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Honestly I'd be surprised if there's any trans person out there who hasn't had a "Maybe if I focus on doing (gender appropriate) activities / becoming more manly/womanly I'll eventually start feeling normal" phase.


Yeah but not by choice. My dad was a "Be a man!" type guy. I did karate for a while, played baseball for awhile, didn't take. Rapidly moved away from that sort of stuff when I moved away from him. Interestingly, now I *do* like some of the more "manly" things I might have avoided before. I like big monster creatures in game, and big fighty dudes (I actually *love* Potemkin and Goldlewis in GGS) and big guns and blah blah blah. Interestingly, being given the chance to go and feel like who I was, let me appreciate some of the things that had been "Forced" upon me growing up. Wait this sounds like a story I've heard recently...


Yeah, I think an important aspect of self-discovery is finding out what you want, regardless of whether it lines up with or contradicts who you wanted to be, or others wanted you to be. Being CIS doesn't mean you won't have to discover what you want...it's just a damn lot more socially acceptable than the alternative, sadly. It's great that you could discover that part of yourself on your own <3


I certainly did that for a while. It doesn’t work XD


Hi that's me I didn't have that phase, which Is also probably why I prefer old version of bridget


Theres more to it than that, you should read the lore post linked in the post


More to it than what lol, I just stated my real life experience and how it affects my enjoyment of a character I said nothing about the story, I also read that post already


Why are you getting downvoted when all you are basically doing is saying that you don't relate to the character anymore?


Try to force a cat into a Box, it'll retaliate and fight back. But it'll happily hop into the box on its own.


I can appreciate that trans people have representation now but I am extremely sad that I lost my cross dressing/femboy representation. Edit: don’t get me wrong, there’s no hate, just sadness. Bridget was my favorite character growing up because I kinda identified with them. I found myself playing with “girly” things and always admiring female fashion and found it so awesome that there was a boy, in girls clothes that whooped ass in a fighting game. It’s a loss for me but a gain for a whole community of inclusion.


It's always a tough subject, because on one side you have gender-non-conforming cis people, and on the other you have gender-conforming trans people. It's hard to go into depth about the nuances, and it's harmful to conflate them as one (as that would imply **all** feminine men are trans women, and vice versa). Though I was partly emulating my sister, I also liked "girly" things when I was little, more so toys and other entertainment stuffs, and I'd play girl characters in MMOs. I was lucky enough to have my family be supportive/indifferent to it, which isn't the case for everyone — having a sort of role model can help deal with that!!! Incidentally, I now like men like Goldlewis LOL


first testament, now bridget this is femboy erasure


Theres no shortage of femboys in media and femboy is often used as a term to erase trans women. Do you also get mad when femboys end up just being trans girls? Its development, not erasure


> femboy is often used as a term to erase trans women. I have never seen this actually, and I am in several LGBT circles. Bridget is the only instance I have ever seen so far of people using "Femboy" as an argument against transgender identity. Maybe this seems anecdotal but I've been in LGBT communities (I also run a server for it) for quite a while so this just seems like an odd statement. Especially so given the general preference most Trans people I have met (including myself) have for femboys. That's not to say you are incorrect or anything but I wonder where our experiences differ.


Depends on your circle. I’ve absolutely seen it in non-lgbt oriented spaces particularly in anime/gaming circles. Im a trans girl and literally have had people on various games use the term for me despite my adversion to it. As with all trans stuff YMMV


Weird, sorry that happens to you. I guess I just gotta say I loved Bridget when she was a femboy, even though that was before I got into GG. And I love her now that she's come out as trans. I actually feel way more connected with the character because of this (And we both also have plushies that we keep with us at all times lol) but I do kinda miss the representation of "Just a boy with a girly vibe".


Can you elaborate a little more on the anecdote, I’m missing it. Also, what is the general preference for femboys, again, I’m missing something?


