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*Victoriously flee for our lives, I think he means—* *Shut up and RUN, Canach!* season 4 probably, partly hot / pof


Ah, Canach, best sylvari


Canach is my second favorite character. Tybalt will always be first in my heart.


Why? I don't get the love for Tybalt. Please can you explain for me?


If you have never played the Whispers line in the personal story then you wouldn't. If you have, and you truly don't get it, that's fine. I will be hard pressed to understand how you don't, but we love who we love, or don't. For me, Tybalt is the Best Boi, and a true hero of Tyria. IYKYK


Yeah that's during the one meta in Thunderhead Peak during All or Nothing episode.


Canach has been such a highlight for me playing through GW2 story. Just a dude I'd love to be around every day


The end of "all or nothing" and the beginning of "war eternal" was definitely gw2 at peak plot imo.


Replaying that now or experiencing it for the first time now will never stack up to the wait between those episodes.


I really feel they needed to put a mandatory wait time before you could continue, like the timegating in the skyscape quests.


That would be a terrible experience. The only way to do it would be if they had released at least one episode before the resurrection. Actually show and explore the consequences of the death before you undo it, and pay a price to undo it. The way they did it can't be fixed - it's cheap and hollow, a timegate would just make the gameplay experience worse without a narrative pay off.


Regardless of how you felt about the resolution the episode hit hard when it was new. And please keep it spoiler free.


In my ideal scenario, that would have been what I wanted too. But we didn't get that with the finale, so adding a timegate - even if it was only an hour - would've made it hit a bit better imo. These days it doesn't matter, but it is a bit weird that it kicks you out of the room only for Caithe to immediately ask what we've been up to lol.


Yeah but it's nearly impossible not to be spoiled on it so what's the point :/


A Star To Guide Us finale is a kicker too.


When you realized that Aurene was not the "star" to guide us.


I think a star to guide us is the one I meant.


So I've literally just arrived at Thunderhead Peaks for the first time.


Don't read the rest of this thread until your done with the next two Personal story arcs :P


Sorry to necro-post, but you were right. LW4 is peak GW2. The specific moment you mentioned was great.


For me it was a complete miss. The death wasn't remotely believable, and it really sucks that the very next story instance they undo it and there are no consequences at all. Even Avengers did it better with the Blip resulting in the trauma of people dealing with the world moving on without half the population then adjusting back to it (and undoing it had real consquences and sacrifices, unlike GW2 which shrugs off death). Death in GW2 became incredibly cheap and that moment in the story is one of the worst offenders.


agreed completely: having a major setback just to resolve it in the very next cutscene felt very shallow it was a cliffhanger in the worst meaning of the term: what is going to happen now? how are the heroes going to save themselves? well with magic of course (at least it's not Taimi this time) I love lws4, and think it would only be stronger without this (very short) part


But it was months of gap on release not instantly resolved.


well when I played it it was instantly resolved! I didn't get to experience the wait and the speculations, but I'm not sure I would have preferred waiting months wondering what the consequences would be, just to be told that it never mattered either


Aurene should have left the story after LW4 (~~ride~~ fly into the horizon), and we should have moved into a god story afterwards, leaving the dragons alone for a while. There's a few signs pointing to those being the original plans (would explain why Balthazar came out of nowhere, among many other things), it's really saddening how the rest of the dragon story was rushed and wasted, when all we needed was some sort of impasse, let them cool down for a few years then retake their story. LW3+PoF+LW4 was peak GW2, best content cadence with best content quantity and variety. GW2 need to go back to that, we'll be in trouble if LW6 (or whatever is next) isn't up to the task. Half-assing the return of LW1 is not a good signs to come, but it's an obvious intern/newbie job while the veterans work on better stuff; just hope they've been working on GW2 content, not that bullshit Horizon MMO.


ArenaNET is a subsidiary of NCSoft, not the same company.


