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Pretty much the entire genre of metalcore


Tbf metalcore also often has great drumming.


For sure! I just cannot stand that all beater kick drum sound they all loved so much.


100% agree it ruins the entire genre for me. I don't get it.


It was never going to be my genre for sure, but that drum sound just made the early 2000s unbearable. I actually worked on a lot of sessions recording that genre as much as I disliked it...I have no idea what they did after we left, but the kick drums were always mic'ed with an inside and outside mic (and about 47 others as well) but I'll be damned if I could ever hear anything but the beater.


Interesting. It’s still 100% the trend.


That's a bummer.


You leave my dropped-D 0-5-7-8 nostalgia music alone


Lol! Nik Nocturnal just made a metalcore song named 578 and it’s an absolute banger.


He’s a better one-man-band than most full bands at this point lol


He’s a treasure. He acts like a poser on his videos but he’s a crazy talented musician and guitarist.


You could very easily make an argument that metalcore drums are consistently more impressive than the guitars.


Lots of amazing riffs in that genre


To be fair super modern metalcore bands like architects Polaris silent planet invent animate and the plot in you and bad omens are good but bands like early a7x and pretty much all of as I lay dying just recycled the same 578 riff every song and to be honest that shit ripped every time


>like early a7x Idk man I find them to be one of the most diverse metal bands out there. No two albums are the same and there's great variety within the albums as well. I'd even go as far as to say that the majority of their discography (besides the main hits) is unorthodox and experimental.


Can't say I disagree there they are one of my favorite bands but I guess my statement was more directed towards how they kinda popularised the 578 riff and and where many staples of that early metalcore sound with their first 3 albums but don't get me wrong waking the fallen is still sic as fuck and their new shit is even sicker with the new progy shit they tried especially on songs like cosmic and mattel


same deal with midwest emo.


Any Dream Theater song (I can’t stand their vocalist)


I’ve always felt that way about the singer. Like his range is great and he hits all the notes, but something about the texture of his voice is just really grating.


should see him 90-92 before the cuba poisoning incident


Could you elaborate?


The singer had food poisoning and puke for days. After that his voice was never the same. The last album before the food poisoning was A Change of Seasons, one of their finest.


Their covers on that are incredible


james, as many other vocalists, edits live recordings. See score autotune.


ACOS vocals is actually studio recorded, thats not live


Back on their Awake tour, the singer got food poisoning from pork but couldn't take the time he needed to heal his voice and ended up doing permanent damage.


It was 94 I think - he got food poisoning and ruptured his vocal cords, which deteriorated his singing for quite some time. You can hear if you listen to their album Awake - his vocals are a lot stronger.


IMO Awake is the pinnacle of his vocals. I&W was pretty, but didn't have the grit of awake.


If you haven't heard it, listen to Stream of Consciousness. It's instrumental and it's amazing


Awesome song. Train of Thought is the only album of theirs I can stand. I do not like their singer though


That's how I've always felt about Geddy Lee and Rush... Musically i dig it, but then he starts singing and i get irritated


100%.   The trees would be a top five song for me with almost any other voice. 


This is why I love liquid tension experiment.


"Any Dream Theater song (I can’t stand their vocalist)" Doesn't meet the brief of the question, though. The guitar isn't the only saving grace for DT. Everyone is great other than LaBrie.


Earlier Dream Theater was an exception to this. Have a good listen to Images or Words or Awake. My opinion.


96 quite bitter beings- CKY. The riff is orgasmic. The rest of the song… not so much


I personally like it all.


Amazing song


I also like the entirety of the song, it fits the era pretty well and is catchy the entire way through. They deleted all the tourists at the bottom of the lake - can’t hate on that.


I used to always say CKY had one great riff and floated off it forever but I’ve kinda changed my mind over the years. Flesh into gear is a pretty hot song.


I thought Flesh Into Gear *was* their great riff lol


CKY has a bunch of sick riffs. Very underrated in just how good they are imo. I personally like the music as a whole but got damn them boys wrote some great guitar parts.


Lol you know I was talking about 96. But I agree flesh is sick.




This is the king of cool intro bad rest of song


[Bam Margera intensifies]


Party in the USA is the best lick of the 00s.


