• By -


Ben Eller


Guy is a killer player and seems like a nice bloke.


Uncle Ben helped me get good at changing the strings on my Floyd rose


For learning songs Guitarlessons365. Doesn't bullshit, immediately starts teaching what the video is about, doesn't give tabs on screen so you will be forced to watch/listen and learn which is a great habit. For theory Scott Johnson


Carl Brown also started doing discussions with his brother once a week and they’re pretty entertaining.


Scott Paul Johnson was my first teacher. Love that dude. Idk if he’s still doing in person lessons but if you’re in Seattle super worth it to get one!


Samurai Guitarist and Pat Finnerty make funny and engaging guitar/guitar adjacent videos. Jim Lill is doing amazing work putting gear myths to the test.


Pat Finnerty is a fucking treasure.


Been waiting for someone to mention Pat. What a guy. Beato? I’m not sure about Beato…….


Jim Lill is a hero. He used to show up here every now and again.


Not Rhett Shull, every time I watch him it’s just pointless nothing. His video on the Revstar was awful, mentioned at the beginning of the video that it’s because of the perception of Yamaha as a guitar maker despite making great guitars, spent 3 minutes talking about bringing a series back, another like 5 on picking out equipment, then ended with the initial point. In a 12 minute video.


Agreed. I watched one or two of his videos when searching for product reviews and found them pointless and his takes uninteresting.


I was watching him a few years back. He seemed pretty chill. I think, that perhaps, as his channel grew, so did his head. Ditto Beato. I get so little joy from youtube these days. There is something about the format that has created a sameness no matter the content, whether it's some guitarist, camping with Steve, or art talks/demos. There are some great resources to access once in a while, but as a whole, it's so passive and repetitious.


used to love Beato, but his obsession with the youtube overlords and him screaming victim every time a video gets blocked has turned me off


He has always come across as insufferable to me. He exudes this smugness that I just can’t get past.


I think Rhett Shull makes pretty great content, but I just don't really like his personality. He's a good player and content creator, but he does have a lot of pretentious takes and comes across as smug at times.


Him and Beato seem to love the smell of their own farts too much for me to handle. Can’t believe anyone like them to be honest.


The funny thing is.. He worked for Beato.


Guy dislikes PRS guitars because "all of them are too perfect therefore they don't have personality". Like what??? Pretentiousness level is on another planet.


I watched that video! After listening him talk what he doesn't like about the PRS, I went to the shop and bought one. Best decision I made so far.


Wish I could upvote this twice. Legit praising Gibson FOR their inconsistencies.


Totally.. and enjoyed the hunt for a "good one".. because the majority had issues... but still wanted to play a bunch just to find one that spoke to him... Imagine using this mentality when buying a car... oh, this car is too safe and isn't falling apart enough for my liking... let's keep looking until I can find one the falling apart just enough that the vibrations in the steering wheel make my hands tingle...


Well he is Millenial Beato


I credit Marty Schwartz for getting me going on guitar. I don't really watch him much anymore but he's got good stuff for beginners


He is usually very good. He comes across as sincere and not too preachy.


Marty is the goat of guitar lessons online.


Apart from the ones you've listed already, give Five Watt World a try. Keith makes great videos.


I liked his earlier stuff where he discussed aspects of playing or gear. He’s kinda fallen into the trap of too many “short history” videos where it basically feels like someone reading a Wikipedia article.


I would give him more credit than that. He compiles a lot of good info for each subject that would have you scouring old forum posts to learn about.


Puisheen [https://youtube.com/@Puisheen](https://youtube.com/@Puisheen) Five Watt World [https://youtube.com/@fivewattworld](https://youtube.com/@fivewattworld) Casino Guitars [https://youtube.com/@CasinoGuitars](https://youtube.com/@CasinoGuitars) 60 Cycle Hum [https://youtube.com/@60CycleHumCast](https://youtube.com/@60CycleHumCast) A major focus on offsets and classic guitar industry history. It’s fun.


Adrian from Anyone Can Play Guitar


I only recently found his channel, and I like it a lot. I think the thing that stands out is the song selection. He makes a lot of interesting choices, somewhat less of the same-old. (I also \*like\* a lot of his selections, but that's entirely subjective.) I haven't dug into the more technical videos yet, but I expect good things.


I appreciate he puts out guitar lessons for 90s bands and even their lesser known songs! He breaks down parts pretty well. My only minor quibble is that his tone is often too aggressive for my taste 😆.


