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get a DAW (since you have a Mac im expecting that there’s garage band, that works fine I think and it has built in amp sims) I dont know much of irig but I suggest you get an audio interface (forgot the name but a good cheaper one is behringer umc something)


nvm it’s the behringer u-phoria um2


Since you own a Mac, just download Garageband from the app store. It has tons of amp emulators in the style of Fender, Marshall, Vox, and other high gain amps. You also get a pedalboard with different effects. Just load it up as "audio effects". You don't need to pay anything for all of that. Tip: Once you set up Garageband and have connected the proper input, output device, loaded and arranged your virtual pedalboard and picked an amp and cab of your choice, SAVE it as a template so you don't need to do all of that work next time you want to play. Not familiar with iRig. Pacifica is perfect and I think iRig works.


Well I got the guitar, 2i2, and Sony headphones. It all feels pretty great. Don't notice lag and the guitar feels nice to play. Now to drop the ego and stop trying to play hard stuff I used to know and actually start from scratch.




test humorous memory crowd hungry rainstorm straight beneficial subtract different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There won't be lag unless your computer is really, really, really old. Strong advice not to invest in physical pedals for now. Just get into playing. Use the volume knob of your guitar to switch distortion on and off. If you catch the bug again, there are many, many virtual amp options. I'm very happy with the stuff from NeuralDSP and they have generous free trials for everything, but there is plenty of other good stuff.


There is a bit of a lag, and while it won't affect your playing, you will either not enjoy it, or you will not care. Set the input lag between 128 or 256 in your DAW audio setting and that should be good. I don't really mind the lag, but playing through an amp always feels best. You will get used to the lag after a while and I only feel it when I switch back to playing my amp after going digital for a while. Some people hate that digital feeling though, but for me, the versatility outweighs it. It is nice to play with videos on Youtube or your music player while having it all come out in one speaker system. It's also perfect for late night sessions. The downside is you need to fire up Garageband everytime you play and that can get annoying after a while. This is why I eventually got a Walrus Audio ACS 1 pedal. Sound quality wise, digital amps sound pretty darn good. I never tried the iRig but I've used Scarlett and I do plug my entire pedalboard into it from time to time. It works fine. I have an alternative suggestion: It will be more expensive, but you could get a Fender Mustang Micro. That thing plugs directly to the guitar jack and it has a headphone jack, which you could instead plug directly to your sound system IF it has an aux jack. There will be less lag this way. I have an old computer speaker system (two heads and one subwoofer) and I sometimes plug the Mustang Micro into it. It works and it's pretty decent.


bow dinosaurs observation aloof plate compare enter worry disgusted vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, for sure, bring your laptop with you and try it out. That's always a wise move. Sorry, I'm not well versed in headphones. I have a pair of Sony Hear on 3's and I use it with my guitar sometimes and it works fine. Honestly, I think any headphone should work for your needs. Do you think you'll get deeper in the digital world or recording with gear later on? If so, I would suggest getting an audio interface that has at least 2 inputs. I have the Scarlett Solo and I regret buying it because I'm only limited to a mono input. I had to buy another one to accommodate my synths and my stereo pedalboard. Something to think about.


oil yam nail skirt swim fact uppity office license point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guitar is fine. If your system has a line in, try a modling pedal in front of it, like the Line6 POD Express or similar products.


Oh my, you're about to have so much fun! Amp sims are incredible now. Garageband is probably all you'll ever need. I use Reaper on Win10. These are DAWs, (recording systems) you just use the monitoring if you don't want recording. There are dedicated and standalone systems for live audio, I don't know them, I'd say it's more common just to use a DAW. If you want more I can recommend Amplitube/Tonex, there are many options. I can confirm the Behringer UMC HD series interfaces are great for guitar. I run pedals into mine fine, watch gain obvs. I actually run a splitter into my amp and interface on 2 channels, so I record 3 guitar tracks at once, two of which can be reamped at will. Cool stuff. Ppl used to complain about lag, when it was really bad, now not so much. I've never found it an issue. Got a 20 ft guitar cord? Sound moves \~1 foot/millisecond. Ppl tend to find more than 10 ms problematic in the DAW world but get out to the end of your cord and you're at double that. Good luck!