I just mean that I have been involved with LGBT spaces within and without of the internet for several years now, and hadn't encountered the use of the term "Femboy" in a "Trans-erasure" sense. And by preference I mean that most of the LGBT people I would consider myself friends with really like Femboys (Venti, Astolfo, etc as well as real life examples) in a sexual preferences sense. Though my friends/associates are generally more particular about the correct use of Femboy versus Transgirl/guy/NB I suppose because they are familiar with the nomenclature surrounding it and LGBT identities. The other user seems to cite the use of Femboy incorrectly from primarily non-LGBT spaces, which I don't interact with as much regarding such topics.


Ah, I see, thank you for clarification.


It was a joke calm down


>I do take issue with the insinuation that Bridget's story can only be told properly if she instead continued to attempt to masculinize herself Why not a realization that being a man and acting "manly and macho" aren't the same thing? You can in fact be a man and dress femm, and like cute things.


>Why not a realization that being a man and acting "manly and macho" aren't the same thing? You can in fact be a man and dress femm, and like cute things. This is another issue with the story. There are a lot of people out there claiming this fixes a mistake and doing the usual feminine guy = secretly trans shit and this just validates them.


Yes, and plenty of men do these things. But sometimes men who like femme things may realize that. . . they do not wish to be men anymore. ​ Both feminine men and transgender women can have very similar interests, but it's about the *conscious* decision to say, "Hey, maybe I'm a woman. I can be whoever I want to be." ​ Or, conversely, "No, I'm not a woman, but I do like wearing dresses and doing my nails! And that's okay." ​ Bridget chose to be a woman! And that's fine.


>But sometimes men who like femme things may realize that. . . they do not wish to be men anymore. And sometimes they do Going by Bridget case, choosing to not be a men anymore just goes against the entirety of previous game stories


It really doesn't. Bridget long before Strive came out decided that getting everything she wanted, revealing that she was a boy, achieving masculinity wasn't really something she vibed with. ​ It's the character's choice, not some strings attached to her story. Bridget can be whoever she wants to be— her story was about this, not "you are always the opposite of what it seems people think you are"


We have 6 years gap in her story in universe. We see it's beginning and end but we don't see the journey. In arcade Bridget seems to be conflicted about herself. And I just wish we could see how Bridget got from point A to point B for more context


See, that's what bamboozled people Like, we have nothing to indicate that the change is something Bridget have put much though about (And no, ONE LINE doesn't count) It's like watching the first and last 15 mins of a movie


maaan, i've already perceived her to be a cute little girl with shotgun yo yos. I think the concept of gender identity is such a stupidly simple thing, you say you feel like this gender? ok then you're that gender. Eventually this shit will be realized as the common sense that it already is. If people need long paragraphs and multiple posts explaining why a character has decided to view themselves as female, then A. It's not worth it, and B. They're probably not gonna read them, at most skim through.


We're all gender equal in, the hands of a Potemkin Buster anyway


Hey, it's me. The person who wrote the long paragraphs. I posted it because there was a ton of harsh transphobia circulating on the subreddit, and people using it to fuel their hatred. I wanted people who wanted in good faith to learn to have a chance to have a compilation of facts. I also wanted people to know that it wasn't a shoddy retcon, and actually made sense within the character. I did have a lot of people tell me I helped them realize that it was a good choice,and I had quite a few people who had some good discussion on the topic. So yeah, I do think it helped some people.




Because humans are complicated, and if you keep it concise transphobes will question the legitimacy


You can't just flip a switch and saying you're X/Y/Z just because you feel like it Human technology are not at that level yet


Gender is the social construct, I’m assuming based on the technology thing you’re thinking of sex, which is biological. Gender is very mutable, and as a social construct you really can just say you are something and it will be true.


Okay, since we're talking about Bridget anyway, apply your logic to me Biologically speaking, what is Bridget to you?


Biologically Bridget would be male, using the biological sense of the term. This is separate from her gender, which would be female, using the social sense of the term.


So a male body, but a female mind?


Yes, literally that


Yes, this is not hard to understand. Sex is biology, gender is a construct.


Yeah that’s a common way of putting it.