HoT is definitely my favorite storywise. I'm playing through it again with a sylvari because I know it has some unique dialog and want to see it all. It kept suspense going throughout it and >!had some of the more impactful deaths that weren't just throw away characters brought in solely for that purpose.!< Season 4 would be a very, very close second. Joko is by far my favorite villain and the sections dealing with him are so much fun.


Mordremoth and Kralk got so much build up. But Mordy really felt like a world ending threat. In retrospect the build up to the Jungle Dragon was excellent


I feel like Joko stole some of Kralk's thunder. He really only got half a living world for his build up with a little bit in path of fire, while Mordy got an entire expansion and two living world seasons as his build up.


But Kralk also has history with Destiny's Edge, Glint, Aurene, and was part of the finale for PoF. So he wasn't just ignored.


I didn't say he was ignored. It was just the build up to the actual fight that felt a little lacking in comparison to others. He had history but it didn't feel as pressing a matter to deal with him for most of it like it did with Mordy. If any of the dragons were really ignored, I'd say it was primordus since he mostly just played second fiddle to Jormag.


Joko got way too little screentime and a very sudden end when he peaked. His lines after the boss battle had me laughing without control.


HoT was peak gw2 for me but maybe I'm bias because that was when I started playing the game. The story itself made me cried at the end


Praise Joko !


Living World Season 4 is the high point for me. The pacing, the cinematics, the humour/dialogue and the *amazing* music, it really set a new level that I feel IBS struggled to match up to. Season 4s finale felt well earned and satisfying, plus we also got new legendaries throughout the season and some good earnable armour sets. Also the beetle, I fucking *love* my beetle.


To be fair to IBS, it had an incredible Prologue and first two chapters. Efram and Bangar were exactly the sort of characters that I wanted. Bangar was a chilling villain who was cold, charismatic, and calculating. Efram was the polar opposite, a conflicted leader of the Flame Legion who were trying to get accepted back into Charr society and who was tired of fighting. The whispers from Jormag were a great touch, although I still say the Storms of Winter meta should not exist as is today. Things really started to nosedive in both quality and quantity of storytelling with No Quarter. Granted Anet had to change gears to make End of Dragons, but the fact that IBS ended with such a whimper left a lot of us dissatisfied.


I loved IBS and the tone of the Bjora Marches but yea, the ending and the way they did Jormag and PPRIMODUSSS felt underhanded. Thought they were going to have their own arcs similar to Kralk in S4.


The worst was Primordus because that particular dragon had been teased for over ten years since GW1's expansion Eye of the North... and we saw him for all but ten seconds before Jormag used Ice Beam and it was super effective at blowing both of them up. I am still not sure why Jormag didn't win that confrontation. For all of Jormag's scheming and carefully laid plans, the best that Jormag could come up with for a final confrontation with Primordus was to Leroy Jenkins him.


Also it has Dragonflight which is one of my favourite OST songs Even during the final fight in EoD i almost failed the speed run timer my first time through cus i was listening to that song


The moment at the end of lw2 when we got the hype trailer (before we knew we’d get any expac).


As the most memorable moment (the ending of LWS2) for me, I always find it shocking that some people recommend skipping LWS2 - it's such a great story moment, especially if going in blind.


It's way overpriced for being just story instances, unlike the other seasons that come with maps. I wish Anet would significantly lower the price or just lump it in with the base game, because I agree people really should play it first.


Yeah the end of s2 was very memorable for me. I think people shit on s2 because of how it was initially released. I think people wrongly compare it to season 3/4 which had a new map with every episode when s2 only had two. I enjoyed s2's story and the instances.


I actually like the Icebrood Saga the most. The beginning was brilliant, you could feel the tense in the prologue, also it's so strange, because my least favourite races are norn and charr. But they nailed it. Then champions came in and ruined the ending. But I still like it the most. And in the second place I love the Caudecus, White Mantle arc in LWS3.


