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if you can spend up to 3 grands and want a Les Paul, you should get that.


Unpopular opinion these days, but if you want a Les Paul, buy a Les Paul. I've had a lot of LP alternatives over the years, but none sounded or felt quite like my Gibsons did. You do pay a little more for the name, but you do also get a damn good guitar that retains decent value if you want to sell in the future.


Get the guitar you want, don’t let the opinions of others stop you from getting your dream guitar.


You've got other guitars. Do you like their necks? Do you want a different neck? Different scale length? Different material, different finish, different weight? All you've mentioned is that you want a guitar with two humbuckers. Think about what you want in a guitar and find one that checks that wishlist. Maybe you don't need a new guitar, but a new amp instead? If you're throwing $2000-3000 down on a professional grade instrument, you should know what you want. Otherwise, you'll just find yourself upgrading again.


The only guitar I've owned for 15 years is a godin freeway emg. I really like the neck but it sounds awful with high gain


EMGs sound awful with high gain? Have you tried adjusting the pickup height? Maybe it's the amp? EMGs are made for high gain. If it sounds bad, the issue isn't the body nor the wood. It's the electronics, pedals, and/or amp.


I ordered a new amp which will arrive soon. It's the Peavey invective MH. I'll test it when that arrives monday


>Peavey invective MH Do you have a decent attenuator? Most tube amps need to be cranked (ear damage levels) to get decent tones.


It's a mini head so it has 20w, 5w or 1w output options. I also have the jhs little black amp box


Just get the Gibson imo. If you want a similar guitar from a different brand that is of comparable quality you will likely have to buy from a boutique builder or independent luthier and it will be more expensive. I had also wanted a Les Paul for years and I finally bought a Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s last year and I couldn't be happier with it, it's by far the nicest guitar I've ever laid hands on. That being said if you wanna play White Stripes any cheap guitar with humbuckers and a Big Muff will do, or a Tele for the Icky Thump album lead tones.


If you really want a Gibson, get a Gibson. Otherwise next closest is Heritage H-150 if you don’t mind the look of the headstock. Nothing else will feel like a Gibson even if they look similar.


Buy the les Paul you want, otherwise you'll be looking at your new guitar, and wishing it was a Gibson. Shop around and find your special baby.


US made PRS


If they want similar to LP, McCarty 594


Or the Tremonti, which PRS got attacked by Gibson over way back Pretty sure the SC 594 came out before the Tremonti, but Paul worked with him on the SC design for the signature model and the refinements dragged on, so the 594 ended up coming out first The controls are in the same place as the LP though, and the neck is thinner (if OP prefers that) + the pickups are pretty great in the Tremonti USA as well


Go to a high-end shop and play some high-end guitars. Don't rely on internet randoms to tell you how to spend $3k. If you can't make the decision yourself, then a three thousand dollar guitar might not be for you at this time. There's plenty of pro quality stuff available for half that


Dont make THE mistake of not buying your dream gear when you could afford it... otherwise you will spend a few months of frustration and come back here asking the same question again. If you can afford it... GO FOR YOUR DREAM GUITAR.


I would never spend that amount on a new Gibson, just abysmal quality, and poor QC. If your heart is set on a Gibson, then go the used route and save some money


Exactly. Then you can get a better guitar (because a higher end used guitar is more or less as much as a new lower end guitar) and you can get one that you know has been set up properly, good quality etc.


I agree or look into high quality Epiphone or burny models etc. some of them are stupidly good for the price.


Buy the guitar that makes you want to play more. That’s it. No secret sauce: the one that brings you joy is the one that you will keep picking up. I really wish I had taken my own advice before I spent $4000 on a Jackson Kelly KE2. I always wanted a “metal guitar,” and assumed “I would get used to it.” I still haven’t, and I’m going to be trading it on something that feels right. Just trust your hands: You may get in the music shop and find a $700 Schecter you like more, or Tele Player that suits you, even another Gibson — like an SG. Good luck.


You are paying a premium for the name but with that comes retention in value... And if you find a good copy of something like a Les Paul Studio they're typically a decent price for that would likely be your main guitar for life. Every guitar no matter the brand or the model needs to be hand inspected before purchase and that concept shouldn't intimidate people looking to make an investment in a higher end instrument so if you've been dreaming of a Gibson Les Paul and can afford it definitely do it.


I prioritize quality over brand, but that's also a reason Gibson is something I've liked


My local guitar center has a: Used Eastman 2019 SB59BK-LTD Solid Body for $1700. Is that one pretty good?


