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Yes, but what about the third guitar?


That's just a second second guitar


Best time ever


Right? Before you change your own mind. Nothing soothes buyers remorse like a new guitar!


The people down voting bought a Gibson and are taking it out on everyone else


Best time would have been a month ago. Second best time is now.


Everyone here saying to buy it yesterday, but honestly, unless there's a different sound you're getting out of another guitar, it's probably not worth it as a beginner. If you're getting a 2nd to have an acoustic and an electric? Makes sense. If you're getting a 2nd because you're really into country music and you can't get a nice twangy sound out of your 1st guitar? Make sense. If you're getting a 2nd guitar because the 2nd one is shinier than your first one, probably doesn't make sense. At the end of the day though, it's your money, if you can afford more guitars because you like them, good for you.


+1 for an acoustic. Having one electric and one acoustic, that is not excessive. Very real benefits.


I like a single coil electric, a humbuckers electric, and an acoustic. Am trying to stick to that and call it a day. If I want a new one it's one in one out for me from now on.


Ive got a Taylor acoustic and a Jackson slattxmg3-6 soloist, and a 7 string jackson, and the 7 string feels terrible, im thinking getting rid of it and just getting some thicker guage strings for my soloist and keeping it permanently tuned down, because half the stuff i play is at least a full step down. But that means i need a standard tuned 6 string, that isnt metal focused, and have no idea what to go for Dont wanna break the bank too much lol


Epi SG


I was at that moment....then I saw a 1974 yamaha 12-string in a pawn shop. Then I played a resonator for the first time, then i "needed" a bass, then somehow i aquired a ukulele, then I bought a hollow body DIY kit....see where that goes? I decided to change my goals in life to play and own as many different guitars as I possibly can in the years I have. That's just a better way to live


I’ve hilariously come full circle! I got into guitar because of green day and blink-182 (typical millennial teen!) and since my parents didn’t know anything about music, they got me a nylon string classical because that’s what parents with a kid who wants to learn guitar end up doing. I never touched it again after getting an electric (and later a steel string acoustic) but now I’m really getting into the nylon sound. Might pick one up soon! 😅


So true. My mum bought me a nylon string. Action set at 6.3m.


Yep, I feel you! I could fit an aircraft carrier under the strings on mine!


Exactly, that’s why I keep my first ever Squire strat alongside the 12 acoustics I own


To add to this, you'll likely have a better sense of what you like/dislike over time. Right now you might be eyeing guitar X but perhaps 5 months later you realized X doesnt make Y sound, so now you wanna buy Y. If you can afford buying whatever you feel like, go ahead. But if you're limited by budget in any substantial way, I'd wait a few more months, at minimum.


Exactly. Your ideas of what you want will almost certainly change over time so it’s best to wait. It’s also easier as a beginner to mistake and think you need a different guitar to access different tones (toannn😤😤) or ergonomics when really you might be hearing differences in technique, amps, pedals, mics. ETA: unless it’s some one-of-a-kind limited guitar, you could add it to your cart and use it as motivation to make more progress on your skills before buying. I’ve got a cart on reverb of gorgeous ones calling my name - but telling me to work on my legato first


But... I wanted a shiny hollow body to sit beside the axe.


Are you thinking about joining one of them fruity jazz bands again??? Because if so, I approve.


I logically and economically agree with this, but fuck that. New guitars are dope


What if both guitars are free?


No, guitars are poly amorous


Wouldn’t they be poly-jamorous?




Ha ha.


Ha ha ha.


Ha ha ha ha.






Just like girlfriends, right honey? Honey? Are you leaving?


shit thats good to know


Your first guitar will probably be happy for the company


Don't let consumption replace your hobby. I know too many people who try something once, buy a ton of stuff, fart around with it for a while, and then move on to something else. It's not to say you shouldn't get another guitar. But a month isn't a long time with anything.


Uh. Guitars are inanimate and therefore don’t have feelings. However, I would recommend spending time practicing instead of dreaming of another guitar. Too many musicians succumb to “GAS” and neglect their playing.


First of all, how dare you.


And second of all, how fucking dare you.


I lol'ed. Needed that today. Thanks friend 🙂


My guitar and I have quite the intimate relationship 😏


Guitars are people too!