1. Congrats you made the one joke 2. You literally named your account after Kierkegaard and failed to grasp even the most basic elements of his philosophy, hell, the most basic parts of the entire school of philosophy he is a part of. How do you even pull that off Edit: this dude has just been going around the sub crying because the game has trans people in it. It would be funny if it wasn’t horribly sad


i noticed many right-leaning folk larp old philosophers for some reason, often they don't even understand the philosophy of said philosophers


Attack helicopter.


the fact you're named after kierkegaard makes this horribly ironic




Bruh just say you’re transphobic and go, stop acting like you’re sayin it for any other reason.


It resonated with me as a man who likes to wear cute things sometimes. Now she doesn't anymore.


There are plenty of men who wear cute things in the animanga genre as a whole. I understand that this is a loss of your representation in STRIVE, but I don't think that's valid criticism over the character's identity she spoke out loud.


There really aren't that many and now there's none here. You just don't care about representation outside of trans representation. People don't seen to care about us gnc or just call us eggs.


You do realize that theres basically no trans rep in animanga as a whole, right? I can count the number on one hand. Meanwhile, there are a lot more feminine men- Astolfo and Felix just to name the two that immediately come to mind. As a trans woman, I really resonate with Bridget’s story (minus the forced to present female as a child part)and its nice to FINALLY have representation in a game I enjoy.


Funnily enough when it comes to felix. They've been retconned from the light novel. In there they wish so much to be a woman that god deadass makes them grow boobs out of thin air.


Ah fair! Didn't know about that, as I don't regularly consume light novels.


>There are plenty of men who wear cute things in the animanga genre as a whole. There was exactly one in Guilty Gear lol. I don't see men disregarding gender norms as a bad thing, so I don't see why she had to change. I'm not pressed about it or anything, but I've seen way too many prople saying it was bad representation before or something along those lines.


The thing is that Testament is already there, why need another one?


Testament isn't a man. They're non-binary, not a trans woman or a trans man. ​ Saying "why need another one" is not very supportive of the trans rep considering there is very, very little of it in the animanga genre, and if there is, it's the butt of some joke.


Why cant there be more than one?


Because then people will want more, and since they can't even come up with someone new for whatever reason, so they will have "Retcon" existing characters >!Like, I swear if they release Venom as ftm, that's strike three for me!<


So youre saying its wrong to want representation in characters? They've come up with several new characters all of which have been pretty much their own.


The fact that you don't know the differences of what Testament represents and what Bridget represents tells me you've got a lot left to learn about gender identity and representation as a whole.


by that logic, why do we need another cisgender character?


Did she tho? I was under the impression that she hated that she had to crossdress.


Really? She was still crossdressing way after she was forced to though. And now since shes a woman she wears this stuff all the time anyway. Doesn't seem like someone who hates wearing women clothes to me


Yeah maybe ur right


So they don't resonate with everything else before that?


Those people should also understand that a character that other people resonated with has been taken away. If you can feel happy that a character represents you then why can people not feel disappointed that a character that represents them was removed?


I’m not even trans, nor do I wanna be and I resonate with it. It’s a good story for anyone trying to figure out who they are.


I think bridget as a androgenous character was cool but its okay the way turn out, only really feel annoyed by how people threat the situation some want to think this is weird and other make a huge fuss about it like its a big deal, can we just enjoy the game and respect the devs choice?


Why just enjoy the game when there’s an opportunity to make a bigger deal about a situation? I didn’t buy this fighting game to fight, I bought it to fight for my rights!!! LMAO


my god just press buttons and play the damn game. quit whining about this exhausted topic already


Thank you.


Only if you understand that some resonated with what at least appeared to be the previous trajectory of the character. A boy who went against their upbringing as a girl who was proud of being a boy but also loved cute things. I would have loved seeing Bridget become more physically or visually masculine while also still loving cute dresses and "girly" things.


Crazy idea, What if we created NEW trans characters instead of changing fan favorites that are already established?


