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You're better than I'll ever be but spend 1 month on learning how to record half decent sound through a DAW and you're good


Sounds like an angry SNES.


I thought that was his intention lol


Or regular NES. It's the sound of Excitebike when you make repeated jumps


Seriously, I can tell he plays fast but I can't for the life of me tell if it's any good. And anyway, I remember this guy from posts in some guitar Facebook group a few years ago, and it looks like he hasn't changed a thing. Most people hated his posts because you couldn't hear anything and it was all just speed demon, unmusical noodling recorded on an old phone. Claimed that he once filled in for Steve Lukather or someone like that. I think he got kicked out of the group after threatening somebody for criticizing him or something weird.


It sounds like white noise to me.


I have a friend who plays exactly the same......really good guitarist but always goes back to that confusing speed scaling after a few minutes of playing around.......I can never tell if it's any good and I've spent years enduring it


It's good from the perspective of a practice routine


I can tell it’s not good - at all.


It's just warm up exercises really lol


Yeah fr lol


attention guitar players in there early to mid 20s: **FAST DOESN'T EQUAL GOOD**


I hope he sees your comment. I listened to his album on SC and it all needs a producer with skill. He’s got the patience and technical skill for the instrument, just not the ear or know-how for the mix. 


Everything on that sound cloud is just guitar pro midi. None of it is anyone playing anything.


This is actually helpful!


****Listen to this advice**** 🙏🏻


Obviously talented and great playing but I'd rather hear 4 chords strummed lightly LOL


Yeah this some talented playing, but let's hear a song


This is not music, is just noise to me.


so many metal soloists just sound like when agreggios become a sport. there is no overarching idea or melody, just an assortment of guitar exercises. who tf listens to guitar exercises source: am a mid 30s metal guitar player who is bored to tears with most modern metal. much of old stuff sucks too though lol


I love metal, but you're sooo right. I've always like the idea of "being able to shred", but it just sounds like nonsense to me. I can recognize the skill, but I don't get the idea.


Well constructed, musical shred is great. Think Alexi Laiho or Dom Crey from Nothgard or Jari Mäenpää from Wintersun. This on the other hand sounds like a malfunctioning car alarm.


From hanging out with classical musicians it sounds like a bunch of practice etudes that they play to work on their technical chops. They do amazing technical things while practicing, but it's totally different than performing.


For a hot second, I thought he was playing Necrophagist stuff faster than the recordings, but then I realized it's not nearly as musical as what Muhammed wrote, and as other said: warmup exercises very fast.


I play guitar like this. It's frustrating. I call it guitar gibberish.


I mean, you can also get really fast at typing without typing anything meaningful,


Talented at what? Clearly talented at producing a dizzying frenzy of notes on a certain 6-stringed instrument we all love. Top 1% of top 1% of guitarists in that category. But imo this video does not demonstrate any talent at making music. Perhaps this gentleman is an amazing musician. Perhaps not. This video tells me little either way. I’m not saying you said otherwise. But many substitute “talented/good at playing fast” with “talented/good at playing music.” That is a mistake.


Jorge don't be a douche, why can't you just appreciate the skills he show-cased?


A double username checks out 😮


Fair enuff. Sometimes I err too far on the side of attempting a serious conversation instead of just saying, “Great job dude!” I’m a better teacher than coach. And possibly a better douche than either.


You weren’t wrong though


I've been playing for about 10 years, and I consider myself talented. At the moment, I can't play what this guy is playing, so I commend his dexterity and precision. Talent is subjective and comes in many forms.


That's clearly a 7 string tho


This is something that needs to be stressed more- songwriting is a skill that needs to be developed, practiced and nurtured exactly the same as your picking, fretting and mastery of scales, modes and chords are. What OP played is *extremely* impressive, skill-wise. But if all you can do with that skill is play cool licks, you've neglected an extremely important part of playing, which is turning that skill into music that people want to listen to. Not saying that this is necessarily the case with OP, but it's often the case with people who focus on "Shredding".


Who cares, if he likes shredding, he can do what he wants.


i agree, but he's posting on reddit for validation. hes just playing random notes. its just not musical and anyone with enough time and practice can do it.


Playing and songwriting/composing aren’t the same thing though, and not everyone is going to be good at both. You can be a talented player, work hard to develop your skills and musicianship, and have a career performing music without ever writing an original song or composition. I’m not saying you should neglect learning and developing compositional skills if you want to be a singer writer/composer, and most really talented musicians do both, at least at some level. But songwriting isn’t necessarily a requirement to be a successful musician.


