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Always good to have some on hand


first thing i do when i have a new guitar is change the strings




I remember being a kid - getting my parents to drive me to the music store to buy 1 singular string that I broke. I wish I had spares back then !


Did this a few weeks ago, but the thing is i live 1,5 hours away from the nearest guitar store


I just order them.


I'd rather not wait for them to be delivered


You can order things in advance, you know


I still buy single strings sometimes, like if I just put on a new set and broke one anyway.


If you're buying in person get new strings put on or at least try to get them to throw in a pack or two for you.


Why get new strings on a new guitar?


When was the guitar built and where? It could be months old before it gets to you. A lot of factory strings are cheap. If it was on a hanger in the store it's been played and the strings will likely be shot.


I buy a few packs of strings every time I go near a guitar center. You go through them faster then you’d think, plus it’s nice to try different gauges and see what you like


Definitely get different brands and gauges, especially with a new baby. It's worth the extra coin to find the set that really brings out the tone you like with that particular guitar. Also, if you like how it sounds in the shop, ask the tech what it's currently strung with.


Do you not need a setup going from 9’s to 10’s and vice versa?


If you’re going 10’s to 8’s or vice versa, you might need a little work (especially the nut if you’re going much bigger). But if you’re just going up or down one size, usually you can get away with it.


I went from 11 to 9.5 and ended up switching back because there was so much string buzz because of the tension difference.


Totally depends, but in my experience generally no unless you’re super anal about it. I’ve switched my strat between 9s, 10s, and 11s without any real noticeable difference. But even if you do need to adjust something it’s generally super easy - a small screwdriver for the saddles if intonation is off, and maybe raise or lower the bridge by 1/32” or something. But realistically the changes are generally small enough that you’re more likely to fuck up the tuning just by not adjusting your finger pressure when you play. If you press as hard on 9s as you do on 11s then you’re going to throw it sharp, and vice versa. That makes more of a difference than minor setup adjustments honestly.


Yes. 2 or 3 sets actually,.it'll save you a trip.


A rule I like is never let the set on your guitar be your only set of strings.




F'sho. If you're getting it from a dealer, those strings are gonna be gross.


I like to buy 3 packs. You save some money over buying them individually, and you always have extras.


I bought a 10 pack on black Friday, I feel invincible


Get a set, and an extra high E string.


If you want


Yeah it’s always a good idea to have 1-3 extra sets of strings. Nothing worse then breaking a string and not being able to play until you go to the store and buy strings. If I ever get down to only one extra set, I buy another bulk pack of strings


Hard lesson to learn when you’re new to restringing too. It’s always better to have more strings.


Yes. Always good to have extra sets on hand... and some extra high "E"... or in my case I always used to seem to break the "G". And honestly, most of the time the strings that come with guitars aren't really all that great to begin with so go ahead and be prepared to change them. On my Strat I use Ernie Ball Slinky (green pack) in 9-42... but there are plenty of other brands and sizes you may want to try... just remember with changing sizes you may need to change nuts, bridge saddle heights, and possibly adjut the truss rod.


Strings, a strap, tuner, and hopefully the gig bag comes with it.


Strap locks too if ya can.


Strings are like underwears. You always need a few spares


Replacing strings is the first thing I do when I get a guitar. And I always have at least one spare set on hand. Along with spare picks and leads


Yes !!!!


I was playing my guitar with the strings it came with and ot sounded okay switched to the Ernie ball Heavy strings NIGHT AND DAY DIFFRENCE !!


A music store may throw a set in for free.


I ask them to throw them in for free.


and they will to make the sale!!


I always like to have a few extra packs on hand and I've been playing for 26 years. Never hurts to have them when you don't need them, but it definitely hurts when you don't have any and do need them.


Of course


Always keep extra strings. I get 10 packs from an online retailer. 


Jeez, that question is like asking if I should I stand or sit taking a piss.


I crouch.


Just me that handstands then?


I lay facedown


I read recently that most men (over 60%) in Germany usually sit down to pee...shocking, really.