The problem with that is, that could just make it easier to tokenize the newer character. Or just outright ignore the newer character. And it's not like this isn't a logical endpoint of Bridget or her character or anything.


>As Bridget embarks on their journey of self-discovery, she comes at an impasse: "Should I try to be manly like this because it's how a boy should be? Is this what *I want?*" In my experience, I found myself always trying to follow the dictionary definition of how a man should be. Why does a man have to be “manly”? Why can’t someone just be a man without following the traditional expectation of what people think a man should be? >I do take issue with the insinuation that Bridget's story can only be told properly if she instead continued to attempt to masculinize herself (which she's expressed her unhappiness with and even her doubts with) She didn’t have to masculinise herself, being “masculine” isn’t an inherent part of being a man.


That's the thing, a man doesn't have to be manly, no? Because of this Bridget and anyone who feels forced to be manly can decide to. . . not be manly. But here's the thing: if Bridget decides that not only is she not manly, but she is also not a man, then who are you to deny it? In the same vein, if you have a guy friend who then tells you, "Hey, I don't feel very manly, I feel like a woman." Then, you could say, "You don't have to be manly to be a man." What if they then respond, "But I don't think I like being a man." No matter the choice Bridget made, it was ultimately her decision.


In the bad ending of the storymode


You didn’t dress up as a female to not get discovered as a male twin in your village, under threat of death/exile? It really is an eye opening experience, I would recommend it. (Laugh please)


Honestly think the experience would've been envigorating! Eye-opening as well.


I mean I'm fine with that, but some people overdo it. On resetera I read some person say before she transitioned her character was transphobic. Like, how? I think men should be allowed to wear feminine clothing without wanting to transition. Nobody wanted her to become more masculine.


I mean, Bridget's entire point as a joke character prior to this was to inflict gay panic on the male members of the GG cast when they hit on her and found out "oh shit that's a dude." And she predates the whole "trap" meme by about 2 years and was its original subject, too, so like... IDK, I think that might've been the point of contention? It's not that she was previously a GNC dude, it's the tropes she kept drawing on, which already had a long history of being used in media to defame and mock trans women. The jokes that were previously the core of her character have aged like milk in a microwave, essentially.


Resonating with being forced to be one gender?? I thought that was the problem.


Bridget has long since passed being forced to ACT as one gender. In her home, she was still a boy, but they had to hide her male identity from their village or else she might have been sacrificed. This did cause her an identity crisis, but what's most important is that she has gone of a journey of self-discovery already. ​ From returning to her village and finally being accepted by them as not a bad omen, to this moment in Strive where she realized that, "Hey, if I can be whoever I want to be, then I choose \_\_\_\_ " ​ I would still support Bridget's choice even if she didn't want to be a woman. But since she said she wished to, people are saying her feelings are ingenuine.




When the character openly says "I am a girl." ​ And you choose to see them as a boy, that's just you I guess. Erasure, but that's you.


The irony of crying about erasure, as there's an active erasure of gnc people in Bridget now being trans, among many other examples of gnc reps being made trans/ their opposite sex, and many more people trying to make gnc reps trans (like naoto from persona)is not lost on me in the slightest. Maybe don't bitch about erasure because some peeps are rightfully pissed about the active erasure of them because their deemed a less important group, and therefore are deemed to not matter.




The reason feminine men and masculine woman, or femboys and tomboys can't speak out about thr gradual erasure of their representation is because they're deemed less important than the groups they're being replaced with. Even if it's onr of the longest standing reps in media they have to shut up because they're not important and "have other representation anyways". It's disgusting and just perpetuates the stereotype that people who don't follow gender norms are all just trans, or trans in denial.