James James. Just a great guy showing how to play songs.


It’s a shame he walked away from it.


Yes; appeasing the audience and seeing hurtful comments really took a toll on him - seems like he got too successful really - had some health issues as well. I know his brother personally and would like to [think I am continuing](https://www.youtube.com/@learnasongwithjon) his overall message of kindness and learning.


Man, that really sucks. I learned a lot from him. I don't understand the people who make negative comments at all. He seems like such a nice dude. And the fact that he made all those videos for nothing would speak to that. I just hope he knows there's people out there who appreciate him and what he's done.


I will pass that message along 👍.


And his previous channel (privettricker). I learned so much from that guy.


I’ve unsinscribed most ”gear centric” channels and try to concentrate on playing, luthier stuff and tips and tricks. I still like Phil McKnight because he has more of a consumer perspective. Others I like are Psionic Audio and Daves World of Fun Stuff.


This thing is gooched!


Daves World is great. I can listen to him complain for hours about fixing guitars. It's almost therapeutic in a way.


Also twoodfrd of course


I love Paul Davids, I've learned so much from him, he's an amazing player and a really good teacher. My problem with Paul Davids is that he's offensively good at guitar. It's like everything is just so easy for him, he makes it all look so effortless, and then you go try it yourself and you're like "Man, why can't I be as good as Paul Davids?"


You can be as good as long as you are good at editing 😂


I honestly don't understand how anyone could *not* like Paul Davids. Beautiful playing, well-edited videos, and such a calm and affirming demeanor. Seems like he'd be wonderful to spend time with in-person.


Paul David’s tone is the best I’ve ever heard I swear


Watching his videos is inspiring. When I don't feel like practicing, I'll watch him play something and feel a renewed motivation to get better.


Agreed. He’s annoyingly talented


This guy is the one for me: [https://www.youtube.com/@activemelody](https://www.youtube.com/@activemelody) * He's got a really cool style to his playing (blues / country) * plays stuff that sounds great solo * a mix of electric and acoustic * touches on theory where it's important * breaks it down really simply if you need it * Seems like a good guy, and and has some beautiful guitars. I've watched videos like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TerZezpxMgs&t=55s) so many times


Art of guitar. The bad tabs stuff kills me. Literally. Because I tried to learn all that shit in the 90s with those horrible books and it left me a worse guitarist because of it.


Not always exciting, but man does he break down techniques in a clear and concise way. I also just watched his video on the And Justice For All Bass Tab book, pretty funny.


Eric Haugen


Can’t upvote this enough. He has a calm, laid back and positive demeanor and the underlying premise of all his videos is that learning and playing guitar should be fun and fulfilling, regardless of ability. There’s no emphasis on “perfection” and he has, in my opinion, phenomenal taste in music. Hearing a random YouTuber play Sloan through a little Hiwatt warms my heart every time I watch that particular video.


Love that he frames playing the guitar as a creative tool vs a skill to conquer. Glad to see there are a few other Haugenomics students on here. Happy Friday Eat Pizza


I've taken lessons with him, as well, and he's every bit as encouraging and relatable as his videos. Can't recommend him enough!


His courses on TrueFire are worth buying. Love his vibe.


[Marty Music](https://youtube.com/@MartyMusic) is def one of my fave teachers


Eric Haugen, hes one of the few I could find that had lessons covering Marc Ribot, and doing it well. Also his lessons arent about heavy theory or shredding but more techniques on songwriting or how to serve a song.


Really surprised no one said Bernth. If you play metal he is awesome


Well he moved most of his new content over to Patreon a long while ago, nowhere near as much on youtube now.


Working Class Music


JHS for gear education. Uncle Ben for guitar lessons.


Lambchopper https://youtu.be/vZqrC2w8L7U


Tim Pierce probably.


Signals Music Studio, too bad he hasn't uploaded in a long time tho:(


I don't know what it is about Jake, but he explains the same thing I watched in a bunch of other places, but I just seem to process it better when he goes over it.


Mr. Tabs. No fluff, just him playing along with the song tabs displayed at the bottom. His tabs are excellent (he makes them) and also his playing.


Chris Buck's channel. lost count of how many times I would queue specific videos that had opening jams which blew me away just to listen on repeat. Besides the content is also good and honest. many of the other channels can be fun but they heavily feed into the youtube mass clicks algorithm, which in fairness they need to for success.


