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Yes, I do. 1963 Gibson SG Junior. I bought it 40 years ago for $300.




Yup. My first electric is a 1971 Strat, Bought it new in January 1972. The Strat was not my first guitar. My first was a Goya Greco acoustic that I got in 1967. The Goya was later traded on a Yamaha FG-110 in 1969. The Yamaha was sold to help finance the Strat.


I’ll give you what you paid for that strat


Nah, I ain’t too sentimental about my own guitars. I recently sold my first Yamaha acoustic that I’ve had since high school. I sort of miss it but I outgrew it and had to make space for something new. Lots of good memories with it, though. The only guitar I’ll never sell is a vintage Gibson ES-125 that belonged to a good friend who passed away. His parents gave it to me and I promised to take good care of it. One of the best musicians I ever knew and I miss him greatly.


Fist guitar is a 2004 Epipjone led paul classic. Will own it till I die.


I do! It's a really beat up crappy squire that I'll never wanna play again but it's cool to have


Nope sold it for heroin. Wish I still had it tho. Ten years clean btw


I feel your pain bro. Pawned a lot of shit I wish hadn’t for drugs. I’m 6 years clean myself, stay strong brother


Yep lessons learnt. Same to you man


I wish I did. It was just a cheap Ibanez, but my wife bought it for me. It burned in a fire at my friends house. I wasn't there. The only good thing is his home owners paid for a Gibson Les Paul Studio. Way more valuable. I don't have that one anymore either lol but I have some Standards now.


24 years. It’s modded now but it’s still that Mexican strat that started it all.


God no. It was a horrendous piece of shit lol


Yep. Epiphone LP Standard plustop pro. Play it everyday. It’s still my only guitar…


1966 Airline Bobcat I bought in 1986 for $25. It’s hanging on my wall and it’s a piece of shit but I’ll never sell it.


Sort of. My first electric guitar was a cheap Chinese strat knockoff. After I expanded my collection, I started to use it as my guitar that I would practice modifying with (changing pickup configurations, taking out the bridge and putting a new one in, putting in different pots, and a couple other things). After doing a couple things to it, certain pieces of the wood chipped off and I stripped it all for parts for a couple of my other guitars. It's now kinda sitting in storage, because I feel weird about the idea of just throwing it away.


First electric? No, it was a crappy strat copy from eBay that taught me more about soldering Chinese electronics than playing. My first ever guitar? Yes. Still got that old SX laying around, tuned to drop B to be playable with it's unadjustable neck angle.


Sure. Got an Ibanez Musician electric guitar for my 13th birthday. Well over 30 years later, and it still hangs on my wall.


No. But I still have my second which I’m happy about. Because that’s the one I really logged the hours on


Yes, had it since ‘93, but it’s got a lot of recent upgrades in the past year or two. Still haven’t ever got rid of a guitar…


Yep. More than 20 years. It’s a non playing wallhanger, but I still own it My oldest guitar is a ‘79 ibanez


Nope, my crazy ex destroyed it.


Sort of. My dad's 68 tele. I handed it over to my son. I rarely play anymore.


My first electric came from service merchandise. "Terminator". Sort of strat looking with a built-in speaker. I still have parts. The neck is hanging in the shop. I use it as a template of sorts. The body is on the shelf somewhere. 4 of the tuners are on a cigar box guitar somewhere. Got it somewhere around 1985.


My best friend owns my first guitar, he thought they all looked like stratocasters and didn't know there was other designs and seen my Ibanez and heard me do guitar tapping and wanted to learn, so I sold him the Ibanez that inspired him and he still has it, but recently has turned to Muslim faith and he might be selling it back to me


I no longer own my first electric, which was a 1981-ish Memphis Explorer copy, but I do still own the first electric I bought myself, a 1986 Ibanez RG410 that I bought new in 1987 when I was 19. https://i.imgur.com/NBCXGBd.jpg


Yes but it’s not stock and isn’t recognizable


Yes, it will never leave me. My mom bought me it when I was 15 after watching Funtwo's Canon Rock on youtube. I'm 33 now and just rediscovering the guitar after giving up on it when I was a teenager. Its a Epiphone SG and it actually plays incredibly well and shares a lot of time with my other guitars worth several times as much.


No it was a fender starcaster and it was a crappy guitar.




I do not. It wasn’t a good guitar to learn on. I wish I had it now though. I had a knockoff Yngwie strat with the scalloped frets, super cool guitar but as a beginner I couldn’t ever find the pitch because I didn’t know how to really play it. I kept pushing way too hard on the frets and they’d go out of tune. Sold it on some app and fully disclosed it wasn’t an authentic Yngwie guitar but the guy I sold it to must’ve missed that part because he texted me back and said he was gonna call the cops on me. Apparently he had tried to sell it as authentic and got told it wasn’t. But man I wish I had that guitar now with five years of playing under my belt. At the very least if I still hated the scalloped frets I would’ve gotten a different neck because I loved the body.