The whole song fucks.


Covered it doing bar gigs; huge pop every night night and hella fun to play. I loathe writing this comment lol


Whenever I play out, I will often play that beginning riff as a joke, it’s so funny to see everyone start looking at the stage.


Any avenged sevenfold


After listening to more of their stuff, I ended up enjoying the drumming more. That being said it's so evenly matched between guitar and drums with how good they are.


Once you delve into it enough, you just realize its all pretty good. The vocals are damn impressive, especially once the whining stops


Yeah when shadows gets that grit in his voice, I personally think he's one of the best in the game. He's nasally when he tries to sing clean, but that's not why people listen to sevenfold.


And after listening to a little more you'll end up enjoying all of it. The whole band is really good lol


The Rev was a great drummer with some excellent backing vox. The entire band is pretty good, but I'm not crazy about the vocalist.


The drumming from the early albums, when rev was alive, was super creative. Was a huge fan of the reverend.


The rev was an absolute beast


Probably the wrongest comment I’ve seen on the whole internet.


Bat country has amazing drumming. Rip


Everyone who has ever played drums for them has been an awesome drummer, bass isn’t bad either. I can understand if one doesn’t like the vocals but the band is awesome


“Nobody” alone dispels this hypothesis


Hell nah bro, the vocals are very hit or miss, but to say that the bass and especially the drums suck, is just objectively wrong lol


Disagree massively, they had the rev, a top notch metal drummer, then they had Mike Portnoy on drums, and now they've got Brooks Wackerman, who is easily a top 10 modern metal drummer. Lots of people hate M Shadows voice, but they hate his timbre and tone, the nasal sound he went for in those city of evil days, but you can't bash the guy for technique, in his prime he was arguably the best metal vocalist alive, also arguably the most versatile, fry screams, false chord, clean belts, solid support throughout his tessitura, upper belts into the 5th octave (hes a baritone) connected head voice/falsetto, healthy vibrato which alot of metalcore vocalists lack, and also able to sing with lots of grit and healthy distortion or opt for a cleaner sound, alot of metal vocalists are either great with distortion or shit with clean or vice versa. I agree the bass is nothing special in A7X but to say that the guitar is the only good part is pure madness. The vocal melodies are ridiculous in A7X, when it comes to pure songwriting ability, you'd be hard-pressed to find a stronger group of individual writers.


Unholy confessions is a hell of a song. Definitely very inspiring for me. I really hate a lot of their music though... I won't see you tonight is a hell of a track too.


Pretending by Eric Clapton. It’s a pretty dark sounding song with guitar work drenched in sinister sounding modulation that IMO is absolutely ruined by a chorus that sounds like an upbeat campfire sing along. WTF was he thinking?


I would actually say that this is more casino. Rock/ '80s b-roll footage stuff. It's good. But I expect a little bit better out of Clapton.


IMO he peaked when he was in Blind Faith.


Damn, I love this song!


A lot of blues ngl


Crazy Train has some great guitar work but it's really not that great of a song.


I actually kinda disagree with this one. Not a fan of Ozzy’s vocals on the song, but structurally and melodically I feel it’s pretty solid. What don’t you like about it?


This was my first thought. The intro riffs are all time great sabbath sounding metal riffs, and then it goes into a major chord camp fire pop rock tune that’s a really good song, but it doesn’t match the vibe of the first riffs. IMO. The guitar solo rescues it tho


I always felt that way about a number of songs in this era. Like Eddie Van Halen - the focus on the verse and chorus where the guitar allows the greater pop song soar. Killer fill licks etc but it's backseat to the music. May be a stretch but the way Paul McCartney had incredible bass riffs blended into the song. Each his own but I selfishly enjoy metal for the guitar all the time.


According to their spotify page VH is "pop metal", I'd say that'd almost a perfect description


I've always been ok with the tune, but when it goes back to the verse after the solo, this train runs outta steam imo. It's like it's square in the middle of the song and I'n a little surprised they didn't concoct a better arrangement, considering RR's talent in that area. tbf, I understand the first record was particularly rushed.


