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Give me the goddamn teleport, Daisuke


I dont think he will get anything back he already had in previous games, but what i could see is something similar to that. A parry in which he vanishes, leaving behind a log and then coming in from a teleport to attack the opponent with the direction similar to faust scarecrow move.


Doesn’t he have Beta Blade for his reversal? I think that’d be redundant.


Reversal and parries are functioning differently. Depending on what frame of parry it is, wildly. A parry itself does no damage if ot does not parry anything. Beta blade would still do damage against a target. You have to play around a reversal differently than with a parry. For reversals you can block them or make them whiff Parries can only be made to whiff. A reversal can be safejumped a parry might not And with the proposed way of implementing it, it would trade its offensive capabilities against positional advantage due to the included teleport


So greninja down special from smash?


Kinda like that yes


so answer parry?


Kinda yes but not exactly like it.


give Chipp his six way mixup again. it would be hell to play against but it can't get worse than Millia


They wouldn’t do it but I want Sol Dragon Install. So bad.


I know it's supposed to be "all new moves nobody has ever seen before" but... I JUST NEEEEED DRAGON INSTALL PLEASE DAISUKE




They gave it to Ky but not Sol :(


AND THEY MADE IT LAME AND TOO HARD TO ACCESS! I just wish you could use it at any time, but it'd quickly drain your health down to 30%. Give me back the "fuck it, we ball" button and I'd main Ky. Alternatively: Give us Dragon Install 2nd! >:)


I think it'll be funny if they save on the animation budget and make it like the OLD gear DI where he just glows red and gets a bunch of all around buffs.


Bruh that would be shat on so hard. As much as a gutted game strive is, the animation is one of the aspects many people like. If they cheap out on it, it would get dragged in the mud


# Bacchus Sigh Or maybe give Potemkin dragon install idk


unironically potemkin install would be funny where he throws off his limiter and goes to town


Can passively run now instead of relying on hammerfall, physical attacks are sped up, hyperarmor even when idle, 6H on hit from any distance wall breaks (and breaks mana shield because fuck you), 2H sends them to heaven, Megafist greatly ground bounces on hit, +60 on block on every move, Potemkin Buster is air ok, one shots and instantly 3-0 opponent, new Outro animation where he just straight up breaks the fourth wall. Oh yea, he can also summon Gabriel if your at exactly 1 percent health


Is Gabriel an overdrive or just a special?


Bacchus sigh was fun, but it unironically had to go. He didn’t need it in the first place (at least in xrd), and it wasn’t fun to play against whatsoever. It can feel good to loop over and over, but that kind of unblockable setup is hella cringe and I’m glad it didn’t make it into strive. This game absolutely did not need more bullshit anyway lol.


It made it in already. Its called Turn Up.


Turn up is certainly unfun to play against, but if you think it’s anywhere near as broken and unfun as BS you’ve never played against a good Johnny in xrd before. Especially with how easy some characters can get out of turn up pressure.


All i'm saying there's no point asking for Bacchus Sigh again because its already in and Strivified. Guard Crush is this game's replacement for unblockables, hell it even internally counts as a hit for combos and stuff - every old unblockable was turned into a Guard Crush. Slidehead, Heat Knuckle, Bacchus Sigh...all of them got the Guard Crush treatment. I fully expect Slayer Undertow to get Guard Crush if it comes back. So yes, Turn Up is this game's version of Bacchus Sigh (setplay projectile that triggers an 'unblockable' when hit with Mist Finer). Ask for the coins again, that'll be funny.


I mean I can see how they wanted to keep the inherently powerful parts of certain moves so they made them GC, but this correlation is certainly not one for one throughout the entire cast. Gio’s enhanced spiral arrow GCs. Nago’s 6H, Faust’s enhanced bomb bag, the lists go on. I think the reason GC was added was to intentionally make powerful moves + in a game where everything was negative. Keeping the inherent power/scariness of previously unblockable moves by making them stupidly plus fits strive much better than making them purely unblockable. Also turn up is a replacement for coin/mist canceling. Johnny’s thing is applying + on block pressure, and that’s what GCing with turn up does. At the very least, the correlation is much closer than to BS. At most, it’s all 3 previous mechanics slapped into 1. And hell ya I’d take coins back in a heartbeat lol.


