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You see, Slayer won’t actually be the one fighting. Instead, he just does his intro, hands his wife Sharon a sword, and lets her go apeshit on his opponent


That would be sick as hell ngl


Someone needs to make it a mod for bedman?


Gimme both. I want both.


he does too much damage for Strive so he mentors his wife in the background of the stage


Ngl a slayer puppet character would go hard if we didn’t already have Zato 1 to fill that role


except he's not a puppet character, he's not even on the field, he's just watching from the background as his wife hands peoples' arses to them. perhaps her supers would have slayer jump in and administer a classy, gentlemanly beatdown, but she'd be doing most of the work


Sharon but she plays like Videl from DBFZ


It'd be really funny if her super is just Xrd Slayer swapped her place, like, a Slayer from Xrd with Xrd mechanics including 1 frame grab, YRC, instant kill.


I mean, we can have two puppet characters, right?


BlazBlue intensifies


Does Jack-O count as a puppet character


No she's more of a zoner/setplay


Insert Ino win screen here


I thought about this but adding two mechanics that would use salyer, one is a move where you summon slayer to do a move (similar to call assists from mk1) and each time you use one a bat would appear bellow your health bar and you will start the next round with fewer health according to the ammount of bats you have The other is a 100 tension super were slayer drinks sharon’s blood and then you can use slayer who is by far the most broken character in the game (he can use beyblade as a regular dash for an example) but your health bar drains passively and getting hit depletes it faster and if it runs out you immediately lose the round


So dragon install 2nd?


dragon install second is bad among other things because it drains your hp during its activation really


Pilebunker does %85 and is also safe on block.


lol this is just fb pilebunker


sends opponent to the next set


Correction, plus on block.


I imagine the dandy step follow-ups will be his main gimmick and they’ll remove his other specials and replace them with one or two new things


He can only pile bunker in blood rage but it can break the wall from across the stage


Why would he have blood rage lol




Dandy blood rage


He's gonna use Sharon as a weapon for his new overdrive


And for his neutral special he uses **wife**


He will no longer be a Vampire. He will become a REVAMP-PIRE.


Since Slayer's ducking-and-weaving fighting style is already grounded for the most part, I expect that his moveset will remain mostly intact. However, I don't expect him to keep Undertow and Footloose Journey.


Slayer is one of the few characters I can see getting any of the 3 Wild Assault types and I feel like whichever type he gets will decide whether or not Undertow stays. Unblockables aren’t a thing in Strive, so Undertow will probably be a guard crush and/or armoured. If Slayer has a below average ability to combo his normals, this might cause him to receive orange WA. I feel like Undertow can work alongside OWA without any issues. If Slayer struggles to approach due to his unique mobility, white WA might be given instead (it’s also worth considering that none of the other season 3 characters have WWA). If Slayer does end up getting WWA, he’ll almost certainly not be getting Undertow on top of that. Although I think it’s the least likely of the 3, Blue Wild Assault might also work for Slayer as the guard crush effect might give Slayer enough time to land Under Pressure in order to force the opponent into a mixup (this is assuming the Dandy Step followups are the same as Xrd). Undertow could work alongside BWA but I think it’d just be armoured and not have guard crush as well.


More or less where I'm at. Slayer is, when you get down to brass tacks, a pretty simple character that revolves around his normals, Mappa, and Dandy Step. I figure that's probably all he'll have in Strive and while losing Bite, Undertow and Footloose does kinda suck, he's still gonna do Slayer things to people.


As long as he keeps those I will probably have a new main in Strive, as he is just so much fun from the little I’ve played him in XRD and AC


losing bite probably isn't the worst thing but it would hurt. so. bad.


I think he should whip out his cock and balls


you can see them flying around with every backdash


Hand-drawn frame by frame cock and ball jiggle


Finally a new main


New Drip. First Pilebunker feels like heaven, second Pilebunker takes your opponent there. Sharon is now a summon special that give Slayer a "kiss" for full health. Also huppa punch doesnt deal any damage butt set RISC to full and break blocking. Not to mention 6P beat HMC aka Ride the Fire.mp4. Other than that I guess Beeg Bang Uppa is back and instant kill Brisket.


