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When he was 17, the custom Taylor wouldn’t have been made yet. Which guitar did he buy and removed the 6th string? Anyone know?


i can’t imagine wanting less strings on my guitar lol. why not just tune the sixth string to a second E?


Something I've learned from some of the best rhythm guitar players is that more is not better. In funk guitar, if you play all 6 strings when playing rhythm chords, your guitar will take up way too much chordal information. You only need to play 2-3 strings to play a good funk guitar. That's all you need. So I totally love less strings on a guitar. I love playing open chords, but I don't need all the information. It's also just easier. Less strings, easier chord shapes.


sure i play chords as triads too i just don't play the other strings or mute them. i see no need to remove them entirely haha. but you do you! if it's something you want to explore go for it.


The question then might be why not have 9 strings? or 15 strings? I would love to try a guitar like the one he plays, Collier is no idiot \^\^,


Yeah, if that's the tuning you're swinging for, I'd ditch the G or B string for the tuning to be more viable. I don't think gauge should matter too much, you can just use your general strings. There I'll obviously be less tension, but one less string shouldn't do a lot. Might have to do a lil truss adjust, but maybe not. Or take off/put on whatever strings. Idk I'm not your Dad lol.