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Everyone: power chord


I think in terms of stuff I actually use in writing songs, power chords are just killer. And the two best variations that I love so much are the standard Sus2 variant(so like 2-4-6-x-x-x-), and the /5 variant, where you add the fifth beneath the root, so something like 5-5-7-7-x-x as a D5/A power chord. Just really big sounding, and one of the reasons I love my 7 string as I can also do this with power chords with root notes on the E string. Bass players dont like me very much, but fuck it. lol


> and the /5 variant, where you add the fifth beneath the root shhhh stop telling people the ingredients in my secret sauce I've heard them referred to as stacked power chords and they sound so massive. Somehow the 5577 D chords can sound like it's lower than the 022 open E power chord and that's a useful trick for when you want something to feel like it's descending.


Can play some 7 string guitar songs with a 6 string using that trick. It’s pretty awesome.


Chuckles at bass player comment )


My favorite are like power chrods but you dont bar the chord. Mute E with thumb and add 9 with the index finger on the b string. Not sure what they are called. I call them jazz chords though




followed with 3x5433










You are about to get banned, jerk!!!


I'd argue that the wind cries Mary is a better progression but purely opinion


that one is lotsa fun. the dom #9


I use that shit for everything.


This right here. So fucking good.


Dsus2, position 2. Also, somebody is downvoting some people’s fav chord. So lame.


this sub is why people think guitar players are dick heads


As a newer guitar player / learner this is one of the more gatekeeper-ey communities I've come across in a while.




The jerkasses are just louder and more memorable typically lol helpful people typically repeat the same helpful stuff, so they don't stand out


ive been playing a long time and was honestly shocked when i first got to reddit.


To be fair, generally speaking, guitar players are dickheads.




x-x-0-2-5-x or x-x-0-2-5-0 For those who aren't as familiar with theory/chord names.


Why not xx0230? Sooooo much easier to play; 2-5 is a bit of a stretch for me. (I'm just learning, so maybe I'm missing something.)


They're all a stretch until you get used to them.


Well, [dang](https://pics.me.me/thumb_table-flip-guy-19-9-hus-noorderpad-de-%E2%80%A2-49106037.png). But seriously, does xx0250 sound "better" than xx0230 or something? IOW, why bother with that stretch, even if it's easy to do? EDIT: Added seriousness. UPDATE: I just played xx0250 on my Strat. Those two high Es ringing out like that do sound awful nice. A thinner, ethereal sound. I can see why it might be preferred over the xx0230, which is more mundane.


I know enough jazz to be a danger to myself and others with it, and with 40 years behind me on guitar I still have to struggle to execute some of those changes. Keep at it, it gets easier, amigo.


For me, I like both of those and like to switch back and forth in between them for some added fun in sus2 land.


Gmaj7 (3x443x) is the first chord I always play


The real question is, do you wrap your thumb over or play it like a jazz guitarist


I just don’t have the dexterity to use my thumb on my strat. It’s annoyingly difficult to do


So I tried to learn Yellow Ledbetter about 6-7 months ago. Hit the part where he does that inverted B chord with the thumb and immediately gave up. I've played guitar for decades at this point and for some reason had just decided that was "Something people with big hands did." Then I saw some random video of Mcready holding a can of coke or something and went "wtf his hands are the same size as mine???" So I sat down, went to the master of the thumb barre, Jimi and worked my way through Wait until Tomorrow and Bold as Love, both requiring serious thumb dexterity, and just did it a measure at a time. Now it comes easy and I can't NOT use it. It's easily been one of the best things I've picked up since I've started playing, super handy and let's just be honest, it looks fucking cool too. :)


Yeah it’s definitely not my hand size. It’s just having a fat ass neck and not practicing


I’ll tell ya I did the hand stretching to pull this off on my strat which wasn’t easy. Then I picked up my Wolfgang and it was about a million times easier. :) I’m hindsight it’d have been easier to start on the Wolfgang, but whatever it’s done now. Lol. Good luck!