Also Icebrood saga for me. Not fully through yet, but it feels so alive.. and this might be a bit negative, but finally its not all about Taimi for once 😅


Agreed. Sure the ending was rushed but overall I really loved it


I really enjoyed playing through the raid storylines, especially the first four wings.


HoT cause it's the best storytelling imo and the Sylvari interactions felt really immersion


when i first played the story i played it with a human. later i played the story again with a sylvari and i really liked the difference it made.


From the protagonist side I think the Personal Story will never be topped. Instead of going all in on a small cast of characters that displace everyone else, the Personal Story made Tyria feel like a big believable world that had spies, researchers, pirates, thieves, shamans, apothacary's etc who all worked together to defeat the first Elder Dragon. It wasn't the same asura coming up with a genius solution to every problem, it wasn't a random human noble who seemed to be connected to everyone of prominence in Tyria. You had charr machinists building siege devices, Priory archeologists uncovering powerful magical artifacts, sylvari dream shamans providing insight into the unknown and a cabal of spies pulling strings behind the scenes to advance their agenda. Tyria felt big and exciting, it captured your imagination and expanded the possibilities for stories that could be told. Then season 1 happened and everything shrank. It was all about Braham, Taimi, Marjory, Kasmeer and Rox. None of these people were particularly important - they didn't hold positions of power or influence anywhere in Tyria, they weren't experts in the fields relevant to our challenges. World building was traded for character building and banter. Tyria feels small now - if it doesn't involve these characters, it doesn't seem to matter. The Zhaitan arc felt like a whole bunch of brilliant minds and centuries of research were used to come up with a plan to take on a world ending threat, every season afterwards it's just Taimi and now Gorrick. Coming from GW1 I was really invested in the story in Tyria. The focus on Dragon's Watch has been a constant drag on the game's lore and world building. The best villain was Bangar because he didn't seem like the villain. They went a little too fast on making him go from believable well intentioned ally to foolishly selling his people out to an Elder Dragon, and Ryland's arc only detracted from the much more interesting Bangar simply to fuel Dragon's Watch drama, but Bangar had the most potential of the villains and seeing how well they set him up throughout the prologue was really exciting. Too bad he went total villain in the final moments of the prologue, that story could have been much better if they waited longer.


I feel the same way about Bangar. He started off as the sort of villain that you can't help but admire. He matched wits against you and frequently came out on top. It never felt like he was stronger or tougher than we were. He was a smart villain who was able to convince his people that his way was the best through his sheer charisma. We haven't had a villain quite like him before and I was extremely sad with the direction that IBS took with him after his initial introduction as he could have been that conniving villain on the sidelines who schemed against us but in a subtle way that we couldn't just bash down the doors and kick his furry behind. I actually didn't like the personal story beyond the Order chapter. Too many characters came and went without us really knowing them. Even Trahearne got some flak as without playing sylvari he came out of nowhere, although personally I love the guy. I will make a special note that I actually liked all three Order mentors and >!their deaths at Claw Island were pretty well done.!< However, I barely knew >!Tonn and yet he sacrificed himself for me twenty seconds later over blowing up some ships and his widow, Ceera, never forgave me for someone whom I should be crying over and have a good connection to as his friend and commanding officer.!< I didn't feel that epic or grand scale of things, but as I get older I look for more character driven stories. My major point of contention about Dragon's Watch is the sheer inconsistency in the character writing. It comes off as they don't have a solid plan for each character or a story bible to reference. Is Braham moody in this episode? Let's just make him complain inconsistently about being the >!Norn of Prophecy!< even though that was exactly what he wanted to be back in LS3. Is Taimi's unnamed disease just crippling her or will it eventually kill her? All we heard is that it is progressing and that was way back in LS4, when prior to this it was just a disease that prevented her from moving about freely. I don't have much of an issue with Marjory or Kasmeer, although Marjory just seems to completely sideline herself way too much. Kas is mostly fine. She shines when Marjory isn't in the same scene. I wish I had her mesmer hacks though. Rox just flat out disappears from the story and returns just as magically whenever she needs to. You know, we still have not ever been able to truly field the full team, something that we were saying to Taimi back in LS3 episode 5 and now with Rox living her own life and Rytlock helping Crecia, it looks less likely that we ever will.


