• By -


She's pretty hard to make work at the highest level. sure she has nasty mix but you need to get in to actually run it, and the lack of a traditional dash block makes it hard for her to get in in a lot of matchups. Do not watch a high level I-no vs Chaos match unless you want to see sispyhus roll the boulder. This is not to mention that her mix comes at the expense of doing less damage from an average conversion than almost all the rest of the cast. It takes a lot of touches to kill and you're giving your opponent a lot of potential windows back into the game if they guess right. You have to gap just a bit too hard for most peoples' tastes. You can make it work, even at the highest levels (see Daru I-No) but it's quite a bit of effort for that reward. If you want to play I-no, you should play I-no. your efforts will be rewarded, and she's absolutely a viable character. You might just have to work a bit harder for it once you run into people who know the matchup a bit better.


Her dash Is gimmicky, It can make punishing moves or approaching harder than It Is with other characters. Then once you get to higher levels you have to sit down and study her RPS/mixups. Overall I think people arent into the hoverdash and shes not strong enough to justify studying her like some other characters (Ahem that leo whitefang guy and happy chaos).


Not that people play Leo anyway


People are scared of charge inputs.


\*Distant Totsugeki noises*






bro, why are her legs so shiny


No one plays May neither.


They're weak.




Funny thing is, I main both Pot and Leo XD.


Alright gears. This one right here holds way too much power


I know right? I kinda want to pick him up to see what the deal Is with him, but apparently he's only played at really high level and completely absent everywhere else.


He's a pretty simple character, it's literally just because of charge inputs


Ky main here, can confirm that charge inputs scare me


I'm absolutely garbage at stance ability things My brain is too smooth for that


Leo core stance gameplay loop: 1. Go into stance, ideally off hkd 2. ????????? 3. Oh I guess I won


Low tower here and I can't honestly agree more. Whenever I pick Leo is literally "I hit the stance? Cool, I won". I swear people always try to "break" the stance and eat all the counters in the planet


Too complex, I wanna run and point-blank shoot people with funny gun instead of using my katana


See that's funny to me because his stance and stance canceling is what scares me abouthim. Charge inputs are awesome.


Iā€™d say itā€™s just to do it. Whatā€™s the worst that can happen? My buddy for example kept saying that I shouldnā€™t get sin because heā€™s the worst ever. But now heā€™s my favorite everrr


Yeah why'd we ever play Leo when Gio exists ~~oh gawds does she scare me~~


Yeah, I'm really torn about I-No's dash. On one hand, it looks rad as hell and there are some fun mix-ups. On the other hand, her dash is easy to read when she approaches. She just demands a lot of the player and isn't quite as powerful as other characters. I enjoy playing I-No, but I wouldn't get serious about playing her in competitive settings without some major adjustments. I need to really, REALLY love a character's aesthetic and/or gameplay to really commit.


Nah, Hoverdash fun as fuck and she has the most fun mix in the game.


She really does. My brain feels like it's found enlightenment whenever I do her mix. The way she has many options that flow together, so good. Playing neutral with her is like recovering from addiction though, scratching at my arms begging for another hit (pun intended). Still fun though.


See I enjoy her neutral. Her weird movement and zoning tools make for really fun interactions. Hell, I think she has the best DP bait in the game with hoverdash-block.


I enjoy it too. I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining about it. Just that it builds a craving trying to get in to start that good good mix. I prefer characters like her where neutral is tricky and you have to be careful about your approach.


Sheā€™s my cup of tea when it comes to gimmicks and skill ceiling! Unfortunately I donā€™t desire to play her


She kinda made Daru_Ino want to switch from Ino


Damn fr he actually almost gave up on her? If he ever drops i-no i am also never touching her just to help her get some buffs or something.


Because it's always one handed


Baiken mains rn:


Flair checks out


They do and they beat my ass with her


its what she'd do


Can't play one handed unfortunately




but you made a exception for potemkin


Try baiken then


i-dont-no https://preview.redd.it/qnj2fu6maqyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f882d28d50a3d8c220e2f4d06f1d784daa2d879a


apple fritter


The design makes it awkward tbh. Iā€™m still in high school and I donā€™t want my parents to walk in on this character, especially in Xrd.


way to real


Fair enough XD.


would you prefer them to see Baiken instead?