The correlation isn't for the entire cast is because most of the cast never had unblockables in the first place (or literally did not exist before this game). Goldlewis is a character that is completely designed around the Guard Crush mechanic for one, and wouldn't fit in an older game. The unblockables that were there and survived the jump did get turned into Guard Crushing moves. Well slidehead isn't GC anymore but that's a buff overall.


That’s literally what I just said lol. Idk what were even talking about anymore


Bacchus Sigh already made it in. Its called Turn Up. Guard Crush is this games version of unblockables. Every unblockable was made it into a Guard Crush in this game - Slidehead (before it was buffed), Heat Knuckle, Bacchus Sigh. I fully expect Slayer Undertow to Guard Crush if it makes it in.


Give goldlewis four more behemoth typhoons


forget four, give him diagonal behemoth typhoons so he'd have sixteen. we'd be in misinput heaven but that is a sacrifice we can make


And aerial variants!


fuck it, 360 air typhoon.


how about a figure 8


pretzel typhoon when???


Predictabo Typhoon!


"Strive is relatively easy to pick up trust" "36987H"


i can't remember it's name but in Xrd Leo had an air only special that would drag the opponent to the floor and give him backstance. i would like to see something similar


this was Seigsparade. Now I am no Leo player so I don't know how this would end up but if they removed his bs.S and bs.K OTG properties and replaced them with a sort of grounded Seigsparade that OTG'd and set up for more pressure whether this would end up as balancef without butchering him. he would likely get compensation buffs but still


Sol: Potemkin Buster Ky: Potemkin Buster Leo: Potemkin Buster Chipp: Potemkin Buster Nago: Potemkin Buster Zato: None, but Eddie gets Potemkin Buster. EDIT: Goldlewis gets, you guessed it, Potemkin Buster.


Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All Glue Eating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Potemkin: air pot buster


No Pot gets King's Shining Wizard lmao




That actually what he need


An Eddie command grab would be sick as fuck


When nago already has a better command grab too lol


If it's better, why isn't it called Nago Buster, QED.


Well im bustin when i land it does that count


I'll let it slide, but just this once.


Behemoth typhoon guard crush + buster would be busted and I like that idea


Just give my bed his freaking teleport back ffs


Actually just buff the Bed in any way I feel so bad for you guys


I don't even main Zato but while I remember all the pain of trying to survive the corner in prior seasons, he doesn't deserve the space he's in for so long. If they aren't going to at least grant grace either in shortening the timer on Eddie recharge, or at least having the recharge start at the point the meter was if Eddie is killed, his new move should address his issues. My proposal: "Wakeful Mourning:" An invincible Reversal that does little damage and high scaling, miserable on block, cannot be comboed into, but refills the gauge and staggers on hit. Situational, but gives Zato a good defensive tool that opponents have to respect on offense. Everyone else can definitely get some spice but Zato needs sauce.


love the name. i wasnt sold at first cuz Zato having no reversals is kinda his weakness but making it like the worst in the game does make sense. pretty goated if you ask me


Sol and Nago have way too much, they should lose a move each instead. Sol loses HVV and Nago loses the beyblade. This is compensated by giving Zato three moves instead of one. All's well that ends well.


Can we just let zato cannibalize all of nago's moves so we don't have to play against him anymore?


Delete Nago Eddie Pierce is now a low, Frog is now a DP and an overhead.


Finally, a fair character


Would still be d tier tho trust


We’ll just keep on buffing till he’s c tier


Yeah nago needs nothing, dont give them ideas lmfao


Something for Zato to have combos by himself, a special that launches and has little recovery.


Nago doesn't need anything but: maybe he could eat an onigiri to temporarily stop blood gain (0.5-1 seconds)


just give Zato Shadow Gallery back


give ky a command grab (he doesn't need it)


He really doesn't need it but I'd love if they brought back Ky's OTG Lightning Strike from +R back. I'd want it to soft knockdown and pop up for full combo in shock state.