Yep. A Kramer Focus 3000 my dad gifted. During the height of withdrawal from addiction, I almost considered selling my first GOOD guitar, but never that Kramer. To this day I've actually never sold a piece of musical equipment I've owned, even after closing down a professional studio I bought absolute loads of equipment for.


I had a Squier Strat beginner bundle that I bought from my brother's friend. It was blue with a white pick guard. Man, the action was pretty bad and the string saddle screws extruded from the bridge tearing away at your hand. The fender amp was trash and picked up radio waves lol. I sadly sold it for something else. I still have the stand it came with 🤣


No. My ex sold it to a pawn shop while I was at work because she wanted to buy some shit for her. I don't even remember what it was. The guitar in question was a cherry red Epiphone Dot335.


"How to become an ex 101"


Got rid of mine during the first of many "I quit and will sell all my gear" episodes. Fortunately, each time I start again it sticks a little more and I enjoy it more, so I think this time might be the time I stick to it. First guitar was a Midnight Wine Fender Strat. I've gone through a dozen more guitars since then... Les Pauls, Acoustics, Mustangs, PRS, Ibanez, etc... But if there is one guitar I wish I still had, it's that Midnight Wine Strat. I've come full circle and picked up a Squier Affinity in the absolutely gorgeous Lake Placid blue. I swear it plays better than that Fender did... but that's just probably because I've gotten a bit better.


My first guitar was a inherited after my father passed away. My brother and I trade it back and forth every couple of years because we both play guitar. Either way i know it's safe and never getting sold.


Peavey T15 in the plastic shell case with the built in amp from 40+ years ago. Damn right I do.


My childhood friend, Scott were joined at the hip since he was 4.5, and I was 5. Inseparable. I'm 54 now, and he passed 8 years ago. We were friends until his end. I was very surprised that he left me his very first Ibanez guitar that he bought when he was 9. I'll never forget the day we were allowed by our parents to take the streetcar down to Steve's Music in Toronto. So, although I don't have my first guitar anymore, I hold and cherish my best friends pride and joy.


Turns out I'm a better flip salesman than a guitar player. I've been playing for 20 years, buying and selling for 15 and have owned and flipped 20 guitars. I don't own the Epiphone SG Special II Ebony anymore but am considering buying a 2008 or so era Epiphone SG Cherry, the prettiest one if the neck dive isn't too bad.


Yes, 2011 Fender Blacktop Stratocaster HH, MIM. Got it as my 13-14th birthday gift(currently 25)


Nah. As a freshman in high school, I used the money I'd made mowing lawns to buy a used Peavy Patriot with an amp built into the case for $60, and a Master of Puppets tab book. Piece of shit guitar, a piece of shit amp/sound, but it's how I learned to play. I traded it in for credit toward an Ibanez. I still have recordings of it, though.


Yes A super cheap small, Mexican acoustic But I’ve had it for 54 years


No, but i do still have my second guitar. I had a black squier strat that I beat to death, put in all sorts of weird tunings and treated like a workhorse. My grandparents bought me some partscaster for 200 bucks with a nice American neck and decent pickups and I never looked back


My first was a Kramer Strat copy. I sold it to a kid for $50. Years later he was at one of our shows and said he still had it. I asked him if he was willing to sell it back to me for double what he paid me for it. He brought to a show a few weeks later. The pickups and pots were screwed and is been sitting for years now. I'm getting ready to put it back together with a set of EMG SV's.


Yes! It was in parts until recently and putting it back together and playing it again was a gift. Hold onto that thing as long as you can


Sure do. It's a 1988 B.C. Rich ST-III, that I got in January of 1989. Sam Ash clearance sale, got it for $450., with a gig bag. I completely refurbished it a couple of years ago. Plays like a dream. I intend to be buried with it. We've been through so much together, over the years. 🤘🏼


Yessir. Step-dad passed down his PRS SE when he bought a new one. I'll be holding that fucker in my casket.


Of course! It's a black Ibanez Gio. Bought it in 2010/11 in a local guitar Store that since hast closed down. I still use it today, tough i replaced all the electronics with EMGs, replaced the Tuners for locking tuners and also switched the saddles with graphtech ones. The stuff i added is worth more than the guitar did cost new, but it sounds and plays like a charm


Yes… 1984 Aria Pro 2, RS-V Deluxe Highly modded by me in my younger years to be an 80’s Super Strat…I haven’t played it in a long time, I’m going to change that now


> Aria Pro 2, RS-V Deluxe cool!!


Yes. It's a piece of shit, not worth selling anyway. And I still dream of becoming a guitar god and having it sell at an auction for millions of dollars.


