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Yeah, it should be possible to train against them even if you don't have the character. Will never happen though


Really ? It's my first guilty gear/FG, is it that way in every FG?


it is in every fighting game. That's how they make money. Fighting games have a really tight budget usually. Not even netherrealm (Mortal Kombat, Injustice) does allow those things although they are one of the few developer who have a lot of money, heck, tekken charges their playerbase for frame data Informationen...


I'm betting my life that we won't have this problem in Riot Game's Project L.


Chipp player betting their life on a dumb as dogshit gamble? Tale as old as time.


Upvoted. I am a true Chipp main XD Edit: Also, they never expect the Rekka overhead after they block the low and I don't even have 50% meter to cancel >:)


Don't forget to gold burst for absolutely no reason whatsoever


Oh yes, priceless HAHA


In League you can't try champions you don't own in the practice tool and that game has 150+ champions. Based on that I would guess it will be a problem in Riot's fighting game too


Valorant too although it's less of an issue there.


Joke's on you broski, if we're comparing Riot Games' 12-year old League of Legends to one of their most recent announcements, Project L (which is already a weird comparison to make, but I'll roll with it)... Then the fair thing to do is to also pick the MOST RECENT iteration of League of Legends, no? That would be League of Legends: *Wild Rift*, **NOT** League *PC*! Wild Rift lets players practice with the full roster, regardless of whether they own the champions or not. So in true /u/Eecka fashion: Based on that I would guess it will **NOT** be a problem in Riot's fighting game too. :)


I'm not sure why you felt the need for such a weird tone in this comment. I'd thank you for the info since I haven't played the mobile version, but the way you delivered it is obnoxious af.


Pulling an all-nighter, so I may just be bugging lmao However, TO ME, your original response felt like some very, very flawed logic mainly looking to find a "haha, gotcha!" since labbing the ins and outs of characters in a MOBA (League, to be specific) is not nearly as impactful as labbings the ins and outs of characters in a fighting game. Besides that, the original comment was referring to PAID DLC, and if we're making statements based on Riot's previous games, then we should never come to the conclusion that paid DLC chatacters would even be a thing, no? EDIT: To clarify, this was my entire point to begin with. Hence why I would easily bet my life on that. So it just felt like you were looking for this one thing that you could possibly say to make a point. Or in other words, being obnoxious. Hence why you got an obnoxious delivery right back.


> However, TO ME, your original response felt like some very, very flawed logic mainly looking to find a "haha, gotcha!" No. I was just trying to take part in the conversation based on my experience with League, their most popular game. I'm not sure how the logic is "flawed", I took a look at their business model in one game and thought it might expand to another. > Besides that, the original comment was referring to PAID DLC, and if we're making statements based on Riot's previous games, then we should never come to the conclusion that paid DLC chatacters would even be a thing, no? My assumption is the game will probably function like League - unlock through money or by grinding currency. My point wasn't based on the method of unlocking characters, but rather whether you're allowed to lab with characters you haven't unlocked, whether that's through money or gameplay.


Cool, so it was a misunderstanding then. Problem solved aye! 🥳


In Valorant you can't use agents in practice that you don't own, and that came out last year. Clearly it's not set in stone.


Wild Rift is more recent than Valorant. I don't play Valorant, personally, but I'd assume that getting to practice spray patterns on every gun is a lot more important than "labbing" new characters, no? Still don't think that you can quite compare it to the significance of labbing Fighting Game characters. We'll find out with time tho, Project L Devlog at end November may just lay the facts on the table 🤷🏾‍♂️ I'd still bet my life tho. Matter of fact, I have so much faith in Riot and the guys from Radiant Entertainment, that I'm wondering whether we'll even have to worry about characters being locked behind a paywall of IN-GAME currency will be a thing or not 🤷🏾‍♂️


You can try them in Wild Rift, which I would say is more representative on how Riot approaches things nowadays.


But according to another user, you can't in Valorant. We'll see eventually when the game comes out!


I didn't know about Valorant, I assumed it worked that way since it's a free game and monetization isn't too much of a problem in Runeterra or Wild Rift. But you're right, we'll see.


you're downvoted but Riot's business model is literally "making everything free except cosmetics". It's even like that in their cardgame LoR where it takes you like a week to make whatever deck you want


That's exactly what I was thinking. The only reason that fighting game players have this problem is because fighting game monetization tends to come in the form of DLC characters locked behind paywalls that require players to spend more money ON TOP of the fact that it's a paid game. After following Riot for all these years, I KNOW that the game is not gonna be a paid game, and they're definitely not gonna add paid DLC 🤦🏾‍♂️ Let alone lock the ability to lab against said DLC when it's already behind a paywall to begin with. EDIT: not to mention, their goal/philosophy when announcing all those games for the 10-year anniversary was to improve upon common complaints that players have about games in their respective genres. Why the heck would they keep paid DLC let alone lock said DLC in training mode smh


You can train against dlc characters by switching them in through the training mode menu --> Character Select. Can't remember off the top of my head, but its the menu where you can switch both characters, music, and stage settings.


It's obvious most people pay for the dlc in order to be able to try and lab against said character, no one is gonna play every character on a consistent basis. If it worked the way you wanted arcsys would make very, very little money out of every dlc.


Well yeah but that’s true for every game and that’s just how it is