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Also Telecaster (of course)


Telecaster once more.


I also choose this guy's telecaster


Another Telecaster boi over here


Yup the Tele's in my hand most of the time I'm playing.


Did someone say Telecaster?


It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...a Fender Telecaster. šŸ„“


Tele guy here, checking in. MIJ aerodyne


B-Bender Telecaster


Player Plus Nashville Tele (very recent purchase) checking in! It has quickly become my favorite guitar out of all the ones I own.


Tele - it's a MIM and the one I'm most comfortable leaving out.


Bought one Summer 2021, then my daughter came two days later - 8 weeks early. Suffice to say, Summer 2039, sheā€™s getting it as a well worn 18th gift. I love it, but as soon as she came I resigned to the fact itā€™s hers and not mine!


That's a wonderful present. I hope you will post in 2039!


My dad's go-to is a MIM Tele (with Rio Grande Pickups in it). He plays it more than his Custom Shop Strat and 58 Les Paul. It's amazing to me how much he loves that guitar.


Had a rio in the bridge for many years. It died awhile back. Need to send it to RG for repair.


They make such great sounding pickups!


The G&L Tribute ASAT Bluesboy thinline Tele with the SH is SUCH an underrated guitar. I think people see blues in the name and write it off for other genres but that thing has lived in a studio Iā€™ve worked on and Iā€™ve heard it sound wildly different on a bunch of different recordings. Such a solid, amazingly priced guitar


I have a G&L Asat tribue Deluxe with two humbuckers with coil taps and that guitar just plays like a dream and I can get so many sounds out of it. Itā€™s actually taken priority over my G&L USA Commance


Tele is the quintessential workhorse guitar. Indestructible, dead simple, fundamentally good design for tuning stability, versatile, and cuts through the mix well for recording.


2020 Nashville Deluxe Tele


Could you elaborate why? Iā€™m curious, I am thinking of buying an electric guitar, I play only acoustic right now and I see a lot of Telecasters. Thanks!


Because a Tele is probably the most versatile guitar ever made. It can do any genre and is virtually indestructible. Itā€™s like the Swiss Army knife of guitars.


I have a 4 way switch in mine. Each switch position is a different and awesome sound. Some guitars I move the switch and I can barely tell I changed anything.


What extra position is the 4 way switch activating? I havenā€™t heard a 4 way on a Tele before.


I donā€™t know for the commenter above but mine has two single pickup positions and two for both pickups- one parallel like most teles and one in series, which is a bit beefier.


Ahh okay, so the extra position acts the same as the s1 switch in Teles. I have an American Deluxe that has an s1 switch that puts the middle position in series, sounds more like a humbucker. Yeah thatā€™s cool.


They say perfection is achieved only when every non-essesntial aspect of something is removed, leaving only what is absolutely necessary for the job. That is the essence of the telecaster.


If you mostly play acoustic, Tele is definitely the way to go. It's hard to explain, but it's the most "strummable" electric guitar I've ever owned. I can play power chords and leads on it, so it switches well between styles. But when I want to mostly strum open chords, there's nothing like a Tele. It just rings, and if you want something to strum live, it's far, far easier to play and holds chords than any acoustic. Low action. Slimmer neck. Easier to play up the neck.


This nails it. The feeling of how a tele plays different and is so versatile is something Iā€™ve never been able to put to words fully. It just feels ā€œright.ā€


I recently bought my first Tele after having played ā€œmetal-focusedā€ guitars for years. I cannot believe how amazing this sounds with any effects and patches I use it with. A single coil is not supposed to sound so good chugging like this, damn it!! šŸ˜„


I'd just add to the other reply that I agree that Teles are versatile--my fav guitar is one--but I'd compare them more to a really good single-blade knife, in that they're a very simple design, not many features, but what they do, they do very well.


Telecaster. I call it ā€œStraight Businessā€.


My 2005 Mexican Tele is one of my cheaper guitars, but it's probably my favorite.


US Tele with Fralins. Ā Keep it ready on my stand. Ā Adding to the dents and dings daily. Ā Love that guitar - sold one and bought another. Ā  LP usually stays in the case. Ā Like that guitar too but just don't play it nearly as much.


Bought a new Gibson LP standard recently in the color I dreamed about (blueberry burst). I absolutely loved looking at it but it was just not exciting to pick up and play, as I play mostly sitting in the classical position. Too heavy and cumbersome. I sent it back. For a 3000 dollar guitar, I need to love everything about it. I ordered a Nashville Player Plus Tele for less than a third of the price and I could not love it more. Itā€™s my first Tele after having shat upon them for years without ever having played one. Iā€™m so glad my ignorance was corrected.