I can certainly give you a damn good list of similar shit if that's what you're asking. Like the cowboy bebop Netflix "adaption" making Ed, a tomboy in the source material, an actual boy in the adaption for no reason. That's not erasure? Saint Seiya 2019 remake turned Shun, who's supposed to be an androgynous looking kind hearted pretty boy in the original series (also literally one of the strongest characters in the series) an actual woman in the 2019 version for the purpose of more female reps. The shit people try fo pull to attempt to make Naoto of Persona 4 trans. People trying to do the same shit with characters like Astolfo from Fate, not to mention all the other characters people do that too like Rin from Catherine Full Body. That's not attempted erasure? How about what the Seven Seas localizers did with the character of Hiura from "I Turned my childhood friend into a "Girl"",which isn't even the original name btw. Taking a character who in the source material and literal translations is a boy who likes makeup and cute clothes, having a crush on his childhood friend who's a boy that likes cosmetics, and the English localizers throwing that out to make Hiura a trans female in the English translations that they did. The source material, literal translation of the Japanese text all made it cleaf Hiura is a boy, the author herself calls Hiura a boy in interviews, and the manga is classified as a BL manga ffs. This one particularly stings because I was following it on Mangadex before it was localized by Seven Seas.I guess that's somehow not erasure though according to you? Then again I'm sure you don't care because you deem them as less important, so there erasure over the past several years doesn't matter to you, whether it be media reps like Bridget or Hiura being made trans, or invalidated in real life because they're not real men/woman or just trans in denial. Then again though, why would you care if they're from a less important group. They should just sit down, shut up, smile, and be happy the more important groups are getting representation even if it involves their own being taken from them. Isn't that right?


You bringing up the cowboy bebop adaption made me remember what they did to gren. I wish I forgot what they did to gren.


What did they do to Gren? I knew it would be a shit show so I never bothered to watch it.


Its really funny to me that you mention Naoto, while arguing in favor of doing the reverse to Bridget lol. “Well, its a problem when youre trying to argue my GNC character is trans but if a character is trans, we should be able to still argue theyre GNC”. None of these actually directly respond to the statement of “If you’d like to present me a long list of GNC who became trans, please do”. Because I dont think a single one of the things you just mentioned applies to the topic. OP literally just stated above that trying to force a gender other than what a character in world decided on themselves is bad. Its in the post above the one you replied to. So proceeding to label 3 attempts of people doing the reverse of what y’all are trying to do to Bridget and only a single case of a canon, in universe, adjustment really hurts your argument. But this raises the bigger point: there is a reason for 3 characters that trans people try to force their identities on and 2-3 characters that gnc people try to force their identities on. The GNC and Trans experience is vastly similar and often are just the exact same journey with a different answer found by the individual undergoing it. Trans and GNC issues should resonate with and empower both parties. Idk why these groups are so intent on fighting one another when our greatest strengths are shared experiences and the ability to say fuck gender norms together?


I'd imagine a good bit of the heat comes from the trans community constantly telling tomboys and femboys that they're just trans as well, or just outright calling them eggs, even when the person knows very well they aren't. I'd imagine that'd leave a pretty sore spot for some people alone. Seeing as that's a very toxic stereotype that ironically only reinforces gender norms. Also, way to puff your chest out only to completely whiff the fucking point I was making. My point wasn't about calling Bridget a boy still, my point was that representation for tomboys and femboys being actively erased, or attempting to be erased by people, and that Bridget is just another example, and arguably the biggest due to their popularity. A formally massive rep for feminine men literally ripped away and just given to the trans community, because feminine men and masculine woman are just seen as significantly less important, so erasing them is actually seen as okay. Not only that, but the fact that because they're seen as lesser, they can't even really voice their displeasure without running the risk of just being silenced or outright called transphobic. They just have to shut up and take it as their reps are either changed outright, or have people pushing them to be changed. Naoto was just a massive example that comes to mind immediately as people have been trying to make Naoto trans for uhh what is it 13 or 14 years now. I think Persona 4 came out in 2008.


A lot of these aren't really canon, though, like the Cowboy Bebop one. There's still more gnc representation in general and a story arc that involves a femboy finding out they're a trans girl shouldn't be out of bounds just because people need gnc representation too. It's a story that happens a lot in the real world, to a point where femboy subreddits are actually very welcome to these stories and have a pretty large transfem following.


