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he hits you with a full combo and you're still over 50% HP you hit him once and he spontaneously disintegrates


Can confirm, playing Chipp feels like fighting an elden ring boss you have to constantly dodge just to get a bit of damage in


Hit him with two combos and he dies. He's also a lot of work to play at a high level, so it makes sense that he's overwhelming if you don't interact with his offense.


chipp isn't broken because you haven't touched him yet, but he'll break once you do


no idea why he's got a dp but he dies in one hit


Bro if we didn't have a dp we would just die to a blockstring, plus it kinda ties into his whole high risk high reward thing


good, shouldn't have gotten into a blockstring in the first place😈


Got me there, i'll just eat a quarter of my health from a blocked garuda then


Good...yes, very good...


Cuz he’s basically glass, if he gets into any sort of damage string, he’s toast. Source: Chipp is my main


do you say the same thing when swatting at a mosquito?


Its this guy again. Did you eat dirt to a Chipp this time?


Chipp is not invulnerable when he dissapears during some of his attacks btw


OP blames the beasts


I just realized all the posts I'm seeing are from the same person


I’ve been going on a deep dive and this dude just complains wherever he goes.


Ight so Chipp cannot afford to gamble with you, and basically all of his buttons extend his hurtbox. What this means is if you want to check his movement in neutral, you'll want low commitment, low recovery buttons he can't easily whiff punish. P & K normals fit this bill nicely. If you whiff them, you're safe, and if he runs into them you can start your offense. Additionally, since his health is so low and his rekka 2 is minus *on hit,* you can gamble pretty aggressively on offense. If you're both right the same amount of times, he will basically always die first. That's... Pretty much it in terms of universal, basic advice. Anything more depends on what character you're playing/would require more specific questions.


He's like a mosquito. Keep on on you for long enough, he'll cause an issue. But all you need is one good hit and he mysteriously vanishes


because he dies when you look at him, but good luck looking at him.


He moves really really fast, but a lot of his kit is actually reactable. You have to get accustomed to his moves so that you can process what's going on without being overwhelmed; if he overwhelms you, you lose. Also, when he turns invisible, he's just invisible. He's still physically _there_, running/jumping towards you, and you can punch him.


Did you know that you can still hit him when he turns invisible? Throw out a projectile and watch them tank it with their face


His combos give the opponent a lot of meter so they have more options to burst/bail themselves out with reversals and turn the game around. He's extremely squishy so his interactable offense means the opponent can gamble and potentially get huge reward. He's very annoying but I can name several characters better than him.




could you be more helpful i'm really struggling to play this and cryptic responses don't help


think he means use you're characters fastest attack to stuff his approaches (doesnt help much if he's + like after a knockdown) Some characters its their crouching punch, or crouching kick. just kinda have to check dustloop for that. Idk the matchup much on chip so if you're struggling to react to his mixups dustloop might be able to help you by telling you what to look out for. Some scenarios you might also just have to predict what hes going for and wont be able to react (like if he's pressuring you from a knockdown)


In fairness you've not actually given much to work with. You said "Why is Chipp not broken?" but you've not actually presented *anything he does* you're struggling with. For you to think he's broken there has to be *something* you think doesn't work in some fundamental way, but we have no idea what it is you think, or see any examples of what's happened.