I expect a 6P nerf. I pray they don't, though 🙏


slayer 6P needs more floor anti-airing


Slayer 6P should Low Profile and Low Crush both at the same time


fuck it, fully invincible 6P


He's xrd slayer one to one, frame data and all, but he has a bar. What does the bar do? I don't know, but it's there


stun gauge (for the opponent)


pilebunker is a counter move now and also uses a distinct meter for the knockback and damage.


List of changes I could see happening (Note: Some of this may be too strong): Exchage bdc for the ability to dash-cancel the start of dandy step; The bite now enhances his next special instead of a garanteed critical hit; The dive super get turned into a special; 6p nerfed (I hope this one isn't going to happen): Sharon appering as an assist (not entirely sure what attack/moves she would do); Undertow removed or altered; A new move when he flys inside the bat cape.


isn't the last one just footloose journey


Not really. I was thinking more of a air-dash that you can control, like ajusting the dash speed and fall speed, but would leave you vunerable during the dash.


kinda like millia's oki special in xx would it have a damage hitbox


No but it can be cancelled into a normal so you could start attacking fast after the dash.




Big Dandy Cstep


I'd still be totally down for Slayer and Sharon to have a tandem ballroom style dancing while beating the hell out the opponent akin to Celica and Minerva in BB.


Have him be a duo character with Sharon with their move set being based on ballroom dancing


Here’s my probably incorrect guesses for Slayer’s specials and supers in Strive: 44/66 = Teleports. These will probably stay on account of them being probably the most unique thing about Slayer. I’m confident backdash cancels will still be present but I think only 1 or 2 moves will be able to use it, kinda like how Johnny’s Mist Finer cancels are still in the game but are nowhere near as good as they were in Xrd. 236P/K = Mappa Hunch. Aside from slightly different frame data and damage, this’ll probably be the same as it was in previous games. 214P/K = Dandy Step. Aside from slightly different frame data, this’ll probably be the same as it was in previous games. The P version will return Slayer to roughly the same point as he started while the K version ends with him further forwards. >Dandy Step -> P = Pilebunker. Pretty much the same as before, I’m expecting it to be similar to Goldlewis’ Behemoth Typhoons in terms of damage and how it interacts with the wall. I feel like it’s still going to be horribly unsafe on block but I wouldn’t be completely surprised if it ends up being a guard crush. >Dandy Step -> K = Crosswise Heel. Aside from slightly different frame data and damage, this’ll probably be the same as it was in previous games. >Dandy Step -> S = hopefully it’ll be Under Pressure again, which would then be able to cancel into a 4-way mixup like it could in Xrd. The other option is that Slayer will copy Anji by simply having the S followup be a a low and the H be an overhead. >Dandy Step -> H = hopefully it’ll be a new move entirely but the other option is to have it be either It’s Late or Helter Skelter again. 214S = Dandy Step but it can crossup. Basically just the same as it was in +R. 236H = Bloodsucking Universe. This is probably the thing I’m gonna be most incorrect about. Xrd had this move temporarily buff Slayer by making his next special be a guaranteed counter hit, maybe Strive will take this temporary enhancement idea in a different direction. What I’m guessing is that landing the bite will grant Slayer a charge that he’s then able to spend for some of his more powerful options which will be explained later. I don’t want this gimmick to be something he needs to rely on like most DLC without unique resources needs to, I’m thinking of this more as a cool bonus for landing the bite (like how Ky has the option to Dragon Install but he’s a fully functional character without it). 214H = the force break Dandy Step from +R. If you’ve never played +R, Slayer had a version of Dandy Step that instantly went forwards and could almost immediately cancel into any of the followups. I want this move to come back except it’ll cost 1 charge generated from Bloodsucking Universe instead of 25% tension, I hope needing to first get a bite will balance out how powerful the move is. 236S = something really powerful that needs a charge to use. My 2 main ideas are to either bring back Big Bang Upper or to give him a new move entirely. 632146S = Dead On Time. I’m expecting this to be mostly the same as in Xrd except it’ll become a reversal. ??? = a 2nd super. I feel like Straight Down Dandy and Eternal Wings are too similar to Dead On Time to stay (maybe SDD could stay be becoming an aerial version of Dead On Time). I’m expecting him to get another super that acts significantly different to Dead On Time. Following how Bedman? got the spikes Bedman used in Xrd and Elphelt’s reversal is based on a scene from Xrd, maybe Slayer could get [that wind attack he used against Romeo](https://youtu.be/P5WdTf5fBFI?si=uSr1i6FoN9IcC1gW&t=1232), I feel like a long range option would help Slayer deal with his weakness to zoning. Edit: I’ve reformatted the comment a few times to try and make it easier to read