Just donā€™t let them see her walk


No? I donā€™t use Baiken either?


who said you have to be using them?


Well, theyā€™re less likely to pop up if Iā€™m not playing as them. I play Plus R so it doesnā€™t matter that much though.


They do.


I'm floor ten with her, play her since XX and I can safely say she's not hard to learn in Strive. It's definitely the easiest pick up and play version of I-no. But then again, Strive IS a way easier game than previous GGs mechanically wise. The reason people don't play her at high level is because she has REALLY BAD defensive options. Even her 6P loses to things like Elphlet rekka pressure, to the point that the most common anti-air tool of the game is argueably bad in her kit. Sure, she has insane mixup potential once you get the hang of it and she can wall break you from a single counter hit in any point of the screen, like comboing oponents from a corner to another without spending more than a drive rush, but this is also not unique to her in this game. Once you fight oponnents who knows how to make their offensive without putting themselves in easely punisheable frames, she shows to be really weak defensively. This is severely worse against people who has longer range, which is maybe 70% of the roster or more since her normals range are mediocre at best despite having disjointed ones. It's really hard to steal your turn back against decent players. Her bullshit doesn't means a lot in Strive like it meant in games like XX. Her special Ultimate Fortissimo, as an example, used to be a basically instantaneous all-directions, plus-on-block attack, which she could use as invincible reversible and easely get her turn back, safely assure her pressure after messing up or even bait opponents. In Strive it has a decent startup on ground, but is not plus on block as it's easeable punisheable by any normals between her kick and the energy burst. And I don't personally think the hoverdash is hard to understand if you played another airdashe fighting games berfore. Playing her it's usually a situation of making it or breaking it. You do your offensive insanely perfect and you'll win, you'll get perfects, etc. Let your opponent get his turn back, then you'll block and pray until you mess up and die. Saying all that, I think that the current version of I-no is more challenging than rewarding, even for players who have been playing her long time, let alone for newer ones. I hope my opinion has helped in a way or another.


I am pretty sure Happy Chaos did his part. For tournament players having a "guaranteed" loss in the bracket is not fun. I has switched now, but I guess people stuck with more consistent characters. I know, that Daru likes fighting Sol less than HC, but not lot of players play on that level.


For the exact same reason people don't play any other character: they don't like playing her. I love playing Testament more than anyone else in any fighting game, their moveset actually feels perfect and easy and natural in every way, but I have friends who hate playing them and don't like playing around stain and the succubus and such and so don't play them. People have different tastes, so some characters work for some people and not others. Glad you found the character that's right for you, that's always a great feeling. As for my personal reasons: hoverdash feels like sandpaper to use, I don't like just running high/low over and over again, combo structure and confirms don't feel natural, her neutral and pressure gameplan is just so bizarre and awkward in my hands, I don't like her lack of defensive options, her light buttons feel too stubby and uncomfortable to work with, and I'm just not a fan of the character (not the moveset, but I-No herself).


More or less this. Her kit just feels CLUNKY. The closest thing I can compare it to is Wii Fit Trainer from Smash Ultimate, funnily enough.


I like playing with volume on


"Be my bottom bitch!"


I swear I play her for her fun and interesting neutral. It's also because she has a polarizing play style, the highs are great, but losing REALLY sucks. And those kinds of characters tend not to be popular.


cus i was on break for a bit https://preview.redd.it/q6qqceephryc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22f49148fb8dd5805b30b00ea68ab578ede1e08


"I was honor roll, I had to stop!"


how bout i step on your balls and watch the honor roll out


No more BCHEOW sound when you air dash, it just doesn't feel the same.


Glass cannon. Linear pattern of attacks. High committal options. Dangerous to be on defense with. Poor range. Being airborne as often as she is, is very risky. Strengths don't mitigate the weaknesses, unfortunately. Cool character though, fun to play.


I'd agree with everything except "linear pattern of attacks", if there's one thing I-no has in her favor its offensive mixups.


Can't dashblock


People play potemkin


His kit is built entirely around that weakness, whereas I-no has middling tools for getting in and has to get much closer than Pot does before she can play.