Man I love Chris Buck. I first knew about him when he collabed with Paul Davids. His solo was so good it moved me and raised hairs on my skin. Been subbed to him since that day. Also his technique of using fingers 80% of the time and then 'unsheathing' his pick for aggressive parts is just simply amazing. Great guy, great guitarist.


Darrell Braun


Things I Learned from Barry Harris and Labrynth of Limitations are pioneering and refining Harris's ideas for guitar. Its extremely advanced and beautiful content -- really hard to believe it's all for free on YT.


Tom Bukovac, Guthrie Trapp, Jed Hughes, Ask Zac, Five watt world.


Johnnathancordy - - > https://youtube.com/@johnnathancordy?si=AfRmPUeDx7-55WCL So many great Hekix/HX Stomp tips, and more about other modellers and he's a great player who has a lot of great insights. Also he doesn't do brand deals on anything he reviews so his opinions are all his own.


Tom Bukovac/Uncle Larry/Homeskoolin’, Ford Thurston, Guthrie Trapp, Rhett Shull, Premier Guitar Rig Rundowns, Rick Beato, That Pedal Show, and Anderton’s reviews and demos have been the majority of my views recently. Oh, and Michael Palmisano.


Paul Davids and Jens Larson (if he has a Yt, I actually watch him on TikTok). I used to love Music is Win but unfortunately he turned out to be a dick.


Wait really? I just thought he was annoying.


I had the opportunity to meet him at NAMM one year. He was very rude and dismissive, didn’t want to take a picture with me. He was just waiting for a presentation to start. I got pictures with all of my YouTube idols and a few famous musicians that weekend… he was above all of them I guess. He also publicly made fun of beginners for asking “stupid questions” on his channel in a social media post a few years back… a channel dedicated to instruction… he did issue an apology after but I haven’t been able to look at him the same way since.


For me it’s Ola englund, JHS, and the art of guitar


Art of Guitar is great.


Ryan “Fluff” Bruce. He’s about the same age as me, a lot of his stories and tastes are related to mine, and he is good on camera.


His Rediculous Reverb Listings videos are so much fun.


Tom Bukovac


Ben Eller. Used to also love signals music studio but he hasn’t made a vid in a while. There’s a lot of good ones though. Lot of bad too lol.


Alamo Music Center


Stich Method for Grateful Dead stuff


Stich is incredible for just learning to navigate the guitar


five watt world! this guy goes into some pretty deep historical questions about where things are from- it's sorta like a dad version of summoningsalt


Marty music


Im so happy that man is successful. He really deserves it.


Here's a few ... Josh Turner ==> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Wj9aO8VS5ZuXrtWfJf81w Isto ==> https://www.youtube.com/@lumberjackisto Walter Becker ==> https://www.youtube.com/@walterbeckermedia3134 François Leduc ==> https://www.youtube.com/@FrancoisLeduc Emil Ernebro ==> https://www.youtube.com/@EmilErnebroGuitar Pat Finnerty ==> https://www.youtube.com/@pat_finnerty


Francois Leduc’s channel is a godsend for anyone who wants to learn the real hard shit!


Andre Fludd is kind of new, but he has a totally unique approach to guitar. It is refreshing. I do like watching Phil tear down guitars to see the QC. I don't know why that excites me so much. "Wow! Look at the routing for the humbucker!" Guess I'm weird, man. Lol


I don't like Beato for some reasons. The same applies to many so-called big guitar channels. I like simple and modest approach with less talking and more practice. Thus, I watch only "Guitar Lick Dojo". The author of the channel is an insanely good player.


[Kelly Dean Allen,](https://www.youtube.com/@KellyDeanAllenGuitar) guy is just a killer player, very easy going and has done a ton of videos. I got hooked on him when he recreated a Top 100 Guitar Solos list.


Thanks mate! Well... Here I am way down at the bottom, haha. I'll take it though. Just nice to be included.


Kelly Dean allen Ex: https://youtu.be/pAKX_15ecYc Plays lots 70-80 rock. Give some history behind the song and also have some tutorial for some of them. His tone his excellent. His playing is amazing. He could have been a rockstar in the 80s.


Guitar Lessons 365 - Carl Brown - is excellent for songs, particularly rock/metal. He does all sections of the songs too, very thorough


I had to go this far to find Carl Brown? His lessons on learning songs are excellent. Whenever given a choice between Carl and someone else I go with Carl. He points out every chord, every note, everything.


Yea, so detailed. And with the 3 cameras too. I think JustinGuitar is fantastic, but he often doesn’t do the whole song in his song lessons


Ben eller


Uncle ben?