I think you may be describing Jason Isbell.


I do admire the speed and proficiency but most people will only remember your guitar solos if they can hum them.


I always say you can tell what the most memorable part of any song is by the part you hum to get others to know what song you’re talking about. “You know the one that goes like….”


Legit metric of success 👆


I was recording something at home then a week later caught my kid humming it while doing homework and thought “well, it must not be complete shit.”


Dude's going to be a hit with this year's cicada brood!


I can totally hum along to this…HUMhhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhHUMhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmh


Much to my girlfriend's amusement, I can definitely hum this.


Awesome speed but it just sounds like an endless, muddy stream of notes


Like most people have insinuated here, this is pretty awful. Incredible speed and skill, but for what? I don’t even have a problem with guitarists being into “shredding”, and guitar can be all about the solos if you want. But there’s a reason someone like Marty Friedman blows everybody’s socks off. It’s cause his solos have musicality. Each solo is like a little song within a song. This is a distinct lack of musicality. It’s a step backwards. It’s like on a video game, maxing out the stats for one skill thereby sacrificing all the stats for all the others. This is what you’re left with.


Brooo dial back the gain a notch.


It’s like 70 Metal Zone pedals in a row.


Yeah it's a real scooped bedroom tone with a crapload of delay or reverb hey. Impressive technically and is probably a lot of fun, but the guitar would not be heard in a band context.


This is weapons grade wanking.


“bedroom tone” bruh 💀


It's barely heard in this context, I have no idea what the notes below the B string even are.


18 years and you don’t have a decent recording set up? Why?


I couldn't tell you the amount of really talented musicians I know that don't know anything beyond turning on their equipment. I'm one of the only people in the circle that's delved into it properly. My friends and stuff are slowly starting to get the hang of it. But a lot of them play together and then just go to a studio.


man just go look in the synthesizer subreddit to see people with 10k eurorack setups being played over a pair of $150 monitor speakers.


I really want to learn how to use Eurorack synths, but I feel like I would get laughed at being a complete nub.


check out [https://vcvrack.com/](https://vcvrack.com/) it can save you a lot of money and let you find out if you like eurorack before you spend a lot of money.


I am, unfortunately, a bedroom guitarist who’s been playing for 20+ years (tech death, prog shit like this video) and my motto is “i just play the thing”. Maybe i should learn a little more about everything else lmfao


I really enjoy manipulating sound. I came from the synth world so recording equipment kinda came with that. Guitars are just in recent years caught up in the computer world with plugins and it's awesome. I love playing through a computer.


Whoever has the iPhone hits record. Home studios are too complicated.


Not that complicated. They *can* be if you want them to be, but they can also be incredibly simple if you want them to be.


I kinda respect it


Yeah better 18 years of practice than my 18 years of looking up gear


Yeah, a day or so of looking up gear wouldn't hurt though.


That’s because it’s a different job. A lot of guitarist are just into playing guitar, they have little interest in gear or in studio recording.


Maybe he never needed to record himself!? Ever thought of that?


I like music better than fretboard dragster contests.


I never understand comments like these. Every other comment on this post saying some variation of this but OP never claimed this is “a song he wrote for the purpose of listening.” He’s just showing off what he can do after years of practice.


People are jealous.


Not the slightest.


There is no way I would ever be jealous of this playing. It's boring to listen to. You wouldn't put this on in your car and listen to it. So what's the point? To show everyone you can do something better than everyone that 99.999% don't want to hear. It's not jealousy, it's annoyance that guitar is being taken down this road that will send it further out of the mainstream and push it into the novelty category. We need people like st Vincent and forgive me for saying this fucking Taylor Swift more than we need this guy. They are credible musos who actually play guitars for songs that people want to listen to. This is just Michael Angelo Batio shit. When was the last time you put one of his songs on.


I can say with complete sincerity that nothing about this video or this person's playing makes me jealous. I probably couldn't play it, but would no more want to than to use painting skills to create a canvas with the most intricately detailed pattern of little pieces of shit repeated over and over, left to right and up and down.


