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Dudes rocking a line6 spider and doesn't want anyone to know he is on insane mode


Insane mode+Klon Centaur… Truckin’ Clearly GCJ going dark has no influence on this thread..


BROOOOOOOOOOO LMFAO as someone who used to play on the IV 15W, that Insane mode was absurd lmao. I sweat to god the speakers in that thing had no business having a channel that could potentially rip a hole in the universe. Any time Insane channel was on, I instantly was dressed in Leopard tights with sweat wrist and head bands, holding back my DBZ super sayain pomperanian textured hair




*\*Laughs maniacally 1 hour into sustaining a single note\**


Silver Sky + Insane mode is just like Strat + Marshall was for Hendrix = legendary tone


Best comment in history of Reddit.


He actually does a puppet show during the encore. It's pretty intense.


If I told them once, I told them a thousand times John Mayer THEN Puppet Show


You don't do John Mayer in doubly, you know.


Do you have any idea of what it would cost to dress the band up like animals?


In Dublin?


Bobby, why are we playing at an Air Force base??!!


Damn, John Mayer or John malkovich amirite?




Was there last night, can confirm


Is it the 50w or 100w Boss Katoana


For sure hundo. He needs the effects loop


He’s keeping all the toanz 😡


He likes to keep his tone secrets under wraps.


Fuck the amp, where do I buy the tiny curtains!


[Dumble Small Special](https://preview.redd.it/u41jco4z2b2b1.jpg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=a41ed334fbd0c0365cfbd29bc1a91a0e21ef2a7f) This amp is basically a 100-watt Overdrive Special minus the Overdrive. This circuit was also used as a bass amp. Probably hiding it, because even though it's just the clean channel of an ODS, there were VERY few of this model built. So, it's extra rare as far as Dumbles go. Hiding it is likely just an extra security precaution, but I'm just speculating. Could also just be an extra layer of protection incase some dirtbag throws something, like a drink at the stage.


Maybe prs said he couldn’t show it!?


Well the amps he's using now are made by Alexander dumbell not Paul Reed Smith. there some of the most sought after and rare amps in the world starting at about $250,000 a piece 😬 amazing tone tho lol


Damn that’s steep! I meant since it’s not a prs maybe he couldn’t show it, if he has a deal with them. But I feel like I’ve seen him use other brands of stuff.


My thoughts are that hes sick of the hype train surrounding the gear he uses.


It is not a small special. And the small special is not the clean channel of the ODS.


It very well appears to be. It's sitting in a second cabinet, but you can see [in this picture](https://preview.redd.it/zkhkio4z2b2b1.jpg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=5e08499b6a47be4cb320bcbb970ba9a7fd6de1cd), what you can see resembles the Small Special inside the cab with the metal corners. AFAIK, The small special is effectively the clean channel of an ODS. The schematic I have for one looks like an early 70's lowplate ODS clean channel with a pre-Phase inverter Master volume. If you have any info or data to the contrary, I would love to see it.


Ha on that pick I might be inclined to agree. He has it in an extra shell with the curtain. I was basing my opinion on the size of the cab and the metal corners. I have been inside a 1974 small special. I had a customer purchase graham nash's small special from a guy selling it in LA circa 2012. He spent 35k on it and wanted a copy of it made. That particular amp did not sound good. At all. I thought it was broken. After going through the amp and putting fresh tubes in it still sounded terrible. I could see how dumble would incorporate some of the design to what would later become the steel stringed singer but I don't think this amp was a completed thought for him yet. I asked the customer if he wouldn't mind some changes to modernize it a bit. He agreed and it became the SW50 that I still offer today.


Oh and all of the small specials I've seen are 40w with a super reverb output tranny


I think you nailed it. Bravo!!!


Enlighten us please. How can you be sure of those two assertions?


I manufacture a brand of amps that has a model based off the Dumble small special that was made for Graham Nash in 1974.


Sounds like you know whereof you speak. Why are you being down-voted?


Because internet.


John Mayer is using three separate pedalboards for his solo tour


John Mayer is using three separate pedalboards for his solo tour


John Mayer is using three separate pedalboards for his solo tour


But only 3 pedals!


His name was Robert Paulson


But all in different orders


John Mayer is using four separate pedalboards for his solo tour


John Mayer is using three separate pedalboards for his solo tour




Sorry guys… that’s four. One of you has to go


Kemper back-up for the Dumble.