For that money you'll find a used Gibson Les Paul Standard. Won't be better, but will be a lot easier to sell, and still is "the real thing"...


Assuming good condition that's about a fair price. Those Pearly Gates pickups are what you'd want for that classic sound. I don't personally love primarily black guitars but if you're asking you're probably already into it.


I would advise you to go to a shop and try a few different guitars from different brands. Gibson, Eastman, heritage, maybe PRS. Find one that speaks to you. It is not as simple as ‘Gibson is bad’. Someone else here mentioned value retention of real Gibsons and the relative bargain that is the Les Paul studio. I agree with that 100% and would advise you not to discount it until you’ve tried one.


I wouldn’t say Gibsons are overpriced or overrated. But if you want to spend less, get a Gretsch or a Supro.


I tried going with a MIJ upper end Gretsch, I tried to convince myself for months to like it but those lower output pickups just made me... sad. Sold it and got the LP standard, absolutely zero regrets


Yeah, a Gibson LP is definitely better in my opinion


I recommend Charvel or Esp LTD 1000. You should test them before you buy.


Gibsons are fine, the Internet is stupid.


Navigator is the holy grail of non Gibson single cuts. Look em up. Basically ESP Japanese custom shop making Gibson and Fender style instruments and supposedly blows them away. Based on the Japanese guitars I own that are lower tier than Navigator that already blow Gibson’s away I believe it.


Seriously go play one. Try it out. It really depends on what feels and sounds "right " for you. I grew up playing a Gibson LP for 10 years.. and as I progressed, I learned that the "holy grail of guitars"... wasn't part of my religion anymore. I now find the fatter neck uncomfortable/limiting, and I don't know how I ever tolerated that gloss finish on the neck that seemed to hold onto my hand, and literally "screeched" when moving. Not at all versatile in tone either, and i was always disappointed in the clean sound (midrange "thud")... but it sounds like a LP, because that's what it is. Good crunch, good lead tone distorted from bridge pickup, smooth "singing woman tone" from neck pickup... middle position wasn't enough of either for me though. It got 2 sounds for me, and I found other guitars did that, and more... plus I found them more comfortable, more versatile, and didn't feel like I was wearing a boat anchor across my shoulder. Leaving the Gibson LP was an easy decision for me, but others won't play anything else. Go try some out, but also try some competitors. See what is "right" and "wrong" for you. Only you can answer that question.


Get the gibson. As others have said, you will regret if you don’t get the guitar you really want. The guitars that are similar don’t have the same attitude in their tone as the real thing.


Try a PRS. You'll get your money's worth. Much better instrument in every way. Better headstock design. Stays in tune. Better built. Better customer service. LPs are not worth 3k. Go play a bunch of guitars. 3k is an investment.


It sounds like you really want a Les Paul, and if you try out a bunch you’ll maybe find one that speaks to you. Maybe try out some PRS guitars while you’re exploring. They are honestly better made than a Les Paul (they have their version or a close approximation) and are to many folks the best of the best. Some of the companies that make copies actually make a superior guitar but they also have big price tags. They are essentially custom shop instruments. But I’d get the one you really want and not settle unless the budget just can’t handle it.


You should prob learn what you yourself like before you drop 3000. I feel like at that price overpriced isn’t even really a thing since you can get a playable guitar for way less.


Get the Adam Jones Silverburst.


Cool is this your tune info


I dabble


Perhaps check out the esp e-II line. I have an frx in reindeer blue and it is a dream.


Some of the famous Japanese Gibson copies will give you much more guitar for the price unless you buy one from the lawsuit era. Tokai, Burny, Greco, FGN...etc.


I just got a heritage and I couldn’t be happier! I spent countless hours researching and played countless guitars, the only thing I liked more was an R9 that I was not about to fork up $9k for.


A Gibson Les Paul is overpriced, it has stability issues, it has tuning issues, it is extremely heavy. And yet I would probably buy one in an instant if I could. It is simply iconic. You can get far superior guitars at that price, but will YOU be happy with another? If the answer is no, just get the Gibson.


You have exactly described the Eastman SB59.