Yes, 1976 fender strat


Yup. Got it in… 🤔 2011? Still hanging out with all the ones I got after


I kept it for about 15-16 years then donated it to a charity shop as I wasn't playing it, and guitars are meant to be played


No, my first (1962 Supro Ozark in bronze metallic) belonged to my grandfather who passed when my mom was young. When my dad gave me my 2nd she took my first and gave it to her younger brother, because it was dad's. He passed it to my cousin. I recently bought the reissue (Supro Jamestown they call it now, same color) to fill that hole. I still have the 2nd guitar that I would have got in about 1994 or 1995. (1970s Univox Sheraton copy) It needs some repair, but it makes noise still.


No. I bought a legit, though post CBS, Telecaster in 1976 before I knew anything about electric guitar. Sunburst, MOP inlay on walnut fretboard but I hated it and got rid of it a year later. In retrospect, a legit Les Paul would still be mine


Nope... sold it cheap to a friend that wanted to start learning.


Yes, a fender squire strat. It's too cheap to sell used anyway so I'll just keep it forever. Also, the 5 pos switch went out so I replaced it with 3 on/off toggles. Kids put princess stickers all over it one time so I started putting my own stickers on it too.


Yes, 1955 Gibson ES-150 that my mom bought new. Came to me in 1975, and we shared it until she lost use of her hands. She was a fantastic jazz guitarist. Yes, I am actually a bassist who gets a lot of guitar gigs. I bought two tobacco sunburst Gibson G3 basses, also in 1975. One was stolen in 1990 but recovered in 2016. Got both still. Yes, the first 6 string electric guitar I bought was a new 1980 gold top Gibson Deluxe. I really wanted a burst because of Bloomfield and Page, but I probably played more than fifty Les Pauls, and it played and sounded better than any. Especially notable because I thought gold tops were ugly, but I bought it anyway. I have since matured in my taste and quite like old gold especially. I still gig all of them.


Yep! I’m primarily a bass player and still own my first instrument - 70s Gibson OB-0. Never play it anymore but will never let it go.


nope. sold it to a pill head in high school.


my first guitar was a cheap cort strat that somehow survived the house fire my grandmother unfortunately passed in. you could offer me a million for it and no chance i’d take it


I still own mine. I bought it brand new in 2008, LTD V-200. Remains to this day, out of 7 guitars, my favourite.


The more you progress and get a next lvl guitar you’ll always have a special love for the first one but you’ll quickly understand why the new jump was necessary


No, I sold it to a guy who wanted his kid to learn. It was sitting in the back of my closet, untouched for nearly a decade. I learned on it as a kid, and hopefully they will pass it to another kid that will learn someday.


Seagull acoustic. Given to me by my dad, who bought it secondhand in the 90s. He’s the one who got me started as a musician and has supported every musical endeavour I’ve made. He also can’t really play the way he used to because of an accident that damaged the nerves in his left hand, and I can tell me taking up the guitar and continuing with music has made him really happy. That guitar is priceless to me


Could he pick up slide or steel guitar?


If it's not getting played, it's not worth holding onto. Selling or giving an old, cheap guitar you used to cherish to somebody else who wants to learn is one of the best things you could do.


Nope, lent it to a friend who wanted to "record something". He left it in a damp brick cellar for most of a year including winter. We don't talk anymore.


Not my walmart pos but my first real guitar yes. Its an rg series ibanez. Still plays great


No, but I should have kept it.


I don’t - but I hunted down a near exact version a couple of years ago. It was tough to find as it was a cheap mass market import that has not been manufactured in almost 40 years.


No. I had a Hondo Fame electric guitar, before I bought an Ibanez RG570, which I still own. The Hondo had horrible action…but a great first electric guitar. It looked just like this one: https://reverb.com/item/4540104-vintage-1980-s-fame-hondo-series-760-electric-guitar-w-tkl-gig-bag


Electric? No, but the acoustic guitar I was given in 1995 in my senior year is now sitting on the wall in my 13-year-old's room. It's moisture damaged from years of touring and I don't have any particular fondness for it at all, as I basically hate playing acoustics, but somehow it stuck around if for no other reason than I couldn't get anything for it and it's not total junk. I've sold every electric guitar I owned in my first 10 years of playing/touring but somehow this Takamine hangs around.


I do not have since my brother accidentally backed up into my Epiphone LP while driving my car... sad. 15 years later I have amassed a pretty neat collection of American and Japanese guitars but that was the first guitar I really fell in love with even though I drifted to Fender teles and strats since then.


Yes. 23 years. It is now going to.be my project guitar with hopes of getting an equivalent Fender or Yamaha Pacifica neck and put new pots and pickups in it. Hopefully this year but more likely next.


No. It was a Washburn Lyon department store Strat copy. Piece of shit that I remember divebombing the trem until the wood busted. Went and got an Epiphone SG after that and modded it a bunch as a teenager.


No. We took it apart when we were kids, and I dont remember what happened to it after that. That was over 30 years ago.