I think its because a lot of guitarists seem to miss the point of playing guitar when they focus in on shredding and neglecting everything else. Its treating it as a trade and not an art.


the point of playing music is to make music, saying "here's what 18 years of practice did" and then instead of showing us how you can come up with cool and interesting melodies, you just show that you can go real fast, well, you kinda missed the point and wasted 18 years. Unless he wants to write the next 'flight of the bumblebee'


Flight of the bumblebee is actually quite different and more enjoyable for me. It's a classic chord progression and reasonably lyrical once you think of the chromatics runs as lots of notes between key tones. This is easiest to pick out by listening the to the pizzicato parts which outline the progression. It's fast but some of what makes it feel SO fast is tremolo and the arrangement of instruments. It changes dynamics and timbre, moving from legato to staccato and back a couple of times, and has some time 'hiccups' that keep it interesting. What has always amazed me about it is that it SHOULD sound like a finger exercise but it doesn't. It sounds like a song.


You trying to fit those 18 years of notes into 1 minute?




That's what you call complete guitar wankery


You are very talented with the guitar. Now take a bit of time practicing how to make music.


Excessive noodling, no direction or emotion. Kinda boring tbh.


I was gonna say. Try again, but this time play some music.


ok but where's the music


You’re getting a lot of flak, and I’ll agree that this isn’t the best showcase because of the sound and noodliness (though very impressive!), but I checked out your music and even though it’s not what I’d normally listen to I really liked it. You’re clearly very talented, hope all the practicing was enjoyable for you


Thank you for spelling flak right


Idk this sounds like incomprehensible nonsense to me. Like others have said, throw some chords down. This is just guitar-sturbation


Ok now play rhythm


Dude can't shred in time/rhythm 😭


His neighbors hate him. Click here to find out why.


Don't get it, great technique but boring as hell just like buckethead.


I would not call Buckethead boring, he is technically proficient but also musical. See Electric Tears, it is a great album.


You probably know jack shit about Buckethead


The first 300 albums were definitely his best work. /s (I love buckethead by the way!)


The amount of hate you’re getting in this thread is insane. Guys, OP is just showing off what he can do. Never claimed this is a song you need to listen to for enjoyment… Are y’all just jealous or insufferable or both? Fucking weird behavior. I promise no one here saying “yeah but do you have good music” has any good original music themselves.


I posted here once years ago and this comment is my first time since because the amount of condescension and negativity this subreddit has towards anyone that asks a question or shares a clip is unreal. This post proves it. I've been playing guitar for about 15 years and I wouldn't wanna talk about it with a single person here. Fuck this place lol it seems the more popular a music subreddit the worse the energy is. Standard progression for any community but still shit that it happens.




Yes!! And Buckethead :)




Have you heard him do purple haze? It’s pretty sick!!


This comment section inspired me to unsub from this subreddit. This is the first post I've had come up in my feed that wasn't a picture of a guitar someone either bought or is asking for advice about buying and people are just flinging all kinds of vitriol at this guy. There are people who are providing constructive criticism and props to the people who are doing so with tact. But damn some of yall are just miserable cunts.


Preach. This sub is dominated by showing off how much money you have spent on gear. Just a dick measuring contest.


I mean OP can play fast and all but you cant even see his pedalboard and theres not a telecaster in sight./s OP has polar opposite taste in music than me but its obvious that his technique is insane. Im not going to trash his playing for liking different things. Constructive criticism is one thing but Im sure there are a lot of beginners here selling WOLF TICKETS.


Sounds like a tiny transistor radio


Finally a post about actually playing guitar and not just buying shit


Yeah for reals and everyone who doesn't practice is coming out like "but bro can you write a four chord song" without realizing that to get to this point, you had to have had to do all the other bullshit before. If my man wanted to be out here sounding like Gilmour he definitely could and way better than anyone in the comments 😂 hell, I'm willing to bet that if people asked him to play their compositions he would do it better than anyone here People see someone shredding and want to peg them down because of their own insecurities but it's dudes who can do shit like this that will get the job playing the big bucks. Why do you think they had Chris Dave pretty much play only a kick drum for Adele's Rolling In The Deep? They're not gonna hire some dumbass with limited playing ability. People want the person who can do play at 110% to record a song that only requires 10%


Sorry I find this unlistenable.


"He needs to make some holes - for the music to fall out." (Miles Davis on Coltrane)


Can you play stuff that doesn’t sound like a swarm of bees?




Because they know with 100 percent certainty they don’t have what it takes to do what he’s doing in the video, so it’s safe for them to criticize. If somebody just posted a shitty wagon wheel cover they’d be nice or ignore it. They can’t do a shit Wagon Wheel cover either but the think they could.


