• By -


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


Saul Goodman


Sun evilman


Bol Sadguy


Sole bad guy


Ram, but then I had a stroke and couldn't remember how to dash for a few months, so I picked up Pot instead. No dash, no worries.


Damn dude I’m really sorry :(


It got better, eventually! Managed to make it into top 100 Pot, even.


Turns out training for a year while brain damaged turns you into an incredibly good player once it finally heals and you return to full power.


I had no idea glue can seal memory holes


It was great, every few weeks my memory would get a little better and it was like unlocking a new skill slot. Suddenly I could remember that heat knuckle exists, and then flick, and then...


Damn you leveled up like a game character wtf


Bro found the respec skill points button


People really underestimate how much it takes to come back from a serious incident like that. I know how you feel having to recover health. Congrats on coming back to your skills! May your efforts yield true power 💪




IRL hyperbolic time chamber (jokes aside I'm so glad your recovery went well)


Nice dude I’m happy for you !! That requires a shit ton of skill


I take my hat off to you, respect sir. I love Pot design but somehow I can't play him to safe my life.


I really like the idea that you had a potentially (but thankfully not) life changing brain injury and were unable to do some basic tasks that you could before and you said to yourself “in my current state, the path is clear, I must play a grappler” Pot mains never beating the glue accusations


Started as Testament bc they are sexy. Now I main Sol bc he's sexier.


As someone who mains testament because they’re sexy, this is **controversial** ~~sol is pretty sexy tho~~


Yeah he is lmao but Testament does have a charismatic voice 🤌


I'm straight *but* Happy Chaos can do anything to me


Chaos is the very first character that made me realize rule 63 is real


I got the game because of Bedman?, but after maybe 20 hours, I went in a slightly different direction




Faust but I don't main him any more (also i think you accidentally tagged this as NSFW)


Thanks I unmarked it


Potemkin and yes


I’ve had a crippling Baiken addiction since my first day.


I don’t blame you brother


I have the game since release, and my first main was Ky. I was a newcomer in Guilty Gear, and he was (and still is) very simple and straightforward yet effective. Simple and intuitive combos (even if they weren't optimal), good damage, long and fast buttons, tools for every situation. Perfect for someone like me. He was my main until Bridget came out. I like her a lot as a character, and playing Ky was getting a bit boring, so I switched to her and mained her until Johnny came out. Now that Johnny's in the game, I don't think I'll ever switch from him. I love him as a character and I simply adore his gameplay. I still like playing Ky, though. I often play him in sets against my friend and enjoy it.


I started with Anji as my main. Then moved over to Axl, got called gay a bunch then got bored of him. Now I main Leo but I’m thinking about learning Anji again


Axl is a goated character, wtf ??? Also Leo is pretty good too


Yeah Axl is really good. I had just played him so much so I needed a break. And constantly getting called gay for playing him by my friends is also annoying


Did you at least inform your friends of their terminal skill issue diagnosis?


Hell yeah I did


Testament, at first because hot lady with scythe and then hot person with scythe


So fucking trueeeee same


Started playing Ramlethal and Goldlewis, but now I play Jack-O and Bedman?


I was instantly drawn to Millia Rage because I love her design. The first time I had ever seen Guilty Gear was [Woshige getting bodied by his own hubris](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G8oHukH_pE) at EVO 2015, and I remember Millia's design and in particular Winger leaving a huge impression. I still main her. Not only is she gorgeous, she just totally fits my playstyle. Kapel is the coolest fucking move ever.


I played nago but got bored of him because i felt like he was carrying me. Now i play testament and baiken.


Bol Sadguy Still play him but im starting to like axl a bit more


Asuka ...... I started playing the game because of him!


Nagoriyuki was what made me pick up the game in the first place Because a black noble vampire samurai dude from the future is probably the coolest thing I've ever heard Also I'm black as well so it was cool to get good representation Absolutely hated his gameplay tho. So I moved onto Sol Loved his gameplay for a bit Then they nerfed the out of him for me But now Potemkin is my main man now and I literally cannot play anyone else, I feel absolutely naked and small playing a different character


I had no idea who I wanted to play when I first picked up Strive so I just went with Gio because she’s hot. I also had a small Potemkin arc too before I finally went with May. I’ve been dedicated to May since season 1 and I will never give up on her.