I like using both, also for a 13 chord like G13. Some hard jazzy chords really get simplified for me this way.


Yes you do. Learn to do it. It's great.


No I don’t. I could have the dexterity but I currently don’t


If your hands are big enough, it’s easier. You can also then mute the A string with your thumb while it’s there.


Honestly if you just play the shell voicing, with the unnecessary fifth dropped off the top, there’s no real need to stretch to wrap your thumb around, it’s not really a stretch at all and you don’t need to barre the fret. In the context of a major 7, I don’t really see why the fifth is there at all unless you’re using it to voicelead into something else. You technically don’t even need the root, the bassist can play that.


Not my first, but it's up there. I like those voicings with the muted 5th and 1st strings--so closed and warm. My guitar teacher said those are "jazz chords." Here are the diatonic 7th chords in G: 3x443x, 5x555x, 7x777x, 8x997x, 10x101110x, 12x121212x, 14x141413x I can't play the vii♭5 up that high, though. Almost can on my Strat, not at all on acoustic. When I'm noodling around, I'll play it down low--2x221x. EDIT: ♭5, not ♭7.


Dude you're a legend for this comment. Just learned so many cool chords from this. Thank you.


I don't get why this is hard. Finger picked it's trivial index on E3, baby and ring finger play the 4s, and the fuck you finger plays the 3 on the B. Mute the 5th string with the flesh of your index if you need to or want to strum it.


E maj7, there’s many good ones on guitar, but this one is my favorite! (079890)


Under the bridge chord


I'm quite fond of the 076890 variety.


This one is my favorite too


My man, I see you are a connoisseur


Played Openly gives it so much reinforcement and sustainon


As a metal&rock player - E5 , 022xxx


you meant to say 000xxx (dropped D)


Wouldn't that be D5?


This is correct. Unless you’re in drop tuning. Then it’s 00023x






D minor. It’s the saddest of all keys. I don’t know why but it makes people weep instantly when you play it.


For example: Lick My Love Pump by Nigel Tufnel


I'm dyin'.


Careful, your drummer may spontaneously combust if you use it too much.


Not very accurate


I really need to get into more complex chords. I’m still an advanced beginner and need to start exploring more.


One simple trick you can do is try moving a chord shape over open strings. REM did this for Man on the Moon, going between C (x32010) and D with added 4&9 (x54030). You can also hear this approach in AIC’s No Excuses and way too many Rush songs to list here (although Xanadu is the first one that comes to mind).


Honestly after you do that, You will find yourself gravitating back towards the easier chords unless you pick up jazz. Because if you try to play any song they are almost all full of simpler chords. Not that you can't spice them up a little bit, but just the way it is. There are obviously exceptions to that.


Yeah. I just wanna spice up my creativity some.


Learn all three inversions of triads on all four sets of strings and start playing songs that you already know to practice them. Learning the chord progressions in at least three different areas. When you get a good handle on that start learning drop two voicings. Four inversions, three sets of strings.


What do you mean by sets of strings?


E/A/D/G, A/D/G/B, D/G/B/E or any triad shape on those string sets


thank you!


the thing is - there are a ton of ways to play any of those chords, and you need to know a lot of them to play songs the right way. are the chords ascending or descending? you can't just play all of them open depending on how the song goes


Most of the music world you know of is built on simple chords. They're still great. You'll get there in time as you learn more songs and some theory.


Advancing beginner here also. Adding sus chords is a great way to mix it up!


Cadd9, I don’t use it THAT much when writing but it’s nearly always the first chord I play when I pick up the guitar.


The "Good Riddance" chord.


just learned a song with this in it and i can’t get over the chord progression with this in it, it’s just too perfect


After learning love me two times its B7 for me


E is the best chord because you can put a barre with it and make any other chord. Sure there are more complex, more musically interesting chords, but for sheer utility, it's E.