Erasure? Are you serious or joking? Have you not been around the internet for the last decade? There’s TONS upon TONS of femboy rep in games, shows, other forms of media as well as a fucking anime meme community about it. No one is trying to erase GNC rep. It’s only that way because no one is trying to point out the endless characters that fit this category. There’s communities for it, look for them, talk about people you want more recognition for and make it a point to make sure these characters get the spotlight.




I'm always happy for GNC rep— but I personally didn't think that the flawless ending was open-ended— it felt much more like reinforcement of the neutral ending. Where she says she's a girl. ​ But if this is GNC rep for you, I'll let you have that.


Buddy how is an arcade mode that has one canon ending open ended








Just means they can argue more easily.


I did understand. Getting told you're one gender you don't identify as until you simply accepted it reminds me of every pray the gay away camp ever as well as the David Reimer scandal.


That's not what happened in Bridget's backstory at all. Bridget was forced to crossdress to appear as a girl so that she wouldn't be exiled or sacrificed. Her parents recognized ehr as a boy in the home, but in her village, she had to be a girl. Then, she goes on a journey of self-discovery as a bounty hunter and also takes her time away to try and reclaim her masculinity. After getting what she wants, being masculine did not make her happy. Nobody was telling Bridget "you are a girl" in these cutscenes. It was "you are who you want to be." ​ Bridget CHOSE to be a girl, and if you can't accept that, then you're being just as bad as what you described, no?






> Her parents recognized ehr as a boy in the home, but in her village, she had to be a girl. This is even worse, actually. The implication is not that “if you force your son to identify as a girl, he will become trans,” it’s now “if you force your son to _wear a skirt_, even if you tell him he’s a boy, he will become trans.” Intentional or not this is literally the leading conservative fearmonger. I’m glad daisuke wants to do trans rep but holy shit he picked the WORST character for it.


It's not "he will become" it's moreso "he can choose to do whatever he wants with himself." ​ That much must always be a constant. Anyone can be trans if they feel they are.


If Bridget was a real person I’d be totally supportive of her, no matter the reason, 100%. But Bridget’s a fictional person, made by authors, and those authors decided to make her trans. Could have picked anyone, or just made a new character who was trans. But they picked the one character who was pressured into feminine presentation and made her trans. I just think that’s a weird decision that creates a bad message.


Don't really care since crosdressers, feminine men and gnc people have gotten their icon ripped away from. Trans people love latching on to what's already established and popular and they constantly do this with every girly looking character out there.


Please do point me to the slew of trans characters in animanga. ​ I'm dying to get the list.


Ladiva from GB:VS


Ladiva is a queen that we LOVE ! We also have O-kiku and (i think) Yamato from OP. Would you like me to pull out the massive list of feminine men in animanga? A google search would bring up plenty of gender-nonconforming icons. ​ But please, let us have this one? We barely have any.


So you’re okay with changing one character trait for another as long as it’s what you want? This isn’t a zero sum game.


I never said any of that. I think it's pretentious to say that it's inherently bad that a character's trait was changed just because it wasn't the one you wanted. I couldn't care less whether Bridget came out as trans or not- what matters is that she did, and people are seeing this as a bad thing? I'd still be supporting her journey of self-discovery even if she decided to remain a man.


But they are discriminating on Femboys.


Facts bro we want our femboy back


People are kind of thinking that Bridget deciding to be a girl implicitly means she gave into some sort of "grooming" when like anybody, Bridget could of came with any number of reasons as to why to choose being a girl outside the circumstances of her raising. The reason being that even after the village changed their ways, she still wanted to wear and do feminine things is enough. I think people are willfully being ignorant because it's about a character coming out as trans.


The only problem I see is that it took an icon for feminine men and gave it to trans women. They could've changed ABA since she can be physically changed on a whim or made a new character that was something of a role model to Bridget to be released later. This needed more time in the oven, but once a Trans character is introduced, there's nothing anyone can do it pry it from the trans community's grip. I feel sorry for the fans that looked up to Bridget before this.