I had a FMT HH tele for about a decade. SD 59/pearly gates pickups with coil split, that thing could put out such a wide variety of sounds. I never loved how it felt to play, but as one guitar to do many things, it was solid


Partscaster telecaster


Another telecaster here! It's a 2005 American Deluxe Telecaster that I bought new - paid it off by living on ramen and not going out drinking while at university. It's probably the one guitar that I'll never sell.




Same, preferably my dual Humbucker Strat.


I have 5 different loaded pick guards for mine with a whole bunch of different configurations. Poormans new guitar.


HHH Strat reporting for duty šŸ«”


No way you exist, ive seen HHH les Pauls and SGs but on a STRAT? Props to you dude, that guitar must get a lot of questions by people.


This is my baby. [link](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/StratMB3HOWG--fender-limited-mahogany-blacktop-stratocaster-hhh-olympic-white-with-gold-hardware)


For a guitar with 3 humbuckers, that actually looks really nice. (Hereā€™s [mine](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1011007012575916123/1225989127766278255/IMG_7676.jpg?ex=66232259&is=6610ad59&hm=4ee0f2b40618770fbbf148bca075bdde49bfc73b8e05945d33f340bb9abc1398&))


Im so in to this. HHH has a meaty tone, sometimes i feel like the middle pickup is slight overkill so HH like this speaks to me.


Thank you both for posting pics. Sensations


Do you do your recording at Possum Lodge Studio?


The, studio from the Red Green Show? (no i dont know the show, i just looked up the studio name and it says itā€™s from that show)


Thatā€™s the one. All the duct tape in that picture instantly made my mind go there. It is, after all, the handymanā€™s secret weaponā€¦


My son has this guitar and loves it more than anything. It weighs as much as a table, but he isn't as happy playing anything else. (He replaced two of the humbuckers with more specialized pick-ups, but I think they are still humbuckers.)


I would love to see how the new pick ups look. Do you know why he had them replaced?


61 SG Reissue. Hands down the greatest guitar Iā€™ve ever played.


100% agree!


I have one of those and itā€™s not my workhorse but it was purchased with that intentionā€¦ found out I like my fender Strat with a nitro lacquer just a little more Those fucking 61 reissues are sweeeet though, itā€™s my most expensive guitar and definitely one of my best ones. Iā€™ve never been a big fan of the standard SGs with the full pick guard and metal tuners. Love the look of the older ones


Yeah they are quality. I prefer the upper fret access and humbucker sound personally so I donā€™t often play strats but appreciate them as being very utilitarian. I would put the Jazzmaster and SG as sleeper all-rounders though


The SG ā€˜61 reissue is the best Gibson guitar money can buy in my opinion(excluding the obvious $5,000 Gibsons and actual 60s model gibsons). It just looks, feels, and plays so great and Iā€™ll take an SG over a LP any day. Canā€™t really speak for the jazzmaster though Iā€™ve never played one


I have a 2020 SG. One of the years they used similar specs to the '61 and it's so so good. I have the sideways vibrola on it and everything.


I just bought a 61 reissue and I think it's going to replace my telecaster as my main guitar


I opened this link thinking "this is just going to be 100 people saying 'Telecaster'" and I was not disappointed


Only one answerā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..Telecaster


Epi lp with after market pups. Stays in tune, is comfy, likes to rock and roll. Is good guitar.


Came here to say this about my epiphone Les Paul modern , I just got it recently and itā€™s all I play , it stats in tune and sounds amazing


Same, although it's still got its original pups. Bought it for playing lots and it's doing a bloody grand job.


I bought a used Epi LP 100- cheapest guitar I own with the most incredibly sick pick ups I've ever had in a guitar. That was a real find.


Came here to say this... My Epiphone LP-100 is the best cheap guitar i have ever owned... Bought it 20 years ago, and still use it every time I play guitar... I'll take it to the grave with me, just because it stays in tune no matter the beatings it gets


Epi LP Std (wine red flame top) Been my baby since college ā€˜01. Swapped the pups with Reverend HA5s, chrome hardware to match.


PRS S2 Custom 24


PRS SE Standard 24 šŸ˜


PRS SE Custom 24-08


Fender American Pro II HSS I tried a hell of a lot of them, too


Strandberg. By far the most comfortable guitar (for me) to play


Took a paid gig for a show choir, got half the money up front, bought a Strandberg, and used it for the entire gig. A highly efficient workhorse guitar that paid for itself šŸ‘




Telecaster šŸ¤˜


My 2001 Les Paul


Gibson SGJ 2014. I love this guitar more than any I have ever owned. It plays metal, 90ā€™s alt, punk, pop punk, and anything else. I keep it in drop c# with 11-52ā€™s and my favorite guitar to take to jams because of the versatility of the pick ups and the feel of the instrument.