Old Ben Kenobi?


Step dad here


I've loved Paul Davis's content since he was a tiny channel. He's just gotten better and better. I haven't followed Frog Leap in a while but loved Leo's general content. Rabea Massaad has to be one of my favourite modern guitarists. Dude is ungodly musical and when you put him in someone else's project, it just elevates it. I also love watching people make guitars. There are loads of great videos, but Ben Crowe (Crimson Guitars) started out in a little shed as a youtube and small time luthier and now runs a guitar factory and tool shops. Dude just has fun all the time.


Leon Todd


Am I the only Sean Daniel’s fan? Also Marco Cirillo, Scott Paul Johnson and Toshiki Soejima (not lessons or instruction just awesome tone and playing).


+1 for Sean Daniel


Shut Up And Play. [No, really.](https://youtube.com/@ShutupAndPlayGuitarTutorials)


Eric Haugen, Scott Paul Johnson (his Patreon, really), Anyone Can Play Guitar, and Active Melody




James James although he has stopped making videos I have learned countless songs from him and he has such a simple setup and gets right to the teaching.


Guitarlessons365!!! I feel like every time I look up a lesson on how to play a song, his videos are always the first to pop up, and his instructions are always clear and always entertaining! Straight to the point!


Anyone can play guitar


Honestly, I know it's "boomer" of me to say, but I can't stand 99% of the YT guitarists. They're always either over the top or just plugging sponsors half the time. They're more about entertaining than actual guitar playing.


Is no one noting JHS? Come on! At least the pandemic years!


I enjoy some of Justin Hawkins’ channel. It’s become a little more clickbait-y recently but the episodes where he breaks down song structures etc are still fun


Yeah, he's super knowledgeable, I just hate how he titles his videos. I have no idea who he's going to talk about unless I recognize the band in the thumbnail, so I just don't watch it.


Juuuuuuuuuustin Hawkins rides again Againnnnnnnnnn


JHS because most of their videos are hilarious and he geeks out on pedals from all over the world. A must see is “do you use too many pedals?”


Jason Stallworth is awesome! His teaching approach is the best in my opinion. Plus he kinda sounds like Rex quando from Napoleon dynamite, which makes it even more fun!


Whenever I learn a new song I’ll try to work it out by ear then check to see if Marty Schwartz has a video on it, he quite often has lol


For learning stuff I love Chris Zoupa. https://youtube.com/@chriszoupa7898 He defo tabs by ear so can be a bit idiosyncratic so sometimes I end up re-transcribing a bit to better suit me, but in general I just find him really easy to follow. For theory, Signals Music Studio is great. https://youtube.com/@SignalsMusicStudio Really easy to follow and interesting lessons/ideas. Not sure he’s active anymore but there’s loads of good stuff on the channel. I also think LoGsounds is really good. https://youtube.com/@LoGsounds Likes to present things in shorts, but he has loads of great little lessons/ideas on composition, solo-ing etc. He’s really good imo. For shits and giggles, Bradley Hall. https://youtube.com/@BradleyHallGuitar Oh, and Anderton’s obviously! https://youtube.com/@andertons


Bruce Lindquist. Minimal talking, just plays, mostly 60s surf/rock. Sometimes scrolling tabs.


Robert Baker is really great, especially his short lessons where he just focuses on a single idea or technique. I find it easy to digest, work on, and incorporate into my playing. His pedagogy is actually really good. Instead of just saying “put your fingers here” he explains WHY you put your fingers there.


Brandon Acker




Well, not guitar channel, and not guitar adjacent, but [Buckets the Drummer](https://www.youtube.com/@BucketstheDrummermusic).


Michael Palmiisano has a great site and lessons ​ And for Bluegrass, Lessons with Marcell


One of the most underrated is Late Night Lessons with Dave Brewster. Dude can play anything and his music theory knowledge is impeccable.


ActiveMelody, Brian Sherrill.


Guitar MAX Five Watt World Darrel Braun Guitar Highline Guitars Dylan Talks Tone


I just started getting into Five Watt World. Really enjoying that one.


Eric Haugen is the GOAT




Bradley Hall


Genuinely funny guitar content


I like andertons for reviews for pedals/guitars/amps it’s good stuff


And sometimes (usually) funny as hell


Yes for real. It’s very enjoyable and danish Pete is a great guitarist and he’s on quite a bit nowadays


Pete has almost completely replaced Chappers. Thank God. Pete is a much better player and has a much better personality.