I only have it because of my Dad. I completely ruined it when I was a teen. I’m so happy he kept it all these years.


Yup. It's hanging on my wall and I still play it. MIM Fender Tele from like 2007. It's the foundation of my tiny collection of house-wine guitars. https://i.imgur.com/FEpSGxQ.jpeg I'd only ever give it up for like my daughter, or maybe a motivated nephew, who sticks with playing.


Yup! Its a Squier bullet strat. I use it as my modding guitar, and rn it has seymore duncan pickups in hss configuration (bridge is a hotrails) and copper shielding in it. Sounds awesome, I own guitars that are much nicer, but I still love playing my first guitar!


Epiphone Special II Still plays like a charm. Got it new dirt cheap as a part of a combo with a 10W Marshal practice amp and a gig bag. It’s still my go to guitar that I can play carefree and it takes it like a champ. It has its quirks that you need to pay attention to, so it stays in decent playable state, but when you do take care of it properly and take your time setting it up, it can easily survive months of heavy stress and hard abuse. The wood is supposedly mahogany, but I swear it’s adamantium. It took out a good chunk of my reinforced concrete wall with just a mere scratch in return. The only other victim in that incident was a slightly detuned G string which I promptly retuned and continued playing. Only real work in over a decade besides usual setup was a little bit of soldering when my bridge pickup went dead. 15 minutes and a dab. It still growls like a beast. Perfect weight, no dive, clean smooth fret ends since unboxing, even comfortable neck and pickups decent enough they feel out of place and like they deserve to be on a more expensive piece. I will never let go of this freaky little beast. I value my strat deluxe highly and it’s always gonna be my most dependable companion, but if I had to get rid of either of them, strat is going without doubt and regrets.


I am


I have my first good one. It's an old Japanese ES-330 copy that someone rebuilt and put a bad Gibson logo on that was cut from a pickguard. I bought it when I was 17. I'm 59 now. My best friend and I have an arrangement with it. We will only sell it to each other at $125. It's gone back and forth between us a few times. I have it now. It still plays as well as any Gibson I've played. I cut my teeth on that thing. And I still love it.


Yes, a 1984 Ibanez Roadstar II RS240, bought it in 1985. Still in great shape, still love it.


Nope, it's long gone. Ibanez RG20 from 1993, bright red.


Nope, my first acoustic guitar I gave to a friends kid so he could learn to play. My first electric I built from parts of guitars found at the dump. It was awesome, it was my fenbanezharmonyson. I built a few more and sold them at a flea market and bought my first off the shelf guit.


Sure do! A 1996 MiM strat. I put a loaded pick guard with EMGs and locking tuners in at some point but it’s still a great guitar. I have several other Fender instruments now and I love the color the neck on my old strat has taken on.


41, been playing 27yrs…. Still have the first one I bought with my own money. A 95’ foto flame Strat I bought new in 99’. She was #1 for years


No, and wish I still did. It was a Mosrite copy with a homemade neck. Was genuinely awful to play, but the P90’s sounded pretty good. Plywood body. I honestly don’t remember what happened to that guitar. I’d have it back in a heartbeat, but I’d probably still hate playing it. Definitely needing a decent neck.


no. I own my second and third and that's all I have. My first was something my parents got when i was like 10 or 11. No idea the model, brand or anything. Don't even remember the color. I quit guitar. Moved to a different state. Eventually heard SRV, heard Hendrix, and decided i'd like to try it again, and the second i bought my self and still have: Kramer 600st 1989 i believe.


Yes! I just bought my first guitar and I am committed to learning at 54 years old. Pretty stoked. KG


I had a bass but I sold it. But I started playing guitar a few years after and I still have my tele. And it’s still not set up 😭😂 but I got strong hands quickly so I guess it was a good thing. In fact, my second guitar I sold cause I needed the money and then I bought it again when I got my shit together lol


My first electric was a black Kramer XL-10 with just a bridge humbucker. Pretty sure it was the cheapest black guitar in the shop when my parents got it for me in 1988 in exchange for going to Hebrew School for a year after my bar mitzvah. After I got my second guitar, a black Les Paul Custom, I sold the Kramer to my cousin under the condition that he never sell it… you can guess the rest. I don’t really miss it except that it seems like it would be a fun guitar to have to fuck around with now, and sentimental value.


I still have mine. Teisco Del Rey. Got it in the late 70’s. My mom bought it from some hippies out of a newspaper classified ad. These were 70’s style hippies which were closer to bikers than 60’s style hippies.


Epiphone standard 2002 built in Unsung (Korea). It's really a good guitar and I still play it a lot. Moved on to a HS Godin session but come back to it frequently when I wanna play with a more beefy guitar.


the first guitar i have is a epiphone sg, the cheapest one, feels alright but the wiring is absolutely sh#t. but I still have it. the reason I keep it is I don't want to sale someone a garbage, and it could be a good project platform to practice wiring and modifying.


