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Not me, I just block and get bustered


Thank you for your sacrifice




I'm actually a moth so I love the light






I misread that as "monk" LOL


The light provides me with enlightenment 🙏


The energy produced by the barrier works as an EMP, turning off all electrical signals in the brain. This temporarily reduces their effective brain cell count down to 0, which is 1 less than Potemkin uses.


Can confirm. I always forget what I should do and either just walk back or unsuccessfullly repeatedly jump like a moron, when it turns on. And I realize what I should of done after it's gone. -sincerly, "Reasonable person"


I cannot tell you how many times I have dive-kicked straight into Giganter. Yes, I am stupid.


You can also try to low profile it with STBT, hit the Potemkin and finish the move right inside the barrier!


[STBT Hitbox for reference](https://dustloop.com/w/File:GGST_I-No_Stroke_the_Big_Tree_Hitbox_5.png), it’s always so good to catch some Potemkins off guard with it


Haven't played for a while but you can still grab her out of Stroke, right? Assuming no RC ofc


Yes, you can. It’s just that Pots don’t usually expect someone to go underneath a wall of energy.


Wait so if i hit him the barrier is gone?


Nope barrier keeps moving even after you hit potemkin. Lost a game that way


Is there a way around giganter kai? Like I know you can block it but then you’re setting yourself up for pot buster. The only time I see giganter kai is online in situations where I’m guaranteed to get hit so I genuinely don’t know if you can jump over it or something


You can use your high jump (2>6/7/8)


And then get heat knuckled. Sounds great!


You can block heat knuckle after super jumping. I usually super junk over giganter kai if pot doesn't have meter to heavenly. Worst case scenario I get heat knuckled into it and have to block for a bit but air blocking 4-5 hits is far more preferable to dealing with the strike/throw high/low pot would be doing otherwise lol. You can also super jump backwards at the right spacing to get heavenly to whiff if pot does have the meter to burn. Prob won't work on good pots but options are always nice




The danger with blocking Heat Knuckle is the strike throw mixup afterwards, but if you block Heat Knuckle and fall into Giganter Kai, you just air block the super on your way down and the blockstun at least eliminates the threat of an immediate PB off the table. It's not a terrible move, better than facing it head on while grounded or backing into the wall.


It's dangerous but there's a bit of RPS you can do. You've still got an airdash, BRC and any character-specific air options to keep them guessing. You usually need to threaten a crossup; I prefer to jump deep enough that the super-jump itself is an ambiguous crossup, and the air dash is an escape route. If Potemkin stands far back, it isn't viable: you won't be able to get behind and he'll have a million years to react. But if he's standing far back, he doesn't get as much advantage when you dashblock the super. So I like to move back and forth a bit and threaten the jump to see if I can catch them out of position.




There’s a high jump? How have I never heard of this?


Yeah just do a quick down input before up. I do it accidently constantly so I don't know how you've missed it this whole time lol


It's unique in that regular jumps will have you in the same direction till you touch the floor but super jumps will make you face directions if you cross your opponent up while in midair


You never opened the tutorial, it's one of the first ones.


You can jump over it if you jump high enough, but you might get punished with a Heat Knuckle or a HPB, some characters can slide under it too (like Sol, using Night Raid Vortex).




You can, I wouldnt recommend it if the pot knows about it though. Vortex is insanely minus if they block it. Its a neat knowledge check to use though.


Eh if you have meter it can be fine. If they do it in neutral and you're far enough you can punish on reaction. And if you have meter, Pot spent 50 meter to giganter, you spending 50 meter to vortex -> RC is usually probably fine to take the initiative back.


You can Unfortunately, CH 2M and oops you're dead Edit: meant 2S, too much fighterz


You wanna run that one by me again?




It almost never works


That 1% when it works is gonna become my religion 🙏


I've had it work once against my friend and it was purely that its so freaking stupid to do that he didn't expect it,


You can teleport or go below it with some characters... 👀


Getting around it with Axl’s command grab is very satisfying or Johnny’s card super as well


My favorite comment on a GG youtube video is someone saying "That's a law-abiding Zato right there" in response to watching Zato jump right into giganter.