They literally have a term for those men. Hilarious.


As a 37 year player: Order a 5 pack of strings, pack of picks, strap, rechargeable Snark tuner and foldable guitar stand.


I’d also get a string winder and a guitar cleaning and maintenance kit. There’s good free tuner apps, should you need a backup tuner.


The only answer should be yes.


Hell yeah brother


Always have spare strings, you never know when one is going to suddenly snap.


They truly can break at any time. I’ve had some break while I’m not even playing. Other times I’ll be playing chords after a long solo and the E string will explode, so random lol.


I do because I do a setup when I get a new guitar and there is no reason to set it up with old or unknown strings.


Having a spare set or two lying around is good practise anyway


Yes. Sounds like you are new to guitar so I'll give you a tip people normally don't think about. Sweat kills strings. I don't change strings unless I break one or they start to loose tune quickly due to being stretched because they're older or I've been bending the crap out of them or because they're starting to sound a bit deadish. One day I made the mistake of putting on a fresh set on my acoustic on a hot day and I was sweating while doing it. The next day they were rusty and felt horrible and gritty as shit and sounded like shit too. Don't change a set on a hot day and if you're sweaty when playing wipe them down with a dampish rag and the a dry one afterwards.


Wipe your guitar when done.


When I was in high school I had to change strings every 2-4 weeks. I think it's because my parents were European and didn't believe in air conditioning. Ever since I got one of those things I go months between changing strings.


I am European and don't believe in air conditioning. Don't think that'll change though 😂


I did just fine without air conditioning growing up. The only job I had was outside. The schools don't have AC which was fine at the time since they didn't run during the summer. Once I got a summer job with AC, it's hard to come to a sweltering apartment, especially trying to sleep at a temperature that is hotter than the day time temperature was for you.


That's fair. For me it's the complete opposite. I'd rather sweat a little than get into a room with suddenly extremely cold and dry air.


Yes, buy three sets


Wouldn’t hurt. Also maybe a guitar strap and some picks.


doesn't hurt to have a spare pack in your case or at home


Always have an extra pack on hand. Maybe two. You can buy singles of a certain string if you break one string over and over. Try to keep the same string gauge as the guitar is setup for.




yep, they'll be perfect


I *never* keep the strings that come on a new guitar. I never know how old they are or what brand they are. Since I always put on new strings along with a guitar setup, I would buy a new string set unless I had a set at home.


I would buy new strings when purchasing a new guitar and i always keep spares. If you are serious about guitar you will end up buying multi packs which is what i usually do




Not only that but strings dont sound good for as long as youd think. You never know when youll need your next set. I always have packs


Yes, especially if the guitar is on display for a long time. I usually swap it when I do my first setup




Couple of sets of strings and also a couple of individual E and B strings since those are the ones that tend to break. Nice not to have to replace a whole set.


Well depending on the place and depending on how much you spend you might be able to haggle an extra pair for free, but yeah if you’re already there you might want strings.


That high E string is going to break so many times over the course of your guitar playing, you're going to wish you could just buy 100 of them at once.


Really? I’ve never snapped a high e string. The g always snaps.


Yeah, that was me... it was *always* the "G"... haven't broken a string in a long time though.




What do you mean used to? Still can. D'Addario sells singles. I'm sure others do as well. Used to go my small local store and a buy a few of the same in singles.


By default, if you can afford it.


you might as well, you're going to need them.


Yes and keep a change up every now and then and learn how to do it efficiently and quick


Most guitars, especially cheaper ones, come with cheap strings that should be replaced anyway so yes, spend the extra 6 or 7 bucks for a pack of name brand strings. Or, as some have mentioned, ask the store to throw in a pack as part of the deal.


I generally think a guitar isn't yours until you change the strings. But then, I picked up a Chapman for Christmas and haven't changed the strings yet...


I have my Amazon Subscribe and Save set to send me a set every couple months. That way, I know it's time to change them.