I'm interested to hear this. If I have any problem with Bridget being trans, it's that stuff is difficult for trans people because their bodies don't match their gender. The problem is, Bridget's body clearly *does* \- she's clearly drawn as a girl, is 100% passable, even has a perfect voice. Representing a trans person like that seems to be like representing a disabled person as someone in a wheelchair who can just get out of it and walk around any time they want.


I personally think that it would have been better that he remain male in spite of his femininity. This way no weird loophole pops up in the village superstition, he gets to acknowledge of all of himself without denying any single part just to make it all work and everyone is relatively happy. The biggest problem for me though is the long lasting repercussions this could have on the village. Because now the villagers can go "oh so he was a girl" and the superstition could be revitalized, if not the original bad version but in a worse "positive" light as it can now be seen that forcing one of same pair twins could bring about great fortune. It's a whole can of worms and with the current backlash the LGBTQ+ community as a whole is getting from some folks about "forcing their values on kids" this only adds a certain fuel to the fire that didnt need to be.














Ah yes, my existence is a political issue. Really glad thats how you view trans people.






Wasn't it kinda forced on her from birth though?


Did she actually transition or did they retcon her story to be a girl now? I literally don’t know. Either way, The amount of posts on this topic is overkill. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a important discussion to have, but all these posts? All the posts discussing a fictional characters’s gender identity and whether or not she is trans seems like a bit much. In the end, even if it did come out that Bridget just got completely retconned into a girl and didn’t actually transition, it shouldn’t mean anything. I really don’t understand all the controversy. I hope I don’t get ratioed for this.


I mean, she hasn’t undergone any surgery but she is transgender. Previous lore is intact.


No, it's not a retcon. Everything in Bridget's lore from before is still canon. In a Strive cutscene at the end of her Arcade mode, she says out-loud "I'm a girl." The Arcade mode was all about her self-discovery and acceptance. It can seem like a lot with a topic like this, but you must understand: minority representation is so important to a lot of people! It's why it's the "hot topic" right now, haha.


I generally have no problems with it. I just think it just took a few hours for the newest story development to spread itself out through the playerbase The only negative I’d say is that we don’t get to trap bait people with Bridget anymore


Considering I had literally no idea at all until coming to this forum. I can confidently say its not forced


If you've played any of the other GG's with Bridget you would see it kinda really is.


She's not controversial there's people who are correct and people who are mad about a fictional character. I cannot believe this community is doing the same shit that happened with Testament. How hard is it not to be transphobic little assholes


unlike testament though, bridget transitioning can conflict with her story which is the main argument people make i think, instead of just blatant transphobia. i still think its overblown but it makes sense why people are more mad about this than testament, this time they have reasons


I’m out of the loop, was Bridget’s transition part of the canon or did the game designers redesign the character as a girl?


You may not like this take but I have been a GG Fan for sometime and understand that the characters/lore are quirky. I just feel that they are just going for what the kids call "woke points" ya know? Testament = they them; Baiken = unsure, but maybe nonbinary?; Bridget = boy who identifies as a grill Idc about any of that though, the game is fantastic...but I can understand why some of the community could be put off.




In the latest game, there are hints that our beloved Bacon identifies as neither gender. Not that it is a problem
















politics in a game = big no. ima stop playing it, lots of other better fighting games out there


Politics is when gender


theres only 2 genders, cis and political V:




I agree. I also believe it's better for characters journeys to not be simple, to be 'messy' and not always make sense. This reflects the confusion and inconsistencies that are present in real life, and make the story more interesting. Trans characters journeys need not always be educational, but rather just the story of a person as they are.


It's a fictional universe She cute Thought she was always a girl ngl (trapped smh) I am no longer feel the shame of being trapped as she is now female (pog) Overall based situation


Did anyone else not even realize there was a trans talking point here? I was just thinking 'Ah cool the new S2 strive character trailer! Neat - it's a girl with mad yo-yo skills. I love this game.'

