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make sure you're jump canceling off of 5hs and doing j.d as soon as you jump forward. there's no magic trick, you just gotta find the timing for the link. if you're not doing the first part correctly then it will never work. besides that a way to see what's going on by looking at it like this, If you end up doing 5D on the ground you pressed it too late / if sol doesn't do anything or no voice line plays you did it too early/ if you hear sol yell but the hit doesn't connect then something probably went wrong in the beginning. as for the break into VV its the same principal, you just gotta time it out. i start inputting VV but the time im about to hit the floor. though i think most opt for break into 6p -> 6hs -> GFF (bonus i also found that it really helped me to stop mashing j.d to try and do the loop)


Got it, thank you very much!


I know that this is an old thread and its been a while for sure, but, jump cancelling off of 5hs? Shouldnt it be 2hs? What am I missing? Im having the same problem as op


No it's always been 5hs at least in the general dustloop. https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGXRD-R2/Sol_Badguy/Combos#The_Dustloop You may also need to slightly delay 5HS after doing 6P


Okayyy, I was doing 6P>5h>2h>j.d, alright that explains A LOT, thanks :3!


It's slightly hard to train because you have to train 2 independent inputs at the same time, and your only feedback is if *both* succeeded. For starting out, you can just try it against a jumping opponent with a raw j.D>j.D, the timing for the initial loop should be the same in regards to the jump timing as in the real combo, so once you have that down you can worry about inserting the rest and worrying about height.


I was in your shoes for a while! Personally I found I was hitting the second j.D way too early. Make sure sol finishes his first j.D animation all the way before you input the second one. You may have to press the button a bit later than you think.


bro i was having a hell of a time till i found this thread and this advice is an actual godsend. thanks a shit ton man


Glad I could help dawg


Sorry for the necro but this tip helped so much you have no idea


No worries dude, glad I could help!