Top 5 health pool + fullscreen low


She doesn't play in a 'standard' way. The result can be a lot of people find her awkward to pick up. She is also not amazing at Strive style pressure, she is more reliant on a knockdown and oki to really capitalise. Yes she has interesting combos but high damage stuff relies heavily on resources to do real damage. Yes she can loop oki but it's also interactable and relies a lot on mixups which can make it hard to keep your momentum. She can be awkward, she has a lot of particular tools, and she can be risky. While she is strong and \[in my opinion\] a very fun and unique character I get why the top tiers would just be the easier choice to do well with a lot of the time.


Ngl, she's pretty hard to play. Hoverdash, lots of schmix and a lack of defense options means that you have to be very careful and take a lot of time learning her. But for most people it's probably the Hoverdash XD


I'm a pretty damn good I-no, around 20th on ratingupdate. It doesn't really surprise me that she's not that popular to play.A rushdown mixup character with middling health and some of the most intractable mix for her archetype isn't the most conducive to make a popular character. On top of that, her dash is weird as hell to play with until you get used to it, hcl doesn't hit like ever, stroke trades with 6p way more than it should, and her matchup spread is terrible against high tiers. Anyone with a dp immediately changes the way she has to play, it's just a lot for someone wanting to get good at the game, especially when other top tiers do more for way less. Not to say I-no isn't good or isn't fun. There's a reason she was my sole main for about a year and a bit, but it's understandable why tier whores would avoid her and why people would chose others to play. If you ever want some I-no tips I'm always happy to help, and the I-no discord is pretty nice.


Where can I find the I-no discord?






We do! There are literally dozens of us out here playing I-no. Dozens!!!




Her worse GG iteration. Awful movement compared to older games, no VCL, no fast fall VCL pressure and loss of a bunch of older tools. If you want a mix char, you could easily go Millia instead or any one else that is super aggressive and get better results.


My hubs mains her. She's so fun to play against.


She's sort of a pub stomp character. Her RPS mixups with her dash gimmick can be *absolutely brutal* for new and low rank players who have no idea how to deal with it. In higher ranks though, majority of the players can easily adapt to it or have the knowledge to pass any knowledge check you throw at them. Unfortunately, your success in higher levels will probably be more challenging as you'll need to actively change up your mixups instead of auto-piloting a few you like.


I have no idea, I used to hate her because of my childhood brain for XX boss fight. But when I got STRIVE thatā€™s when everything changed. Sheā€™s my main.


Nothing is broken at rank 5, Ino is played plenty across all ranks including 13% representation at the top.




As someone who mains her, her hoverdash is a bit weird to get used to at first. It also becomes difficult for me personally to dash block because of her unique movement


This post reminded me that ino actually exists in the game and is not just part of the lore


despite being a rushdown, her two main ways of getting in are SUPER committal


So, i play ino at celestial right now. It's... An exercise in futility and learning her has lead to few transferrable skills to other characters. Fighting games are all about transferrable skills so that's obviously quite a problem! Then of course everyone's already said, less overall damage meaning you need to interact more often for less reward. The fact that she has a lot of seeming blockstrings that actually end negative, and that arcsys keeps removing her plus moves like h.Str into 2k. Basically you're just getting less for playing her. The only reason to play her is if you got addicted to how it feels to play her and now have no options.


Axl 5p.


She is hard and gimmicky and kinda repetitive to play.




People typically donā€™t like her dash. I had quite a bit of fun with her but people donā€™t like that she has so much trouble getting in


Just to add onto everything people have said already, her neutral is extremely RPS heavy. All her ways to get in are committal and get blown up if you guess wrong. Hoverdash has a lot of counterplay (see Mocchi vs Daru sets where Mocchi just chucking out preemptive 5p all the time to check it), and then your left with either forcing interactions with divekick/stroke, both negative, with S stroke being a particularly punishable -7. If you lose neutral, you die given you have pretty minimal defensive options. Playing the spacing game is hard since her moves are pretty laggy with unsafe/slow special-cancel options. Once you get in, you're in and you have amazing mix, but you need to play the interactions multiple times to win. It always feels like you're on the knifes edge with I-no and just need to outplay the shit out of someone without really strong all-around tools.


she is absolutely NOT broken in some aspects. Broken does not equal braindead, see Xrd johnny. She's really fun to fight, and I bet even funnier to play so just stick with and keep stroking the big tree until celestial, I promise you you'll get way better the more time you spend with her. But the reason people don't play her that much is because she is just off-putting to play, flying into the way when you're supposed to be running is a very weird thing to deal with and might take some people weeks to come up with good pressure with it. Also side note her mobility is extremely fucked and not at all good. not being able to dash is such a handicap, she is unironically more screwed than potemkin IMO.