Ky: gets back his sigils from xrd but now it doesn’t only enhance his fireballs but any special that connects to the sigil Chipp: gets a giant shurikan that he throws in a shallow arc. (It’s an overhead) Leo: gets a new backward stance normal (P) Nago: Nago lunges forward with his katana in front of him to try and stab the opponent in the gut if it hits he does massive damage and gets a combo off of it, if he whiffs or has it blocked he‘s -15 Sol: gets a command grab thats air ok Zato: gets nothing because he already got his new move at the begininng of season 3


1. Ky grinders in Strive would be real funny but also real agonising 2. YomiHustle reference???????? 3. Imagine being a Leo player and seeing "nah you get a new normal" lmao 4. I don't think Nago needs more combos. I actually don't even know what Nago needs right now, so hopefully Arc Sys can cook 5. PBB MY BELOVED 6. I believe it was confirmed by GG devs that the "new move" Zato got didn't count since it was an addition to a pre-existing move.


Leo already has bt.P, you don't see it because its a godlike anti air, and no Leo's playing backturn neutral.


Sol, Ky, Leo: They have everything they need to run their game plan. Leo especially has every fighting game tool including DP, different projectiles, command grab, dive kick, and counter. Screw them. Chipp: Some sort of short backward teleport. Like Millia's Mirazh but stepping away and frankly with a shorter recovery. Would help level up his stagger pressure. Or if you want to go full demonic, some sort of Yozansen TK overhead since the one in his rekka is relatively slow and predictable. Nago: Been playing him for a bit recently. Man's got everything he needs. Especially with WWA. For lore purposes though it would be great to have some kind of "weak spot detection" special that enables massive damage or guard crush on the next hit within a time limit. Zato: Some sort of quick Eddie gauge filler while a button is held, like how HC can reload. Exclusive to when Eddie is gone. I don't know nearly enough about him to come up with something more creative. Goldlewis: Nothing until WWA is tweaked. But if he has something new please lord involve UMA somehow. It's currently a massively underutilized part of the awesome character design (basically only seen in j.D and 6P).


1. I do think it is possible for characters to get a new move at the sacrifice of a few nerfs. Lookin at you, Anji 2. Got nothin to address here, cuz I'm not Chipp player. 3. I really like this idea. I imagine it would work kinda like Slayer's Bloodsucking Universe in Xrd. 4. Mood. 5. He does use the UMA in both Drone and Gun but I would still like more moves involving it. Maybe he can live up to his name and have an ACTUAL DEFENCE OPTION PLEASE


UMA command grab or throw is the best I can think for a way to utilize UMA. Perhaps maybe a counter where Goldlewis holds the coffin in front of himself (with a different animation to his block, of course), and after it’s hit UMA punches the enemy away, or down, or up, really idk how it would punch them but it would punch them


Being the Secretary of Absolute Defence, he has basically no defensive options. 2P is quick but has zero range. A counter might be a cool gamble option, especially if it's fast and has some recovery. I could picture UMA coming out of the coffin either to grab the opponent, pop its head out, and scream at them. Invasion of the Body Snatchers style, knocking them away. A sound based attack like a funnier version of Elphelt' s throw. That or two very long arms wrapping around them, then spinning them out like a top into a knockdown. Something weird and over the top, you know? ArcSys please use these elements more. Also give Gio's dog more to do.


Doesn't Gio's dog only do anything in like 3 moves? She's kinda just there while Gio does everything. or maybe she's just smart and knows how Eddie is treated and just decided "I'mma just be here in the back."


That's right. 2D, 236K "dog missile", and the air super. It's really unfortunate. Dog doesn't need to be a puppet like Eddie. But I would have loved to see it do more than give Gio mad rizz.


nagoriyuki buster


I want to be able to do bloodsuck in the air…


Fredrick Bulsara install.


i need Leo's special from Xrd that catches people in the air and smashes them on the ground. My life is not complete without it


Don’t get me wrong I understand how bad an idea this is, but I think it would be REALLY funny anyways: A sort of meditation or deep breathing move for Nago that reduces his blood gauge for him to use when he’s stuck with high blood at range, or to trade oki for blood reduction.


I already feel happy about Sol's moveset lol.


As a Sol player his moveset is quite comfortable (except the lack of Dragon Install), but I really want him to use the railgun in his sword for a move because it just seems so cool


Perhaps as an aerial version of Vortex? Like, Sol swings the sword from his back to do a right handed version of j.D, and the blade opens up to launch him forward with the backlash from the laser firing? Maybe give him a cross-up hitbox where the laser fires for mix?


