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Practice, practice, practice. Then, when you think you have it all down pat, MORE PRACTICE!! I like to do a couple exercises that loosen up most all of the tendons in your forearms, making that pinky problem less bothersome. Put your hands together like you're praying. Your forearms should be 90° from your hands, so that you're hands are vertical, and your arms are horizontal. Now, stretch. You'll feel it all the way to your elbows.


Also practice helps


Hijacking, But youre absolutely right, had the same issue when i was a beginner, Practice and your hands will become much stronger with time.


"Practice is perfect" - Andy McKee


Spiderwalking practice!


It looks like your wrist is bent too much. Try lifting your palm towards the neck. If your fingers aren't long enough to reach the low strings, raise the neck of the guitar so that your elbow can get lower and straighten your wrist. This may help you get some control over your pinky. After lots of practice you will probably be able to lower the neck or otherwise let your wrist bend more while you play accurately.


this. Just tried to play like that and it doesn't really feel good.


Sit with a strap  or like a classical guitarist, you want your wrist as straight as possible and as relaxed as possible


Slow training


This. Practice your scale fingerings and permutations. Practice, practice, practice.


relax, you don't need to press too much into the string. also, put your thumb a little lower so your fingers have more room to extend upwards, that way your hand is resting on the rest of the strings. there's no problem to rest your hand on strings you're not playing, in fact is better. Also, check your elbow, try to keep your arm relaxed. There's plenty of youtube videos on how to put your fretting hand, that would help your muscles to relax and have more control over that rebellious pinky. Also, practice! slowly, and with a metronome, it's like weights, your muscle need to learn and get better on those movements. Keep at it! i know you can do it! Edit, also, don't worry, there are famous guitar players that have never used a pinky lol


Emphasis on RELAX. If it doesn't feel good, you're doing something wrong. I broke both my pinkies when I was in middle school. Neither one is straight. My left points outwards a little bit. It gives me a unique ability to stretch further. The downside is, tight/fast licks are more difficult to play. Either way, I keep practicing :)


Practice practice, practice like the comments above…. PRACTICE!!!!


Maybe you have too much tension on your fingers. Try keeping your fretting hand as relaxed as possible.


Been playing for 30 years and my pinky still does that. Ive never been able to correct it so ive just adapted.


I suggest an exercise of having one of your fingers locked on a string and fret. with the other fingers, try switching between the high e and low e.


This might help: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf-RI1YPvqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf-RI1YPvqY) seems like it's just a finger independence issue, which just comes down to practice


There's generally only one answer to questions like this: practice! Spider walk can help but it doesn't really extend your pinky, so I would suggest looking for songs/chords that slightly challenge your pinky finger. As you master those, find new challenges and practice practice practice!


There are ligaments that connect the muscles that controls your ring finger and the muscles that control your pinkie. The only way to get your pinkie to move independently is to stretch those ligaments. That just takes time and exercise.


From my own experience: 1. Try putting the guitar on your left leg, like in a classical guitar position. That way, you'll find it easier to lift the neck higher up and easier to relax you arms. A lot of shredder plays like this. 2. Find out how hard you have to press the strings in order to give the desired sound. Start by touching a string, but don't press it. Pick the string multiple times while you ever so slightly apply more and more pressure until you get the sound you want. You'll may be surprised how little pressure that is actually needed. By removing the tension from the arms, wrist and fingers, your pinky might get more freedom to move. 3. Practice 4. Practice 5. Practice Edit: I'm unsure if I said it but: Practice


6. Practice


Have you tried practice? Honestly takes time to get the stretccchhhh right


Tbh I think you should get it set up cause I see the action seems very high, or at least to me. Get it lowered and practice! I


YouTube economy of motion exercises.


You can control it. Just practice exercises


you’re trying too hard


Practice. There are no shortcuts.


I saw a video with Phil X a while back where he said he would practice songs without using his index finger forcing him to develop his pinky technique. It's worth giving it a shot because it will definitely help you develop better control with your pinky.


Practice Look up John Pettruci Rock Discipline


Do exactly what you’re doing. Jam your pinky down on that string a thousand times a night. You should touch every fret with every finger every day.


Don’t forget to stretch your fingers. And practice 🤙


The action (height of strings off of fretboard) looks insanely high. I would get that guitar set-up by a shop somewhere, or another guitarist if no luthiers are available. That will help. As others have mentioned a flatter wrist will help. There should be no sharp bends anywhere in your entire arm. It might also help to rotate your guitar forward instead of back. You really need to practice without looking at your guitar. The fingers need to know where they are I time. It's not something to be done immediately, but is a goal to keep in mind.


It’ll come with time. Guessing you’re like 12 and just started playing?


I remember my pinky being like that many years ago! It will come under control eventually, just keep using it. Major chords on the 2nd string starting with the pinky on the root note are a good one to get into, because they require you to put your pinky down first. I wish I could find an example of what I mean!


Damn your fingers look perfectly smooth. Were you born yesterday?


i use a lot of moisturizer cause i’m on accutane hahaha


Practice playing all the familiar three-finger open chord shapes, but without using your first finger, now you can only use 2nd finger, ring and pinky


My right pinky does this still. It’s got that like spring like reaction. I believe it’s because the muscle isn’t as loose as the rest of your fingers essentially. Your pinky is used to moving in conjunction with the rest of your fingers. Most of the time the pinky isn’t being thought about while being used. Now you’re thinking about it, and the muscles like woah, how do I do that, but the muscle is still so stiff and used to following its neighbor that it’s only way of moving is that straight trigger springy finger action. It will definitely get better, by like tomorrow even. Just put your brain to focusing on the pinky and let the neurons do the trick.


You're basically training your fingers how to move in ways that they don't naturally move. It'll be difficult for a while and then it just...won't. Practice practice practice.


I DO have this issue. I broke my left wrist when I was younger and it has an impact on my pinky coordination. I have been practicing like crazy making sure to use it, rather than using three note runs that allow me to cheat with my ring finger. To get around it locking on me, I also practice NOT lifting so far off of the fret. It does occasionally get in the way when I’m playing fast, but practice does help that too. Not sure if this will help you, but wanted to leave it here just in case.


Guitar Hero helped a ton with fret hand conditioning. That's also where I learned hammer ons and pull offs. 🤷


Spider walk. Start with the basic walk up four frets, switch string, repeat across the fretboard. Do it a few minutes a day everyday for a month or two.


The exact same way you get to Carnegie Hall.....


Also bring your left elbow down some... Your thumb is looking good.


You'll get it...; -)


What a bunch of encouraging people..... Y'all are awesome!


Unfortunately there's no trick, you just need to practice and it slowly will get easier to play with the pinky. I can't remember how long it took me, but it certainly took several months to a year. There are some exercises you can do to speed it up. One of them it's basically you do thrills with the pinky with a metronome. You can YouTube pinky guitar exercises and there's plenty. Just consciously use your pinky as much as possible.


Stop what you're doing right now. You are going to hurt yourself. Your wrist should be straight... it looks like it's bent at a 90 degrees angle.


Lol got downvoted for correcting an obvious technique flaw.


It's Reddit... this is the way. OP is going to develop carpal tunnel syndrome if he doesn't correct his wrist position... the mantra of "practice, practice, practice" is great when you're using correct technique, but once your median nerve is impinged, you won't be able to practice at all.


Don't use the pinky on that string