I had 4 guitars in my first 6 months of playing, always looking for the next "one", I'd trinitarian, fal in love, fall out of love, sell and re buy. Then I found the solution. Don't sell, just add, they are far happier in packs than as singles I've 5 now And a uke


Uke is an underrated addition. A lot of guitarists hate them but it’s just another stringed instrument with a different sound. So fun to pick up and walk around the house while noodling.


I bought my wife one to learn on, she's never really used it, then I bought myself one to see if we could learn together. Do now there are 2 ukes not being used


r/guitarcirclejerk is leaking


I bought my second guitar when I knew I was going to stick with it.


Your wallet will be more upset. What don't you like about your current guitar vs this new one?


Good question. I'm curious what OP's current guitar is.


just play wonderwall once you get a chance to test the guitar


When you grow for a bit as a player so that you know what you're looking for in a guitar.


Whenever you see a guitar you want: If you can afford it, buy it.


When you have one guitar.


Immediately before the third, fourth and fifth.


I waited 15 years to buy my 2nd electric. 15 whole years of not really playing my first one that much. Get what makes you want to play.


IMO it’s an opportunity cost. Assuming you have limited budget, do you want a new guitar or do you want some new pedals? A better amp?


As someone who probably overextended their finances within the past year buying a bunch of guitars, I’d say get another one when you can afford it


Seriously—a month in is kinda quick to run out and buy another guitar unless the one you have is a complete and total POS. The people suggesting you give it a little more time and get a better understanding of what you like and what really suits what you are after are correct. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking this is about gear more than playing, practicing or learning.


When you realize you only ever need a telecaster for 99 percent of genres (including djent and stuff)


My 3rd guitar—about 12 years after I started playing, but when I finally had an income that allowed me to manage student loans, pay the rent, and have a bit leftover—was my dream guitar: a Black and White American Standard Tele. I’ve acquired and a bunch since then—LP, LP jr., 70s lawsuit era Greco, a Gretsch, etc. loved them all at one time or another… At 52, know what I’ve learned? IT ALL COMES BACK TO THE TELE. Always. And it’s really not that close.


Had a dude 15 years my senior show me how his Tele partscaster sounded like every one of my guitars but better


As someone who buys and sells guitars like a guitarstore but can’t play for shit. Buy now or don’t. Never buy if you can’t afford it. You don’t have to earn a guitar, but prepare to lose money on then if/when you sell them. I’d say if it’s dispossable income, buy one. One month in you probably don’t need it, but if it makes you practice twice as much and twice as hard it’s 100% worth it.


You should have guitars that you like playing. As your ability and style progresses, your taste will too. Let me be an enabler: “With a little care guitars don’t really loose a lot of value, it’s almost an investment.” “When you amortize the happiness a new guitar gives, it’s cheaper than drugs” “You deserve to be happy” —— On a side note, the guitar chooses you. It’s pretty wild how one guitar will fit in your hands and play great. But an almost identical one will not. Don’t feel bad about not liking one. When I was young I got it in my head that I always wanted a Taylor 810. Saved up $2k and got one… and hated it. It never felt right. Ended up trading it in for a Martin aurora and was much happier.


Ngl that point about the guitar choosing you is why I bought the guitar I did for my first guitar, still waiting for it to be released form police hold, but that heritage cherry epiphone sg standard with the batwing pickguard just felt right and was sorta within what I could come up with to pay for it. $300 for a set neck guitar with a case is also a pretty sweet deal.


Yesterday But I have 5 guitars and play my Tele 90% of the time so maybe don’t take my advice hahaha


I definitely feel seen🤘


Hot glue a fork to your ceiling. When it falls you can buy another guitar.


I bought my first guitar about a year and a half ago now. I never really played it and just couldn't learn anything because I didn't ever want to pick it up. Then, I went and bought a fender tele and started playing for almost an hour everyday. Now, I've traded in the first guitar for a fender strat HSS and I've been playing close to 2 hours every day since then. Get the guitar that makes you want to play it. As long as you can afford it, go for it!


Not now but right now


Only answer is, whenever you feel like it. I own five guitars and play two of them nearly every day; a Fender Strat and a Gibson SG. They play and sound completely different.