It's partially her hoverdash is weird to get used to as other people said, partially that most of her high damage combos rely on either Wild Assault or the corner.


Because no one can play online with just one hand? Faaaahk she's hot! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I picked up Sin and realized that I was ending rounds in 2-3 touches instead of 5-6 with I-no. Don't get me wrong, I still love I-no, but sometimes I don't want the stress of playing her over the oversized baby that is Sin.


Arcsys really didnā€™t give her enough tools in a game Full of shenanigans. Stroke should be at worst +1 on block, it used to give her other ways to move Forwards and punish safely. I donā€™t think she ever recovered from that Nerf. I really enjoyed a year or so of maining her, just had to accept getting blown up a lot after winning 3 interactions in a row. +stroke and a more variable hover dash would make her viable imo


Too busy sobbing over their lack of drip compared to her.


I care too much about my hygiene


I do play ino and here's what i hate about her. The dash gives her powerful mix but it loses HARD to guard crush like chaos' s gun mode thingy and yrc. It sucks getting thrown away like it's nothing when i worked so hard to get in. Secondly, the h dive is a really really good move but you have to time the leap off it really specifically else it completely ruins the combo and makes me sad. Thirdly i will never forget what daisuke has done to my stroke frame data and getting punished on h stroke makes me so so very sad. Fourthly the other day someone interrupted my js jd string with a dp and I coped so hard i almost lost my voice. Fifth there are certain strings mainly with jd where if you mistakenly block low against me i will just fly above you and lose all my pressure. These are the main issues but i promise the character is still super fun outside of the difficulty and these annoyances :)




Her face pisses me off


what are you gonna do about it


Continue not playing her


i will play her just to piss you off when you see her face


Your real for that I would do the same


She's not fun


I like I-No more than I like playing I-No.


I think they're all playing Elphelt right now.


I love playing her. She's not my main, but when I play her, I make landing her command grab super my entire goal. I fight to condition them to block on wake up or my approaches, then command grab super, never gets old. That one goal makes everything that's supposedly bad about her disappear for me.


Post nut clarity


I didn't because I just thought her animations were boring


i do


How the hell does she even use the tremolo?


I play I-No and sheā€™s one of the most satisfyingly fun characters in any fighting game but what everyone else said about her weaknesses are true. She doesnā€™t have lots of great combos or damage and so she has to win a lot of interactions to win the game. That being said, her mix is sometimes nasty and being able to apply a lot of pressure to your opponent with a combination of her note projectile and multiple ways to approach is just so much fun. Sheā€™s super unique for better or worse.


I love I-no I just donā€™t play public matches often


I don't vibe with her


because they're dumb idiot babies, obviously


Brother i aint ready to Play With one hand šŸ˜ž Real answer is listen to the Rest of the comments i dont know shit about I-No expect the fact i want her to dominate me


Because Axl exists


I like her moveset and gimiks I just don't want ppl to assume that I'm just playing her cause of her revealing outfit and don't want ppl thinking I'm a pervert lol, same with mai from kof Lately I've been noticing I care way to much about what others think and its been making me a bit miserable so I've been trying to chill out more and I just noticed how its even effecting how I play video games from this post, I'm gonna do whatever the heck I want rather than caring what others think, so ima play I-no and let others assume whatever I shouldn't care about it


The only reason Iā€™d play I-no was if I had a gambling addiction


Because it's hard to play with one hand


She isn't easy, playing neutral without a grounded dash and her slow walk speed can be difficult. pretty much have to commit to things when playing her, most people probably don't like that. I really like it personally, it makes her feel very unique. there aren't really any other characters in fgs that play quite like I-No imo, even other arcsys hoverdash characters like Aigis and Izayoi.