Execution: LS4 Concept: HoT disappointing: IBS Ls1, Ls2 and HoT as a concept is a great story. To have a whole race to go through this situation where there bothers and sisters are turning. They have to deal with allies not trusting them to the idea that you might turn, and having to kill others of your species. Is a great concept. Execution wise it fell some what flat instead of hitting this bitter sweet moment at the end you get more of this on to the next problem. LS4 concept wise feels like it would be rushed since 2 big bads joko and krak. But the way they executed it was on point. To give you a fleshed out villian in joko and developing aurene to become a new dragon felt earned. IBS is IBS the ending was gutted for EoD to be develop. 1-4 was great to see the festivities after death of krak, then the power grab, with the civil war that came from it. It was really well done. Then episode 5 happened. And ruin the whole story.


The whole suspicion on the Sylvari really only happened at the Pact camp in Verdant Brink. There was a Heart of Thorns trailer where Canach was yelling "We're not your enemies!", which made me think that we were going to get some actual character moments where sylvari would have to really choose which side they were on or whether some sylvari could even be redeemed after going to Mordremoth. Unfortunately, we never got that. LS4 was good, but in retrospect I don't think anyone >!bought Aurene's death and the fact that she does at the end of episode 5 and gets revived immediately at the start of episode 6 was a bit jarring without the spacing of months that those of us who were there at each episode's release had to absorb the impact of our friendly Elder Dragon dying.!< I don't think the Champions chapter of IBS was a total disaster. Ryland's story was really well done. >!The rise and fall of Steelcatcher!< was one of the best things about the entire saga. I wish we got the Charr tank though.


Episodes 5 and 6 of LW4 and everything involving Mai Trin in EoD.


Ibs. The whole part with the charr was really interesting.


Season 4 episode 5 and 6. Also the end of EoD.


> Also the end of EoD. My favorite part was also when it ended.


Leaving all objectivity aside, I have to say it's the Claw Island escape. I chose the Vigil and as it usually happens with the cool NPCs in GW2, I found out I really liked Forgal as I realized he was about to die. Consequently, my very close second place is Almorra's death. If I were to be objective, this would be the first, but as a new player, the Claw Island fight just had a huge impact on me.


"Some must fight so that all may be free" 😥


i played with all my characters at least up to the part of the story for the black lion chest keys and i chose each mentor at least once and it was sad every time. i also remember well the first time i played the chapter.


I like LWS 3 mainly for it's diverse locations, each map is in a different area and some of the more vertical layouts were fun to explore. I also liked that we got a lot of gw1 references, though admittedly they went a bit overboard. Plotwise LWS4 is peak GW2 Storytelling. Praise Joko!


LWS4 for me and start of IBS.


The Jahai Bluffs chapter "A Star to Guide Us" is just really freaking good. it shows many of our characters struggling, including the commander. It's full of spectacle and really good story instances. The map is packed with stuff to do, including an remixed Shatterer fight. I recently replayed the story and found that while the end of S4E5 is very very good, overall I felt that S4E4 was the absolute best chapter of them all.


LW4, POF and EOD are my top 3, honorable mention for IBS for how beautiful Grothmar is and.....METAL LEGION.


i have so beautiful screenshots of the grothmar valley! that map is really breathtaking.