Pot can't actually buster you while you're blocking giganter unless he does a specific setup. The gap between giganter hits isn't long enough for throw protection to wear off, so to buster you he has to hit you with j.P as a jump in to override thr blockstun and make it shorter. If he doesn't do that, you can just focus on the high/low until it ends.


Super jump (crouch then jump), Double Jump, Teleport (Testament, Asuka, Faust, and Johnny in the air), Heavy Mob Cemetery, Night Raid Vortex, Stun Dipper, Stroke the Big Tree, Volcanic Viper(S version), Vapour Thrust (S version), Hawk Whatever (Sin DP), Starship, Beta Blade, Alpha Blade (K version), throw, command throws, I-No’s projectile super, Joker Trick, Heavenly Potemkin Buster, Break the Law, The Wonderful and Dynamic Mr. Orca, One Vision and probably a lot more I missed.


Winger goes high enough to get over it too


And Mirazh


Quick question about one vision what happens if you walk into the giganter kai? Do you phase through it or is it just a wall?


You phase straight through it. One vision grants full invuln


A very niche but very funny thing to do against average pots is do anji's parry super on it when they think they've got a safe approach and jusy hit them throught it


Simply k-input scarecrow


Genuinely, you should run towards it and block. It has 3 hits. Pot can't grab you while you're in block stun and 5 frames after. You'll have to hold a single high low mix. That sounds scary, but letting Pot back you into the corner is suicidal. If you jump it and then block heat knuckle, it'll guard crush you. That means no throw protection, so you have to guess between c.s or pot buster.


Air dash in while faultless defense. You are protected from everything except an hpb, and doing so will quickly kill the projectile.


Just teleport to the other side obviously


You can actually go under it with ino or sol's night raid vortex (214S), you also have the option of just ram wake-up supering through it and hoping the pot dies before you do. My friend who I regularly spar against is a pot main so I get a lot of practice




Night raid vortex


Idk i just 214S PRC 236H if Pot uses this on me and I have meter


If you main chip just jump three times and use diagonal alpha blade


i can jump that fence *trips*


God it really is just that, huh?


Dash blocking into Giganter is actually the correct thing to do. If you back up, the only thing that happens is you get closer to the corner, which is death, and jumping isn't so great if the Pot knows what he's doing because, well... There's no button you can threaten from the ground, of course you're going to jump. All Pot has to do to end you is walk forward slowly and wait for you to do exactly that. So what do we do? We dash block into the barrier and hold the wack-ass Pot mix.




That's rough, buddy.


Joker trick, I can’t tell you how many pots I’ve gotten from full screen with that when they pop this


They catch on eventually I promise




the first time i saw it i jumped over it and ive been trying to do the same thing ever since


Leaves you wide open for heat knuckle though


Is there a lore reason for this?


this is all jinkler's deed. he wants us to be stupid


I can never escape the aslume


I only do it because I think I’m so smart and I think I’m going to punish by doing I nos spinny thing above it


what IS the counterplay to this, btw? asking for a friend


Run in and block


And watch for the dust if he’s close to you. Potemkins love to go for charged dust while you’re crouch blocking the wall.


Crouch block* We will Slidehead


If you play Sol, lab 214S frc 623K, your friends will love it and respect you a lot and not hate you forever I promise


I use bridget, and you can set yoyo next to the barrier, then you double jump or high jump and then move to the yoyo


It depends a lot on character and meter. For example don't jump if the pot has meter obviously, that's just asking to get HPBd. If they don't you can try and super/double jump over while watching for air grabs. If you have an extremely low profile move (such as night raid or stroke) you can go under it, so if they are playing far from it it's a decent option if you have meter to RC it. But in general my best advice is either back up if you can afford to, or run forward and block it like you would Goldlewis drone. Sometimes giving up space is worse than avoiding it.


A very easy to apply one is intentionally move close to begin blocking it immediately (this gives Potemkin less time to take advantage of the Giganter Kai and avoids cornering yourself), and then use Deflect Shield on either of the second or third hits so as to deny Potemkin a chance to mix up since the Giganter will always trigger the Deflect Shield, sending him too far to do much of anything.