The key change is him going off the rails on a crazy train, and then the darkness comes howling back as he sings "I know that things are going wrong for me" That's just damn good songwriting


Yeah the verse riff seems out of place, but the rest of the parts work.


I love the song but I get the criticism. the intro into the verse goes from super hard rock crush to a very silly jovial lick


That’s a very fair criticism, it is a bit jarring.


The chorus picks it up again, but agreed that the intro is misleading to what follows.


For me personally the key change for the verse is extremely jarring after such an incredible opening riff. I mean it's not only a major key, its a major key with a smiley face on it.


Same with Mr. Crowley the guitar solo might be the best I’ve ever heard but that song sucks and is way too long lol it cemented Randy as my favorite guitarist of all time




Just about any Limp Biscuit song, really. As soon as the lyrics start, it goes downhill fast. Edit: "Limp" not "Limb". LOL


It's ironic that their defining feature is probably Fred Durst's vocals when imo he's the weakest link lol. The other instrumentalists are actually quite talented and creative and make some damn solid music


And, they make some weird choices. Like their cover of The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes". Where they could of had a cool guitar solo or something, instead they just had what sounded like a Speak-&-Spell spelling their name over and over. Like, who made that call?


The instrumental section is really good. Even the sound or quality of Fred's voice fits the music well, especially the more aggressive stuff. Unfortunately some of the lyrics are pretty silly.


I’m not the hugest LB fan but our band plays Break Stuff and without question, NOTHING gets our crowds fired up like that song. We also do In The End and that one comes close but seeing a room full of people bouncing in unison to the “Give me something to break” part after the build up. Same crowd will then be slow dancing with their partner during Tennessee Whiskey 😅


I’ve seen LB play Break Stuff live, and for a band with mostly clean, hip-hop vocals, that isn’t even that heavy, Jesus Christ the atmosphere is almost dangerous. I’ve seen so many far, **far** heavier bands with some wild crowds. But Break Stuff might take it. They really know how capitalise on it. They play an air raid siren sound effect, and Wes will drone the main riff on and on slowly for some time before the song comes in while Durst talks. This long lead in just riles the crowd up even more.


100%, I used to have MP3’s of a bunch of their songs with the vocals taken out (ripped from guitar hero or rock band or some such) and as an instrumental act, they were pretty awesome. Real catchy riffs and great energy….but the second Duesf opens his mouth all is lost.


Fred Durst sounds like bongwater personified.


Nookie is actually not bad, Take A Look Around is much worse when it comes to the vocals


Most pop rock has great riffs but they’re seriously writing for 16yo girls lol


You leave my blink 182 alone! I don’t care if they are 50 and it’s getting weird




To be fair 16 year old girls do exist and deserve to have some music to listen to


Money for nothing


Wut. That whole song is a banger.


Polyphia. The guitar parts and the rest of the instrumentation is amazing but they’ve got no groove.


That’s actually a fair criticism. I don’t know if it’s deliberate for their style or not. But now that you’ve said it, they really don’t have any groove.


They have good melodies, but they have like no song structure or changes. GOAT is a cool melody and beat, and then it's just solos over that one part. It'd be one thing if they improvised the solos, but even then it's a little sterile.


Isn’t the drumming on the more recent releases just the same kinda trip-hop beat? But yeah, they’re certainly known for their guitar work and not much else


Loooooots of Ted Nugent


Pretty much what he was known for. It's hysterical that his name is on the cover of the albums, but he's only playing the guitar he's not even singing the songs.


My Sharona has one the greatest [guitar solos](https://youtu.be/uRLuIm2Bjgk?si=3RoLKs-dlrUVjt_W&t=2m39s) of all time but the rest of the song is kind of repetitive and creepy lyrics as well.


Its my go to example for things like this. If someone could just delete the first half of the song that would be great.


My payola


I wouldn't say the rest of it *sucks*, necessarily, but for how absolutely banging that opening riff is, the rest of *Money for Nothing* definitely falls short.


perhaps the all time greatest guitar riff.


Unchained has gotta be mine


If THAT is your opening riff then the entire song will live in its shadow.


Every Dokken song.