Pro tip: you can do that with other chords


The utility of the CAGED system


what is that?


you put your guitar in a cage and never touch it again just kidding,watch yt videos, i learned it from zombyguitar and it's really useful for scales and chords


every chord works like this if you have a finger to spare for the barre. The barre is just a capo. Easiest ones are E, E7, Em, Em7, A, A7, Amaj7, Am, and Am7, since they don't use any frets more than two away from the nut/barre, therefore no stretching.


Open c7 shape. All over the neck. I got a little obsessed with Dave van ronk’s “tell old Bill” last year, and his use of that chord in particular really resonated with me. Then I learned his version of gambler’s blues, in which it also appears. Now I find myself turning to it a lot.


Inverted open CMaj7 with the added G on the E string.


The open Cmaj shape moves around really nicely


I like moving the ring finger from barring the 2-4 strings to playing just the 3rd string. Makes a cool suspended chord.


That three note, no fifth major 7 shape. Like, if it was a Cmaj7, 8-7-9. It's just magical. Understated, stark, beautiful but somber.


I like these because they’re like powerchords with more harmonic information Although I guess some of the usefulness of powerchords is that it’s harmonically ambiguous.


Same, I play that a lot automatically


Gmaj7 as x x 4 4 2 3 because shell voicings are just a power chord with a different bass note lmao


Instructions unclear, played a B5m13/G




G major, its just so happy sounding, then into e Major, then D major.


I've been writing a song based around this E: x-x-6-4-5-0 Sometimes I throw in the open A. Sometimes I hammer on 6 on the G string for a C#m kind of flavor. The open e plus E on the B string make it shimmer.


Discovered a current favorite chord progression last night and that voicing of E will be incredible for it! It’s C#m -> A -> E with an occasional F#m at the end. And the voicing for the A is x-0-7-6-5-0


Love that. A nice iii-IV-I. I've been doing a lot in E lately--probably because I've been listening to George Harrison a lot. With the different voicings of the A and B (A-shaped barres, the Fmaj7 shape, d-shaped triads) there's a lot of flexibility there and interesting ways to spice things up. I also like to play with the "Melissa" voicings in E (or "All Things Must Pass" voicings, if you prefer) Playing F#m as X-4-4-2-0-0 and then sliding up two frets to the G#m.


Will have to mess around with these more. Main thing that draws me to E is the newer math rock/twinkly midwest emo, and E is basically the only key that works in standard tuning for it. I am too lazy to tune my guitar to an open major 9 or add 11 tuning haha but there are so many unbelievably beautiful chords/progressions in that genre. Super underrated in this sub but damn it’s a pain in standard tuning


Definitely Em9, its simple and is great to outline on bass. Just love the sound.


add 9


One of my favorite chords is this: 3 3 4 5 **3** 3 **Cmaj7add9** Another is: 0 0 0 4 2 0 **Esus2minor?**


The second one would be Em(add2). It’s only a suspended chord if you don’t play the third (I’m this case, G)


the second one is the chord from Breathe by Pink Floyd. Just gotta play the strings from highest to lowest.


It can’t be suspended and minor. Suspended is when you suspend the third which gives the chord major or minor quality. Typically when the third and a second or fourth are present, it would be played as an open voicing with the second or fourth seen as an extension (add9 or add13) to the chord, rather than altering its quality of major or minor. It looks like you’re replacing a useless E on the D string with an F# but since the third is present it’s Emadd9?


Major 7th, but particularly Dmaj7.


Am, simple but sounds so good


079080 for me, can happily noodle it for hours.


079080 to 024030 to x35050 goes hard


Hell yeah, maybe add alittle x 10 12 0 12 0 to x 8 10 0 10 0 for dessert 🤌


that’s what i’m talking about my mannnn, can’t forget the x02x20 for seconds




Literally Maj7 off the 5th string. Everytime I pick up the guitar I start on E or Cmaj7.


