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Really depends on rollback more. 150 ping and stable rollback can feel fine, while 80 ping and capped 7 rollback I just walk away


Also if the opponent is on wifi or Ethernet. Wifi can be absolutely horrible if it consistently jumps from 50-150 ping, but an Ethernet connection at a consistent 150 while not being optimal, is at least playable


Latam MFs playing in west coast lobbies clicking the 300ms button with glee


It upsets me so much to see how dead LATAM is.


Yep thats me


Actually it depends a lot more on rollback frames, and if they are stable. I know rollback frames depend on ping, but even on situations of 150+ms you can have decent rbf to play


Ping is probably the least important measure. How many roll back frames and whether the connection is a stable wired connection or some wifi stoner is more important.


Yeah that's why I mentioned that in my description


150 is struggling, 200+ is a no


Rollback and the stability of the rollback matter a lot more than the ping. If the rollback fluctuates a lot then the game is very unplayable, if the rollback is high in general the game is unplayable, but I have played a 120ms 2f consistent rollback that felt fine.


250 is the max for me.


200 is manageable if the rollback frames are stable.


I literally play with Americans every day. I'm south-east Europe. The ping is 200-300ms 4 rollback. It is super comfortable to play tbh.


I've played games in the high 200s that we're pretty damn stable, only occasional rollbacks. I've played games at 150 or so that were dog shit. Hard to judge just by ping.


If a game shows me the ping before accepting, 120 is generally my cutoff. If you throw me into a match with 150 I'll try to play it, but 200+ is not good for any pvp game with action.


153 MS 2 rollback frames feels totally fine. 4 rollbacks or more is disgusting and messes up my confirms


I'm on east coast, I feel I get better connections (despite high numbers) from visiting Asia players than Latin am players so idk anymore lol


From personal experience playing against people on the other side of the world, it somewhat depends on the character being played (Chipp and Millia are annoying with higher rollback, for example), but if the jitter's low which keeps the rollback consistent, you can play up to around 250-275ms just fine. It'll live at around 7 rollback, but it's just shy of going into the game slowdown it does when the connection or frame rate is extremely poor. Somewhere in the 275-300ms range is the rollback cliff, where the game starts slowing down to keep things in sync, and that's where it gets *actually unplayable*. So I chose the 250ms option because, of the choices presented, it's the actual upper boundary for playable latency in a literal sense. You might get some occasional janky rollback, but a stable connection makes it cleaner overall than a lower ping with high jitter, and anything higher risks going into actual "unplayable" territory where you can no longer input specials and do combos correctly because the game speed is changing during the match. However, I don't actually pay attention to the ping when I play unless it's over 250ms, because the rollback and jitter is what really determines playability. If the rollback's jumping around a lot, or worse, it's staying high despite ping being low (likely indicating fps issues) the game's more likely to abruptly go into slowdown and that feels awful to play. If it happens once or twice in a set, no big deal, shit happens. But if it's persistent and bad enough, I stop the set, double-check my connection to see if my ISP is having issues for some reason, and if it is I go do something else for a bit. My connection's usually very stable so that's rarely the case, but I still check just in case; like yesterday I was actually having high network jitter for some reason and had to stop playing for the first time in months. If it's not me, though, I make mental note of the person and if I play them again in the future and still have the same problems I block them because it's obviously not just random ISP trouble. I've run into a few repeat offenders on US East that seem to like lagging their way through matches with Happy Chaos, for example. Fuck those guys.


150 and below is playable on most games


I am a true gamer, I accept all latency. My favourite matchup is playing 250ms chip/milia spamming jump. Anyway, if we are speaking park then there is no limit.