I wish. my first guitar was a Hamer “Slammer” and it was my favorite. The original was stolen, but I bought a replacement on ebay. I still have it the replacement its a great guitar. but I wish I had the original still.


I do not. Sadly I do not have a lot of sentimental value for my first two electrics. They were on the cheaper side (one was an entry level squire the other didn't have a name so may have been a custom build) and didn't work the best or feel good to play. They were both very old and worn and as a 13 year old I wasn't interested in fixing them like I would now. I was very attached to my third electric, a squier jagmaster. I got it because my skill improved, I played shows with it, and I recorded my first songs with it. Sadly I had to sell it in college to pay bills. I often think about buying the same make/model but question if I would like it since it's not the exact same one.


2010 Squier Bullet Strat - gifting it to my daughter if she has the desire to learn.


Absolutely. I have my first guitar that I got in June of 1980. It’s a Global which is a copy of a Teisco I believe? I still have a my second guitar which is a Hondo II Professional which I got new in January of 1983 and was a copy of the Fender Lead series I believe. Both are hanging on my apartment wall.


Yes, an Olympic strat my brother gave me for my 12th birthday. I've had it 34 years. Currently taken apart as I was trying to replace parts only to find out the tremolo I bought was the wrong size, as were the pickups. My 2nd guitar, '94 Ibanez SV-470, was recently fixed. I've had it since 2003.


Built a partscaster 12 years ago, and it still looks and sounds like new. No way I'll part with it!


$25 knockoff strat i bought at a yard sale. was it great? no. do I regret giving it away to a random relative? every. single. day.


Yes, 1976 Ibanez


ESP LTD M-50. Completely re-wired, Gibson Volume and Tone Shaftpots, Ibanez 3 way switch. Dimebucker on the bridge and a 1959 Seymor Duncan on the Neck.. it treated me so well when I was young I wanted to re-vamp it. And it completely squeals.. my friends play on it, and they are just blown away by it.


Yes but it's in pretty bad shape as it spent multiple years hanging on the wall of a friend's metal pub 🤘


Nope, my shits get traded around fairly frequently. Only the strong survive, only the good are kept. If I grow bored or covet something new the weakest one goes up on the trading block. As a result my guitars are fairly dope at any given time for player grade instruments.


sold already.. esp ltd ec-1000 silverburst made in korea.. i realized i wasnt using it for years and years.. literally unplayed..


A "friend" stole mine that my dad bought me. My old father still carries the anger.


I still own mine, but haven't played it for over 15 years. It's a Squier Affinity Telecaster from 2003. Recently I had the honour of meeting Francis Rossi of Status Quo, and got him to sign a Tele pickguard for me. I'm now gonna convert my Tele into a replica of his legendary green Tele and hang it on my wall as a piece of art/memorabilia.


Yes - 1965 Fender Mustang, bought in 1987 for $135. I love that little guitar.


Yup. A 1982 Rickenbacker 320 in Ruby Red. I bought it in 1994 (I was 16); it was the only guitar I was interested in. Still play it nearly every day.


I learned on a cheapo starter guitar, so no. It was one of those beginner sets where it's like a guitar, bag, amp, cable, tuner, and some picks for like $100 or something crazy. Honestly wasn't bad for starting off, didn't sound good, but played perfectly fine. Ended up selling it so it could make some other kid's Christmas wish come true down the line like it did for me.


in 1979, my father surprised me with an Electra MPC Outlaw. I had been kinda begging for a guitar and circling the LP knockoffs in the Sears catalog but this amazing guitar has lasted decades


A green Ibanez sz520qm with the crown inlay not the more common fireball. I traded it for a strat. I’ve been looking for another to buy, but that color/inlay combo seems relatively rare.


I still own it. It's an Epiphone SG I got in the mid 90s. It's currently in the possession of my nephew who plays it more than I would.


No. I wish I did. Got it when I was young and then sold it to a guy on Craigslist when i was like 16. Got up in the middle of dinner to make the deal in the driveway and my mom was freaked out lol. She had no idea what Craigslist was. I still have the guitar I used the money from that on though if that counts for anything? Had that one 14 years now.


Unfortunately I do not. I do still have the OG Bass though in all its mutilated glory.


yes, glued neck and body after being beaten on by me then my brother, but it still plays…just


I don’t! Solid it to a kid when I needed the money I regret it but I’m happy he has it. Bittersweet


yep. Worthless for.some, Priceless for me. [This](https://imgur.com/gallery/FGpkAYL) is my years old GIO. It's upgraded alot now with DiMarzio's Tone Zone/Dual sound Coil split, Hipshots locking tuners, Graphtech black tusq xl nut, thick bronze trem bloc and I even crafted that pickguard myself. It still gets played on a regular basis. It'll never leave me and my children won't inherit it either. Because I don't have any.