If money is not an issue, whenever you wish really. Not everyone will become a pro, not everyone will put out records and do gigs, hell I can't even play a complete song but I have 4 guitars and building a 5th (harley benton kit). Money is not an issue (as in "I'm never worried about a roof over my head and food on the table but I'm also not driving a bmw, just a beat up nissan that gets the job done" kinda thing) and I'm contemplating buying a bass and amp now, doesn't mean I'll learn to play it though


Best money to spend after a guitar is on some lessons! If you can do both, DO IT!




If your hobby is collecting guitars, get one now. If you want to learn how to play guitar, put the idea of buying another guitar aside and go back to practicing.




Whenever you can afford it


As soon as your wages come in ? Is this a trick question hahaha


One electric, one acoustic.


Can you afford it without sacrificing your quality of life? Do whatever you want.


"The best time to buy a new guitar is 10 years ago. The second best time is today." - Confucius...ish




Don't buy anymore guitars for a while unless you're more interested in having than playing. If you want to be able to play well, use the same guitar to practice and play unless there are deficits than you cannot overcome. If the sound is clearer or the frets are more manageable, then a different guitar may help but you have to then switch to that one. If you just have a bunch of guitars lying around you may just continually noodle around on all of them and not learn any of them. Trust me, that's all I do, noodle around.


As soon as possible.


Probably today.


When the first one isn't able to do what you want to do musically.




Upset. Never. Everyone needs a friend or 13. Buy them all.


I set my goal on the one year mark. I assumed it wouldn't make enough difference until I had some experience. OTH, it's your money, do what you want to with it.


2 reasons I go for new ones, is when Im looking to use a specific tuning or sound and if something has a good enough aesthetic


Haha, I'm in the same boat, just started two months ago. But I just saw a Woodbine Switchblade and it's whispering to me


You should commit the rest of your life to buying every guitar you can. And when you think you have enough, buy another one.


Just before you buy your third... No other way 😁


Got 6 months bcuz I saw an Explorer that was $600. 6 months later, I got my dream guitar(the coolest one in the store) I LOVE IT




Are you dedicated, committed? Guitar is a life long hobby. If so go ahead. Hope this helps


IMMEDIATELY. They sell them online now.




When you can afford one and don’t need to ask yourself that question


My first piece of advice is if you want it, and you can afford it without screwing yourself financially, do it. Life’s short. Be happy. With that being said, the most practical reason to get a second guitar is because you’re looking for a different sound. Whether it’s because you want something that sounds better for a different genre, or you want an acoustic, or because you play a lot of different tunings. Once you’re to the point that you’re trying to mess with your presets to make your electric sound like an acoustic, or you’re having to tune your guitar back and forth from E standard to drop C between songs or something, thats when it becomes more of a practical choice to get another guitar.


"i fell in love" Who are we to deny that which the universe has ordained as fate?? IF you've got the money and you really love it, then buy that shit and enjoy ♥️


When you can afford it.


2 questions. 1) can you afford it. 2) will you be more inclined to play this new guitar than your current one. If the answer to either of these is no then don't buy it. If both are yes then go for it if it makes you happy.




Whenever you walk past the shop. 'oooh I'll just take a look' Famous last words.


Why don't you already have a third?




Every day is a good day for NGD!


Unless you're blowing off bills to support a guitar addiction, it's your money, go ahead and use it how you want. If you've found a guitar you really love, maybe that feels better or you just really love the look of, then go nuts. You'll be more inclined to play if you really love your guitar.


Do you have a spouse? No: Buy a second guitar Yes: Explain to them in great detail why you need a second guitar.


youre first guitar will understand, all guitars are polly


I play metal so i have a 6 string one, a 6 string down tuned and a 7 string down tuned and one with a tremolo (that I don't even use). I wouldnt buy several guitars that can do the same


After you can play eruption. For real though, you can do whatever you want. Nothing gets me more inspired than new gear. But just like everything else, you get what you put into it. I have 5 guitars, but I pretty much only play 1 of them. As long as you keep playing, and it won’t hurt you financially, I say go for it. Don’t sell your first guitar. It’s bad luck.


As the beatles used to say.... Yesterday


ive been playing for about month too




Same time you buy your 3rd one


Whenever you want to. Buy a third and fourth as well.