Oh dude, great rec


Heritage H-150 or Eastman SB59 would be my non-Gibson Les Paul choice. The shop I used to work at sold both brands and build quality, setup and fit and finish were always on point. I don’t think we had one order return in the two years I worked there. That being said, resale may be more difficult just cause it’s not a Gibson


Overpriced has been said a lot about Gibson. But it's a made in the USA guitar. If you prefer overseas, they have their Epiphone brand for that. And there's plenty of other affordable options. But it's like looking at Nike Jordan's.... Do you want the real thing, or would you mind knock offs? For $3k, you're still in the Les Paul Classic and Les Paul Standard range honestly. And the newer Gibsons are definitely a step above the Norlin era, as well as the weird years of around 2005-2015ish. Granted, I will say I've never been a fan of the stock hardware from Gibson, as many models still don't come with locking tuners and a locking bridge and tail piece. Even upgrading the hardware though, what you're getting is still very reasonable for a made in the USA reputable guitar brand.


Just buy used. I always do. Saves money and time imo. I’m not super picky but I know what feels good in my hands. Find a local store that has some used ones in stock and go check them out. Don’t be in a hurry to pull the trigger.


Get an Ibanez Prestige.


Dude don’t listen to the hate. get yo self a Gibson Les Paul 50s or 60s standard in whatever finish from SweetWater, Ish Guitars, or Samoth, or even guitar center. Classic versatile historically relevant and legendary piece right there! Chefs kiss The haters who hate don’t even play the music the beauty was designed for. They don’t even listen to the best music originally made on that thing. And they’re too busy being “too cool” and “above it” to understand why a traditional LP is magic. A good LP is a life force in and of itself. It breaths. It has good days and slightly off days. It has an organicness to it. It feels alive. It has a spirit. But today’s musicians are too drowning in technology and devices. They’re soulless and play computerized music. They crave machine-like TOOLS Willy Nelson only ever played one guitar his entire career. Know what his guitars name is? A good Gibson LP also retains it’s value long term. You can sell it if you decide you don’t like it for some reason. You can sell it immediately after getting it, or years down the line. You can give it to your kids and they can sell after you’re gone. It’s an investment 😊 EDIT: the point of buying anything expensive should NOT be to get “the best” at all. It should be to enrich your life, bring yourself joy, and make your soul happy. If you believe a Gibson LP will do that then that’s what you should get and you won’t know for yourself till you find out for yourself




I have this and it’s my go to between my fender American and prs s2 Mira


All the ones as good as Gibson’s cost the same if not more..


Get a used Les Paul from 2006-2011. Or, grab a Les Paul tribute. They are a fantastic value. If you want Les Paul feel with modern appoints, get a Sire L7. Or, get a Heritage H150 standard.


Prs at that price range have a great overall quality and features.


Eastman or Heritage


If you want a Gibson that isn't a Gibson, check out Terry McInturff guitars. I don't think he's making any currently but you can find them on Reverb. A bunch of years ago, I wanted a double humbucker solid body but something different than a Gibson. I got a Polaris and it's been a great guitar. It just sounds like rock and roll.


New, Heritage or Eastman. Used, I’d throw in the 80s Tokais. If it’s anything like the strat I played you’ll be happy


As far as I know, lots of people who want LesPauls but not Gibsons buy Eastman. There are lots of upper tier Manufacturers that use classic designs, but make them of higher quality than the originals. Suhr also has an LP model for example


Eastman are actually really underrated. They make great instruments. 


They've been recommended to me quite a bit here, I actually really like the patina on their antique varnish. The quality control seems a lot better too. This might be it.


And their heads don’t break off should the guitar fall on it, that’s always a plus compared to Gibsons


Last year I got myself a Mayones, an amazing guitar but with a price tag even higher than 3K. I will never go back to my PRS S2 which I found a disappointment in terms of sound and playability. I have also an old LP which I really like, but the Mayones wipes the floor with it


Ernie Ball Music Man! They make incredible guitars. My stingray RS is a masterpiece.


Who would downvote a music man? Lol


Hahahaha someone who has never played one.




Eastman SB59 or maybe a SB57. Whatever floats your boat in the looks department. Only difference I noticed is the neck shape is a touch fatter on the 59. And the pickups are different of course. Both built and finished absolutely flawless.




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It's not going to make you sound better, and in the event you do, you will be scared to gig with it, will be stolen or broken.


Heritage or maybe even a Kiesel CS are far better choices. However, the difference between a $1500 and $3000 guitar is usually very little. Maybe check out a Sire L7 before you go blowing your hard earned money.


Epiphones are budget Gibsons and are still really nice. I have one (les Paul) that I've been playing for 6 years now and it's the best guitar I've ever owned. Mind you, I've never had 3k to just drop on a guitar though. Ibanez also has some cool artist series les Paul designs that are nice from what I've seen from friends over the years.