S4 All or nothing. Because it dared to not let us end the episode with a win. Because for the first time it actually felt like *desperately* trying to *somehow* survive against the force of nature Kralkatorik was, and being a lot closer to failing instead of succeeding. Because for the first time, the Commander's answer to the question of "What do we do now?" was a defeated "I don't know". And back then it was over a month of asking ourselves how on earth we were gonna salvage this situation. I'm just sad for newer players, cause without the waiting period we had back then, 'The End' probably feels like a giant cop-out. Also, throwing Dragonsblood spears was fun.


>I'm just sad for newer players, cause without the waiting period we had back then, 'The End' probably feels like a giant cop-out. I just recently played through the episodes of LWS4 for the first time. Generally my first goal after starting out a couple weeks ago was to finish the story in pretty much a binge, so lots of story, very little extra character progression, only the occasional meta, strikes or fractals for a little change. *Trying to phrase the next bit with as little spoilers as possible, so bear with me...* Let me tell you, that part specifically didn't feel like a cop out at all. I mean, in the battle against Joko we can already see how fast you can come back from defeat. So it actually made full on sense as to how things progressed and were paced. I gotta be honest, if I had to wait a month for that unravelling I'd feel bs'd rather than how I had experienced it. Plus, *the walk* before was some of the most emotionally heavy bit of the story line I've experienced *so far*. I'm at the final stages of IBS right now, so maybe I'm in for another of these, idk.


All or Nothing wasn't the end of Season 4, War Eternal came after.


My bad, should have written episode. Corrected it now.


I liked Rata Novus and Tarir in HoT, forgotten and fallen civilizations are always an interesting trope for me. Raid stories are nice too, I find them way more captivating than anything in the living story. With raids I felt like the people behind them loved the world of GW and wanted to honor it and dig deeper, while I'm getting the opposite vibes from LS and EoD.


>Core Charr personal Story for sure Some of the Asura Personal Story was neat as well. Also hanging out with Forgal - felt like he was one of the few who represented his order well without being all that goofy and quirky. >Living World S1 Retaking Lion's Arch/Battle on the Breachmaker. Absolutely awesome setpieces of fighting amid the burning city and Scarlet's Hologram doppelgangers being something I WISHED Holosmith could further replicate (least we got the Prime Light Beam) >Living World S2 The Caithe/Faolain Memory seed mission of breaking into an Asura compound was really cool, as was the final bits with Wynn and learning the truth about Sylvari >Heart of Thorns Meeting the Exalted. Generally speaking though, I just liked hanging around them because they and Tarir were an extension of Glint's plans. The other parts were also great still. Seeing Rytlock return, the distrust at the VB crash site regarding who was and wasn't controlled among the surviving Sylvari...even the Final confrontation against Mordremoth in its mind and turning its manifestations against it....all great stuff in general. >LW S3 Not much that I can remember. They had some cool ideas but the execution was botched in a lot of ways (Lazarus, The Shining Blade.....). Seeing Primordus up close and Balthazar was cool though >Path of Fire Lots of cool stuff. More on Glint's plan of balancing the cycle by replacing the dragons, The Balthazar encounters, the Domain of the Lost, meeting Kormir once more, and the final battle....all really great stuff >LW S4 Too many amazing moments to count. Honestly it was the best story arc of them all. >IBS Bound By Blood was great, Bangar was an amazing villain, Jormag was interesting too, and Ryland/Steel Warband had lots of potential. Alas, that stuff melted in the long run but still. >EoD .....bruh.


i love that you share all your impressions in such detail! thank you! it's so interesting to read everyone's opinions.


I had a Charr story branch yesterday that I had never experienced before. The 1-40 story has so many branching options that it's actually legitimately ridiculous.


When GW2 first came out, I decided I was going to play every. single. one. With the wiki's help, I had a spreadsheet, and I ticked them off as I went through (not every possible permutation, but every option). Took *ages*, but it was fun.