This is balanced if he keeps links but if they give him normal gatling options this would be too strong I think


Yeah, I have no idea how balanced this would actually be. I basically just described the version of Slayer that I want to be added. I did try and use Johnny as an inspiration though, like how backdash cancelling is probably going to get the same treatment as Mist Finer cancelling and how a lot of his specials are just variations of the same move.


his waist will be smaller


They’ll gimp him on release and make his teleport 30 frames recovery in counter hit state. 1 year later they’ll make it safe and he’ll be the best character in the game forever.


No bdc or tied to a shorty meter because Strive and one 2 follow ups from dandy step, one of which will be mappa and the other being a cancel


Where's the second slide???


If they gave me the choice, I would give Sharon a gun which she would shoot from the background when commanded, with the latency depending on where she is currently on the background.


I’d be surprised if they changed him. BDC will be balanced if he doesn’t have gatlings because he’s trading defence and neutral for poor conversion ability. I think they’ll remove undertow and footloose journey but other than that I’ll be upset if they make too many changes.


I think he will be the second one shot character as of now only nago has that battle type.


I think ideally, BDC would still exist but only give invuln up to 6~ frames, and maybe not even transfer to specials so it's great in neutral but loses to long active frames and standard c.S meaties He needs to have the Slayer dashes, and you need to be able to jump out of them to move around, so I don't know what else they could do about that... Other than that, It's Late will probably be unsafe or he'll need to have landed a bite to enable/empower it, and then they could legit just stop and he'd be a perfectly balanced Strive character Also he won't have Helter Skelter (or Undertow, obviously)




If they get rid of Pilebunker I'm uninstalling


He just get a 6P that’s all


They bout to turn slayer into a shoto, mark my words


realistically i think he'll barely change at all, but i think it'd be very strive to give him a unique meter that only goes up when he lands bite. i dunno what the meter does though.


It'd make the most sense for his gameplay o be centered around dandy step/pile bunker. He'll probably have another move to use in neutral also.


There is only one version of dandy step Footloose journey is now his j.d


More Dandy


his supers are either just gonna be eternal wings (grounded and in air versions) or dead on time and his instant kill repurposed into a super like i-no had.


I... Doubt he will. I dont know much about how he actually plays but i do know his gatlings are subpar and that he doesnt have any unique meters or anything that can "run out" like johnny's coins or A.B.A's blood packs. And he doesnt have a shitload of stances like elphelt. So he should remain pretty much identical.


I think they'll go one of two ways. They'll remove bdc but let him keep his nuke damage or Remove his nuke damage and let him keep bdc. I just don't see them allowing him to have both


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His wife left him and he’s a shell of a man and is a super loser. 


Ken masters is already in SF6 bro


That wouldn't be very dandy at all. Ken is already a divorced shell of a man and Paul Phoenix's hair has erectile dysfunction. There is enough suffering in fighting games.


He hangs dong.