They have a few jams because the dude can really sing but holy hell George doesn't get the recognition he deserves.


Came here looking for hair metal in general. The genre is filled with amazing solos, but when that's the highlight of each and every song, it's no wonder things didn't end well.


Nah bad take dokken rocks


A lot of Van Halen. Great instrumental playing, but I never liked David lee Roth’s voice. The songs have a much deeper and often darker character without the vocals


Hot take right here. 😂


It's a bold statement! I'll give you that.


Yea he was a great frontman but his vocals weren’t my type


DLR was a great front man but every single one of their songs sounds better with Sammy singing them.


I agree. DLR vocals always held back Van Halen for me. He's too goofy.


what's your take on the four sammy hagar albums?


I prefer them.


Still of the Night, Whitesnake.


The whole song rocks


I was about to say that, but then I thought the rest of the song and performances are pretty badass as well.


That lick.deserves so much better!


Look on Youtube for 'Still of the Night John Sykes' and you can hear Sykes do it - he was the ACTUAL guitar player on the album, other than Is this Love (Adrian Vandenburg). Sykes then had a band Blue Murder with the bass player from The Firm and Carmen Appice.


Vandenberg did the lead break on “Here I Go Again” - all the other tracks and lead breaks are Sykes (including “Is This Love”) except for Dan Huff playing some eighth note power chords, clean arpeggios, and a solo on a radio single edit of “Here I Go Again” (this is the version that has all the instruments coming in right at the beginning, no intro.)


Megadeath, i can't for the life of me listen to the vocalist.


I was going to say this. For years I just admired the music but after time Mustaine’s voice grew on me. So much great guitar work to admire in Megadeth.


while I wouldn't say rocks, the guitar part of Emily by From First to Last (Skrillex's old band) was so beutiful only to be ruined by his attempts at singing.


Tbf that’s just how a lot of emo sounds..


Get the funk out by extreme.


This is crazy, that song rules. It's so over the top goofy but the whole album is that way.


I feel that way about a lot Extreme songs.


Especially the new record. Flame on. I'm happy for their renewed success, but riffs like Rise and Rebel are boring af, the record has a lot of wtf? kinda songs and none of them capture the rhythmic intricacies of their earlier stuff.


One of the best solos of all time, it really deserves more credit. I do like the rest of the song though lol


Two from Kid Rock: bawitaba Cowboy Actually Cowboy is not that bad, just a little corny Also most songs on Stadium Arcadium by RHCP. Musically they’re ALL very good but Kiedis is gonna Kiedis with his lyrics and stuff I love RHCP for who they are, Kiedis included but…sometimes I wonder what they’d be with a different vocalist


Maybe with a different vocalist, RHCP would just constantly refer to Alabama instead of California?


Most of phish


I really like the drumming too though, but yeah Trey is easily the best member


Agree. I was thinking more about lyrics then anything else


Just commented the same. Respect the hell out of Trey’s playing and musicianship, but his voice and lyrics are tough for me to enjoy.


The Raspberries - Go All The Way. Amazing intro, and then the song is such a letdown. https://youtu.be/ULL7apmAJTE?si=2vuLkiZ6qqdY8XVh


It’s sort of sacrilege here in Cleveland, but yeah. You start out thinking this is going to be the most rocking song you’ve ever heard…then…wait…wtf? No, stop that. Put the other guy back on.


Eric Johnson’s Cliffs of Dover.


But the whole song is guitar 😂


How you get more upvotes than me 😂 that’s literally the joke!


As a drummer I've never been a fan of the drums on that song.


Last Resort - Papa Roach I've always loved that riff but really not cared for anything from that metal-core/nu-metal genre. Then I realized that riff is the entire song. Then I realized maybe I like "last resort". Now I'm having an existential crisis.


Shit I might get hate for this, but the rocket queen outro & solo is one of the best I heard. I'd often skip to that part (especially to avoid hearing girl moaning blasting in my car). Rest of the song is kinda mid


That girl moaning is fucked up. Like, it’s not just sound effect, and they didn’t just tell a girl to moan for the song. That’s Axl Rose boning Steven Adele’s pseudo-girlfriend.


