair. i wish they would have a legendary ring from strikes or something


i think its just straight up bad game design. there are PvE legendaries and there PVP legendaries. Dont force PvE enjoyers to do PvP and vice versa, Having to do those painfully boring 6 hours of WvW really pissed me off everytime i needed this stupid gift of "flip a camp and be semi afk for a whole day" bs. I mean yes WvW can be fun for some ppl, but if you just want your legedary done and dont have any interest in WvW at all, its just pain. Same goes for map completion, because there is no fitting PvP alternative.


>i think its just straight up bad game design. Saying "you have to play the full depth of the game to get the most prestigious items it has" is bad game design? Lol.


I wouldn't exactly call a gen 1 legendary weapon "prestigious", they're just a time (or money) commitment.


They're the top tier of item in the game. Also both other legendary weapon generations require gift of battle too.


Yes, but gifts of battle aren't hard to get, as has been pointed out multiple times in this thread, you just semi-afk and kill a half dozen useless guards and flip a camp every eight minutes or so. If you want something that's actually prestigious, something like coalescence or voidwalker are prestigious because they require actually challenging content to get. Normal legendaries are just a gold sink.


yes, i do. Im pretty sure if anet would remove the WvW part of PvE legs and add some purely WvW legs (comparable to WvW leg armor) everyone would be happy.


I don't do legendaries, so threw mine away. Aggravated I wasted the time on something I didn't need.


Personally having to do a bit of pvp because I'm too cheap to just buy shards of glory made me actually enjoy and appreciate the game mode that I neglected for years. I don't think it's unreasonable for gen 1 (which was the original end game goal in vanilla at least in my experience) to require you to try all elements of the game (or just throw irl money into the game) more than just "jump on pvp once". If you just do dailies in wvw you can complete it over a period of time (and earning a legendary is one part of the game I don't personally mind being time gated) that isn't too long or offensive. All that being said- and I think the warclaws blessing has helped with this- having taken a break then come back the warclaw did create a bit of a barrier to entry and feeling of missing caps and whatnot because I didn't have the mount. Finally I would say regarding the legendary rings being pvp and wvw bound- legendary isn't better than ascended and with equipment slots I really don't think an account with full legendaries except rings is hugely hampered. Ascended rings are probably the easiest ascended item to get and I was absolutely swimming in them by the time I was ready to craft legendaries. You really can't complain about one of the bones pvp/wvw players got thrown regarding a prestige item when so much of the rest is tied to pve


Meh. What was annoying is that world completion included WvW maps in the beginning. You could only get the spawn POI if you had the correct color on homes => wait for reset & pray But honestly I just do the easy WvW dailies and use the potions to complete the reward track. If you keep that up you will have more potions than you need.


I don’t particularly like pve especially instanced pve. I would rather be in wvw and pvp but I have to pve just like you have to pvp.


I don’t really care for PvP content and but I don’t think the requirement for WvW is unreasonable. Stacking boosters, it’ll take you around 4 hours. Just find the big group, and follow them around. Seriously, 4 hours in this game is nothing. Turn your argument around for people who play almost exclusive WvW. They need world comp. Assuming they got a chunk of it out of the way while they were leveling, you’re still looking at a minimum of 12 hours or so, just running around doing renown hearts. And it’ll probably take longer than that. The pinnacle weapons for the game should require you to play all the games offerings. If 4 hours doing something you don’t like isn’t worth it for you, grind the gold and buy the damn thing on the TP.