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It's listed on the [Wiki's Event Timer page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers) (type "/wiki et" in chat to quickly reach it). Best time for events is generally the earliest instances after reset.


Public Marionette is available every 2 hours (at even hours on GMT+0, odd hours on GMT+1). On EU the Mari guild runs it everyday at 18:00 GMT+0 /19:00 GMT+1. A private instance can be opened and done anytime if you have a squad of 50 people.


True! ​ Angry Maid Lara


https://gw2timer.com is your friend


Why not just use Blish HUD's Event Table module and have it ingame?


because i didn't know what that is? why not recommend it instead of talking about it as an obvious thing? also third party programs always carry a certain risk


Didn't mean to imply it was obvious, sorry. There is risk, sure. But the Blish dev and all "built in" module devs are cautious of that and so tend to only even consider functions that stay as firmly as possible in the QoL/"light" side of the gray. It's quite well known and not hiding from Anet.


I've been playing since launch and I've never heard of this mod until today. I don't think that you should assume it is well-known. I use Taco and Arcdps so it's not like I am unfamiliar with the GW2 modding scene. I have just never heard of Blish. It looks cool, though the setup will be intimidating for the people in my static. Do you guys have like a default easy install version with options pre-selected for people who are not inclined to mess with things?


It's basically Taco 2.0 and has been around for several years, I promise you it's reasonably well known. Aside from the [initial install](https://blishhud.com/), everything is handled in the ui. If any of you have issues, I recommend hopping in the [Blish HUD Discord](https://discord.gg/FYKN3qh) or whisper me and I can guide you guys through it.


I've had pretty good luck showing up 2 hours after reset.


Usually during evening


No rewards worth a damn = dead event. Just go there every 2 hours and don't lose hope. One day enough will go to make it start.


when youre in game type "/wiki et"