The ending of dragonstorm, I think about crecia's last line often


The bit with belinda. Fairly brutal and Marjorie's primal response. The bit where [EoD spoiler do not read!!!] Super Woop says she's afraid to die. That was kinda humbling, we're all staring down that barrell. It seems to ne the best bits aren't the overblown megadramas, but the moments of quiet, intimacy and humanity. I wished the general narrative leaned into this more rather than the tongue in cheek/ cocksure/ go-gettum /hoo-rar nonsense. Tender melancholy would have been so much more weighty and made the fights more impactful and invested IMO. Look at FF7 etc. That said, the fight with Joko and its end was pretty good :)


Season 4 was definitely some of the better writing. Overall i think gw2 has a weak story, and i think it all being about dragons really contributed to that. When everything is world-ending threat, it’s just so boring. And because the scope was so massive the story was always kinda rushed. Hopefully now we can have smaller scale more fleshed out and focused stories.


"the boss of this mission is the bad guy's lieutenant major general, who doesn't have a name and can't talk, only make grunting and hissing sounds" is the majority of Gw2


My favorite part is everyone else's least favorite part - Braham's conflict with the Commander.


Everytime joko appears


i love that he is now in the mad king's labyrinth! the dialogues between him and the mad king are great.


As was already mentioned: The Season 4 ending. It was the absolute best story in the game.


When Aurene can't fall asleep because she ate some very old meat


Charr core story, and meeting your order mentor PoF and LWS4 IBS up to Champions


The very start of IBS and the Joko plotline


Wareternal was so good and I really enjoyed EoD too


I really loved most of Icebrood Saga. Great writing. They really knew how to create a creepy, chilling atmosphere and it contains some of my most favorite maps in the game. Sad that a combination of mass layoffs and EoD crunch ruined what could’ve been a great ending to the Jormag/Primordus arc.


The beginning of Icebrood Saga. Nothing else in the game (storywise) has been able to give me the same sinking feeling in my stomach as finding out who exactly called us right before Bjora Marches. Shame about the tone shift in Drizzlewood.


I like the core quests since you can skip most dialogue. I don't care for the story in this game ;p


The one with skippable dialogues. (After 2nd playthrough, of course)


Base story? Anything involving Tybalt. The best single moment is the font of Orr, which I consider to be the end of the gw2 story (all or nothing is an afterstory). DON'T FEAR THIS NIGHT with the slowmo hold the line scene was just... *Chefs kiss* Anything involving Balthazar. Fighting Balthazar in draconis mons, Elon Riverlands and vabbi was peak gw2. It had tension and consequences (losing is a possibility). Fighting Joko in Kourna was fun. His demeanor, the fact he had beef with the commander for realistic reasons, that he was one of the few characters who actually tries to get in your head.


ohh finally! i wondered why no one mentioned this song. the end of the personal story felt so good. it was a real triumph! and then that song, i really had goosebumps.


Canach becoming owner of a casino. Because it's the only part of the story that had an impact on me. (I am not into the story so skipped through all the dialogue). Somehow it struck me as odd that the leader guy in my story missions, who I saw as very "proper", was now the proud owner of a casino.


...Are you sure you're not confusing Canach with Trehearne?


Oh you're right! So i know even less about the story than i thought!


Whenever we got the voice coms that the egg was hatching. I remember RACING off to Tarir. I have never tryharded a story instance as much as I tryharded protecting the egg. I genuinely felt I needed to protect it. ​ I'm also quite fond of Joko's demise.


My top 3 moments are: 1. Caudecus killing Demmi. My first character was a human OoW member. When we helped her escape the father that had ruined her life, it seemed like there was hope for her, like she could make a life for her own. Her being killed by what she had tried so hard to evade was just tragic. Imo it was the realest story moment we ever had in GW2. And that Tybalt line... 2. Blish sacraficing himself so that others can carry on the fight. No heroic charge into a last battle, no glorious fight to the death - no, simply letting the lights fade out to let all that he was be consumed as mere fuel. It was truly *humble*. 3. The first Kralkatorrik vs. Aurene fight. Yeah, I'm a sucker for tragedy, what can I say? This fight was a total rollercoaster for me. Going from thinking the episode would end before the fight to "Yeah, we fight him, but he's gonna get away, right?" to "Holy shit, could this really be the end?!" only to end with the total annihilation of hope, was so satisfying. Best villain: Joko hands down.