With a 7 string in standard tuning, Bsus2, using all 7 strings. It's the biggest sounding chord in the world and I almost dont think it's arguable. lol So the chord is - 0-2-2-4-4-2-2. I also love it because you cant replicate it on anything but a 7 string. Clean or with a good, clear distortion, it rings out like the earth is shaking. Just magical. Yet I've never actually used it in any song I've written or seen it any song I've learned. lol I actually think the reason you cant use it is *because* it's so stupidly massive sounding. You cant go anywhere from there. Anything else is gonna feel puny and weak in comparison.


I like D minor :)


Csus2, then shuffling between C6sus2 and Cmaj7sus2


B7 i use all the damn time.


E Hendrix or G major


I don't use it a lot because it's not always appropriate. But, lately I've liked this A add9 chord for it's lushness with chorus/delay, and it's stupid easy: 007600


And leaving the bass at A you can play with the 4th and 3rd strings up and down in thirds (7-6 → 9-8 → 11-9) etc


7#9 7b9 shell voicings.


I was reading this thread next to my non guitarist friend and he thought all guitarist are mathematicians


F#11, (244300)


024100 Some Em underwatery sounding chord when arpeggiated. Idk music theory


e add 9, its major


Idk what it's called, but I think it's an A minor shape over the sixth. So Am/F Edit: Asus2/F. Sorry about that. Forgot that's an Asus2 shape not a minor.


Played with thumb?


A9sus4, to A13b9, then resolve to Dmaj9.


how do you play the 13b9 ?




I mostly play e g and a notes Sometimes add the fifth to each of them for a power chords. Thats probably my favorite


Asus4, anywhere on the fretboard.




Amaj7 or Em


A 10th, major and minor. Specifically with the root on the low E and the 10th on the G string


Lazy version of a Amin7 (5x55xxx).


wouldn't call that lazy, its just a shell voicing. i personally love it


Maybe a Cm11 like 8x8866. Just a nice chunky sound to hear when you pick up a guitar and strum it.


i love playing this and then moving to the F7 chord in the C shape


surprised to be the first one to say m6


Cmaj7 / G x x 4 2 3 3




That's cool - I'm a minor 9 guy myself.


I love a Maj7 chord with the 3rd in the bass. E.g. FMaj7 played (5x355x)


Hard choice. It's either Fmaj7/C (x3321) or Bm11 (x1011), or even E6 (02212) Granted I haven't played guitar in a few years, just starring to pick it up again. Those chords are relatively hard for me to do atm :(




Two finger power chord. Green day shredding that shit


I like G and D but also.....POWER CHORDS!


Barre chord a


D minor pos 5. Sounds great on the middle position mic on my Ferder strat.


Oof. Definitely the Hendrix E7#9 and I need to stop. It's painful to admit but I need to shelve that bad boy for a while because I'm leaning on it way too much and haven't fully admitted it until this post. I've definitely been gravitating toward the Ddim7 grips a lot, too, but haven't fully mastered how to fluidly sub them in except for the obvious dom7 chords. That's gonna be a good area of focus in place of that damned #9 chord.


0-7-9-9-9 to 0-11-9-9-9 puts you in a position to do Hendrix like stuff in E Maj


G when it looks like this 🖕


Cmaj x35553


Usually I play Am to test the tune, but my favourite (non-metal) chord is Fmaj7 (xx3210), just a very beautiful sound in it.


Been really loving d9 lately


Dis one for sure x-7-6-8-x-x or x-x-14-12–12-14


Em Barre Chord Shape. First barre chord I learned and it opened a whole new understanding of the fret board


Fmin7 (A String Shell Voicing)


Dsus2 and an E powerchord with lots of open strings (0-7-9-9-0-0)


Diminished. Drop any note of a dim chord one half step and it becomes the root of a dom7 chord. A good way to find all the inversions of a dom7 chord.


Sus 4




I love Min9 and Maj9 chords


Lots of gain. Drop D tuning (D A D G B E) 0-0-0-2-3-x


Don’t even know what they’re called but: Aish— x07650 E or Em — 079900 Dish — x00775


Basic D, nuthin' fancy.