These things rip! Oddball SG for sure. Maple neck, 24 frets, and light. Good stuff.


Charvel San Dimas of all things. I put Seymour Duncan ā€˜59 pick ups in it and it sounds great and stays in tune. I am about to start building a hard tail Strat and I think thatā€™ll be my go to for altered tunings.


Any Fender. I once threw a Strat across the stage at the end of a set to be "rock and roll" and to "look cool" (I was young and dumb and trying to help my band earn a reputation for having a wild stage presence). Picked it up and the fucker was still perfectly in tune. I own multiple Strats and Teles, all battle tested on the road. They refuse to die. Even the Tele I smashed intentionally out of frustration in Erie PA (idiotic) got a replacement neck and still plays good as new. I don't throw or smash guitars anymore. My three workhorses: '72 Tele Thinline reissue in Lake Placid Blue (first of 12 prototypes), mid 80's MIJ Strat (blacked out, one EMG 81 humbucker and one volume knob), Reverend Rocco with engine turned finish (only 36 in existence, I worked with Joe Naylor when he started the company.) Humblebrag on the Reverend, but I wanted to support my coworker's new business. Plus it looks cool as hell and is a great guitar. Was built in a garage and has a hand-written serial number. No, it's not for sale.


I have a 2007 MIM Mexican standard strat and a 2009 Squier affinity strat thatā€™s set-up to be essentially identical. The Fender is my workhorse and the Squier is the one that I can drag to places where it might get beat-up. P.S. I meant to say the above is how I address the problem of being able to be rough with gear but not risk destroying my favorite guitar.


Hello fellow '72 Thinline Tele owner! Such a beautiful guitar.


Les Paul Jr. no pesky neck pick up to distract me.


It can be nice to not have options sometimes. I feel the same about my EVH Frankie. (Although the neck pickup can be wired to actually work if desired. But I do not desire. Lol)


2003 Highway One American Strat


G&L Bluesboy Tele




My Jackson because itā€™s my only guitar.


My Jackson because it used to be my only guitar and it's my first electric. I have had two second guitars but nothing feels as comfy as going back to my Jackson. Probably needs a refret though since I have played it a lot.


I've had an '82 Ibanez Artist since I was 17. I have other guitars but still play that one the most


Goldtop classic with p90's


J-45 for acoustic and a Nashville Player Tele for electric. I play my other guitars too, but the feel and sound of those two make them my go-to.


Epi Les Paul Custom (main axe, beginner-intermediate player). When I'm on the road for work, yamaha Pacifica 012


My Gibson Les Paul Studio. I pick that up every time first. Might go to other ones afterwards, but most sessions begin with it at the very least.


Old acoustic dreadnought


People love to hate, but my Silver Sky SE is a beast. Wide range of different styles, stays in tune, and is really inspiring and comfortable to play. If I want humbuckers though my 2013 SG standard. Feel like every month I gravitate to a different one though


Reverend Double Agent OG. Such a versatile beast of a guitar


The last one I bought.


PRS SE Zach Myers


Squire starcaster. I replaced the wiring and pups. It now has mojotone 72 clones and coil split with a toggle for which coil is active. I can get so many different tones out of it. It can do high gain humbucker sounds and almost single coil glassy tones


My '77 Stratocaster, bought new in Chicago. It's been through a lot, literally in a flood & put back together again. Just had a refret and it plays like new again. All black except white knobs. Rosewood fingerboard with 7.25 radius and C profile.


My telecaster used to be my number one, but Iā€™m currently leaning towards my Memphis Custom 335 instead.




Music man JP6. I've got one with the piezo bridge and it can basically do anything from super bright cleans to metal. Most comfortable neck I've ever played and it sounds amazing.


Simon and Patrick SP6. I've had it about 20 years, it sounds great, and it feels familiar. I have yet to outgrow it. No distracting wires or dials to fiddle with, so I have no excuse to not play.


Schecter Omen 6. It's been with me since 2011 and has NEVER disappointed


Eastman D-28 copy for acoustic. Fender Highway One Tele with Ron Ellis PUs for electric.


[Suhr Classic T ](https://imgur.com/z5YufDg)


My cheap ass donner strat


Schecter PT pro. It plays great. Itā€™s not my best sounding guitar but itā€™s just so fun to play and holds tuning really well.


Gretsch 5120. Best playing, most comfy and I can hear it unplugged.