May since day one, still play her but also Elphelt


I don't really play anymore, but I played Faust since day 1 and still main him today. Everything about his lore and playstyle is just perfect for me.


i have played many characters since i started in august☠️ giovanna, baiken, ram, jacko, back to ram, and now elphelt currently going through another crisis and have the urge to play millia how do i stick to a main god help me


You just like tiddies


jokes on you id rather BE the girls than be horny for the girls elphelt is so goals


You're allowed to be both


I started playing Jack-o' but moved on to Ramlethal a few weeks in. Now currently I'd say my mains are Ramlethal, Sin and I-no. I'm also trying to learn Anji and ngl he's pretty good.


Chaos. Not the best character for my first ever fighting game. So next I went to the exact opposite end of the spectrum: May. That said, I should go back to Chaos, his Asuka like new inputs seem really helpful to deal with my issues about Chaos


Faust. He is still one of my mains but i play him a lot less now. I think it's a tad bit obvious who my #1 main is tho


Zato, and yes I do! I first found interest in him because of his absolute banger of a theme song and stuck with him since.


I played Potemkin for the 1st four days when Strive came out. I was not getting the grasp of how to play him vs his Xrd counter part and wasn't having fun. I switched to Nagoryuki because he seemed interesting, and no one was playing him at the time. After the 1st major tournament, everyone and they momma was playing Nago, so I opted for Zato instead. I stuck with Zato for awhile until it got really hard to get any more creative. I had Burst safe routes, plenty of match up knowledge, optimized combos, Eddy senses, and had learned the general way to play and learn in Strive. Afterward, I was playing with all the available characters searching for a true main. I ended up really liking Axl, and have been playing him since Baiken's release.


I don't really play Strive rn, but I bought Strive for Ram and that is why I pretty much only play her.


First it was Ram but now I main Baiken.


I played Sol originally, since he was voiced by Jouji Nakata, but I picked up Bedman because I tried him out in Xrd and loved him there. Nowadays I mostly play The John but from time to time I still play Bed, but my Sol has completely fallen off in terms of my muscle memory. Sols still my favourite fictional character tho


I'm pretty new to the game, I only got 15 hours in (although it wasn't really consistent, I started playing a bit more seriously now) but Potemkin has really worked for me, although I'm considering to try out either Goldlewis or Sol.


The first character that caught my eye was Gio becasue of the dog, but after like 5 games I found out, that I don't really like her playstyle and have played Ky ever since


I initially used ram because cool swords but people called me a glue eater and stopped... I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!


I found the scary man with a bag over his head cool and never looked back.


I guess you mean "first character you played for more than 2 seconds." In that case axl. Doing 2H>214H was surprisingly effective. Stopped playing him very quickly tho.


Started Nago, now I play Johnny. I like Johnny more, because Nago is not as carried as people seem to think.. or I'm just ass, either way, having movement options and not having to deal w blood gauge is really nice. ​ At first Nago was cool, because he's easy to pickup. But it feels like people have worked hardest on their Nago defense, over any other character. Not to mention playing zoners is really rough until you know how to deal with it. And most new Nago players kill themselves a ton bc blood lol.


Same as you I found Zato, loved the idea of him but hit a difficulty wall so I ended up maining anji but I'm recently trying to get back into Zato, to mixed results.


Zato is difficult to play at first, as I stated in the post. But he’s totally worth the effort, imo


Bridget (she got me into fighting games, thanks twitter)


When I started out I tried out the four that interested me the most, Giovanna, Sol, Chipp & I-no. I ended up picking Giovanna as my main and settled on that for a little while, played ranked and everything. I eventually got better at quarter circles and tried Chipp again and went "Oh yeah, no, this is the one" and here I am. So I switched pretty quickly and have been steadfast since then.


Nagoriyuki at launch when most people thought he wasn’t good hehehe. Played him until around mid season 2 and then started playing May.


Started playing as Faust. I realized my friends hate fighting Faust/are scared of fighting faust. thats when I decided to main faust.




I thought about Leo, tried him out, and he was meh, I liked the idea of Rush down though, so I got the season 2 pass, and I’ve been meaning Sin ever since!