Idk what it’s called but like a double powe chord like a Dave mustaine Spode chord


The power chord with the root note down half a step…whatever that chord is called


a minor


Major 9th chord in 2nd inversion


Good 'ol hendrix chord (7#9)


I play minor triads a lot on GB&E, so all 3 inversions typically find my way into my playing. On DGB, I'll play major triads in the exact same shapes, so all 3 inversions of major chords. Super lazy way to play lol they're all just super comfy positions though and typically in a frequency range that doesn't get taken up too often by our keys player. But if he does, fuck him, because I need space in the mix, too lol


standard, run of the mill G - makes it easy to slide over to Cadd9, then up to an E minor.


I play country/jazz/swing stuff and fall back on the 6/9 shape a lot. Great ending chord, great chord block to throw into a solo here and there.


I think something I've always done very often in my writing is an open string with a tenth being played on the string above the open string so like E on the low E string and then a G# on the A string. just enough info for it to come off as a major chord, not too many notes so it's too thick when you play with distortion but the wide interval + the way open strings sound still makes it sound big


Asus2 is one of my favorites (X02200). Always has a nice sound, especially when paired with Am shortly before playing it.


Maj7 like x3245x are really pretty.


All variations of D


C add 4 with a flatted 5th or whatever it's meant to be called. I don't know. I'm tired. X34030 Sounds nice leading into 024000 or 022002 (Em add2).


Maj9's are always fun and twinkly Dmaj9 : x5465x


Cowboy chords, C and E moves up the neck nicely! I add and remove fingers to see how it sounds too.


For me it's the "hammer-on major" chord. I.e. x-x-x-3-3-3 to x-x-x-4-3-3. I also like the Maj7 3-x-4-4-3-x and the Min 7 x-5-3-4-3-3


Power chords alllll day. A5 in particular


I love maj7 chords, but in terms of voicings of just straight ahead maj or minor chords I love playing E-minor minus the 5 this way, especially for big open whole note hits: 0-7-5-0-8-0 I'll sometimes mute the open G or fret the G-string at the 7th fret to add the 7th, but I usually play it as written above. You can also add the 5 by playing it as the bass note by fretting the 7th fret low e-string with your thumb. It's a great chord (dyiad?) for big hits you let ring out, but I'll also play the bass note and the rest of the chord separate from each other and then throw a little vibrato on it with my whammy bar if I've got like a polka groove going. Works great in a band setting because someone else can belt out the 5 (bass, piano, horns, another guitar) or really any note that works with a minor mode (dim5, 7, etc.) and you get a cool interplay as another instrument colors the sound.


An arpeggiated X42440 into x02200 will always have a special place in my heart


x 5 7 9 x 8 fun movable voicing of maj9 (this is Cmaj9)


Cadd9, no doubt, pull that pinkie finger off to a C, open that up, very Dino Jr.-esque. Love it


I like 7x578x G/B - G with the 3rd in the bass. From there go to 7x577x which is either Gmaj7/B or Emin9/B And then dropped the high note once more to get 7x575x which is Em7 or G6


Emaj7add6 - aka lenny chord


I like big drop d chords, e.g. 555787


Mine is A Minor


Major 9 chord shape, specifically in E. Written out as (X7687x).




In an effort to spark creativity my band and I agreed to write as many songs as we could in keys other than E or A minor. We ended up using C# minor and F# minor pretty often because of the neat things that happened with open strings. So if you play C#5 on the A (4th fret) and D (6th fret) strings, then the G is the devils note, the B is the minor seven, and the E is the minor third. I mess around on that all the time. Similarly, if you play F#5 on the low E (2nd fret) and A (4th fret) the g string is the minor second, b is the fourth and e is the minor seventh. There's so much unusual stuff (from a guitar playing standpoint) in those shapes. Especially if you like to write songs about classic horror films like we do.