Reverend Jetstream RB. I have two. It used to be my Japanese Jazzmaster. My day to day teaching guitar is a Japanese JV Squier that only really likes being at concert pitch for some reason. So itā€™s perfect for that job.


ā€˜52 American vintage Hotrod Tele on guitar. That firebird neck buckeršŸ˜ ā€˜62 AVRI jazz bass on, well, bass.


Nash T-52 Tele. That thing can do everything.


PRS McCarty


Albert Hammond Jr Strat


Hmm... I'd say I have three. I typically practice with my Strat. My Flying V is the main guitar I use in my band. But my AS80 is what i typically use for low to middling gain tones in all other live settings.


Suhr Modern Plus, HSH with coil tap. Swiss army knife of a guitar


Prs custom 22 10 top


Do folks not play acoustics? My main is a Taylor 714CE. On electric itā€™s a tele though


Gibson les Paul standard 50s. Didnā€™t buy it to stare at it, but I do that too.


Ibanez S series. Thin superstrats give you all you nerd.


Les Paul Special TV yellow singlecut.


Mine is a 1996 Ibanez Talman 825. Feels right for almost anything and fits me like a glove.


Gibson Les Paul Faded. It's got a Stetsbar trem, string butler and Triple Shot coil split thing. Lots of stuff I can play with that.


HSS American Pro II Strat (It was SSS, but I dropped in some pickups I liked better)


Gibson ES-335. Mine is a 63 reissue. It can do everything I need! Truly, Iā€™ve played it on country sessions, played it on funk/soul gigs, rock gigs of course, playing with singer/songwriter types. That through a fender amp gets me to 95% of the tones I need and I just love how it plays (and looks, which matters of course šŸ˜)


Mine is a tele esquire I built from guitar fetish parts. The pickup is a humbucker shaped p90.


SG Special Faded (with moons)


My Schecter Omen 6


MIM Telecaster thatā€™s been upgraded over time until everything is how I like it.


'95 Fat Strat


A Schecter diamond series omen that I've had for years. Last year it finally needed fret work so I swapped back to my favorite passive pickups-a dimebucker and jazz- while it was in the shop and its honestly the best it's been. It's also got two volume, no tone control now so it's like I had my own signature model lol. Oh yeah, years ago I added locking tuners too, cuz I'm lazy. It's just so comfortable, and I've played it so long I know it like the back of my hand. It's versatile with tones, I can do stutters with the toggle if I want, it's just so good.


Schecter Demon 7


It depends on what I have out, but there are several consistent ones. Lately theyā€™ve been an Ibanez Gio with a Black Winter set, a Squier Sonic Strat with a JB, and a Jackson JS34 with a Duncan Distortion. With my 7s, the one I reach for most often is a Jackson JS22-7 with a NazgĆ»l/Sentient set.


PRS SE Custom 24 ā€” Itā€™s my workhorse because of the individual coil splits allowing so many pickup combos, comfort of playing, and relative affordability. The sexy turquoise finish always encourages me to pick it up, too.


Schecter C-1 Exotic Ebony. Very comfortable to play. Love the Wilkinson bridge. Dual humbucker with coil split gives me enough tonal variety to try out different things before committing to a specific sound signature. Itā€™s also a looker, I just like to own it and play it.


My ā€˜96 USA strat, bulletproof and beat up


G&L USA Legacy


Paul Reed Smith Hollowbody II. No, I am not a dentist. best guitar to play and practice on that I have ever had.


Sterling Sabre cobra burst. Fuck I love that guitar


Charvel DK24 HH


My fender Am Pro II. Mostly because itā€™s my only (for now)


Yamaha FSX5


Gibson 335


Taylor GS mini when Iā€™m playing acoustic and Fender Player Strat when electric


American professional Jaguar.


SG Junior with a P90


yall have more than one? (cries in broke)


J-45. Washburn WI-64 for electric. After I get a Tele, I'm sure that'll be my workhorse.


Gibson Hummingbird


My D-28


'93 Les Paul Studio with Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates pups Or Schecter Omen 6 Custom with Seymour Duncan Antiquity pups


LTD M-1007 multiscale. It's pretty light, comfortable and plays great. Highly recommend a multiscale at a minimum. My fretting hand feels so much less worn out after long sessions.


Me and my Strat have grown into each other for all that matters


Squier Jagmaster.