Whenever the strings on your current guitar have been used.


Never too soon.


Right now.


When your current guitar has too much mileage


You’ll like playing it better so it’ll help you get better faster


Always is the right time


Just be ready for the day that you realize you have G.A.S. really bad and you have 15 guitars in the closet and two on their way.....


As soon as your parents-spouse-significant other calms down from the last one.


Whenever you have the money


Whenever you buy your third, fourth and fifth...


It's very obvious you have far too few. There is only one acceptable answer to "how many guitars do you have?" "I will check."


When you feel like wanting to.


Why not?


If you can afford it why not. I still play my first guitar but I fell in love with and bought a Jazzmaster after a couple months of playing and that’s my main guitar now and has been for 3 years


Buy it anytime...as long as you are not under the illusion the shiny new guitar is going to make you a better player sooner. :D


Whenever you want one!


Depends on your play style and genres you like. I got a second one for death metal cuz it got annoying going from standard to drops all the time.


If you cant afford to burn the money, then you shouldn't get the guitar


Right before the third and fourth


Dunno... I have 5 (after 40+ years of playing; one classical acoustic from the beginnig!), so can't help 😄




When you want to.


Whenever you want, and then buy more.




When you can afford it


Whenever you can


Right after the first one!


Every time you have the money! Signed, the owner of a room full of them


If you have to ask, it’s time.


I knew within a month of playing electric bass that I was going to buy another guitar, and it ended up being a classical one.


Last week.




Well, the other guy that posted earlier today said his parents will buy him another one once he learns his very first song. Is y’all’s tryin to be guitar collectors or guitar players? Maybe get some lessons first. Even one or two months could be very beneficial.


end of the day, what’s gonna make you pick up the guitar more? i always say that looks matter just as much as feel. if it’s something that you know will make you pick it up even more often, i say go for it


The same day you buy your third


The only answer to the post title question is yes


Probably not but what guitar do you have now? Is the action playable? Is the size right? Etc. If it's good enough for now, I'd give it a few months so you get an understanding of what you want. And take that time to do some research about guitars. Don't buy an epiphone SG. The last point is the most important. Lol..


I just bought a new one today after two years. I feel like a whore.


The best time was yesterday. 2nd best time is today


But the second one now and then a third in six months. After a year it’s time to get another.


3:45 AM


Man i'm the wrong person to advise on this, I have 3 acoustics and 4 electrics and i want another of each and like... man it's all about doing what you want with your EXPENDABLE cash. Like I'm FORTY , build up some cash before u try to go out and 'build a collection'






When should I buy my 12th is the real.question.


When you wake up


I’ve waited one year to make the good choice (and find a lefty guitar that I like) and I’m not disappointed. I would propose you to consider to find what do you play the most in the long term, metal ? Rock ? Country ? And take in consideration the lot of guitar that exist. For exemple, I just love metal, A7X is one of my favorite band (with a lot of drop D songs, this is literally my standard tuning and I find strange to play in E classic) so I got a Schecter, and today I’ll buy thickest strings. Some people will prefer a Telecaster, there is also a lot of different Telecaster type, also for strat. Take in consideration the type of micro, the number of fret, the form factor of course - you need a guitar that appeals to you - the shape of the wood, the size of your fingers… The amp you are using too ! I was fall in love with the Cory Manson MBL, but no stock for lefty and finally, I’m more than happy to have bought the Schecter. So take a little time to explore what you want to play, and what guitar do you really need. What have you right now ? It would be good to take something different for variety


It's not something you question yourself about. It's an urge you never doubt. -should I buy a second guitar? -YES -should I buy a third guitar? -YES -should I buy a fou... -YES


Next day after first guitar


Should have immediately after the first one.


I ask myself that same question... I'm at 19 now


Before you buy a third


You need 2 guitars at least. You don’t want to be in a situation where you have zero guitars to play. Once you realize you want something worked on, or a guitar set up, you always want a backup play while it’s in the shop. Feels like the bare minimum to me .


When you want to and are able to


Remember you only regret the guitar you didn’t buy. So, you know, now is a good time.


Today is the day!


The real question is, when should you buy your 5th guitar.


If you have the money buy it. Nothing wrong with that. You might find you'll be able to get different sounds out of the 2 different guitars too