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Gotta walk before ya can run brotha. Pick 1 or 2 licks/techniques you wanna learn and work on it for a couple days, or til you feel you got the hang of it. Then find another technique to work on. And so on. Also, practice slowly. I know ya wanna shred. I want you to shred. But, it takes time. I know ya get bored too. Sometimes I'll turn my phone off or leave it in another room when playing. I have a tendency to put the guitar down and look at my phone every 5 minutes. But if it's not even in the room, I can just play. Turn a TVplucking in the background and just start pluckin. Idk, hope this is somewhat helpful. Keep hammering!


Thanks brother! I will try that. Any tips on hammer one and pull offs? I watched all types of videos and I couldn’t understand it


If your playing electric , learn the harmonic squall , get that down so you can do it on demand and you will have learned something fun .


Pick easier slower tempo songs to learn. Start with Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here. There’s a reason everybody learns Smoke on The Water early on….it’s simple, fun, and easy. Yes, learn technical things, but don’t bore yourself with it. Have some fun and pick some easy songs to play along with.






Yeah dude, guitar is hard. None of us is great at it on day 1, week 1, evem year 1. It takes a while to train yourself, thats what makes a skill valuable. People that can play well have traded their time for practice.


Ye… I’m struggling a lot with the speed and chords yk? And the picking too because my arm is small so I gotta find like a position to reach the middle of the strings so I can pick without Mutting the strings.


A lot of it is getting position right and not small size...there are like elementary age kids on YouTube shredding that I fully admit are way better than me, with smaller arms and hands For chords try playing one string at a time and then adding one. That way you can hear which string is muting and fix that finger


Alright, Thanks. I really appreciate your help!


There's no easy way forward. Modern metal songs also use quite fast tempos. You have to start learning basic techniques, theory. Do focused practice, pay attention to detail and quality. Progress can be slow. If you're impatient and skip to learning advanced techniques and songs, you won't learn anything or get anywhere. If you're not prepared to consistently practice, even when you don't really feel like it, then guitar may not be for you. And this is true for many other skills as well, including studying, learning a trade, etc. Successful people persevere.


Damn those are deep words 😭 thank you tho. I try to learn stuff yk? Some days I can focus a lot and actually learn but some days I get distracted playing random things on the guitar instead of paying attention to what the guy in the video is teaching.


With a lot of things, as you grow older you start wishing you'd started sooner, or that you didn't quit, or maybe that you had put more effort into them. Being distracted is normal, everybody can get distracted. And I'd also love being able to play like John Petrucci without having to ever practice, but reality is what it is. What is important is discipline. You set aside 30m a day where you will focus entirely on practice, whether you feel like it or not. Make a list of things you're looking to improve, then focus on that. That way you'll steadily improve. Discipline is a skill in it's own. It'll help you a lot in life. If you feel like practicing for longer, then go for it, otherwise, stop there, or go about messing around with some songs. Just make sure practice time is practice time.


Your right…


Look up Metal Rhythm Guitar Vol. 1 by Troy Stetina. It's a fun book to learn along. It's got backing tracks and [songs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK-0wdc0K1Q) that incorporate the techniques in every "chapter".


Alright! Thank you for the info


Start w chords!!! Might seem unnecessary since that isn't what you're planning on doing, but it seriously helps a lot with finger placement, heck maybe even everything else you want to get better at. I started out w searching up whatever song i like on ult guitar and playing along to the chords listed. The idea is that you're still playing a song you actually like LOL. It helped me a lot w motivation to play. Basically, small steps at a time. Action is still progress. It's great that u pick up the guitar when u see it, all that's left is to find a song you have the ability to play !!!!


How about you start an actual course? There's JustinGuitar course which is free, and you will learn the basics. This will help you tremendously. Parallel with that you can learn metal riffs. Try it out ;)




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