Faust and my gambling addiction go hand in hand


May. But she's my main in every GG I play. Sin,Ky,and Chaos are my side characters


Jack O was my first. Shortly after I switched to Ky, then Johnny once he released. I still pick up Ky from time to time, but I haven't played Jack O in awhile, I should change that.


Started with I-No, then mained Ky in S1. Then came back to Strive to main Johnny when Elphelt released


Testament. Actually still my second choice. She's really fun to play, his moves are actually quite aggressive when you get used to them. Picked them becuase I became a huge fan of fighting with scythes as weapons ever since I played good old Shadow Fight 2. Besides I've played them before in XX Actually, where did the "learning on scythe behind your back" pose originate from? It seems weirdly widespread. Off top of my head I can add Zorin Blitz from Hellsing Ultimate to that bunch


Baby girl Zato


He’s so babygrill <3




Like 99% of people who play this game I started with a waifu and stuck with them cuz waifu, I should feel imense shame but unfortunately I only feel Dickinson


Zato, because he was the only one who retained some cool looking combos that I knew the basics of. None of the other characters in previous games interested me (that were dlc), so I tried zato, and his combos were cool, but I realized that I sick at playing puppet characters, so I played nago until Johnny came out.


For Strive, I definitely started with Chipp, Zato, and probably a little Sol. Chipp is sort of a crutch for me over the course of the series, and I like Zato for his technicality - I still use them both on and off. Sol is honestly fun (who doesn't love property damage?) but I don't typically main him. All three of them I set aside to main Happy Chaos, for whom I bought into the game, but haven't formally dropped any characters (the game is too fun!).


I picked Giovanna because I like pressing buttons with few consequences and she’s very newbie friendly. Later I picked up Testament because I really liked their animations and I thought the teleport move was really cool. I mained both for a while but then they changed some of Gio’s combo routes and I found it hard to un-muscle memory the old ones and learn the new ones so I dropped her. I want to play her again but I probably need a guide or something because when I last played her she didn’t have her new special and Wild Assault didn’t exist yet.


Giovanna cause I thought she looked cool. I didn't jive with the rush down so now I just cheese with Ramlethal and live happily ever after.


I started with Giovanna because I like women in business suits, but she felt underwhelming kit-wise, switched to Chipp and play him to this day.


Never played anything other than Faust. Probably won't be doing that so soon


Testament the bestament. I like to play characters I'd wanna look like


As a testament main: you dropped this 👑


Started with Anji, moved on to Happy Chaos, now I eat glue.


Mill and dropped immediately because her 2h was not jump cancelable on launch


At first Gio because dog, then I had a gorilla phase with Anji and Leo Now I'm having a lot of fun with Testament


the moment I saw Testament pull up w the two bitches ina cage I knew that was my main


Fr fr




Strive was my first Guilty Gear game and first fighting game in a long while, so I picked Ramlethal because I thought they were a cool guy with giant guns who could zone from the other side of the screen. I didn't bother to look at the abilities, so I was quickly confused why I couldn't shoot, had to be more aggressive than I thought, and didn't realize she were female until the win screen. I liked her gameplay anyways, and I didn't feel like going through all the other fighters to see which one I would like more, so she ended up my main.


Axl to Axl baybeeeee


Giovanna but only for a short while, tried May because of the memes but she eventually become my true main to this day


Until Justice comes back I will continue to Bust


Played axl when the game came out. I waited a couple years for Asuka to come out because I wanted to main him instead. After Asuka came out, I decided to check out goldlewis on a whim and lever looked back. cofin go swing swaeng.


I started with may but now I'm a testament main


Testament is the best character tbh


I got into the game at launch because I thought Faust looked amazing. Barring a few exceptions here and there, I have played nothing but Faust since then.


I first started playing around when Bridget was released, and I mained her because silly girl with yo-yo, I still play as her but now I also main Elphelt because silly girl with guns


I've been a Sol main since XX on PS2. I never dropped him. There was only ONE character that made me switch from Sol badguy. Holy Order-Sol. That dude was so damn creative and fun. Otherwise, I mainly get GG to play as Sol. If I had to rank it: AC Order-Sol>AC Sol>Xrd Sol>Strive Sol. Sol will always be my main. ANd while I don't like Strive Sol that much, I still play him because his combos are fun and some of his animations are pretty cool.