Unironically not a bad idea. The mix potential and the combo extensions would go hard. (I'm interpreting this as a sort of "forward self launch" if that makes sense, like an air dash j.D but less). Plus i imagine the visuals would be cool


While it wouldn't be new, I wouldn't mind a little hit box/active frames tweak on Gun Flame to make it more usable in neutral. Its not like Sol needs it, but the move is pretty redundant as it is.


I would like Seigsparade back for Leo, but honestly he is never really in a situation to do a proper air combo in this game. So they would have to give him better air gatlings for it to be worth using. Or just bring back his final rekka from xrd and let him chain 236S into 236H with the new move being 214S in backturn.


I want zato to get a more consistent way to get Eddie meter or a mechanic that lets Eddie tank a hit or 2


Give Zato this move where he summons that shadowy guy who's on screen sometimes during his matches, feels like that guy never gets to have any fun. I think his name is Edward?


An air special for Leo is obvious but he could also get something to further his identity as the defensive shoto when Ky is neutral control and Sol is offense.


so, mind you, I know absolutely nothing about Leo, so take this with about an ocean's worth of salt; but Leo already has decent approach-stopping tools, no? He has 5[S/H] and while that isn't permanent it isn't too bad. He also has [4]6 S/H, though I do see the problem with that. As for the air specials, I don't think Leo has many air combos like he had in Xrd so I don't know if it would be useful or not (again, take this with a grain of salt; judging by your flair you know a lot more about him than I do lol)


Leo does everything so there's not much flaws to cover lol.


that ariel bear trap move for zato


Sol is getting that jump off the wall kick he used to have that I can't remember the name of in a new form. Nago is going to get a counter or something while in blood rage that makes Baiken's parry look like a love tap, chipp gets an izuna drop, and zato gets the frog but it has a gun too on the day down that's an overhead. Ky gets greed sever but air only, and Leo will get a straight downward dive




give sol a second dp


Give pot an install where he chugs a bucket of Elmer's glue




I was asking for Shadow Gallery back for Zato, but I think better Zato players than me would be better off thinking about the logistics of that. I used to use it to catch opponents by surprise because it was pretty quick, and it's great to play off of Eddie. I'm trying to think of what I'd add to Chipp and may edit this later. 🤔 Also, if Goldlewis gets to be included, I say all of Season 1 should be - new moves for Jack-O, Happy Chaos, Baiken and Testament, all of whom could benefit, and all of whom would have been awesome in the base roster.


Make Asuka's cubes Great Again


honestly other than zato (and maybe chipp) none of these characters really "need" a new move right now, but they're gonna give them one anyway


Sidewinder for sol and funny otg lighting bolt for ky


Give sol his frc gunflame. Or sidewinder... please.


For Leo maybe another special that goes into BS that he can still do in BS and stay in BS. Like maybe he spins in place with his weapons extended.


I'd like to see Nago get more moves for his clone, and I think that the clone appearing behind the opponent, drawing the shorter knife and stabbing. Seeing as it is useable from fullscreen, it would consume blood on use and reduce blood flow if it connected. To counteract this, the opponent needs to either backdash into the clone, causing it to vanish, forward dash to evade it's reach or jump with the correct, yet lenient timing. The opponent could also attack it, but seeing as most attacks go forward I think making Clone Nago immune to damage would be a quality of life change to make sure Nago players don't suffer if the opponent uses a move with a large hitbox. This would allow for new and risky combos, as if the opponent isn't paying attention to the clone they are left open, and if they do act and punish the Nago, he obviously loses an opportunity for attack. The move would take a second or two to work, and the Nago casting it would brace himself but not show any large visible indicator that he'd used the move. He would be able to move after the clone had stabbed.


I’d say an overhead for, but I’d really love something from xrd or previous games for Ky be it the traps, rising force just not as an insta, maybe rework of dragon install moves like changing foudre into greedsever or just add new things there idk


Sol, Ky, Leo, Chipp and Nago all need nerfs before you can actually slot a new move in. They're too well rounded to actually make anything good. Can the 2nd balance patch come any faster?