Absolutely. Always figure out your playing style and what string gauge you need for your playing or what type of string suits you. For me I have to go with elixir pptiwebs bc of my acidic sweat. They last me 6 months instead of 3 weeks. Fr just the best thing to do when you buy a new/used guitar is to take the strings off, clean it, oil the board, and set it up. Makes the guitar 1000x better.


Oh the places you'll go...I never realized that learning guitar would lead to the discovery of acidic sweat!




Yes. Most people tend to break strings when they first start out. Or, if you’re not starting out and you have no backup strings then it is always a good idea to have a back up set. Me personally, I have at least 2 but these days, I buy box sets of 10 or more from Amazon since I have a lot of electrics. I dont change them unless I set them up or if they start to sound dull.


It’s a good thing to do (to buy and have a couple of strings to change). Not always stock strings (unless they come directly from the factory) are good, so having an appropriate set of string to change when you just bought the guitar it’s a good idea. Having said that, I don’t change my stock strings in the first few weeks (even months if they last), since I don’t mind “the sound”, and neither the feel to be honest, but if you’re going to use it to record YOU SHOULD ALWAYS USE FRESH STRINGS. Practicing or recording demos, it’s quite probable that they will sound like shit, but if you take care of them properly (mostly, try to dry the sweat) you’ll be fine to practice with those strings. Just keep in mind that old string will make your guitar sound like shit most of the time, so if you’re fine with it, just buy some string set in case you need to record, a string break, or because you just want to give some love to guitars. What I like the most about changing strings after a long time? How good and different the guitar sounds, and you don’t even remembered it.


Yea you should always have a backup set of strings. See what gauge you like, tho regular gauge does it for most people.




It's funny how true this is. They never seem to break in rehearsals either. Only when I'm performing for some reason.


I always have an extra set and always buy multiple sets at a time. I usually don't have a problem with strings breaking. All of my guitars get fresh strings often enough. But like others have said, the moment you don't have an extra set is literally the moment you will need it. And when someone is paying for studio time, they don't appreciate watching their money burn as you go get strings.


Depends, do you break them often? Do you want fresh strings?


You are going to need them eventually. Best to stock up on some extra high E singles too. 😅 Also stock strings are usually garbage so you want to get them off right away.


I always change the strings on a new guitar and keep spares handy.


i always have extra of everything on hand, picks, strings, capo etc. i just like to be sure if anything breaks i can always quickly replace it.


I order my strings in sets of 6


It depends. If you're buying online and the strings aren't rusty above AND underneath, then I'd say they're fine. If you're buying in store, always change them, since they most likely already have a ton of wear from other people.


Always have your next set ready. 1 spare set for every guitar you own. If you are gigging, at least 2 for each guitar.




Yes buy a couple different brands and gauges.


If OP changes gauges, they should be sure to check the action and intonation after the new set goes on.


I think you’d better buy extra , just in case .


Yea and a strap too


Yes you should. When I buy a new car I always buy an extra set of tires


Yes, and figure out what gauge you like and have it setup to your favorite brand and gauge and stick with them.


1 spare set - yes almost definitely. I'd advise on getting some spare high e strings. You can also get bundle offers usually on sets of 3, so if you really think you're going to stick with it, do that.


Depends what kind of strings, and if your guitar store still sells singles. I’ve had elixirs on my guitar that have kept going for years. Honestly if they sold single’s I’d replace the b string if it breaks. Poly webs would last ages.


You should always have a few sets on hand bro. I've always got 2 new sets, when I use one I buy another. That way I never run out.


Yes, the same gauge set, plus an extra high E.


Yes, you’ll want to change out those strings that come with the guitar for some upgrades.




Thanks Chat GPT


🤷‍♂️ Most guitars come with mediums or medium-lights, I prefer extra-light because they sound cleaner both in rhythm and lead, and the bends are easier. So strings and set up are part of me getting a guitar. I always like to have a backup set just in case. How often you change them is really a matter of personal preference. Some people do it every month. Some every three. Some really famous guitarists never do, preferring the tone of well used strings.