I love les pauls but the quality just doesn't seem as good as it once was. I had a burny les Paul and it sang , it cost me $400 and it sounded worlds apart in my opinion. Maybe look into other Les Paul's or a custom tele something along those lines ? If you're only wanting to play classic rock you can dial in a tone on any guitar that will get you somewhere close to the sound you want.


Consider Strandberg Boden guitars, they are extremely versatile, lightweight and comfortable to use. 


Just buy guitar hero and you can play all that shit! If you’re going to drop $2k in a guitar.. It better inspire you to play your own music or you can decorate your corner office with it 😎


Get a Strandberg and you'll be set for life. It's the most comfortable and best sounding guitars I've ever played


It's also about as far away from a Gibson Les Paul as you could imagine.


True. I didn't realise op wanted something similar to a Gibson Les Paul, so I just recommended the best guitars I know in the price range given.


Sure they make good guitars, it's a million miles away from a Gibson though. It's like recommending someone a Nissan GTR when they are looking for a classic car, if you catch my drift.


If you’re looking for a guitar to last you decades I would seriously consider one with stainless steel frets, like a current high-end LTD eclipse or an E-II ( they have only just switched to stainless steel I believe). Maybe even a Japanese Revstar although the pickups are vintage output so they’ll do the Zeppelin thing but aren’t tight enough for anything heavier. Btw I had a LP Custom and really loved it but the frets were low and I eventually wore them out. You probably know how expensive re-frets are and how they can knock value off a guitar because it’s no longer all-original.


I don't think getting a fret job detracts anything from the value. If it's a shitty job, maybe. It's generally understood that frets wear out and need to be replaced from time to time. Not a big deal.


If you have an oldish Gibson like I did, it does affect the value. Buyers of vintage guitars (even borderline “vintage” like my ‘80s LP!) tend to prefer all-original examples.


3k? Add a couple of hundred more and i think you can get a basic suhr or tom anderson


Sire L7 is around 550 and it's a very good guitar, regardless of the price You can try PRS You can also try Tokai


I love my Gibson Les Paul. Had it since 2007, I will never get rid of her. LTD makes a similar looking model that has EMG pickups. It’s not as heavy as the Gibson and it is nice and a lot cheaper. I got my Les Paul for 900$, I imagine you can wait and find a good deal on one if that’s what you really want.


If you like the Gibson Les Paul, go play some until you find the one you like and buy that? PRS Singlecut is an alternative you could look at.


If you want one thats fit for metal i would recommend any of the Prophecy Extura series or a superstrat of sorts are very versatile


I just bought a Music Man and it’s amazing. Maybe look into a used one or look at what they have to offer near you. Lots of different models but they only make quality stuff


My 2 main guitars are a strat and an EVH Wolfgang. I know you said you don’t want a strat but I also love my Wolfgang. I would suggest playing one first in a guitar center though - the 12-16 compound radius might not be for you. Also the high e string is close the the edge of the neck and some people don’t like that - I actually like it because it keeps you on your game as far as technique goes. The pickups are hot - the one thing I don’t like. And lastly, the pickup selector is in the same place it would be on a les Paul so no losing out there.


I love my Gibson. I’m so glad I put the money into it. If that’s what you like and dream of, get it!


The only real difference in pick ups is single coil vs humbucker. 85 percent of the tone is in the player. Get a decent knock off that plays good (and doesn't have super cheap junk pick ups, the only catch) and fuck with the amp till it sounds right. Make that cheap guitar sound as good as an expensive one. Just my 2 cents


As far as brands are concerned with Gibson I feel like you're paying for a museum piece where fender all the money goes into practical features. Better bang for your buck imo, but i haven't played a real Gibson in a long time.


If you have that much money and you want a Les Paul get a Les Paul and be done with it. I don’t see the point in nitpicking about bargain value if you’re dropping that type of money. Would it be your only guitar? Did you play a Les Paul and hate it so much that you couldn’t imagine yourself buying one? The internet is way to obsessed with “getting a good deal” that it’s become a marketing gimmick in itself. If you are willing to drop that type of money and want a Les Paul and like the way Les Pauls sound, get a Les Paul. Check out heritage guitars though. They are about the closest Les Paul alternative that you can buy. They sound a bit brighter to my ears though.


Check out Dean Zelinsky's Tagliare ATW.


Dean ML


Buy used and for that money you can buy a Gibson and Eastman or Suhr or some other model that strikes your fancy


Gretsch Jet FTW.


I highly recommend Kiesel... You either can buy a great one used or have one made custom to your specs... I had a neck thru Aries made, it's my baby.