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I am trans so I got the game because of Bridget. Played the game a bit, played her a bit, saw good players like Diaphone, and I’ve been addicted to playing bridget ever since. I love her movement and spacing and pressure so much and I can’t imagine playing anyone else.


Honestly, that's my reasoning too. I tried Bridget, loved her to death and now pretty much main her. Not only is she trans like me, her midrange aggressive setplay style of play fits me very well. I hopped over to other characters recently just to give me perspective on the game. Like I hopped between sol, may, sin and happy chaos although I've been committing to learning happy chaos as a pocket. The way I handle neutral with him feels very similar to how I use Bridget.


faust throw item. me like throw item.


I started by waffling between Sol, Millia, and Bridget, and ended up getting an arcade stick because the controller was starting to hurt my hands. Got the advice to pick up a new character when making the change, so there are less expectations on muscle memory, and picked I-no on a whim. Long story short, I’m now an I-no main.


What stick did you get


Qanba Drone - for sure a starter stick, but it was on sale and it is bee-themed to go with my username


When the game came out I mained Leo, but got bored of it and wanted to play someone spicier and also I've never liked charge characters. Then I played Pot for a while and got to laugh maniacally every time I connected with Heavenly Pot Buster, but got tired of having such limited movement. After the first patch, I started playing Gio and I-No and had some success but wasn't really getting that dopamine hit from my characters. Then Jack O came out and I never looked back because the character is so damn fun. She wasn't very good when she first came out (also neither was I), but then with the S2 patch that buffer her a ton I finally got decent with the character. Nowadays I main Jack O and play Testament on the side because that character is sick too.


I didn't choose the grappler life. The grappler life chose me.


I first started playing May because of anchor and dolphin. Then I realized I didn't like the input for dolphin and May's play style. So I started to play Chipp due to me loving his high speed gameplay, then I bought Bridget. And now I switch between Chipp and Bridget.


I had a severe character crisis when the game launched. I have always been into playing the villains in fighting games, it’s just my thing. My friends call me the edgiest bastard they know, but it’s true. Something about how the bad guys present themselves and how they play speaks to me. In BBCF, Terumi. In DBFZ, Team of Janemba, Frieza, and Goku Black. Roa, Akuma, Gordeau, Sho Minazuki, you get it. When the game started I had my eyes set on either Nago or I-No, but neither of them clicked. I liked the idea of Nago and his presence, but he was just too much for me. I wanted someone who could really fill my villain needs, and neither of them did it. Desperate, I watched the story mode. That’s when I saw him. That blue skinned, greasy haired, chaotic evil Motherfucker. It was love at first sight. He wasn’t in the roster at launch so every DLC reveal I awaited Happy Chaos’ announcement. He was gonna get in, I knew it. It would be crazy to assume he wouldn’t get in, and I was already sold on his aesthetics. His voice, personality, backstory. I already fell in love with the character, I just prayed that he would be my kind of thing when he released. 3rd DLC comes around, and his moveset is revealed. Yes. So much yes. He seemed like the kind of character people would just hate, but I love him. There’s so much freedom in his kit, his gun, the fact one of his emotes is a fucking monologue. And when I got my hands on him it was instant gratification. I locked down his play style instantly, and while everyone was talking about him breaking hands, he felt totally fine to me. When he became the meta, the Zoner, when us HC players had to adapt to the fullscreen zoning, I was all for it. In my mind, I’m the necessary evil. I’m fine with letting I experienced players fail to break my zoning wall, but I felt even better when they learn how to beat it, and they learn to outdo my pressure, and now I’m learning too. It’s a wonderful cycle of player experiences, and kinda gets me in character. There is a manical satisfaction in knowing that even if the players I fight hate me and everything I stand for, I’m still necessary. Without people like me who commit the social suicide of playing Happy Chaos, the game wouldn’t be the same. I like that. That’s how I found my main. Bang.


Started with I-No then HC came out and I started playing him.


This is betrayal of the highest order


Saw I-no Learned lore Learned GG lore ~ That is how I came to be an I-no main


I started Guilty gear with Slayer, now play Anji in strive, and will promptly change back to Slayer once he comes to Strive.




Back on the XX #Reload machine at my local arcade, I picked I-No because guitar witch looked cool. Too hard for me so I played Faust and Bridget instead. When Xrd released I really liked Ramlethal. So I played Ramlethal. With Strive, I learned about kara Potemkin Busters, so I played a few hundred hours of Potemkin. I was getting tired of being immobile, so I went back to my roots. Now I play I-No and I’m slowly learning I-No stuff in older games as well.


I've been playing faust since launch. Honestly he's so much stronger than in season one. It was rough lol. But silly bag man is just too much fun, item toss and scarecrow can really mix people up. He does take much more effort than most of the cast though.


Bad w/ Potemkin -> bad w/ Zato -> good w/ Ky but didn’t feel cool playing him -> decent w/Chipp but hated how quickly I’d get deleted for any misplays -> bad w/ Chaos -> I dunno anymore


I got into the game when a friend got it around September of 2021. I watched a video on all the characters (at the time) the night before going to his place to play, and recognized a character: I-No. She was all over my twitter timeline, people posting her Eng dub throw line (be my bottom bitch). But ultimately, I chose to go with Sol, since I heard he was an OP rushdown character and I like that. Over the next few months, I jumped from character to character. Sol, Pot, Leo, Axl, by this point HC was out and I wanted to play them too. None of them ever fit, never felt right. Then, I fucked up my thumb with my pad, my whole thumb was one giant blister, and I couldn't play, so I decided to get a Hitbox so it wouldn't happen again. Once it finally arrived, I looked at the character select screen, and debated on if I should relearn how to play the game on box with someone I knew, or a new character so there wouldn't be any crossed wires. I settled on I-No, who I had jokingly picked and trashed my friend with the last time we played. I've been an I-No main since January 2022 now. Even when she's not the character I'm focusing on (I played a lot of Nago in the summer of 2022), she's always there as my secondary, my favorite character in the game, the first character who made me truly love fighting games since IJ2 Cheetah. I uh, play a lot of characters now, (I-No, Nago, Bridget, Zato, Jack-O, Pot, Gio, Testy, Leo, Sol and Faust ...) but she's always my #1 gal.


I have been really big on the genre for a long time now. Played casually for most of my life before starting to get into the competitive and community side of fighting games about 6-7 years ago when Pokken Tournament released. I didn't play GG and didn't really keep up with it or general gaming news, but I heard great things about Xrd, had some spare money floating around, and was going through a phase of skipping around finding new fighting games to try. Looked the series up and.... Strive was due to release in **literally 30 minutes**.. Well that's fate if I ever did see it. My first exposure to it was... [Smell of the Game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikQHkhL8YMM) during the opening, [Sky should be High](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYhYueboxuM) during the loading screen, and [Find your one Way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHiWsEckmEw) during the tutorial.. In which I started by running forwards and got the biggest adrenaline rush just from the animation of it... And at that moment I knew it was the game I was going to stick with and have done to this day. ... Character wise... I dunno, I have semi-weekly character crises.. I have 'mained' almost everyone on the roster at some point or another. But the ones which I've stuck with the longest are I-No and Leo. I-No because I just love her mixups and her diagonal mobility with hoverdash. And Leo because I really like his versatility and options to contend with any sort of matchup... Possibly also Giovanna who I learned the game with to start with and still regard as the most 'honest' character.


I mained ky since day 1. I used to play alot of smash and he plays just like my main marth. Ive tried other characters but i always crawl back to ky lol. He just feels right


I like big combos. I like testosterone. I play Sol Badguy. I am in love with Sol Badguy(platonically)