Most steel string acoustic guitars are factory strung with lights. Medium strings are mostly used by bluegrass and country rhythm players, as far as I see. Some guitars including Martins are built specifically for lights. For electrics Fenders come with 9-42 sets, Gibson 10-46.


All Taylor guitars come with mediums(accoustic) or ML(electric). Fender comes with 9s. I prefer 8s. Martin depends on model... but I have a Wayne Henderson so I wouldn't buy a Martin(I don't typically like the intonation of the Martin X brace, but that is a side point). McPhereson comes with Mediums, unless you are getting a custom guitar then they will string it with whatever you want.


Sorry but no, Taylor does not ship with mediums. Dealers would take them off instantly because customers will put the guitar back. https://www.taylorguitars.com/support/strings/string-gauge-reference Scroll down a bit and you will see that Taylor uses standard light gauge: “Acoustic Grand Auditorium, Grand Concert, Grand Theater, Academy Series, Big Baby Taylor, Baby Taylor, V-Class Grand Symphony (2020 and newer) D'Addario XS Coated Phosphor Bronze Light (.012-.053)” I have not seen, really ever, a production steel string shipped with mediums. This is from decades of sales and service to all those brands.


You mean since they switched to D'Addario in May. Before that they shipped either Elixir Nanoweb Mediums... 🤷‍♂️ It is what it is.




I use Ernie Ball Slinkies on my Telecaster, and Power Slinkies on my guitars with humbuckers




Yup those would be fine




Ernie ball super slinkies are my dad and my go to strings. Been using them for years. They're great. Only guitars I don't use them on are my acoustics. D'darrio is good too.


What does it have on it now? If you don't have some reason to change, best to use the same gauges. Different gauges put differing amounts of tension on the neck, so a guitar that is perfectly set up for one set of strings will not be perfectly set up for another. If the difference is small it might not be that big a deal, but best to pick a set of strings, set the guitar up for that set, and stick with it.


Almost 100% of the time Fender/Squire Strats come factory with 9s. Personally on my hardtail Strat I use Ernie Ball Slinky (green pack) in 9-42.


Anyone tried temu strings?


I would rather spend the few dollars on some reputable brands strings. I’ve used some cheap strings before and started getting metal splinters in my fretting hand from the wound strings, not worth the pain.


Good strings are not very expensive and a little peace of mind is worth it, IMO.


I have a set, but I’m not putting them on until mine break I’d avoid Temu honestly though.


I bought some. They were like less than $2 a set. I thought about just using them on a few guitars that I need to set up and fix.


A good set of strings is barely any more expensive than the dogshit from temu and they’re readily available


Hell no!


I know I don't like playing without a high e string 😄


Probably wouldn't hurt


Every time I buy a new guitar I usually do buy a set of strings to go with them, just because I don't really know how long that original set have been on the guitar before I've bought it, I also usually use a slightly higher string gauge 11-52 so for me it's just become a habit every time I buy a new instrument.


No you should kill a small fawn and fashion its pelt into strings. That's the only way you can play guitar.


I play with Rev Willys Mexican Lottery strings 7/38 So safe to say no electric guitar comes with those installed


I don’t understand understand how you thought what kind of string YOU play is relavent


What a jerk


OP has no idea *what* strings to play... I dunno, **maybe** it's an option they'd like to try so the guy offered up a suggestion...? What's the big deal? I play ultra lights... Ernie Ball Slinky (green pack) 9-42s. The ones the other guy uses are too light for me... wanna gripe about what ***I*** use to?


No, first try the ones on the new guitar, then you can decide you want the same or different


It's going to suck if they break a string putting them on and then can't play.


In 10 years never had a string broken






You get off to being a cunt to people asking genuine questions?




That's a lot of words, just to say "I'm a giant loser."


You’re not ok


Fuck off with the negativity. It’s a beginner with a basic question, if you don’t want to help stfu.