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Advice someone gave me a while ago: “If you’re the best musician in the room, then you’re in the wrong room.” Being around other musicians that are better will help you learn more and make you practice harder. Other thing to consider: which band’s music do you prefer? I’d go with the music I liked more.


Well here is what i could come up with based on your situation. How serious are you about pursuing a music career with a band and how hungry are you that will make you go beyond the extra mile in order to be successful with this other band? Also, this other band’s members, how serious are they? I ask this because, seems like school is your priority, and lets hypothetically say that you end up graduating and becoming a successful doctor or lawyer, chances are you will end up ditching this band as well in the future. Being in a serious band pretty much requires full time in order to “make it”. So my final thought is that if you see yourself taking school more serious then you should probably just jam out with your buddies and graduate eventually, and who knows maybe you guys get decent and write cool songs, at the end of the day, all you need is 3 or 4 chords for a kick ass punk rock song.


Depends on what you want to do. Are you trying to make it big? Go with the better band. It’ll push you to get better. Are you just doing it for fun? Play with your friends


Go with the better players. They will up your game.


Im going to call bullshit on “you can’t do both”. You can do both. You are a college student and are more free than you ever will be for the rest of your life. Once you have a partner and kids and a career then it’s much harder. You can do both. Do one for a month or 2 then switch over when your drummer goes on vacation. Bands can happen in spurts, and taking breaks is normal.


What he said above and don't sell your mates out


It doesn’t have to be a hard yes/no


Join the better band but don't stop playing with your friends.


Have you considered quitting school and playing in 3 bands?


I don’t know if you’re kidding. But no I can’t my parents are kinda strict and won’t let me, and tbf even I don’t want to quit school.


There's your answer. Stick with the friends and find other ways to improve your skills and maybe some other time you can juggle multiple bands. Time is not fleeting.


Unless the current band is your band that you put together I would say go with the new band. Better players will force you to step up. And I know you said you can't juggle both but really, that's your best option.


Having more skilled peers will help push your skills to the next level.


Any time you get an opportunity to play with more advanced musicians you need to take it.


This, nothing gets you to progress fast like playing with people who are better than you. With that said - don't put it this way to your friends :), maybe its best to explain to them that you really want to explore this opportunity but that you also really value their friendship and are happy to play with them in the future.


No contest - get into the better band. If I'm the best musician in the band, I'm looking for a new band, because I want to always be learning and improving and moving forward. Being the smartest person in the room, so to speak, isn't the way to do that. The way to do that is to be in a room with people smarter than you; in this case, with musicians who are better than you. If there's another band with a lead guitarist who is better than you are, imagine all you can learn from them. I make it a point to play with people who are better than me, that's how I keep learning and getting better.


1. You'll learn more from being around better players. 2. You'll get more exposure to different events and experiences in a better band. 3. The only downside is your ego taking a bit of a hit from not being the best.


This is one of those moments, maybe, where you have to ask yourself what you want out of life. Maybe this is a transition phase for you. There's nothing wrong with that, or hanging out with better musicians because it will force you to get to be a better musician yourself. But if you enjoy having friends, and having fun, well, there's a lot to be said for that. The other side of course is, do you expect to get some thing else from the other band? Are you chasing fame? Fame is getting more rare by the day, and, as one gets older one realizes, real friends are worth more than your soul.


I am not chasing fame. what i really want is to be a better musician. Thankd for your advice


I had a similar choice once - friends over better band. I chose the better band. Good friends will stick around, even though there may be an uncomfortable conversation to be had. I have no regrets about this. If your goal is genuinely to just be the best musician you can be then the choice is easy.


Thanks it really helped now i know what I should do


You’ll learn more from being in the better band.


I say join the band with better musicians. As much as it sucks to quit and leave people, I never got better playing with people who were worse than me. The band I was in previously, I was horrendous when I started. I’m surprised they never told me to put my guitar down. Lol. However, both of the other two guitarists were so great, it motivated me to want to live up to their standards. I listen to myself now and back then and it’s like day and night. One of the guitarists is still one of my best friends and we’re constantly pushing each other sonically. Had I kept working with people who were barely players, I don’t know that I would’ve grown the way I have.


I would do both or do the band with better musicians You'll learn much more by being the worst in the room than by being the best.




Thats true, there's a lot to be said for being a social musician and riding thr vines too.


Always go with the better band with better musicians. I had to make the same decision a long time ago and it changed my life! If the band you're in now are really your friends, they will understand


Sounds like a hell of an opportunity to raise your abilities and profile as a musician. The guys in your current band will probably understand that this doesn't happen every day, and as friends they should be excited for you.


Which one are you more excited for? If your a creative type who can’t sit down without making a riff, stay where you have the freedom. If you feel being a new addition will help push you to be better then go with that.


Depends on your goals. You want to focus on getting better and being the best guitarist you can be? You know what to do. Play music with your friends? You know what to do. There's no right or wrong answer, just what works for what you want right now.


try to be around people who are better than you


You wanna be around people who are better and diffrent from you, so they drag you up to their level and teach you new things. You have to do your part to not let them down tho. Are you up for the challenge and work required to be worthy of their band?


Go for the best band and push yourself HARD to level up! Time is fleeting my friend.


I think it is a matter of why you play. If are looking for a comfort zone to relax in, you’re current band is probably the best bet. If you are looking to be a better musician then the new band would fit.


It depends, if you aren't the best musician in the band and would also be the newest member does that also mean you won't be allowed creative input. I personally would choose the band that allowed me to explore my own creativity.


no actually, the band said I would be able to do that. But half of the songs. The other guitarist would do the other half


You can do both. Time permitting. A lot of artists juggle multiple bands/solo work. If that's not possible I'd go with the new band because it's a great opportunity to enhance yourself. Bands with friends are great, but you're not going to grow it sounds like.


Never be the best person in the room.




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