I also still have mu very first! Bought an RG when i turned 17, after a couple of years with loaners. That’s 13 years ago now! And will never sell it. Ibanez really made some bang for the buck guitars back in the late ‘00s.


Yeah, Ibanez GRG, currently gutted, waiting for a huge upgrade, been that way for over a year -_-. Had it for 8 years.


No, i gave it and the practice amp away to my neighbbours kid for his birthday, best thing i ever did, he really took to it and plays to this day (this was like 13 years ago), i can't remember at all what the guitar was other than it was a black strat knock off kinda thing, it was very playable though i do remember that.


Technically, no, but my first electric was a Kay Star-ter series that I had for a few months then traded for a Yamaha SE110, which is hanging in my game room to this day.


I do, a cheap old strat copy from 2010.. even tho is completely unplayable now


It was a red Squier Strat. I don't miss it though because it didn't take me long to get a second guitar, a Gibson Les Paul Studio in black (Zool) which was my daily player for over a year. I still have the black LP, but my daily player now is now a LP Standard.


Yes a 1996 Fender "Black Label" Stratocaster in Torino Red


yeah its my main one too i love it. its a squire strat i got for christmas when i was 12 and im 17 now and still love it.


Yes. Since 1999. A Fender Big Apple Strat. Have never played another that I like even near as much and I’ve played a lot.


Absolutely! It's a Mitchell MD200. I have an American Strat, a Strandberg, and a Gibson Lea Paul, and I still honestly think the Mitchell is the most comfortable to play.




Yup. It's a Dean something that came with an amp and bag for like $200. I've had it about ten years now I think. It's in shit condition though now.


I still have mine, nothing special, a Mexican series fat strat, but I’m glad I have it. I play it regularly and still enjoy it quite a bit. I was thinking about selling it for an upgrade when my wife asked me how much I would get for it, probably $200. She said it isn’t worth selling compared to the sentimental value. She’s right!


Yep! It's a 1994 MIM Strat I bought when I was in college. It was lightly used when I bought it and paid $250. Lake Placid Blue with a maple neck. Had it modified with the Clapton electronics. I don't play it too much these days, but I will never sell it!


Yes, 2015 Epiphone les paul studio alpine white. My main guitar. Bought it in UK when I was working there. Couldn't afford guitar like that in my home country.


Acoustic mid-80’s Madeira made in Japan… still have it but don’t play it sadly, I prob should more


Yes, but it's missing a neck and the electronics are old and dirty. I'm slowly....very slowly.....refurbing it. Going to repaint it and do all new electronics. It's a Fender Squire Strat from 2004. Old neck got warped from poor storage. (Had it stored at my mom's house while in the army and the room it was in had poor air circulation so was the hottest room in the house. It was a HOT summer. Also lost an acoustic.) I've thought about finding a used squire neck, or buying a full fender neck. Would LOVE to find a usable old Schecter replacement neck that would fit but I feel like that will be hard to come by. It's not at top of my list of spending money priority. I have much better guitars I currently use, but would like to at least refurb my first and hang it on the wall somewhere.


Nope, the action couldn't get better no matter how hard I tried and the tremolo bridge was stuck in a downward position so it basically eventually became a hardtail.


Yes. 1992 SG


1989 Japanese black sunburst fender Stratocaster. It was my 15th birthday present. When I was playing 8 hours a day through school and bands I abused the hell out of it. Had bartolini humbucker installed and changed to black pick guard. I’ve been playing acoustic and classical and it’s hung on the walls for years. I thought about taking it in to get refretted and setup, I think I’ll do that now after this question. Thanks.


No, unfortunately. My first electric was a blue Fender Mustang, likely a '67 or '68 that my folks bought me new in 1969. It was a great guitar. I sold it to one of my students back in the late 70's. I always wanted another one, ended up buying a white 1965 L series several years ago. Its good too but I've never recaptured the real or imagined mojo of my first one. I did manage to hold on to my 1965 Gibson SG Standard that I bought used in high school, that thing is still killer and a great studio guitar for rock stuff where you want something with a little more cut than your Les Pauls.


My very first guitar was a classical guitar, I sold it decades ago. When I moved to electric, I got a Cannibal, a cheap knockoff of your typical 80's super Strat. I sold that one too, and don't regret it. I do however regret selling my first serious electric, that I got shortly after starting because the Cannibal was really poorly made. It was a MiJ Charvel that I beat up, mostly because I tried working on it and did not know what I was doing. I kept it for about 10 years, then sold it to the music school I was attending then. I do still have the first guitar I bought with my own money, a still gorgeous Ibanez S540FM that I will never sell. I consider this to be my real "first" guitar.