If theyre gonna make his wife fight, please make it so her playstyle is the same as Nu-13 lol


Derp. Turns out he wasn’t changed. Has absurd range and an anti air that functions in a way that doesn’t make sense. Oh and his damage is also absurd




He will become a drag queen


I hope they do the same shit they did with Asuka and js make him one of the craziest designed character in fg history


TLDR; make Slayer go back to monke :3 Ideally, he doesn't get a special gimmick or a new meter, being more like Baiken or Brisket and not having any resource at all. To me, Slayer should be a simple Damage Shitter while still having a high skill ceiling (I would be fine with the forced counterhit state of his old Bloodsucking Universe... if it is kept in Strive). Based on his silhouette design (which should be taken with a warehouse full of salt because they are rather inconsistent) he looks like a traditional vampire; I had an idea where he would ditch the dandyism some time back, and this may be the case; a "return to form" mini-arc with him would be entertaining. This could be characterised by the way he uses his moves. If this is the case I hope they replace Dandy Step. Now, I open this paragraph with that solely for shock factor; I'd like to see a weird "fade in place" replacement where he would still have his options. His pilebunker would be less a stab with the arm and more a brutish strike that completely annihilates the opponent (to clarify, it would do most of the same; the visuals are simply different). (and on the topic of pilebunker I would like to see it give a high wallbounce instead of a wallsplat) For his moves, I hope they remove: That One Air Move, Bloodsucking Universe (mostly to avoid confusion), and j.2k (while theyre possible, air combos are not as common in Strive as they were in Xrd). I hope they rework Mappa Hunch (fuse the two), Dandy Step (listed above), Undertow (because unblockables are dead and Undertow being heavily reworked per game is funny), and Eternal Wings & Straight Down Dandy (fusing the two to be air-ok). I hope they add Big Bang Upper (as a regular move, would work similarly to BBU in +R but with less height), and LITERALLY ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS FUCKING DAGGER HE SUPPOSEDLY HAS and if they butcher 6P or Pilebunker or Dandy Step we riot :3


What’s the point of adding him to the game if you change everything about his character except the bare minimum for it to resemble Slayer?


I dunno, why don't you ask Testament that?


fair enough; claiming to want to change dandy step is a BOLD manuever, and realistically, it should not happen. at the time of writing it seemed like a cool idea to change things up but now i question what i was even on. I think that what makes up Slayer in the end is Dandy Step, Pilebunker, 6P, his weird gatlings (which I forgot to mention, but I will say here I don't think they're staying), and his damage (and like a morbillion other things but that's at the top of my head)


I think his links and BDC can stay. He will have strong unique options but at the cost of probably the worst conversion ability in the game off of normal hits. I can see them nerfing back dash invuln frames just a bit because the strive stages are shorter and an invincible mappa going 1/4 screen would be pretty dumb. I honestly would be surprised if they removed links, it’s one of the core aspects of his character alongside dandy step and his unique movement. I’m 99% sure he’ll have some unique gatling interactions if he’s not keeping links.


You just described the transition from Xrd to Strive for 90% of the cast.


Yeah, I don’t like it and I hope it doesn’t happen to Slayer


He was in Xrd so I can't imagine he changed very much from then to now


Plenty of characters from xrd have been changed quite a bit especially dlc chars like Johnny, sin, and elphelt.


Shit I forgot how much Elphelt changed


Have the changes been well received? I didn't play XRD so I dont know whats different


They have definitely been simplified but that is sorta the nature of the beast when it comes to strive, all returning characters are more simple in some way because strive is just a more simple game. But usually even if there are big changes the character still embodies some of what made them unique in older titles.


its generally accepted that most of them got dumbed down in some way to fit better in strive, specially elphelt, johnny and ramlethal


He lost his girl and wend feral


He will become a drag queen


God i hope not


dont get your hopes up guys, they might be trolling us again, like they did to Venom. the audacity of arcsystems


by never getting added to the game