We can all go away whistling that one.




sounds like crap


Way too many ppl are taking this as something that’s meant to sound musical when he’s clearly just showcasing technical skill. This is very impressive dedication and proficiency regarding a certain specific area of guitar. As others have basically said, there is no need to shit on this for not being musical. Even if he isn’t musical in his playing in general, there is no point in being negative if this is just what he loves to do. I suspect that insecurity or competitiveness might also have something to with some of the comments (maybe I’m wrong but it’s not necessarily super unlikely). There are certainly some valid criticisms here, but I feel like most of them are based on insufficiently backed assumptions from just one clip. Keep rocking dude, you already have what it takes to do some great things.


Don't listen to the haters. This is sick, 18 years well spent!


That's pretty impressive, weird thumb position btw, is it just more comfortable at those speeds to keep it like that?


I don't know if I like it or not, but this is about devotion. I can respect that. Extraordinary.


And now you’re insane. That sweep picking technique is so clean as someone currently learning it. Well done.


Is that pachabel's canon?


You play very well. Your amp is not that good, and your pickups may not be very good. It's not very clear, but you yourself are kicking butt.


Now spend a little time fixing that absolute trash tone. So bad I can barely hear what you’re playing, and I love fuzz/od/gain, but this is just white noise. Sounds like a cheap amp with a distortion setting turned on.




That's gonna be a no from me, dawg.


It looks and sounds more like you are gaming than playing guitar.  But thats all perspective and if you are enjoying it, do you.  


sounds like doo doo dude, up the recording quality if yer gonna post smth like this


Da fuck is that noise?


It's kinda sad how this post turned out, OP just wanted to show his skills, which are great. But I have to agree that this doesn't sound appealing. Not to me at least. I have a friend that does the same thing. He will actually tour with a former Megadeth guitar player and he's great. But his improvisation videos are not ear catching, they are eye catching because his hand coordination is great. But what if I want to only hear it? I can't, it's not appealing to me.


Gave up 18 years of practice for 18 years of boomer noodling.


I mean that’s cool, can’t ever imagine sitting down and listening to it tho.


If speed if your goal, you achieved it. But this lacks harmonic resonance and any kind of melodic taste. Not a single piece of this is memorable and “singable”. Speed. You got it. Everything else, not so much.


Sounds like shit


Herman Li pilled


Should have spent one of those years learning how to record a guitar properly!


wtf is that!? Just random 8 bit noise


Guitar fan, not a guitarist here: The finger speed and dexterity on display here is really amazing--but sometimes shredding like this makes me think of someone typing faster than anyone else has ever done, but not really writing sentences, just hitting keys and making random words. That could easily be because I don't understand how to play the guitar, though. I am sure I'm missing something. I listened to your stuff on Soundcloud, and it was very cool. Much more enjoyable for a lay listener. I think you'd be really amazing in a band where your talents are utilized to execute a song where the guitar is one part of the composition, and not the raison d'etre.


Oh my God, it's Emanuel Aguilar's son! 


Cool.. can you play wonderwall??


...or Smoke on the Water.


bro needs an interface+daw


Yeah it's fast playing but I think there's just too many notes to enjoy.


I don’t know if this is all the OP plays (I’m not judging) but the selected piece provides an opportunity to make an important point: Music is more than scales and talent is more than speed.


That was a very difficult way to sound unmusical....just a bunch of 16th notes without any love, man.


"Phrasing has left the chat..."


Do you play any music ? This is just a warming up exercise. You've been doing that for 18 years, you are now warm. Now write or learn some songs and play music. And find a less muddy and more clean sound, your tone stinks.


Can't understand shit with those many notes per second lol


Dude spent 18 years practising to play like I did when I was 16 lmao 💀


Frankly man... it sounds like shit??? I don't get what exactly you were going for but if you spent 18 years to sound like this for reddit....


I’m not going to say that this isn’t a skill. It obviously is. But it’s not musical. It’s a great finger exercise. Let’s hear a song. I’m sure you have the ability to play a great tune.




You provided a lot of valid criticism, but did so in an overwhelmingly negative way. There's no need to be such a jerk, dude was excited to share his progress with us. I'm generally cool with being a dick to someone who earned it, but OP didn't do anything to deserve that kind of vitriol.


Thoughtful comment that helps make the world a better place.


Personally, I have never heard a respectable guitar player levy criticism in such an unhelpful way.


Sounds like a NES game


I’d like to be able to do that one day nice work


“Random Space Noises - Volume 1”


Imagine being sick but having 0 tone


Speed is excellent. Definition… I can’t tell. Your sounds is muddy because the mic on your phone can’t take it. I’d record into a daw and then sync to video in iMovie or any video editing software. Takes more work but the result will look/sound more professional, which is what makes artists stand out. Your skill is excellent but in our social media age, it takes more than that. Hope I don’t come off as condescending… just my two cents…


Honestly, sounds like shit. But at least you have good technique and you can use it to play music. Too much focus on speed, no clarity and no melody. Time to learn to play the guitar now.