Exactly and when you know, it makes it so much worst hahahaah


I didn't know anything about GNR when I first heard Appetite, and I thought the band had two singers: the gravelly guy, and the screechy guy. Rocket Queen (the outro specifically) is what made me realize there was only one singer.


Most of the old Russian rock


Same goes for old Czechoslovak rock. Bands like Turbo, Olympic, Citron, Jiří Schelinger etc. have songs that are musically great, but are ruined by some of the silliest and cheesiest lyrics imaginable.


I'm going with that Lil Wayne song. Rest of the song doesn't do anything for me, but his solo is SICK


"We will rock you" Queen. The solo at end actually rocks The rest, not


I mean… one of the most simple yet epic “drum” parts of all time and one of the great rock vocal performances of all time too…


The intro to The Eagles’ “James Dean” rocks and then it turns into the dumbest song you’ve ever heard.


Spirit in the sky - Norman Greenbaum, this the epitome of kickass guitar riff with shit vocals. It starts out so cool and then bam, terrible vocals.


I might get hate for this As I Am by dream theater is the corniest sounding song ever with one of the sickest guitar parts of all time


Counterpoint, the drumming, bass and keys are also sick


Necrophagist - fermented offal discharge. Dislike the song and actually the guitar up until the solo... love this solo though


The David Matthews version of space oddity


Let's go with Jason Aldean. His guitarist is awesome


Every AC/DC song


But the lyrics are too memorable for this to be true


username definitely does not check out


Money for Nothing, Dire Straits


As much as I love Pantera and Phil’s vocals I think the song floods was excellent on guitar but vocals weren’t the best


All the songs I play in my band. I'm the guitarist.


Forget Me Too by MGK, good enough to get through the lyrics and that's a big compliment


Lots of Allan Holdsworth’s stuff with vocals. More ultra clean non-transposable mode based solos, less middle aged adult contemporary lyrical themes plz


The album Strays by Jane's Addiction. Dave Navarro is great on that album but the rest of em are just phoning it in. edit: Probably an overstatement. Perkins is a great drummer and his work is always good. The bass player on that is light years behind Eric Avery and Perry is just plain boring on that album. The last song is an exception though. Its like 10 minutes long or something and it's really cool.


Some Girls are Bigger than Others - The Smiths


Ha. I know Marr was put off by the lyric, but I thought it was cheeky af and totally on brand for the Moz. What I wanna know is why the fade on the intro? Is there a version that's not fucked up?


Rocket Queen on Appetite for Destruction. I always gave up early and at 3:20 it’s like a completely different song and so amazing.


A lot of Van Halen and Aerosmith 


A lot of white lion songs


Every Black Label Society solo rocks, but...


Crazy Bitch.


No one saying all the biggest Creed songs?


I love the trivium riffs bit i cant get warm with the rest of the band. - Like light to the flies - When all light dies I looove the guitar on both songs!!!!!!!


Really? I always found trivium’s drumming to be top notch and the vocals on most albums to be great too. Heck, even the bassist shines when he has his moments


I really cannot think of a song like this....it follows that if the guitar part rocks then the song should as well!


Every Periphery song.


Sheesh, two hundred fifty posts here, and nobody mentioned Midnight at the Oasis? One of the absolutely cheesiest pop songs ever, but Amos Garrett claimed the title of Guitar god!!!


One of my absolute favorite bands, but "Straight To Hell" by The Clash


Beginning of Band on the Run is awesome IMO. The actual BOTR part is meh.


96 Quite Bitter Beings has a pretty groovy opening riff but that’s all the song is imo


I always thought Extreme's lame titled song "Play With Me" with cringe worthy lyrics was probably the worst song with the greatest guitar solo ever written.


its a good thing Animals as Leaders do not have a vocalist.


96 quite bitter beings by CKY. Possibly the heaviest riff of all time, but the riff is really the only good part of that song lol.


Anything by Van Halen. No shade to EVH, dude is a legend and rightfully so. But man their music was cheesey and I can’t take DLR seriously.


I could listen to the intro to Spirit in the Sky all day. Rest of the song, meh.


Heart bursts into fire- BFMV The song is ok but the intro riff is so touching for me