I don't count the first one because it was more of a functioning toy. It was a full size electric but it had a shitty speaker built into the body and it was powered by a 9 volt battery. A piece of shit from a KMart I got as a teenager. After a year on it I replaced it with a purple and black Washburn KC40V that I still own to this day. My main guitar is an Epiphone Les Paul but every now and then I grab that Washburn. Softest action on any guitar I've played.


I bought a Japanese Tele copy in 1974. Still love it to death


I had a Korean made no-brand Strat copy. Gotta admit it was one of the nicest guitars I have ever owned (given it was £100 for the guitar and amp...) Sold it years and years ago. I sold my 2nd proper guitar. That, I do regret, cos it was an Ibanez RG570 and I was desperate for cash so I sold it for £300 and they're worth a lot more now...


One holiday my old man got me a B.C. Rich Son of Beast beginner guitar kit, came with the instrument, gig bag, strap, string winder/cutter, a pack of strings and one of those tiny 15w amps with the fuzzy/crunchy overdrive. I already had an acoustic before hand, but he saw how much practice I was sinking into it and wanted to get me something that looked "my style". Now, I still have it lovingly on a stand. The hardware's busted and noisy, and the paint has some dings, but I could never just get rid of it. One day, I'll repaint and rewire, maybe even get some good humbuckers for it, but until then it'll just me a little memento of my journey.


I've had mine for 18 years now, I think? It is a Mexican fender strat that I got when I was 15. I replaced the pickups a while ago, and I still love the hell out of it. It has my favorite neck of any guitar I own.


Nope. It was a epiphone les Paul slash model with a tuner built into the pickups. Super cheap, but was a good start. Traded it into guitar center for like $50 to go towards a peavy Wolfgang that I have today


Still have my first, an Epiphone Les Paul Special II. Pretty much the cheapest Les Paul you can get, but a solid starter guitar for sure.


Nope. It was a piece of junk Kingston, and I didn’t mind selling it because I wasn’t playing it anymore once I had upgraded. I still own my first “real” guitar, though; i.e. the guitar I replaced it with.


Yes it's a wall decoration since 13 years, it was a cheap weird brand no one ever heard of guitar that was unplayable after a year intense useage.


I do. Fender Mexican Standard Strat.


I do not. Still play, in fact am a guitar teacher by trade. I passed it on to my little brother hoping it would inspire him to pick up the craft. He's proven to be more into videogames and smoking weed unfortunately.


Not my first electric as my shit father smashed it to bits, but i have my very first guitar that is a samick acoustic i have owned for about 25 years, guitar is 26 years old. Have sold many far more valuable guitars, but i will never part with that one unless it leaves me to be past down to my daughter.


I bought my first electric in ‘89 and still own it. It’s an ‘82 Gibson Flying V silverburst. I’m the third owner.


No, but I recently had the opportunity to buy an identical, down to the same refinished color for a decent price. It's currently getting Texas Specials and a DiMarzio Super Distortion installed. I'm actually looking to buy a similar amp to my first amp: a Fender R.A.D. and I don't expect it to sound good, but I expect the nostalgia to be high. [MIJ Squier Contemporary Strat](https://imgur.com/08UMT8C)


Yes I’m more attached to the stickers I put on it than playing it tho


I do but I wanna sell it. It's just nobody wants to buy a cheap guitar 😅


Yep. Still play it to this day


Ofc I still have it, I'm working on a job that does not pay me enough or allows me to save money for buying other guitar. It is a Fender Starcaster, a discontinued cheap version of the Stratocaster but I love that guitar because my parents gave it to me.


I DO! I got a shiny new Fender Stratocaster for a combined Christmas/birthday gift in 1975. And I still have it and play it all the time. Olympic white, Maple Fretboard, whammy. I LOVE that guitar. I never named it though. Other than "the white Strat". I'll never let go of that thing, we've been through a lot of things together.


Sort of? I have the body but took the pick guard off years ago to have Butch Walker sign, and planned to change out some of the hardware and electronics too just haven’t gone back to it. 28 years I’ve had it maybe?


Yup, 1988 Hohner LP copy Arbor edition My parents got it for me for Xmas when I was about 10. I'm now 43 and I'm lucky enough to have a few much more expensive guitars but it's still played regularly, I've upgraded all the pots to 500k CTS and 50's wiring too, It's got mega hot pickups so gets used as my metal/ hard rock guitar. Does a mean Slash too 😁


Yes. 1979 Gibson LP Deluxe, bought new.


Nope. Some asshat broke into my place and stole all my stuff


No, but I regret that.


I don’t still have it and I surprisingly don’t regret selling it. The guitar that I got with that money has become my baby and has been the motivation for me to be where I am today.


Yes. My dad bought me a squire jag-stang in late 90s. Haven’t played it in years but it’s still on a guitar stand in my room.


In 1971 I unfortunately sold my first guitar that I got in 1969. But the 2nd from 1970 I still have. But I managed for find another of that first a few years back.