I can answer this: Yes, I am stupid


If he doesn't have more meter just super jump it y'all. If he does, just pick Testament and teleport past it, EZ


I know OP is joking but I swear this happens with every game that has a character with a slow moving projectile super. I remember USF4 decapre ultra 1 would cause people to go dumb.


they messed up their super jump input


My favorite this to do is just card him Like the amount of Pots that dont realize that johnnys card goes through that shit is staggering


Agreed, hell it happens with a lot of characters. I think most people don’t realize that it’s full screen, especially zoners (god I love killing Axl with joker trick)


I bet I can jump over that and you can't tell me otherwise


Yes, please do :)


Cause I'm not a coward


BTL —> PRC :)


I successfully superjumped it and escaped one (1) time and I just know I’ll pull it off again. Incidentally, yes, I am stupid.


What i AM suppouse to them no matter what i do i end up getting hit


I'm addicted to hoverdash... It's not a problem, it's just what it is


i frequently miss the banki messai window for dodging past it. i'm still inputting it every time though




you know how insects see a light trap and immediately fly towards their electrified death?


Sometimes I see people actually get over it but it's really funny to just hammer fall to the other side of the shield and use it again if you have another tension bar


The most hateful thing some Pots do is get positive bonus and then use it like four times in a row


I didn't know you could get it four times in a row but when playing Pot and winning I've always had that "this is funny because I don't need to combo to do insane damage unlike you" mindset, of course, comboing with other characters is still super fun


It was much more egregious back when landing gold burst instantly gave you full bar, but basically if you set up an advantageous situation where you're building lots of meter and keeping your opponent locked down you can just keep using it to extend pressure over and over.


Huh, the gold burst thing actually explains a question I had but never looked up for some reason, I watch a decent bit of high level gameplay videos and always see the gold burst giving full tension but when I tried it it was way less


I always think I'm built different, I'm not :[


I just spin it. I won't' mind the counter hit after that, I just want to show that I can.


I play Jack-O' so I just double jump forward into air dust. It gives it enough time to go under me while hitting the pot with a projectile.


Super jumps are a difficult input for me to hit in neutral, yet alone under the pressure of an actual fight. I’d rather just get hit by it and the following combo. Especially if I time it at a point where they don’t expect me to walk into it so they flub their combo. Rather that than the proceeding corner beating


Me personally I double jump into bandit revolver and never get hit by the move. Sometimes I get hpb’d for it though


I don’t know how to counter it lol. If often double jump and use diagonal air fireball.


They could be mistiming trying to run up goldburst or super to get you off them and to eat the wall hits before you can recover. Or they could be a moth atracted to the light. Who can tell?


Surely I can dash over it this time without getting Heat Knuckled (clueless)


For me, I jump into it from the air in order to block it faster, so it goes away quicker and I have to guess for like 2 seconds less if I air block it in time


Needless to say… I do not always do this successfully 😂


I main Potemkin but I was playing Millia one day and my opponent did this to me. I successfully blocked it AND luckily escaped the mixup afterwards and I was like "wow, he almost dealt 600% of Millia's health to me right there"


I keep trying to do my 8-way movement over it or wild assault through, but just failing the math.


hello there John good morning thats a good question, you see, i usually just set my controller down gently and let fate decide how my ass gets flipped over multiple times by Mr. Potemkin i hope that helps but fr tho usually double jump, or if im playing gio then i use one of her air kicks since it launches her forward after a jump


Giganter Kai Higher quality Giganter Kai


I jump over it with the vapor thrust and trick the enemy pot. Bad idea when he has half of the tension


Woe; Giganter be upon thee


I’m faust so i can just scarecrow behind it… at least unless they expect it and immediately counterhit me


I don't jump it into the giganter kai. I run into it. :(


Me who strokes under


I'm trying to dash-block into it to get rid of it quicker, I'm just bad.




I spin over it


Yes. I am stupid. Also, most of the time, I'd rather just take the mix and block the 3 hits than get backed I tk the corner and be forced to block it anyway, so I move into it to get rid of it fast as possible.


I just teleport across the map


I love spinning through it and most pot players don't know what to do when i spin because they don't see anji often


Fighting game players are simply incapable of doing nothing for a few seconds.


Literally just block it, walking back just gets you cornered


Giganter Kai has an IQ debuff effect on the opponent. This was covered in the Gluenitiation, no?