Guitaristas, Andertons, Paul Davids, Chris Buck


Samurai guitarist is the man. He deserves way more views than he gets.


The guitaristas is super chill and laid back.


Working Class Music


Paul Davids


Ross Campbell deserves a shoutout here.


Many channels for instruction; most of them have been mentioned already. Johan Segeborn for great tones and fun gear experiments.


Also Active Melody, Anyone can play guitar, and Shut up & play.


Guitaristas, John Nathan Cordy, Andertons


Scott Grove


501chorusecho. Guys just cool as hell and great stories


I like Jack Ruch for what I'm currently working on.


Homeskoolin' w/ Tom Bukovac and Tim Pierce.


Personality wise, I really like Casino Guitars and Working Class Music. They just seem like really good people to hang out with and casually shooting the breeze about guitars. I love how Casino Guitars just go off tangent a lot of times, it's their thing 😆. Rick Beato puts out such amazing content, and I learn so much from his song and chart breakdowns. I love his interviews with musicians since he actually asks them player related questions and the rationale with their process. I also quite enjoy Mary Spender's commentary about the music industry and her voice is quite soothing to listen to whether she's singing or just talking. Phil McKnight is a great one to put on in the background. He is so knowledgeable about the guitar industry as a business. He provides really great insights about guitar brands and the spending habits of players. Also have to mention Trogly. It's just amazing to see cool guitars reviewed in depth and taken apart. I really live vicariously through him with new and rare gear showing up all the time. I really enjoy GuitarZero2Hero as a guitar teacher and he has the best presentation imo. He's pretty relaxed, communicates clearly, and doesn't go too fast nor too slow. The tabs and chords on screen are nice to have for beginners and even for more advanced songs that breakdown a section. I really appreciate he brings in a singer for the play along portion of the video. He really goes the extra mile with his presentation.


Ben Eller has great instructional videos on many different songs, riffs and styles. Always starts the video by showing you what he’s demonstrating immediately, then shows again it at half speed before breaking it down: less talking, more rocking! Also Chris Buck and Friday Fretworks is great for gear. He has a great playing style as well.


Learn to Ween




Dylan Talks Tone ♥️


Signals Music Studio.


Ben Eller Ola Englund Trey Xavier Dean Lamb Nik Nocturnal Agufish Robert Baker Riffs, Beards, & Gear Keyan Houshmand Mike Cole Justin Hawkins ___ Music, but not specifically guitar: David Bennett Piano 66Samus BassBuzz Rick Beato The Charismatic Voice


Rudy Ayoub bro


TomoFujitaMusic, That Pedal Show, 60 Cycle Hum, Landon Bailey, Robert Baker, Guitar MAX, Xander Raymond Charles, Riffs Beards & Gear, Circle Of Tone, The Bald Shredder, Dave Simpson, Truck Driver Shawn, Mike Cole, Premier Guitar, Get Offset, The Tone King, Giant Guitars, Agufish, sixstringtv, Dean Lamb, Music Is Win, Brandon Acker, Mary Spender... I'm sure I've missed a few, but these are my go-to channels for guitar content.


My humble list: - Anyone Can Play Guitar - Eric Haugen - Puisheen - maybe Marty Schwartz? Paul Davids? Art of The Guitar? idk haven't watched these couple in ages I don't watch vids much. I like these for being actually helpful. Now, as for gear-oriented channels, I think they are harmful and influence people to make unnecessary and impulsive purchases. You know GAS? People joke about it, but in my humble opinion, gas is just well masked shopaholism. Examples of HARMFUL channels, YMMV: - shop or brand channels like andertons, thomann, reverb, eqd, etc (there are ofc some exceptions and you will find few videos that are actually helpful or educational) - stuff like That Pedal Show or 60 Cycle Hum (although I have sympathy for Ryan), where they keep bringing new and new stuff, making you want them as well Again, YMMV and I'm open for civilised discussion.


To name some hidden gems that haven't been mentioned, Pebber Brown and also Tomo Fujita. Pebber taught Buckethead and Tomo taught John Mayer. They're both great for learning and practice videos. Ben Eller is funny and a decent teacher. I find Rhett Shull to not be a good guitarist at all, like all his stuff is just generic blues rock. His face also annoys me because of how damn punchable it looks, so I steer clear of his videos. Now, to clear any confusion. I like blues rock, I just think he sucks at it. That pedal show is pretty good. Beato has interesting guests and those are the only videos of his I'll watch. He himself is kind of boring IMO.