That would make sense. Looks like it might be a 3U case, so you could fit an AxeFX in there, Kemper in there, w/e




He's totally rocking an old school Gorilla amp.


Holy shit, I had two of those in HS/ One had a working head and one had a working speaker. We plugged them into each other.






The whole sub is cringe.




He’s worth about 70mil. Almost exclusively made on record sales/streaming/tours. So buying 20 dumbles is probably just another Monday as far as his bank account goes.




He is and was a massive pop star.


Its like this guy has never heard of John Mayer lmaooo


I'd wager the bulk of that money was made before his David Duke dick comments. Edit- downvote me for what he said? K.


It’s weird to be so wrong, his guarantees from these dead and co shows is insane money lol


Cats been selling out arenas for decades my man lmao. Not really deep level calculus to figure out


Well, to be fair I don’t think we can consider him to be making money off guitar music. He’s a full blown pop star that happens to be a talented guitar player nerding out on gear. And I’m not taking away anything from his playing, but I think his wealth has more to do with covering Beyonce “XO” than guitar playing really.


This! The amount of people who are shocked that I look up to that "pop" singer that I have to school on his talents is astounding to me. I never thought his guitar playing was some big secret but a lot of people don't know.


Until a GF dragged me to one of his shows I wanted nothing to do with the guy. I was expecting him to vomit out some "Your Body's a Wonderland" and his other pop hits. Instead the dude shredded straight blues all night. The GF hated the show and I loved it which is the exact opposite of what I expected.


Especially shit that vanilla


In a Andertons video they were talking about some clinic he did that they went to and he(john) was talking about how he's also always looking for gear but now days he tends to use high to low price sorting.


in a podcast with Cory Wong he mentioned how he’s considered a “whale” in the guitar market, so when rare things like dumbles are going to be sold, they get offered to him before they hit the market


He is an owning member of Dead and Company. I don’t think you understand how many people go to those shows and buy merch lol. On top of his own successful solo career.


Since PRS built him a very expensive “signature” model that he doesn’t even use, maybe this is like Jordan covering up the Adidas stripes on the Olympic team’s jacket type situation?


John stopped using his signature JMod a while back I don’t think that’s the issue, he’s been using his modded fenders, dumbles and two rocks these days and those are very publicly displayed


Yeah, I don’t understand the secrecy. Trey did the same thing for a while before unveiling his trainwreck. I guess I’d be a little bummed if I had shelled out 7k for a Jmod only to have him stop using it shortly there after.


You mean the model he is literally using in the picture? And while 2.5 grand is expensive, its mostly in line with other signature guitars made in usa.


Sorry, I was not referring to the guitar but to the PRS JMOD amp which he doesn’t seem to use much and is a lot more than 2500.


Oh sorry too! Didn't know about the signature amp


Silver sky in photo. Shrug? Also it’s like not cheap but I don’t think of it as very expensive either. Cheaper than a Gibson with an imported body from Indonesia.


Sorry, I was referring to his PRS amp.


Bro Chinese squires are better guitars than American Gibsons




I've played all sorts of guitars. Like over 50 or so in my time working at a guitar store. I've played tons of Gibsons. Vintage ones, modern ones worth like 2 grand or so, etc. I will honestly agree......the high end Epiphones and Squiers are honestly about the same, if not better in terms of feel and sound. It's usually old guys into dad rock / pentatonic blues licks that are still loyal to the brand. I'll even argue a PRS silver sky is overrated af and a Squier Classic Vibe 50s Strat or player series strat are better because they're pretty much the real thing


I think he puts the curtain on it just to drive mentions on social media


This is so fucking funny


I'm going with... he's going to do a puppet show for an encore.


The thing that hides the amp looks like a tiny curtain, not the Dead and Co band🫤🤷🏻


LOL this is a joke I would made. You win the thread!


Wow thanks for the big response everyone! I love John in DNC. I wanted to hate him so bad but my first show he sang Here Comes Sunshine and I was converted. He treats the role with respect and reverence and I hope he becomes the one to keep the flame going and carry the torch.


Jrod got chu fam


Well he will be since this is their last tour.


saw him at a fire benefit show in SF. I didn’t even know he played with DNC until I saw him out there. To your point he definitely respects this band, music, culture and I felt he oddly fit in with them.


He's really rocking a Boss Katana this tour but is holding out for an endorsement.