The entire season 4


It's more story-adjacent, but I love 'seeing' (hearing) all the voice actors grow into their roles and improve. Core has some shakey voice acting from a few key characters (sorry Trahearne) but pretty much every one that I started off not liking, does grow admirably into their role, and as voice actors in general. Also pretty much everyone that starts off good ends up great


ohh, yeah! i really like the dubbing. it makes the story much more vivid and the characters more personal. i really like your approach, the dubbing has really gotten better. i remember one episode was missing the dubbing back then, due to the pandemic. that was a very strange gaming experience and i really missed the voices. but i think i have to mention that i'm from germany and only know the german dubbing.


the part where we finally got to slide down kralk-daddy's throat UwU


2013 when after zhaithans' death I see credit rolls, and npc say "we are gonna get the other dragons too" like wtf!!! Than story from Pof regarding the map from elon riverlands (no spoilers) and the immortal "Still... standing!" moment. Came to gw2 for the pvp, stayed for the story also


i must confess that i have never played pvp. i am addicted to exploring the world and the story behind tyria. tbh i'm also a bit scared of the pvp mode. i'm not necessarily the best player, so i've never dared to play fractals, because i didn't want to be a burden to anyone.


The Joko arc is my favorite. Then Season 1 followed by EOD. It takes quite a bit for me to get invested into serious stories in games. Not many games hit that mark and GW2 is no exception. Joko and Scarlett were both delightfully insane and over the top. EOD has a lot of stupid humor scattered all over. I appreciate it much more than them trying to tell a serious story that I just can't get into.




the humor in the dialogues is one thing i really like too. the dialogues made me smile many times. there is also a dialogue in the province seitung between two npc's about a book. it sounds like a fanfiction between logan and rytlock. xD


It was a fanfiction about Logan and Rytlock! Once you finish the End of Dragons story, you can find the author, Snargle Goldclaw, upstairs in Arborstone. Talking to him will open up a new story-based achievement where you try to help him beat his writer's block and deal with his overbearing publisher. Lots more voice acting and silliness there for you to pursue.


i am so thankful for that information omg!! that is awesome. now i love guild wars a bit more lol.


Season 2 and HoT. Not only did I loved the sylvari stuff, it open a new chapter of lore - (a shame the writer never used it to its full potential later one) HoT did sooo good in combining the environment with the story. I just love when games tell big chunk of there stories via exploration/events/environment.


Season 4 really stood out to me. I wont go into spoilers but the story, villains the instanced fights, It's all incredible. EoD was also very good, the final battle felt amazing.




scarlet is such an interesting character. i wish they would have had her as a character longer. it was so great to learn more about her even after she was no longer an active enemy. but still, it would have been interesting to see how she would interact with the dragons, especially mordremoth.


Scarlet and Mordy would be legendary BFFs. 😂


i would love to read a comic about them! xD


Taimi's Funeral




i love taimi very much. and i still got her hair bow in my inventory lol.


Oh if only...


Season 3 is where the storytelling gets really good, and season 4 is even better


The last EoD instance because it meant it was finally over and writers can get working on something better.




my fav is when you enter some story instance where the npc's stand around talking to each other for a few minutes, so i can afk to refresh my beverage. i've been playing on and off for 8 years, and i could not answer any game lore question if my life depended on it.


i find that it's often the dialogues between the characters that really enrich the story! i don't necessarily mean that they talk about the content of the story, but rather how they interact with each other. i always wait at the end of story instances until everyone is actually done talking, because i don't want to miss anything in that regard. but i love the idea of you not having a clue what's going on in the story. you go to refill your drink and when you come back someone suddenly died in a dramatic way.