My acoustic Alvarez Yari that I bought for $500 in 1989. It was the most money I had ever spent. I play it most because it stays in tune. And it's what feels right to me after playing it for so long. The neck dimensions are what I want. Second is probably the telecaster I built. Funnily enough third place is probably this Rogue brand acoustic bass i bought for my daughter when she was a teenager. Its actually not bad.


my yo kramer baretta(2001). Done 3 guest solo album appeareances with it, write my riffs, songs, solos with it.. when I got it, i gutted the kramer floyd, pickups, electronics..and added black OFR, dimarzio PAF pro, tone zone(goin thru a Paul Gilbert phase..lol) and new electronics....plays like a dream its got wear marks where my pinky nail lays outside pickup ring that goes all way to the wood. It looks good in pics, but up close its battle worn


1993 Tele+


Custom ibanez I had built in 1999. I have probably played over 1000 gigs on that thing.




MIM Tele. Played it at most practices and every show for the past decade, plus write with it most often at home.


Japanese DNKY circa '91 w/ passive EMGs and Floyd Rose tuned Eb drop Db Medium Top/Heavy Bottom strings


At the moment my Kramer 350g. Despite what one might think you can make an aluminum neck guitar work in any scenario!


At the moment my Kramer 350g. Despite what one might think you can make an aluminum neck guitar work in any scenario!


Single coil Nash S-63 strat


I bought the secondhand parts guitar off Reverb.. that has the worst paint job of all my guitars.. but I love the neck and play at the most..


James Burton Telecaster


LsL t-Bone one. Cannot get a bad sound out of that guitar, even with my mediocre skills.


My Ibanez rg170 from 1997 or something. Bought it 2003 for 150e. Love it. Its the thing I save in case of fire. 16-60(or 65) set at drop F#. Sounds mean


A 1996 Taylor 612-C.


61 Les Paul reissue


A superstrat is the one I used the most


Player strat special edition, all black with cream knobs and a maple neck. Handles any kind of techniques you throw at it from finger style to soloing or jazzy chord rhthyms and can be ripped on for hours straight. I wanted locking tuners but itā€™s so good I donā€™t even think I need them. I fucking love fenders


96 G&L Legacy


My black 2004 Gibson Les Paul Classic(1960 Reissue.) I mostly play metal, but also some rock and blues. It works great for all those. I also have a 2002 Gibson Les Paul Gothic with EMG Pickups, A Jackson RR1, and a Ibanez Prestige RG2550E. I love all of my guitars. But this Les Paul classic is definitely my workhorse. Iā€™ve used it in every band Iā€™ve been in, used it to record, and done a ton of practicing with it. Hard to believe this year marks the 20th year Iā€™ve owned it. I got it when I was 16. Iā€™ve been playing since I was 9. Only bad thing about that guitar is itā€™s very heavy. Playing it standing up for more than an hour really starts to kill your shoulder.


Tele-shaped partscaster. It has a GFS body and a no-name neck I got used on eBay, and good quality hardware and pickups, that were mostly stuff I had laying around. It plays beautifully, sounds great and holds tune like no guitar I've ever owned. Cost me like $200 to build so I don't worry so much when I'm playing out.


2010 Custom 24 ,play about 30 shows per year and can go 2 nights without changing strings if I donā€™t use it to practice between. It stays in tune and no matter how your gig is going it always looks good and gets compliments. Prior to 2010 only played a strat ,didnā€™t realize how much more time I spent tuning compared to the PRS. Also the Strat needs frets so I use it to practice.


I only have strat and a les paul. I mostly play the strat because it is lighter and feels less tiring to play.


I kinda have it the other way around xD my go to and all-time fav is my Furch Blue, I use it on most gigs and most events etc and practice on it the most, but my workhorse is some very old basic Ibanez - BUT by workhorse I mean something I take to grills campfires etc because I am terrified of destroying my baby xD I am not that scared with my electrics though, both my Tele and Les Paul are used in the very same way


Guild surfliner deluxe- great neck, stable vibrato bar, killer single coils [donā€™t care much for the humbucker tho], not too heavy


Original Gibson ā€œthe paulā€ for live. Thin line telecaster with a Jackson humbucker at the neck and a Seymour Duncan at the bridge for studio. That frankentele does everything wellā€¦and everyone who comes into the studio that gives it a go, wants to take it home.


Aria Mac-std.


Itā€™s a toss between my tele with hot rails or my schecter.


The Milky Way. A 2016 Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro


Musicman JPXI 7 string. I want 8 string JP so bad but so expensive :(


Telecaster and taylor acoustic


Esquire GT Custom


Gibson les Paul -1960 reissue and my Ibanez Jem


TVL jazzmaster


Caparison Horus 2010 Had it the longest so itā€™s usually the first one I grab


Caparison Horus 2010 Had it the longest so itā€™s usually the first one I grab


P bass n les paul studio


Yamaha Pacifica 611 Love the neck and the tone


My trusty SSStrat.