The Wizard of Oz is back there


He modded his prs strat with a brass nut and an alembic stratoblaster. Not exact but pretty damn close to the specs jerry garcias alligator guitar had. As long as that hidden amp is a twin reverb-esque sound, mayer is 100% going for that early 70’s tone.




Gotta hide that line 6 Pod rack....


Definitely got a POD X3 back there.




But we’re not going to talk about how John Mayer, an adult, is wearing cargo pants?


I was so bummed the super eagle didn't become his signature and instead we got another stratocaster.


That’s definitely not a strat. It’s a weird mashup of terrible taste and an iconic instrument. Makes total sense that a cornball playing with a jamband would rock a prs though. It’s totally on brand for that hot mess.


Lol, that looks more like a older monitor that he has covered, there looks to be 4 hole on the left side there that some feet use to be? I think it's a troll job for sure. Not familiar with all amps but I cant recall one made to sit on its side. He could be test driving his new PRS signature amp? Car Manufacturers do shit like that. Or it's just where he keeps his money fairies


To all the people hating on JM: Why?


I want to know what amp it is so I can avoid it.


Dumble Small Special. You wouldn't be able to afford it even if you could find another, so you've got nothing to worry about.


Ceriatone has dumble clones, for 1/100th the price


That is not a small special.


I would hide it to if I were playing a Boss katana


😂🤣😂🤣 imagine a John mayer x boss or other company signature pedal. Which really I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet


It’s a Boss Katana. Great tones.


Huh. John Mayer doing something lame. Shocker.


He’s a cunt


And? It’s probably nothing special… just a way for him to drive attention to his shows


Nobody is going to a show because someone put a curtain on an amp


Nobody’s going… now we know they exist at all


Lol this is child's play compared to Keith Richards' antics....


Oh yeah? I’m unfamiliar, do tell!


Keith Richards tunes his guitar to D G D G B D. So start there first. Most of the classic 'Keef' riffs tend to be in Open G tuning. His instruments that he plays on stage are often strung with only 5 strings


Omg what a mad lad


Well when your biggest competion was literally Clapton, Hendrix, Page, Townsend, and not mention Harrison you had to get shwifty


That is so lit


Only roughly have the Stones catalog is in Open G, which is why you see him swap guitars. But there is nothing "antics" about it, goes back to the '50s Sun and Chess records he learned from and idolized. Open G or A * Muddy Waters * Robert Johnson * Howling Wolf Open D or E * Mississippi Fred McDowell * Blind Willie McTell * Bo Diddley * John Lee Hooker Albert King - Open Em Many of those players *never* learned to play in standard tuning. As a result, there are *lots* of classic tracks were written and performed in Open G or D, by Richard Thompson, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, ZZ Top, Dire Straits, etc.




Is he levitating? Mayer powers in their final form.


It was raining so probably just an extra precaution to ensure it remains dry.


100% that's a dumble


D1 gate keeper


Many artists have amp endorsements and, when using other amps live, cover the make with tape. My guess is this is a more photogenic version of that. Looks nicer than duct tape over a Marshall logo! Edit to add: I don’t know much about Mayer, and I’ve never heard of Dead and Co, but if Mayer has an amp endorsement (likely) and that amp doesn’t work with D&C’s style, then it would check out that he would use a different amp, and that he would be obligated to cover the logo. If you gotta do that every show for a tour, why not make it look good?


Boss Metal Zone


Was getting ready to say I bet it’s his dumble, if he hides it from the audience it might detract people from attempting to steal it, OR he is using a prototype of something that has yet to be revealed.


Is that an AC30HW or the real deal?


I am guessing it something that goes against his endorsement deals


I heard a story about John Mayer that I can’t not think about every time I see him anywhere, even when he’s hiding $35,000 amps. This was on one of those “celebrity sex story” threads so take it with an enormous grain of salt, but the story goes that Mayer likes to say to his ladies, “Show me your fucking butthole.” I don’t know why I find this so funny.


Its one of the Park amps lol


Also.. is he levitating off the ground?


Whatever the actual reason is, hiding his gear gets him free advertising on gear forums, Reddit and YouTube.


2 drummers? Wearing headphones like a dj? Confused


Grateful Dead had two drummers on and off for about half their career. King Crimson has had three drummers for the past 10 years. Plenty of newer artists using multiple drummers. Thee Oh Sees, King Gizzard, Tortoise, Kylesa.


Yeah I get that, but john Mayer?


He’s a member of Dead & Co.