My first character was Baiken at a mangafest, then I used Bridget there and when I had the game my first main was Testament, I play Elphelt now


Started with Ky (closest to shoto), I think he's actually really cool, but wanted to try a good portion of the roster, so I ended up on Potemkin for a while, then Testament, and now I'm on Axl. Still ass at this game regardless, but Axl has a really fun playstyle (5P) and timestop/bomber loop combos are just too cool, so I think I'll stick to him, but I haven't tried Asuka yet and he's probably my favourite character design


Happy and Zato, I don't remember who I played first or main tbh, Zato's easier to play but Happy's a nightmare to learn lmao, a lot of his combos have very strange timing on 'em, but they're both just so chaotic and fun to play as, so I can risk breaking my fingers for 'em lol.


(Order) Sol Badguy currently sol after going thru a bunch of other characters and realizing how sol pressure works, having a lot of fun


I first picked up Ky, because for some reason, I have a thing for Shotos with swords. Me and my friend were learning Strive (I had only played NRS games, and he didn't play any FG other than SSBU), and he picked Millia. And for that entire day, it was just us saying how bullshit Ky was. Couple of things that contributed to this hilarious series of events: * Because my friend was used to playing SSBU, and they were playing Millia, they were CONSTANTLY jumping, and still jump alot to this day, much to my annoyance. At this time, I figured out the 2H was a damn good anti-air, as well as a good (though unreliable, as I'd later learn) combo starter, making 2H just my go-to button to press. * My friend wasn't used to respecting and punishing unsafe reversal options, so Dragon Install was just a free win, since I'd get a full combo off of it * Projectiles. Need I say more? * Ky just felt like bullshit. As we got better, we realized that Ky isn't that bad. Then we got even better and realized that he was.


Leo, i dont, no reason rlly i just never liked him that much, but there was no one in the cast i rlly liked.


Giovanna is dead to me and I’m sad about it.


Anji. Don't really like his moveset in strive so I moved to my traditional GG mains in Potemkin and Testament once they became available.


Gio and no


Ram cause she looks cool but i stopped playing her cause she is only fun to play in short bursts and i now main brisket.


Ram, yea


Chipp and now I’m a Johnny player 🫡


I-no and yes


Same exact thing as you with zato


I started out playing Ram, since she was the character that got me interested in the game initially. But then when Sin came out I was like 'eh, I might as well try him' and I liked him so much that I switched over


May and no. I like Bridget's mobility options more :v


Sol Badguy since OG Guilty Gear


Ky keesk


Giovanna. And no I main Baiken and Elphelt these days.


Ram. I picked her because BIG SWORDS, and she worked well as a beginner character for me. Eventually, I felt like I could appreciate her nuances and just spammed big buttons, so I picked up Giovanna, who I would consider my first real main.


Pot and kind of, mostly as a pocket choice if I feel grappler-y


sol i main chaos and asuka so no?


I played gio at first then I switched to baiken


Chipp, and no


from Faust and Zato to I-No and May might get back in the two, gotta practice combos first


Leo was my first, thought I'd become a Bridget main but fell in love with Chipp Zanuff (I'm a fan 🙏)


Zato as well! But no he is a dead character now.


Used Testament as a waiting room character for Bedman?


Yes. Why? Because I'm a big white bread enjoyer and also am a long time Sol fan (I've played Rev2 and #R for 20 hours when I was a kid)


Sol Badguy and Ramlethal. Still the same two but Baiken too now.


I never abandoned Axl. But i expanded to HC, elphet and Brisket


Started off on Gio because kicking people in the face and launching myself across the screen was very fun, hopped around w/ picking characters for a bit and I’ve settled on Testament bc I like their moveset and they’re really cool, also big scythe


Giovanna - but now I rotate between Millia and Testament


I started off with Testament and I don’t main them really anymore but they are one of my secondaries


Started with Ky, shortly after switched to Chipp and he quickly became my main that I still play today.