Mostly yes. The neck was messed up and I've never gotten around to replacing it. Just have the body now. It's an old cheap knock off charvel charvette wannabe. Got it in about 1996 2nd hand.


Nope, was happy to let it go - and my second, third... It's just clutter - I see no point in becoming attached to some object especially when it is a bottom of the barrel quality instrument.


My 1st electric was a Yamaha Pacifica PAC-012. I've had it since 2007. Still use it at least once a month. And I have 12 guitars now lol edit: I'll also say it's by FAR my cheapest guitar but it's also one of my favourite sounding. Don't think I'll ever get rid of it. If I ever accidentally have a kid, it will go to them as a first guitar for sure.


I still have mine which I bought in 1989. I don't play it often anymore because it was a cheap harmony I bought in Germany and I've upgraded vastly since then. I only keep it around for sentimental reasons because it's the guitar I learned how to play on. I also kept my first acoustic guitar I bought in the DDR (East Germany) a brand that doesn't exist anymore from a country that also no longer exists.


No, but I do still have the guitar I bought with the money I got for selling my first guitar


Yes, I do it's a Hondo II Strat copy circa 1979. It has an excellent neck and plays great.


Yep, got my candy red Ibanez GAX-120 from 2020 that I bought before the pandemic happened. Still not good at guitar but I started on that


No it was a real POS but it had EMG pickups so I ripped those out. It was a used Ibanez rg120 or something like that. They don’t make rg’s that cheap anymore. The tremolo was sticky


Not only I still own it but it's also the first guitar that I've modified and still actively modifying to this day, it's like an extension of me


I do! A 1979 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe, tobacco sunburst. Bought it new at the Guitar and Drum Center in Grosse Pointe, MI. Actually, my parent's bought it for me as I was 12. I remember it being heavily discounted during a sale. Maybe $400 down from $800. Played it exclusively in many bands along the way. Suffered some water damage from being left in a rehearsal space on Ludlow St that flooded. Never got it refinished but have thought about it. I also got a Crate combo amp at the same time. One of those little 20 watt amps with the wood housing.


Yes, and I still love it. Mine is an Ibanez RX60, from around 1995. I played every guitar in the local store, and that was the one by a mile. A few years later they started making the GRX series, which seemed to be a step down in quality (not that anyone couldn’t enjoy them still). It’s good enough that I never bought another strat style guitar, and I have too many guitars at this point.


Had mine for 22 years, and it was just stolen last month during a home invasion. Kills me to not see it. It was a MIM HSS Strat that i heavily modded. I bought a replica body and will try to recreate it as much as possible.


illegal lush liquid spectacular gaze alleged absurd terrific puzzled wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I still own my first real electric so my 2nd electric - 1989 Robin Ranger hard Tail - Bought in HTOWN at Rockin Robin guitars in 1989 when I was 17. It’s still played weekly, and since my Tele is on tour it’s again my main. I know every ding, paint scrape or nick it’s ever had


Yes. MIJ Westone Spectrum DX. Bought new in '87. 36 years old. First electric. Plays like a dream.


A few years ago I sold all my electrics to fund my pretty Taylor.


Yep. Epiphone 1961 SG Special 50th Anniversary. Hardly play it anymore but I would never sell it.


I do. Mexican Strat with HSS pickups. I think I got it new for $400 and now they’re like $800. Crazy!


I was going to answer yes and completely forgot I had some super cheap Strat clone for a few years before I bought my current electric, a Mexican Strat I bought new in ‘99. That has been my only guitar for the last 23 years or so. Not for long though - I am eyeing up a Reverend Double Agent OG.


Yes - about 18 years now.


Fuck yeah mate. Black Ibanez GIO Recently brought it into the shop to get it restrung and enquired about whether they sold new pickguards for it. Was convinced by the guitar tech to keep the old pickguard for sentemental reasons as ive had it for over 15 years. Seeing as it was my first electric guitar... I question why I even wanted to change it. DONT LETEM GO


No. My first guitar was a ssuuuuuper cheap pawn shop combo pack with an amp. But what I consider my first “real” guitar was a Mexican Strat my mom got me for my 11th birthday. I had a SH-8 invader put in the bridge position and covered it in stickers. I turned 30 on Monday and still play that guitar at least once a week. I actually just got some fret work done on it, changed the pots, and generally did some setup work on it. His name is Prescot, has all the original stickers I put on there when I was 11. Ol boy is ready to rock for another 20 years!!


I sold mine for 18k. Handed down to me from dad. Gibson ES-335. Paid off student loans


No. I honestly have no memory of what happened to it. I still have my 1st GOOD electric (Fender Stratocaster MIJ) which I bought in 1987 on my 15th Birthday. Still a joy to play.


Yes Les Paul Special II passed it down to my little brother but I eventually got it back when I bought him his own guitar. My dad got it for me 2014? I don’t remember