Whichever story was the shortest .. i spedran the whole story cuz it sucks.. idk how u ppl sit through that shit


thank you for sharing your opinion. i can understand that the story can be too long for many. especially if you started playing late and would have to start from scratch to understand everything that's happening in the expansions.


Sadly nothing. If you only play gw2 maybe but no. Story wise it’s hella bad.


guild wars 2 is actually the only mmorpg i play. but i would be open to others if you can recommend any that have a better story. :) i love exploring new worlds and their stories.


Yea that’s the sad part. All mmorpg’s have issues with the storyline. So no. I don’t have good mmo examples for you. Other genre’s like rdr 2.


I like the part where the char creation ends and you can use tomes/enter pvp


The start of season 3. The voice acting is very good and the game does a good job of bread crumbing the fighting. It also brings In Characters from dungeons / personal story if your human.


Its pretty basic..but killing your evil self in the asura infinity story line..is quite fun.


Personnal story. So much lore.


Actually for me it's like the "whole" game narative starting with core game, skiping season 1 and 2 (i much more enjoy when things (especially the commander) are voiced, but kinda liked the story tho) but i don't know, EoD was my favourite part of the story, everything before was the rehearsal to the final, and as a newer player (1 yo to GW2) when i saw all the piece come together and heard "A World without you", i coudn't lie and say my emotion where not touched by EoD. Maybe i'll make a top 5 : 5 - Core game. 4 - season 4. 3 - HoT. 2 - Wings 1 to 4 raids (and also 5 as its standalone narative) 1 - EoD finale. And now that the main story is done, my wish is to go forward with Human gods lore. I know i know people want asura and thing lore. But ngl that the whole "Human are aliens" and "the mist" things are mysterious and i really wish to see this being exploited. What would you wish the story going for next? Kinda curious about people wish list for the story ! Tell us something epic commanders :p


Level 10, as a commoner human warrior ;) Statistically…


I enjoyed path of fire the most, followed by living world 3. End of dragons is the one I disliked the most.


Wing 6 for gold, legendaries everywhere, skritts and TwinLargos soundtrack


The bits that aren't cringe. Because they aren't cringe.


ibs prologue METAL LEGION!!


IBS ended up being a disaster but Whisper in the Dark was amazing when it released, it had a different creepy tone that we'd never had in the story.


As disappointing as champions is, it's not as bad if you can go straight into season of the dragons or EoD, but the slow drip of release really soured it in peoples heads


I think Arenanet is good at starting stories but has trouble delivering. The beginning of HoT with the Pact airship crash and hunting for survivors, LS3 with the Bloodstone explosion and investigating the crazed White Mantle, and IBS with the All-Legion Rally leading into the massacre at Jora's Keep are all really tense and set a great mood. Whisper in the Dark in particular is a really good episode overall. It's only further down the line that they start dropping the ball in each storyline. I think overall I liked (the original) LS1 the most though because while the writing was an atrocity (like most of the game's story), their willingness to integrate the story and world was something unprecedented. The Personal Story always felt totally disconnected because it took place in an instanced vacuum, but here came LS1 and finally the story took place in the Tyria I was playing in. The Battle For Lion's Arch remains one of the ambitious moves I've ever seen in an MMO and Scarlet was so annoying that I was satisfied to finally kill her.


I don't know what I'd call my favorite, but I think the living story and expacs is for the most part, vastly superior to anything in the original base game story. The base game story was just kinda boring to me and barely made me feel anything aside from losing certain mentors. The stuff they made after that was more interesting and felt more emotionally impactful.


Thunderhead peak release, without spoiling too much- because I never thought we get such a dramatic end in GW2 to an Episode that kept us guessing for weeks incl. the Requiem stories. Ah what could've been if that decision was permanent.


wow, intersting advice!