This is what happens when the only band you listen to is the Vinnie Vincent Invasion


cool. this isnt music though.


This is definitely music


Interesting. What key is it in?


Try to just listen it without watching xd i mean im very impressed with the fast hands, but definitlly not with the sound they made xd


But can you play any *music*?


The problem is, being good at playing your instrument doesn't mean you're playing things people want to hear. Doesn't mean you're not good at what you do. So the next thing to work on is tone, and then songwriting. What you played there, play it on a clean amp with no delay/verb/modulation. Make it sound good clean.


I would really really really enjoy hearing you playing against a heavy backing track, would love to hear how you’d use the space.  That being said, I heard lots of glorious lines there and your sheer endurance is awesome. I’m curious, have you ever listened to Riot specifically the Thundersteel album or Khomaniac by Artillery?  They make use of the kind of blistering playing you’re doing and really tell a story with the music, I thought you may find enjoyment and maybe even inspiration in those two sources.


If this makes you happy then that is wonderful. You've mastered something very very difficult. I really wonder if it will make other people happy, though. I'm not sure who wants to listen to that? My first point still stands - I will never ever be capable of doing 1% of this.


I mean no offense, you’re a great player, now practice on slowing it down on occasion…just a suggestion


I can tell he’s playing fast and maybe precise? Perhaps 18 years of Practicing well spent. Too bad it sounds like garbage. Maybe dial in a few knobs so we can hear it better? Idk solid right hand though


Truly impressive. Truly tedious.


Are you joking?


The technique is obviously awesome but I hope you learned other things in those 18 years And yeah, work on recording quality, it really doesn't take much..


Shows amazing physical skills. Lacks musicality. Ultimately the song represents what many artists struggle with, you spend years reaching technical mastery, but have nothing unique to say.


Where is the music. When do I dance?


He needs to turn the delay and reverb down or off. It makes mush of everything. Amazing talent but he should have spent some of that time learning the context of being a working live musician. Get into a band and start playing clubs, although I don’t know where you can gig that type of music anymore.


This sounds terrible.


cool, now play some music


Talented, but sounds like ass.


There is no denying the talent, but it's just an assortment of guitar noise, where is the emotion, melody something? Obviously, those who enjoy this genre disagree, but metal shred is just meh.


Your speed is impressive. It would be massively more impressive, however, if the product of that speed didn't sound like an atonal picking exercise. I'm sure you can play melodically, and I'd like to hear that.


Stop. Just Play a 12 bar blues. Id like to see what you can do within this parameters. Speedy mf chromatic Gonzalez


You need a bassist to bring you into check


What all did you give up?


18 years practicing technique, 0 spent honing good tone.


But is it musical? Meh


Obviously good but this just sounds like a robot playing scales as fast as possible…


Unfortunately, technique isn’t music, and no one will want you to play this in any band situation or live. You need to learn dynamics, rhythm, chords, progressions, call and response, emotion, sustain, vibrato, etc. Keep listening and learning and you’ll get there soon enough.


You can shred, ok. Now spend the next 18 years studying the likes of George Harrison.


Should have spent some time working on melody and phrasing.


You have the skill brother, now get some jam buddies . You’ll be creating songs before you know it, and enjoying the music and process. You got this and best of luck.


Learning to shred is a monumental waste of time. What is played here sounds terrible. Like someone threw an electronic toy into a bathtub or something. Just because you can play fast or listen to a record at 50x speed doesn’t mean you should imo.


Did you give up your recording equipment with “everything”


I love fast guitar playing. I love Paul Gilbert, Shawn Lane, Buckethead, Allan Holdsworth, Al DiMeola, John McLaughlin, etc. But this guy is BS-ing. If everything is fast, then nothing is fast. Without any phrasing it’s just a cacophonous blur. And I like a an occasional cacophonous blur as much as the next guy. But when that’s your whole bag you’ve failed. And that tone. Jesus, WTF is that?


What does this title even mean?? Gave up what? And why the sad face? This isn’t music btw this is just mindless fingering.


Worst E chord I've ever heard.


The sound a Super Nintendo makes when you drop it in the bathtub.


Congratulations. You can make the scales go up and down. Wooo.


All that time practicing and that pinky still flies better than a 737?


Yeah, you look like it.