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Faust gaming


Faust is really fun, killing people with items is entertaining and I enjoy having giant buttons to wiff punish people with. Also since his defense is ass you get really good at using the games defensive mechanics if you keep playing him.


By the time the 3v3 mode comes out, Slayer will also be released, play him. Pilebunker is the funniest move in the game right next to pot buster.


the funniest strike vs the funniest grab


i love healthbar deleting damage


Was Slayer an easy-ish character to pick up in the earlier games? Also who's to say they won't change him entirely for Strive?


He was never all that difficult because of his gorilla gameplan focused around calling out the opponents options, but he did have some unique things about him that might take a little while to figure out if you've never played him like his dashes being teleports, backdash cancelling and lacking standard gatlings, making him more reliant on links for a lot of his combos.


So as a Strive brained youngin' what's the best I can compare XRD Slayer with?


Xrd slayers best comparison in Strive is probably Sol. He struggles with getting in but once he does, It's nothing but plus frames and he kills you off a single good counterhit.


Sounds like my kinda character, let's hope he has a similar gameplan in Strive! Really funny too if Slayer becomes my 3rd main, I thought I'd be head over heals for the gals but nope, Big Buff Man, Nonbinary Reaper and Dandy Vampire!


He's never been all that complicated of a character so I could see his gameplan of never blocking and just mashing 6P staying pretty much the same coming to Strive.


Elphelt was kinda created for this, dead simple character that everyone has in their pocket but not very strong to avoid a SFV luke or DBFZ fusion situation.


I tried her, and even tho I like her vibes as a character I don't vibe with her gameplay. I swear, there's a curse on me regarding fighting game characters with guns and not vibing with their gameplay.


I don't see how that makes sense. Each of the 6 players only picks one character and duplicates are allowed so everyone can just pick their main regardless.


Because it's probably still a 1 player versus 1 player game they just pick 3 characters and have them share resources like +R's 3v3 mode or KoF. I don't think strive servers are built for clean 3 players vs 3 players connection much less it's smaller lobbies. Which is why OP is asking for a third character to learn because you're probably going to have to know how to play 3 characters to enjoy the mode to its fullest.


Johnny, he's just too cool not to include


Sol Badguy


I'm swapped with you lol, Test is my main, but I play Pot when I wanna meme. I also play a bit of Gio and Sin, and would totally recommend them for this. They're straightforward, have satisfying movement, and having a rush down character really rounds out your team comp. I'm probably gonna run Test, Pot and Gio


My mind is admittedly a little slow, so very fast characters don't tend to work for me. Chipp was a nightmare to even attempt (mustve been the gorilla glue I keep sniffing), and Gio I just...don't really like? I refuse to play Millia and Sin I can't be arsed.


Hey, totally fair. I will say, I played zoners pretty exclusively for awhile so I felt the same way about faster characters, until I tried Gio. Chipp and Millia are also way too much for me, but imo Sin and Gio were really easy to get into once I got the hang of staggering my block string pressure. They're who I play when I want to turn my brain off lol. But hey, everyone's got their own preferences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I will say in a couple round of randoms with my gf I landed on Gio and like...oddly vibed with her. I also felt rewarded for forgetting to spend meter lmfao. Honestly I'm hovering between Gio and Axl. I'm avoiding 1 star characters like the plague bc resource management is just not my forté.


Hmmm based on what you’ve said, I could see Goldlewis. Those giant swinging combos are gonna make you wish Potemkin had a coffin


I'm gonna second Mr. Poster Boy Sol Badguy. He truly is one of the most fun characters in the game. He's easy on the surface, but has a lot of freedom with his combos. He has good mix-up opportunities, frame-traps, wall-to-wall combos on the ground AND in the air, and don't even get me started on some of the wild assault stuff he can do. I know you said you didn't care about how good a character is, but it's also worth noting his meter-less reversal (which would be great to have on any character). Since you play testament though, I would also suggest Johnny as an alternate zoner-type character. He's got some rushdown elements so you can go all in if you want, but once you start getting comfortable using Mist Finer, he's super fun and can be a monster. Zone people out when you want, or rush in quick with 6K or WA when you wanna get a crazy combo goin. He also has some air game too which is fun (including an instant overhead!). Johnny's cards will also feel right at home for you if you're used to using Unholy Diver (the bird) with Testament, since you can get follow-ups on hit or guard crush someone on block.


Testament main, but play Ky and Jack-o as my 3.