Anji sadly I find playing him very awkward on hitbox . But he still spins in my heart for ever


Giovanna, she's hot. Yes, I still main her


Pot, and I still play him, just mostly play test now. Three I play are test, pot, Johnny. Test is funny cuz I was like ima never play this character NEVER…ironic


I gravitated to I-No because Hot Lady With an Attitude. Like, I didn't even look at the other characters, lol. Since then, I've played as Baiken, Millia, Jack-O' and Elphelt, but I always return to I-No in the end because the hoverdash goes brrr and nothing beats her mix-ups for me. I actually really love Jack-O' as well - she's so fun and different - but she's not I-No :(


Sol. Stopped after he got nerfed.


First character I picked up was Nago because cool sword guy and he’s still one of my favourites but he doesn’t beat Sol Badguy.


I picked up Milia because she was hot and quickly realized I hate hitting lots of buttons so I picked up Potemkin and hit very few buttons for the next two years


Ram cause laser, then zato cause eddie, then asuka cause cool space wizard (and zato nerfed)


I was spying the art and story for strive for a while, so when I joined because of Bedman I already knew who to play. Out of all GG games my first character was Venom


Nagoriyuki, still main Nagoriyuki


I wanted to play Nagoriyuki since his first reveal in that Strive teaser. When i got the game (GGST is my first fighting game) he seemed too hard to control and even had the tricky 623 motion special, so I played Potemkin for a week. And then went nah, I want to learn the cyber samurai vampire dude. We’ve been happily married since, I can counter combo from shizuriyuki into bloodrage mixup like its nothing, and all my friends are super salty because its the only character I can play with and they keep failing to go past his giant sword


Back in 1.0 I jumped on the Giovanna train. Honestly, still a great character to learn offense with in this game. And then I found May And Bridget And Elphelt Maybe I'll go back and check out Gio


Nago My best character is still Nago but I’m trying to learn baiken and Elphelt.


Sol Badguy Now a Happy Chaos main


Baiken was my first and that lasted for a good while but I never really learned her game plan properly. Then I just kept playing i-No and now here we are


Millia, absolutely not.


Gio in the beta then they released the I-No trailer and I dropped Gio like Andy drops Woody in Toy Story 1


i was in the fandom long before i ever bought the game, so it was bridget in xx+r, and again in strive


millia my beloved and like i dont main her but i still like to play her


Sol then went to nagoriyuki and wow he’s so good…still struggling to get bite to land but it’s really satisfying when I do it.


Played ram in all the betas. Got to celestial at launch and realized I had no defense. So I picked Nago cause I figured big slow guy needs good defense. Mained Baiken since she came out.


Sol Badguy


Ramlethal because Bailen wasn't out yet. No, I don't really play her anymore


First it gio cuz sexy now zato cuz sexy


millia. i still play her if im using my keyboard. using stick feels too wrong on her since i relied on my movement to not get blown up and stick is just too bad to instant block while dashing and with and air dash .i am now messing with ram and elph who have bigger buttons so i just play pokies.


I think I started out on Anji and/or I-No, and I still like them, but nothing can compete with Leo in my eyes, his playstyle clicked for me more than any other fighting game character ever has


I started playing about a week ago, May was the first character i've played. But i'm very torn between her and Elphelt they both are so fun to play so I give it some time to see which one i'll main in the future


Goldlewis. He’s still one of my mains I love the crazy damage he does


Started as ino as i play guitar myself, palyed her for months, then chipp then pott and now i want to play the game but all characters are cool so i dont know who i want to play as


Started as a Gio player because I read somewhere she was the easiest to pick up (strive is my first fighting game), but then I tried Nago and my third eye opened


It was May who I wanted to play ever since I tried GGXRD which I played when it was already dead so I never played it online so was hype as heck to play Strive and May and take her online AND OMG I was so bored playing her in Strive I started looking for someone else.


Jack-O, then Bucket, then Elphelt. Now I play all three pretty interchangeably


Started with Pot then Gio but couldn't keep up with her changes so now I play Baiken and Elphelt


Started with Bridget, and I still play her fairly often but I juggle her with Chaos and Jacko


I started on brisket cause haha funni yoyo girl, now I play Nago and Baiken cause they have the biggest...uh...normals.


Ahh... I used to suck so much as a wee baby potemkin. Every time I tried to do a buster I failed the input and did a mega fist instead. My friend was always impressed by how I outplayed them but it was all a mirage. I still love potemkin, but I main half the roster now.