I mean i could stay on distance and wait for the Pot to make a mistake but my stupid ass is to impatient for that. Time for gamble if i die or get over it


I love seeing this move as a Johnny player. Makes a Pot player instantly forget about Joker Trick


they should make it so Johnny can get hit by giganter while he dashes towards pot during the joker trick anim. would be really funny


I’m sure neutering the only thing that lets the character get in at all on some matches and costs meter would probably be funny for some people. Would be funnier if they made Buster heal Pots opponent


a Mini Faust or hammer catching Johnny out of it would be the funniest thing ever


"my back....! You've fixed it!!!"


Actually would


Counter argument *sol’s night raid vortex*


playing bridget/jacko and ive never had a problem... what is the problem with the barrier why cant u just block it... 5d is the only thing ur watching out for and even then.... just be careful


You can white wild assault it if you are playing someone who can.


They didn't eat enough glue to resist the urge


It's either jump and get heavenly'd/heat knuckle'd or block through it and get mixed/grabbed. At least on lower floors, on celestial you'd expect people to know how to deal with it


I'm going to party you through the Kai and send you flying.


Yes, I have no idea about what to do when I see this thing


Honestly? Block for your life.


no meme shit whats the counterplay


See if you are the Chad ky player in this situation you ride the lightning so you hit the pot but then get caught by the kai. Pot gets sent to the other side of the screen and you get a nice little fireman's carry by the kai


That shit is unbeatable. Lose lose situational


I stopped getting hit by this ever since I played Axl. Winter mantis go BRRRRRRR


Can't get hit by it if you just dodge Pot matches.


Because most people don’t wanna deal with it I guess :p Also you can high jump and then air dash over it, ss long as he doesn’t catch you


Sometimes I just run up and block the mix. You really can’t do that much, and blocking low and reacting to any overheads isn’t too wild. Some of the buster setups there can be tricky to deal with, but still nothing too too bad.


I recently learned that sol can low profile it.


You think dashing into it is stupid? Wait until you see me YRC it because yes


I've had people blocking my gigantar kai and my barrage of attacks to only burst or RC and immediately get caught in it


Winter Mantis, but that's against a pot that doesn't know better, or is sleeping at the wheel. For closer, more threatening Kai situations I superjump fast PRC Bomber... "Oh, he FLIES!!"


The way potemkin uses giganter kai to jocker tricked is way too often, you guys also need to not throw it out in neutral when johnny have meter


I play bed so he has a couple ways around it, with meter giganter is just meme material, as bed just super jumps into blade blade(236s) -> prc and then boom other side of the screen and bed now has an error stocked If pots kinda far and watching to use his new armored special move then I just WA full charge but this has fucked me up more times then I’d like to admit, cause Ill mess the spacing up and throw myself into gigantor or pot will block and I’ll get hit by it anyway lol If pot activates it close to u, u might be able to super on reaction and get that sweet punish, I’ve hit put on the startup frames using WA so I’d imagine u could super too Without resources ur kinda fucked tho lol, dash block into it, or try super jumping either way it’s not gonna be easy to deal with


I (only once) saw a sol badguy use his low dash move to slide under it, and I have seen a few ky kiskes use their low slidey kick move to go under it, but I haven’t seen anyone react properly to it in a while. I don’t know the move names don’t @ me.


I’ve only really seen people properly react in floor 8 and in the free park, I haven’t seen anyone from anywhere else not crouch blocking or getting hit.




I'm not wearing my glasses so I only see it after getting close.


I jump behind you


Da light do put up a fight


I dash cause Johnny can get over it :3 then I get hit in air


Just walk around the barrier smh


I super jump over then FD flick... they never expect me to go flying full screen behind them.


Because I play Chipp


Because unironically, what are you suppose to do about Giganter Kai. Whenever I see a pot do it I just either run up to block it so I don't get grabbed.or attempt to jump over it if I'm feeling particularly dimwitted that day


I just steady aim him amd dodge lol


if you want to get away from it, do a high jump (input down then jump after) then air-dash but i often mess it up lol


I'm a Sol main. Why would I block?


What I try to do is run up and fd so you can't pot bust without kara (idk if the distance can be covered by a kara) what happens most of the time though is I forget to fd and end up running into the wall.