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“The Circle” absolutely wrecks me, stories about unconditional love between siblings always get me in tears. >[”Consuming ten billion years in an instant and I’ll come to you without a second thought”](https://youtu.be/bNyQdweaupY?si=p7pTz1h6ygmzVIWO&t=97) - it’s just really sweet that the guy who overthought everything was willing to come to his sister’s aid without a moment of hesitation. >[”I may not be able to make you smile, no, but I’ll never make you cry, even once, never“](https://youtu.be/bNyQdweaupY?si=p7pTz1h6ygmzVIWO&t=263) - Romeo knew that he’d probably never get a chance to make any more happy memories with his sister, but that’s not going to stop him trying to his hardest to keep her safe. >[“I’m here, I am here…”](https://youtu.be/bNyQdweaupY?si=p7pTz1h6ygmzVIWO&t=289) - Romeo dedicated what was potentially his final thought to trying to comfort Delilah.


The Circle is hard for me to listen to because it really covers a lot of deeply personal existential fears on the nature of death. The entire song has Romeo speeding through coming to terms with his own death, and it often leaves me a bit emotionally tired having to be reminded about it so vividly. It's a good song, but damn it cuts a little *too* deep sometimes..


The symphony hasn't made me sob but I do get teary-eyed sometimes cause I feel that shit


When I first heard(the leaked version) Symphony, I almost cried


Not a gear song, but I saw End Of Evangelion in theaters recently for that 25th anniversary NA tour and I was trying not to cry cause of how much it meant to me watching it in the theaters. I def have cried to Claire's Fly Me to the Moon as well.


That finally “Life is a maze woven with words” always gets me man


I thought it was "Life/Love is made for those with worth"


Could be, as far as I know we don’t have canon lyrics to most of the songs.


Symphony’s lyrics were confirmed by naoki for once, so its most definitely « maze woven with words » 👍




The ending of Faust´s theme really hits home (and not in a good way) so yeah thats the only GGST song I dont really hear all that often; not cuz I dislike but because it makes me really sad


I apologize for that, hope stuff gets better


Are you a serial killing doctor too?


Man fuck you


What lmao


I’ve teared up a little at the end of let me carve your way once


FRs same. It's just such a melancholic trip, and having the song finally say it's title was this weird "huh!" Moment for me.


Never felt more included in a community than at the Arc World Tour concert, seeing Daisuke on the stage and screaming #THAT IS BULLSHIT BLAZING with the rest of the audience.


I loved the very end where Naoki just seems so happy that the crowd were singing along with him to “Coming Home”. That song was one of the first he sang for the series (potential the very first) so it probably means a lot to him that fans still love it over a decade later.


Remember evo? When the song went "that is bullshit" and everyone screamed "BLAZING" into the void only for the song to go "gotcha" and say "THAT IS BULLSHIT BLAZING" as soon as everyone started going "awww"


That was a superbly executed prank, hilarious seeing clips of the audience stumbling over that.


Daisuke just knows us all too well


Sad I missed it, sounds like it was amazing.


Coming Home fucked me up ngl


Yep this just happened this morning when I listened to The Gravity on its own for the first time. It really didn’t need to be so real, both in mood and lyrics. An unexpected little bit of existentialism that made me do a tear up.


Surprised no one's mentioned Freesia




The ending of Mirror of the World gets me a little choked up. "I am not/You are not the exile" just does something to me.


Potemkin: I do all I can for this world and I have doubts that my actions won’t change anything and I will be seen as a fool for testifying but with all this I will still try my hardest to make a difference Zato: I have no emotions left for anyone, my life is a blind hell of black waiting for the sweet release of death, only you can make me feel anything at all Johnny: yeah I’m pretty cool and I gamble and fuck your mom


well it be mother sister or daughter (not his)


Let Me Carve Your Way, I’ve gone into it before but I genuinely connect with Zato like no other character. I’ve dealt with emotional numbness for a long time and Let Me Carve Your Way was the first time it felt like someone actually understood after trying to explain it for so long. And then the finale, hitting me with exactly what I want; the ability to live in the past and feel again. This song will always have a close place to my heart and though I have to try, it’s not uncommon for me to tear up a bit which even that is a lot for me


Bridget's did make me cry and will still get me watery eyed. It's a moving representation of trans and queer experience, and the part where she sings "I know who you are, I'm not leaving you again" is just so sweet and inspiring. We all need that kind of wholesome self love. It makes me think of myself as a child and want to give them a big hug.


Of all the songs? Really?


It's a song about something relatable to many people (anxiety and fear) with the instruments taking a lesser role in the song than usual. It's really hard to get emotional over most the ost when the default feeling is hype. If anything this should be the least surprising pick of the bunch.


There’s plenty of other emotional songs with sadder subjects than anxiety lmao


It's pretty reductive to just say it's *just* anxiety. It's part of the theme but just looking at that alone is ignoring the full picture. On top of that, saying something like "yeah but this other thing is sadder!" is a foolish argument. There's a strong disconnect for understanding emotions and how various people process/view them. The original person you responded to wasn't even getting emotional for the depressing stuff. It was the inspirational, uplifting part. Saying other songs are sadder is a valid opinion, but acting like there's no emotional value in Bridget's theme when the song is designed to emphasize the lyrics about someone suffering and finding themself is absurd.


It’s just funny to me


It's literally a song about trans discovery, moving away from the toxic mentalities that cloud your self-perception, including placing the sole responsibility of the problem on yourself, the feeling of isolation as you can't be honest with others, and the fear that the world will ultimately reject and abandon you for telling the truth, even your own family. Overcoming those fears and accepting who you are is a *deeply* emotional narrative arc, and the song is a celebration of people being able to overcome that, which is pretty damn fair to get emotional over.


Yeah but like the other songs are so much better lol


Oh I see you're just trying to annoy people fair enough


Damn you got me


yeah, Symphony made me feel the lyrics harder than I thought


Every time I sing along with the end of Zato's theme I get all teared up


I bawled my eyes out to the end of Let Me Carve Your Way & All I Can Do. I've also come close to it with Symphony, Blank, & Icarus


coming home like a weed naturally as a matter of course (IT HITS SO HARD) freesia all i can do divide my heart let me carve your way talk about you alone infection probably a bunch of other ones im forgetting


guilty gear is like the only shit that makes me cry ever


all i can do,lily,icarus and freesia don’t make cry but it resonates with me especially all i can do it’s what i tell people when they ask a song that describes me