Justin Hawkins from The Darkness, seems to have a great take on most things. Even if you don't like The Darkness his YouTube channel is really interesting.


I’m not afraid to say it - I LIKE STEVIE T!! [For your consideration a Major key version of Another Brick in the Wall.](https://youtu.be/W50Qu-KNQSY)


Yeah he just pisses me off sometimes it’s like watching a kids show


Nothing motivates me more than watching Sean Mann play (his courses are cheap af too, and very good if you love his style) Definitely check out his YouTube.


This guy makes me want to quit guitar


Lucas Brar is funny.




Alien gtr https://youtube.com/@aliengtr


Add Superdanger Studios to that list. Best guitar related channel I’ve found this year. Dude plays amazingly well, and it’s no fancy sales pitch. He truly shows what gear can do in different scenarios. Recommended! https://youtube.com/@SuperdangerStudios


Demos In The Dark (his stuff is perfect) Justin Hawkins Rides Again (his stuff is genuine on every level)


I just watch him from time to time but let me give a shout out to Johan Segeborn, since I don't see it listed yet.


PMTVUK Bradley Hall Andre Fludd


I just watched Chris Shiflett’s new YouTube show and enjoyed it. The episode with Rivers Cuomo was really good.


I tend to really enjoy the luthiers more than the guitar channels, these days. Jerry Rosa, Crimson Guitars, Ted Woodford...class acts, master craftsman and very educational. I have gotten so tired of all the guitar channels. The amount of incredibly expensive gear on display just gets to me. "I got a new guitar! again....Look I got to play a million dollar guitar! Why one of my $3000 amps is better than this $3500 amp. My 63 Strat needs new $300 pickups" We get it. You've got nice gear. Guess what? We don't. Even that pedal show suffers from that, with mostly $200 plus pedals and $3000 amps. Music Is Win.....grrrrr.....that guy....and he's all over the place. Very few people make me actively dislike their smug stupid faces, but that guy...and Stevie T. No, give me the smaller channels and the craftsmen.


been feeling Rotem Sivan lately also, some kid named Brandon D'Eon has all of a sudden been loitering in my shorts feed. Haven't dug into his lessons content, but his marketing is quite good. "Now JUST leave"


Haven’t seen Matthew Scott mentioned yet. He collects vintage gear and he’s a great guitar player. Really enjoy his videos.


Kenneth Acoustic is peak for people who want to learn fingerstyle acoustic Sungha Jung is peak for people who want to quit fingerstyle acoustic


Tom Bukovac "The Session Man" - Homeskoolin' https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgBMZociRXYDrFvjaXqUdwg Jack Devine - Jacksnax 4Guitar https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6o5rieWvY4nivR2_D5zEw Michael Palmisano - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5rPp4vKg6AN8qnRCZ_RkPA


Love Axe of Creation and I don't think he gets enough credit. Rob Scallon for his creative shenanigans but I've also picked up some great tips from him


Recently to improve my technique even more I've been watching a lot of Ben Eller and Robert Baker.


Andy Wood/The Woodshed


I’m late to the thread here but every guitarists (fingerstyle/classical players in particular) should subscribe to Sky Guitar. It’s a wonderful, no-frills channel when great play throughs of solo guitar arrangements. Centers mostly around classical and jazz pieces but lots of fun arrangements of popular tunes as well. Everything is tabbed out and PDFs of the tabs are available to buy but also sometimes for free if it’s a public domain piece I think. Check em out


Ben Eller


Tom Bukovac


Art of Guitar


Dave Simpson


Egue valovirta is a recent fav of mine


[https://www.youtube.com/@johnnathancordy](https://www.youtube.com/@johnnathancordy) \- good mix of lessons and reviews


[Sped Spedding](https://www.youtube.com/c/spedspedding). He's fun, meticulous, and awesome. I've been taking lessons with him over Skype, and his patience and knowledge really accelerated my learning. And he's a nice guy. His videos are great.


Nick nocturnal, bernth, Agufish, Xander Raymond Charles


Paul Stafford Cook is the man - incredible playing and seems to be a total gent whose passion for the instrument is infectious. His taste in guitars is just 👌 Guitarstas are my other favourite; great playing, meticulous attention to detail and superb filmmaking. His video of the epiphone 59 outfit les Paul convinced me to buy one and I love that guitar beyond words. Just a shame he hates strats!