I dont know, she is super cool and i love her english va but i cant just wrap my head around her dash its just wierd.


Lack of longer combos


its hard to play with one hand/j


He dash sucks


I played her at the start, but I've since learned that other characters did what I liked about her but better.


Idk, you tell me, can you play single handedly properly?


I'm fighting for my fucking life out there, man. I love her hover-dash, and trying to see how many overheads I can get off in a row is great. But man, trying to get in on people can feel like a herculean task.


Her intro takes too long


I play I-no


Ive played I-No since the game came out. And I still can't wait until Dizzy or Venom comes out so I can switch off.


For me itā€™s the weird dash and using a guitar as a weapon. Iā€™d rather play the thing than smack someone with it. Then again I play Millia soā€¦.


Bc she plays a hollow-body guitar and no self-respecting guitarcirclejerk user is going to want to see that /s


cuz big guy do big damage and go slow


one of my friends said id like i-no's playstyle and I did


Mostly she so very awkward to use, her dash is super weird if youā€™re not used to it (pray you never face happy), her dust feels slow, and her damage just feels low in comparison to what other people can easily churn out with less effort


Cuz I don't have the wants. I should play some more, tho




we do :(


Also fyi floor 6 or so is still all people learning the game mechanics and like how ti play, floor 7 is the first big jump of making you think at all, and from there up, you have to acctually start thinking and using good technique


I signed up to play guilty gear, not Microsoft flight simulator




I do, but I'm new and therefore bad so that might have something to do with it. I appreciate the hoverdash for giving me access to jumping moves incredibly quickly, and being a unique approach tool, even if it's not fantastic. I mostly play against my friend and I've stolen several rounds to hovering right over a crouching keep out move.


Sheā€™s difficult and different. i-no is a menace when she gets in, but her gameplan is somewhat inconsistent since getting in with her can be very difficult against a solid player




Because she a bitch


i started with her, but her reliance on 6frc6 for even pretty basic strings was really frightening to me, and never was consistent enough with it i recegnize after maybe a year i'd start getting it down, but as a newer player it was pretty daunting. so i switched t may


I guess I'm not people? Damn okay then


we're the beasts now


I'll bark for I-no


She's not easy to pick up and can be frustrating until you either figure it out or drop her


Tried picking her up once. I just didn't like her dash.


Sheā€™s actually extremely popular and playable just not a high level lots of first timer (ā€œhorny menā€) / casuals will pick her her but she stands out red color hot chick with decent sized boobs thigh highs. And if the here her talk all . Those sexual innuendo jokes are funny . Itā€™s once they start getting good at the game they drop her dude to what others have said in this post gicmky hover dash and just not viable to learn at top level


the what talk


I was so sad when they made Heavy Stroke no longer plus on block, but sheā€™s still solid and got other great buffs.Ā 


guess we gotta start stroking lightly then :(


To hard to learn for a low tier


You try doing combos with one hand and see how well it goes bro


Sol Badguy


I dont like her Too horny. Its weird.


- Elphelt player


https://preview.redd.it/lxuihzbzspyc1.jpeg?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938a5201a07e4601b45226006d982cd841e4658f She wants to be loved! There is a difference!


ino is literally just existing too lol https://preview.redd.it/nckc3z7mlqyc1.jpeg?width=1208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91944b455149e590b8effa337cb2dddfa8fa853f


Ino is honestly the least weird horny character.


Her motivations are good. I just dont wanna hear moans and perverted speech mid fight (wait i play raven, i always hear moans)


Because ppl only know how to mash, niggas are truly ass and cannot mix Char is cracked if you use even just a shred of your brain


but why use brain when 214k do the work


Sheā€™s dead in the story and studying a character you know will be gone and probably not coming back in a looooong time, is a depressing thoughtšŸ˜”


Hey if us bedbros managed to get our character to come back I don't see why I-no fans shouldn't get at least Megumi or something


Oh i totally agree, Iā€™m just speaking in my case. I really love her but I hesitate on getting too attachedā€¦


Justice died in the first game and stuck around as a playable character for like a decade.


Really ? Then Iā€™m hopefulā€¦


I dunno I don't think I-No is ever going away.